Source code for spack.modules.common

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Here we consolidate the logic for creating an abstract description
of the information that module systems need.

This information maps **a single spec** to:

  * a unique module filename
  * the module file content

and is divided among four classes:

  * a configuration class that provides a convenient interface to query
    details about the configuration for the spec under consideration.

  * a layout class that provides the information associated with module
    file names and directories

  * a context class that provides the dictionary used by the template engine
    to generate the module file

  * a writer that collects and uses the information above to either write
    or remove the module file

Each of the four classes needs to be sub-classed when implementing a new
module type.
import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import datetime
import inspect
import os.path
import re
import string
from typing import List, Optional

import llnl.util.filesystem
import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.lang import dedupe, memoized

import spack.build_environment
import spack.config
import spack.deptypes as dt
import spack.environment
import spack.error
import spack.modules.common
import spack.paths
import spack.projections as proj
import spack.repo
import spack.schema.environment
import spack.spec
import spack.tengine as tengine
import spack.user_environment
import spack.util.environment
import spack.util.file_permissions as fp
import spack.util.path
import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml
from spack.context import Context

#: config section for this file
[docs] def configuration(module_set_name): config_path = f"modules:{module_set_name}" return spack.config.get(config_path, {})
#: Valid tokens for naming scheme and env variable names _valid_tokens = ( "name", "version", "compiler", "", "compiler.version", "architecture", # tokens from old-style format strings "package", "compilername", "compilerver", ) _FORMAT_STRING_RE = re.compile(r"({[^}]*})") def _format_env_var_name(spec, var_name_fmt): """Format the variable name, but uppercase any formatted fields.""" fmt_parts = _FORMAT_STRING_RE.split(var_name_fmt) return "".join( spec.format(part).upper() if _FORMAT_STRING_RE.match(part) else part for part in fmt_parts ) def _check_tokens_are_valid(format_string, message): """Checks that the tokens used in the format string are valid in the context of module file and environment variable naming. Args: format_string (str): string containing the format to be checked. This is supposed to be a 'template' for ``Spec.format`` message (str): first sentence of the error message in case invalid tokens are found """ named_tokens = re.findall(r"{(\w*)}", format_string) invalid_tokens = [x for x in named_tokens if x.lower() not in _valid_tokens] if invalid_tokens: raise RuntimeError( f"{message} [{', '.join(invalid_tokens)}]. " f"Did you check your 'modules.yaml' configuration?" )
[docs] def update_dictionary_extending_lists(target, update): """Updates a dictionary, but extends lists instead of overriding them. Args: target: dictionary to be updated update: update to be applied """ for key in update: value = target.get(key, None) if isinstance(value, list): target[key].extend(update[key]) elif isinstance(value, dict): update_dictionary_extending_lists(target[key], update[key]) else: target[key] = update[key]
[docs] def dependencies(spec: spack.spec.Spec, request: str = "all") -> List[spack.spec.Spec]: """Returns the list of dependent specs for a given spec. Args: spec: spec to be analyzed request: one of "none", "run", "direct", "all" Returns: list of requested dependencies """ if request == "none": return [] elif request == "run": return spec.dependencies(deptype=dt.RUN) elif request == "direct": return spec.dependencies(deptype=dt.RUN | dt.LINK) elif request == "all": return list(spec.traverse(order="topo", deptype=dt.LINK | dt.RUN, root=False)) raise ValueError(f'request "{request}" is not one of "none", "direct", "run", "all"')
