spack.modules package

This package contains code for creating environment modules, which can include Tcl non-hierarchical modules, Lua hierarchical modules, and others.

class spack.modules.LmodModulefileWriter(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: BaseModuleFileWriter

Writer class for lmod module files.

default_template: str = 'modules/modulefile.lua'
hide_cmd_format: str = 'hide_version("%s")'
modulerc_header: List[str] = []
class spack.modules.TclModulefileWriter(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: BaseModuleFileWriter

Writer class for tcl module files.

default_template: str = 'modules/modulefile.tcl'
hide_cmd_format: str = 'module-hide --soft --hidden-loaded %s'
modulerc_header: List[str] = ['#%Module4.7']

Disable the generation of modulefiles within the context manager.


spack.modules.common module

Here we consolidate the logic for creating an abstract description of the information that module systems need.

This information maps a single spec to:

  • a unique module filename

  • the module file content

and is divided among four classes:

  • a configuration class that provides a convenient interface to query details about the configuration for the spec under consideration.

  • a layout class that provides the information associated with module file names and directories

  • a context class that provides the dictionary used by the template engine to generate the module file

  • a writer that collects and uses the information above to either write or remove the module file

Each of the four classes needs to be sub-classed when implementing a new module type.

class spack.modules.common.BaseConfiguration(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool)[source]

Bases: object

Manipulates the information needed to generate a module file to make querying easier. It needs to be sub-classed for specific module types.

property conflicts

Conflicts for this module file

property context
default_projections = {'all': '{name}/{version}-{}-{compiler.version}'}
property defaults

Returns the specs configured as defaults or [].

property env

List of environment modifications that should be done in the module.

property exclude_env_vars

List of variables that should be left unmodified.

property excluded

Returns True if the module has been excluded, False otherwise.

property hash

Hash tag for the module or None

property hidden

Returns True if the module has been hidden, False otherwise.

property literals_to_load

List of literal modules to be loaded.

property projections

Projection from specs to module names

property specs_to_load

List of specs that should be loaded in the module file.

property specs_to_prereq

List of specs that should be prerequisite of the module file.

property suffixes

List of suffixes that should be appended to the module file name.

property template

Returns the name of the template to use for the module file or None if not specified in the configuration.

property verbose

Returns True if the module file needs to be verbose, False otherwise

class spack.modules.common.BaseContext(configuration)[source]

Bases: Context

Provides the base context needed for template rendering.

This class needs to be sub-classed for specific module types. The following attributes need to be implemented:

  • fields

property autoload

List of modules that needs to be loaded automatically.

property category
property configure_options
property conflicts

List of conflicts for the module file.

context_properties = ['spec', 'timestamp', 'category', 'short_description', 'long_description', 'configure_options', 'environment_modifications', 'has_manpath_modifications', 'conflicts', 'autoload', 'verbose']
property environment_modifications

List of environment modifications to be processed.

property has_manpath_modifications

True if MANPATH environment variable is modified.

property long_description

Returns True if environment modification entry needs to be formatted.

property short_description
property spec
property timestamp
property verbose

Verbosity level.

class spack.modules.common.BaseFileLayout(configuration)[source]

Bases: object

Provides information on the layout of module files. Needs to be sub-classed for specific module types.


Root folder for module files of this type.

extension: str | None = None

This needs to be redefined

property filename

Name of the module file for the current spec.

property spec

Spec under consideration

property use_name

Returns the ‘use’ name of the module i.e. the name you have to type to console to use it. This implementation fits the needs of most non-hierarchical layouts.

class spack.modules.common.BaseModuleFileWriter(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

default_template: str
hide_cmd_format: str
modulerc_header: List[str]

Deletes the module file.


Update modulerc file corresponding to module to add or remove command that hides module depending on its hidden state.


remove (bool) – if True, hiddenness information for module is removed from modulerc.