[docs] def merge_config_rules(configuration, spec): """Parses the module specific part of a configuration and returns a dictionary containing the actions to be performed on the spec passed as an argument. Args: configuration: module specific configuration (e.g. entries under the top-level 'tcl' key) spec: spec for which we need to generate a module file Returns: dict: actions to be taken on the spec passed as an argument """ # The keyword 'all' is always evaluated first, all the others are # evaluated in order of appearance in the module file spec_configuration = copy.deepcopy(configuration.get("all", {})) for constraint, action in configuration.items(): if spec.satisfies(constraint): if hasattr(constraint, "override") and constraint.override: spec_configuration = {} update_dictionary_extending_lists(spec_configuration, copy.deepcopy(action)) # Transform keywords for dependencies or prerequisites into a list of spec # Which modulefiles we want to autoload autoload_strategy = spec_configuration.get("autoload", "direct") spec_configuration["autoload"] = dependencies(spec, autoload_strategy) # Which instead we want to mark as prerequisites prerequisite_strategy = spec_configuration.get("prerequisites", "none") spec_configuration["prerequisites"] = dependencies(spec, prerequisite_strategy) # Attach options that are spec-independent to the spec-specific # configuration # Hash length in module files hash_length = configuration.get("hash_length", 7) spec_configuration["hash_length"] = hash_length verbose = configuration.get("verbose", False) spec_configuration["verbose"] = verbose # module defaults per-package defaults = configuration.get("defaults", []) spec_configuration["defaults"] = defaults return spec_configuration
[docs] def root_path(name, module_set_name): """Returns the root folder for module file installation. Args: name: name of the module system to be used (e.g. 'tcl') module_set_name: name of the set of module configs to use Returns: root folder for module file installation """ defaults = {"lmod": "$spack/share/spack/lmod", "tcl": "$spack/share/spack/modules"} # Root folders where the various module files should be written roots = spack.config.get(f"modules:{module_set_name}:roots", {}) # Merge config values into the defaults so we prefer configured values roots = spack.config.merge_yaml(defaults, roots) path = roots.get(name, os.path.join(spack.paths.share_path, name)) return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(path)
[docs] def generate_module_index(root, modules, overwrite=False): index_path = os.path.join(root, "module-index.yaml") if overwrite or not os.path.exists(index_path): entries = syaml.syaml_dict() else: with open(index_path) as index_file: yaml_content = syaml.load(index_file) entries = yaml_content["module_index"] for m in modules: entry = {"path": m.layout.filename, "use_name": m.layout.use_name} entries[m.spec.dag_hash()] = entry index = {"module_index": entries} llnl.util.filesystem.mkdirp(root) with open(index_path, "w") as index_file: syaml.dump(index, default_flow_style=False, stream=index_file)
def _generate_upstream_module_index(): module_indices = read_module_indices() return UpstreamModuleIndex(, module_indices) upstream_module_index = llnl.util.lang.Singleton(_generate_upstream_module_index) ModuleIndexEntry = collections.namedtuple("ModuleIndexEntry", ["path", "use_name"])
[docs] def read_module_index(root): index_path = os.path.join(root, "module-index.yaml") if not os.path.exists(index_path): return {} with open(index_path) as index_file: return _read_module_index(index_file)
def _read_module_index(str_or_file): """Read in the mapping of spec hash to module location/name. For a given Spack installation there is assumed to be (at most) one such mapping per module type.""" yaml_content = syaml.load(str_or_file) index = {} yaml_index = yaml_content["module_index"] for dag_hash, module_properties in yaml_index.items(): index[dag_hash] = ModuleIndexEntry( module_properties["path"], module_properties["use_name"] ) return index
[docs] def read_module_indices(): other_spack_instances = spack.config.get("upstreams") or {} module_indices = [] for install_properties in other_spack_instances.values(): module_type_to_index = {} module_type_to_root = install_properties.get("modules", {}) for module_type, root in module_type_to_root.items(): module_type_to_index[module_type] = read_module_index(root) module_indices.append(module_type_to_index) return module_indices
[docs] class UpstreamModuleIndex: """This is responsible for taking the individual module indices of all upstream Spack installations and locating the module for a given spec based on which upstream install it is located in.""" def __init__(self, local_db, module_indices): self.local_db = local_db self.upstream_dbs = local_db.upstream_dbs self.module_indices = module_indices
[docs] def upstream_module(self, spec, module_type): db_for_spec = self.local_db.db_for_spec_hash(spec.dag_hash()) if db_for_spec in self.upstream_dbs: db_index = self.upstream_dbs.index(db_for_spec) elif db_for_spec: raise spack.error.SpackError(f"Unexpected: {spec} is installed locally") else: raise spack.error.SpackError(f"Unexpected: no install DB found for {spec}") module_index = self.module_indices[db_index] module_type_index = module_index.get(module_type, {}) if not module_type_index: tty.debug( f"No {module_type} modules associated with the Spack instance " f"where {spec} is installed" ) return None if spec.dag_hash() in module_type_index: return module_type_index[spec.dag_hash()] else: tty.debug(f"No module is available for upstream package {spec}") return None