Writes the module file.


overwrite (bool) – if True it is fine to overwrite an already existing file. If False the operation is skipped an we print a warning to the user.

exception spack.modules.common.DefaultTemplateNotDefined[source]

Bases: AttributeError, ModulesError

Raised if the attribute ‘default_template’ has not been specified in the derived classes.

exception spack.modules.common.HideCmdFormatNotDefined[source]

Bases: AttributeError, ModulesError

Raised if the attribute ‘hide_cmd_format’ has not been specified in the derived classes.

class spack.modules.common.ModuleIndexEntry(path, use_name)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

exception spack.modules.common.ModuleNotFoundError(message, long_message=None)[source]

Bases: ModulesError

Raised when a module cannot be found for a spec

exception spack.modules.common.ModulercHeaderNotDefined[source]

Bases: AttributeError, ModulesError

Raised if the attribute ‘modulerc_header’ has not been specified in the derived classes.

exception spack.modules.common.ModulesError(message, long_message=None)[source]

Bases: SpackError

Base error for modules.

exception spack.modules.common.ModulesTemplateNotFoundError(message, long_message=None)[source]

Bases: ModulesError, RuntimeError

Raised if the template for a module file was not found.

class spack.modules.common.UpstreamModuleIndex(local_db, module_indices)[source]

Bases: object

This is responsible for taking the individual module indices of all upstream Spack installations and locating the module for a given spec based on which upstream install it is located in.

upstream_module(spec, module_type)[source]
spack.modules.common.dependencies(spec: Spec, request: str = 'all') List[Spec][source]

Returns the list of dependent specs for a given spec.

  • spec – spec to be analyzed

  • request – one of “none”, “run”, “direct”, “all”


list of requested dependencies


Disable the generation of modulefiles within the context manager.

spack.modules.common.generate_module_index(root, modules, overwrite=False)[source]
spack.modules.common.merge_config_rules(configuration, spec)[source]

Parses the module specific part of a configuration and returns a dictionary containing the actions to be performed on the spec passed as an argument.

  • configuration – module specific configuration (e.g. entries under the top-level ‘tcl’ key)

  • spec – spec for which we need to generate a module file


actions to be taken on the spec passed as an argument

Return type:


spack.modules.common.root_path(name, module_set_name)[source]

Returns the root folder for module file installation.

  • name – name of the module system to be used (e.g. ‘tcl’)

  • module_set_name – name of the set of module configs to use


root folder for module file installation

spack.modules.common.update_dictionary_extending_lists(target, update)[source]

Updates a dictionary, but extends lists instead of overriding them.

  • target – dictionary to be updated

  • update – update to be applied

spack.modules.lmod module

exception spack.modules.lmod.CoreCompilersNotFoundError(message, long_message=None)[source]

Bases: SpackError, KeyError

Error raised if the key ‘core_compilers’ has not been specified in the configuration file.

class spack.modules.lmod.LmodConfiguration(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool)[source]

Bases: BaseConfiguration

Configuration class for lmod module files.

property available

Returns a dictionary of the services that are currently available.

property core_compilers: List[CompilerSpec]

Returns the list of “Core” compilers


CoreCompilersNotFoundError – if the key was not specified in the configuration file or the sequence is empty

property core_specs

Returns the list of “Core” specs

default_projections = {'all': '{name}/{version}'}
property filter_hierarchy_specs

Returns the dict of specs with modified hierarchies

property hidden

Returns True if the module has been hidden, False otherwise.

property hierarchy_tokens

Returns the list of tokens that are part of the modulefile hierarchy. ‘compiler’ is always present.

property missing

Returns the list of tokens that are not available.

property provides

Returns a dictionary mapping all the services provided by this spec to the spec itself.

property requires

Returns a dictionary mapping all the requirements of this spec to the actual provider. ‘compiler’ is always present among the requirements.

class spack.modules.lmod.LmodContext(configuration)[source]

Bases: BaseContext

Context class for lmod module files.

property conditionally_unlocked_paths

Returns the list of paths that are unlocked conditionally. Each item in the list is a tuple with the structure (condition, path).

context_properties = ['has_modulepath_modifications', 'has_conditional_modifications', 'name_part', 'version_part', 'provides', 'missing', 'unlocked_paths', 'conditionally_unlocked_paths', 'spec', 'timestamp', 'category', 'short_description', 'long_description', 'configure_options', 'environment_modifications', 'has_manpath_modifications', 'conflicts', 'autoload', 'verbose']
property has_conditional_modifications