[docs] def get_module(module_type, spec, get_full_path, module_set_name="default", required=True): """Retrieve the module file for a given spec and module type. Retrieve the module file for the given spec if it is available. If the module is not available, this will raise an exception unless the module is excluded or if the spec is installed upstream. Args: module_type: the type of module we want to retrieve (e.g. lmod) spec: refers to the installed package that we want to retrieve a module for required: if the module is required but excluded, this function will print a debug message. If a module is missing but not excluded, then an exception is raised (regardless of whether it is required) get_full_path: if ``True``, this returns the full path to the module. Otherwise, this returns the module name. module_set_name: the named module configuration set from modules.yaml for which to retrieve the module. Returns: The module name or path. May return ``None`` if the module is not available. """ try: upstream = spec.installed_upstream except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: upstream, record = if upstream: module = spack.modules.common.upstream_module_index.upstream_module(spec, module_type) if not module: return None if get_full_path: return module.path else: return module.use_name else: writer = spack.modules.module_types[module_type](spec, module_set_name) if not os.path.isfile(writer.layout.filename): fmt_str = "{name}{@version}{/hash:7}" if not writer.conf.excluded: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "The module for package {} should be at {}, but it does not exist".format( spec.format(fmt_str), writer.layout.filename ) ) elif required: tty.debug( "The module configuration has excluded {}: omitting it".format( spec.format(fmt_str) ) ) else: return None if get_full_path: return writer.layout.filename else: return writer.layout.use_name
[docs] class BaseConfiguration: """Manipulates the information needed to generate a module file to make querying easier. It needs to be sub-classed for specific module types. """ default_projections = {"all": "{name}/{version}-{}-{compiler.version}"} def __init__(self, spec: spack.spec.Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: bool) -> None: # Module where type(self) is defined m = inspect.getmodule(self) assert m is not None # make mypy happy self.module = m # Spec for which we want to generate a module file self.spec = spec = module_set_name self.explicit = explicit # Dictionary of configuration options that should be applied # to the spec self.conf = merge_config_rules(self.module.configuration(, self.spec) @property def projections(self): """Projection from specs to module names""" # backwards compatiblity for naming_scheme key conf = self.module.configuration( if "naming_scheme" in conf: default = {"all": conf["naming_scheme"]} else: default = self.default_projections projections = conf.get("projections", default) # Ensure the named tokens we are expanding are allowed, see # issue #2884 for reference msg = "some tokens cannot be part of the module naming scheme" for projection in projections.values(): _check_tokens_are_valid(projection, message=msg) return projections @property def template(self): """Returns the name of the template to use for the module file or None if not specified in the configuration. """ return self.conf.get("template", None) @property def defaults(self): """Returns the specs configured as defaults or [].""" return self.conf.get("defaults", []) @property def env(self): """List of environment modifications that should be done in the module. """ return spack.schema.environment.parse(self.conf.get("environment", {})) @property def suffixes(self): """List of suffixes that should be appended to the module file name. """ suffixes = [] for constraint, suffix in self.conf.get("suffixes", {}).items(): if constraint in self.spec: suffixes.append(suffix) suffixes = list(dedupe(suffixes)) # For hidden modules we can always add a fixed length hash as suffix, since it guards # against file name clashes, and the module is not exposed to the user anyways. if self.hidden: suffixes.append(self.spec.dag_hash(length=7)) elif self.hash: suffixes.append(self.hash) return suffixes @property def hash(self): """Hash tag for the module or None""" hash_length = self.conf.get("hash_length", 7) if hash_length != 0: return self.spec.dag_hash(length=hash_length) return None @property def conflicts(self): """Conflicts for this module file""" return self.conf.get("conflict", []) @property def excluded(self): """Returns True if the module has been excluded, False otherwise.""" # A few variables for convenience of writing the method spec = self.spec conf = self.module.configuration( # Compute the list of matching include / exclude rules, and whether excluded as implicit include_matches = [x for x in conf.get("include", []) if spec.satisfies(x)] exclude_matches = [x for x in conf.get("exclude", []) if spec.satisfies(x)] excluded_as_implicit = not self.explicit and conf.get("exclude_implicits", False) def debug_info(line_header, match_list): if match_list: tty.debug(f"\t{line_header} : {spec.cshort_spec}") for rule in match_list: tty.debug(f"\t\tmatches rule: {rule}") debug_info("INCLUDE", include_matches) debug_info("EXCLUDE", exclude_matches) if excluded_as_implicit: tty.debug(f"\tEXCLUDED_AS_IMPLICIT : {spec.cshort_spec}") return not include_matches and (exclude_matches or excluded_as_implicit) @property def hidden(self): """Returns True if the module has been hidden, False otherwise.""" conf = self.module.configuration( hidden_as_implicit = not self.explicit and conf.get("hide_implicits", False) if hidden_as_implicit: tty.debug(f"\tHIDDEN_AS_IMPLICIT : {self.spec.cshort_spec}") return hidden_as_implicit @property def context(self): return self.conf.get("context", {}) @property def specs_to_load(self): """List of specs that should be loaded in the module file.""" return self._create_list_for("autoload") @property def literals_to_load(self): """List of literal modules to be loaded.""" return self.conf.get("load", []) @property def specs_to_prereq(self): """List of specs that should be prerequisite of the module file.""" return self._create_list_for("prerequisites") @property def exclude_env_vars(self): """List of variables that should be left unmodified.""" filter_subsection = self.conf.get("filter", {}) return filter_subsection.get("exclude_env_vars", {}) def _create_list_for(self, what): include = [] for item in self.conf[what]: if not self.module.make_configuration(item, include.append(item) return include @property def verbose(self): """Returns True if the module file needs to be verbose, False otherwise """ return self.conf.get("verbose")
[docs] class BaseFileLayout: """Provides information on the layout of module files. Needs to be sub-classed for specific module types. """ #: This needs to be redefined extension: Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, configuration): self.conf = configuration @property def spec(self): """Spec under consideration""" return self.conf.spec
[docs] def dirname(self): """Root folder for module files of this type.""" module_system = str(self.conf.module.__name__).split(".")[-1] return root_path(module_system,
@property def use_name(self): """Returns the 'use' name of the module i.e. the name you have to type to console to use it. This implementation fits the needs of most non-hierarchical layouts. """ projection = proj.get_projection(self.conf.projections, self.spec) if not projection: projection = self.conf.default_projections["all"] name = self.spec.format_path(projection) # Not everybody is working on linux... parts = name.split("/") name = os.path.join(*parts) # Add optional suffixes based on constraints path_elements = [name] + self.conf.suffixes return "-".join(path_elements) @property def filename(self): """Name of the module file for the current spec.""" # Just the name of the file filename = self.use_name if self.extension: filename = f"{self.use_name}.{self.extension}" # Architecture sub-folder arch_folder_conf = spack.config.get("modules:%s:arch_folder" %, True) if arch_folder_conf: # include an arch specific folder between root and filename arch_folder = str(self.spec.architecture) filename = os.path.join(arch_folder, filename) # Return the absolute path return os.path.join(self.dirname(), filename)