True if this module modifies MODULEPATH conditionally to the presence of other services in the environment, False otherwise.

property has_modulepath_modifications

True if this module modifies MODULEPATH, False otherwise.

property missing

Returns a list of missing services.

property name_part

Name of this provider.

property provides

Returns the dictionary of provided services.

property unlocked_paths

Returns the list of paths that are unlocked unconditionally.

property version_part

Version of this provider.

class spack.modules.lmod.LmodFileLayout(configuration)[source]

Bases: BaseFileLayout

File layout for lmod module files.

property arch_dirname

Returns the root folder for THIS architecture

property available_path_parts

List of path parts that are currently available. Needed to construct the file name.

extension: str | None = 'lua'

file extension of lua module files

property filename

Returns the filename for the current module file

property modulerc

Returns the modulerc file associated with current module file

token_to_path(name, value)[source]

Transforms a hierarchy token into the corresponding path part.

  • name (str) – name of the service in the hierarchy

  • value – actual provider of the service


part of the path associated with the service

Return type:


property unlocked_paths

Returns a dictionary mapping conditions to a list of unlocked paths.

The paths that are unconditionally unlocked are under the key ‘None’. The other keys represent the list of services you need loaded to unlock the corresponding paths.

class spack.modules.lmod.LmodModulefileWriter(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: BaseModuleFileWriter

Writer class for lmod module files.

default_template: str = 'modules/modulefile.lua'
hide_cmd_format: str = 'hide_version("%s")'
modulerc_header: List[str] = []
exception spack.modules.lmod.NonVirtualInHierarchyError(message, long_message=None)[source]

Bases: SpackError, TypeError

Error raised if non-virtual specs are used as hierarchy tokens in the lmod section of ‘modules.yaml’.

spack.modules.lmod.configuration(module_set_name: str) dict[source]
spack.modules.lmod.guess_core_compilers(name, store=False) List[CompilerSpec][source]

Guesses the list of core compilers installed in the system.


store (bool) – if True writes the core compilers to the modules.yaml configuration file


List of found core compilers

spack.modules.lmod.make_configuration(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None) BaseConfiguration[source]

Returns the lmod configuration for spec

spack.modules.lmod.make_context(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None) BaseContext[source]

Returns the context information for spec

spack.modules.lmod.make_layout(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None) BaseFileLayout[source]

Returns the layout information for spec

spack.modules.tcl module

This module implements the classes necessary to generate Tcl non-hierarchical modules.

class spack.modules.tcl.TclConfiguration(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool)[source]

Bases: BaseConfiguration

Configuration class for tcl module files.

class spack.modules.tcl.TclContext(configuration)[source]

Bases: BaseContext

Context class for tcl module files.

context_properties = ['prerequisites', 'spec', 'timestamp', 'category', 'short_description', 'long_description', 'configure_options', 'environment_modifications', 'has_manpath_modifications', 'conflicts', 'autoload', 'verbose']
property prerequisites

List of modules that needs to be loaded automatically.

class spack.modules.tcl.TclFileLayout(configuration)[source]

Bases: BaseFileLayout

File layout for tcl module files.

property modulerc

Returns the modulerc file associated with current module file

class spack.modules.tcl.TclModulefileWriter(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: BaseModuleFileWriter

Writer class for tcl module files.

default_template: str = 'modules/modulefile.tcl'
hide_cmd_format: str = 'module-hide --soft --hidden-loaded %s'
modulerc_header: List[str] = ['#%Module4.7']
spack.modules.tcl.configuration(module_set_name: str) dict[source]
spack.modules.tcl.make_configuration(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None) BaseConfiguration[source]

Returns the tcl configuration for spec

spack.modules.tcl.make_context(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None) BaseContext[source]

Returns the context information for spec

spack.modules.tcl.make_layout(spec: Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool | None = None) BaseFileLayout[source]

Returns the layout information for spec