[docs] class BaseContext(tengine.Context): """Provides the base context needed for template rendering. This class needs to be sub-classed for specific module types. The following attributes need to be implemented: - fields """ def __init__(self, configuration): self.conf = configuration @tengine.context_property def spec(self): return self.conf.spec @tengine.context_property def timestamp(self): return @tengine.context_property def category(self): return getattr(self.spec, "category", "spack") @tengine.context_property def short_description(self): # If we have a valid docstring return the first paragraph. docstring = type(self.spec.package).__doc__ if docstring: value = docstring.split("\n\n")[0] # Transform tabs and friends into spaces value = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", value) # Turn double quotes into single quotes (double quotes are needed # to start and end strings) value = re.sub(r'"', "'", value) return value # Otherwise the short description is just the package + version return self.spec.format("{name} {@version}") @tengine.context_property def long_description(self): # long description is the docstring with reduced whitespace. if self.spec.package.__doc__: return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", self.spec.package.__doc__) return None @tengine.context_property def configure_options(self): pkg = self.spec.package # If the spec is external Spack doesn't know its configure options if self.spec.external: msg = "unknown, software installed outside of Spack" return msg if os.path.exists(pkg.install_configure_args_path): with open(pkg.install_configure_args_path) as args_file: return spack.util.path.padding_filter( # Returning a false-like value makes the default templates skip # the configure option section return None
[docs] def modification_needs_formatting(self, modification): """Returns True if environment modification entry needs to be formatted.""" return ( not isinstance(modification, (spack.util.environment.SetEnv)) or not modification.raw )
@tengine.context_property @memoized def environment_modifications(self): """List of environment modifications to be processed.""" # Modifications guessed by inspecting the spec prefix prefix_inspections = syaml.syaml_dict() spack.config.merge_yaml( prefix_inspections, spack.config.get("modules:prefix_inspections", {}) ) spack.config.merge_yaml( prefix_inspections, spack.config.get(f"modules:{}:prefix_inspections", {}), ) use_view = spack.config.get(f"modules:{}:use_view", False) assert isinstance(use_view, (bool, str)) if use_view: env = spack.environment.active_environment() if not env: raise spack.environment.SpackEnvironmentViewError( "Module generation with views requires active environment" ) view_name = spack.environment.default_view_name if use_view is True else use_view if not env.has_view(view_name): raise spack.environment.SpackEnvironmentViewError( f"View {view_name} not found in environment {} when generating modules" ) view = env.views[view_name] else: view = None env = spack.util.environment.inspect_path( self.spec.prefix, prefix_inspections, exclude=spack.util.environment.is_system_path ) # Let the extendee/dependency modify their extensions/dependencies # The only thing we care about is `setup_dependent_run_environment`, but # for that to work, globals have to be set on the package modules, and the # whole chain of setup_dependent_package has to be followed from leaf to spec. # So: just run it here, but don't collect env mods. spack.build_environment.SetupContext( self.spec, context=Context.RUN ).set_all_package_py_globals() # Then run setup_dependent_run_environment before setup_run_environment. for dep in self.spec.dependencies(deptype=("link", "run")): dep.package.setup_dependent_run_environment(env, self.spec) self.spec.package.setup_run_environment(env) # Project the environment variables from prefix to view if needed if view and self.spec in view: spack.user_environment.project_env_mods( *self.spec.traverse(deptype=dt.LINK | dt.RUN), view=view, env=env ) # Modifications required from modules.yaml env.extend(self.conf.env) # List of variables that are excluded in modules.yaml exclude = self.conf.exclude_env_vars # We may have tokens to substitute in environment commands for x in env: # Ensure all the tokens are valid in this context msg = "some tokens cannot be expanded in an environment variable name" _check_tokens_are_valid(, message=msg) = _format_env_var_name(self.spec, if self.modification_needs_formatting(x): try: # Not every command has a value x.value = self.spec.format(x.value) except AttributeError: pass = str("-", "_") return [(type(x).__name__, x) for x in env if not in exclude] @tengine.context_property def has_manpath_modifications(self): """True if MANPATH environment variable is modified.""" for modification_type, cmd in self.environment_modifications: if not isinstance( cmd, (spack.util.environment.PrependPath, spack.util.environment.AppendPath) ): continue if == "MANPATH": return True else: return False @tengine.context_property def conflicts(self): """List of conflicts for the module file.""" fmts = [] projection = proj.get_projection(self.conf.projections, self.spec) for item in self.conf.conflicts: self._verify_conflict_naming_consistency_or_raise(item, projection) item = self.spec.format(item) fmts.append(item) return fmts def _verify_conflict_naming_consistency_or_raise(self, item, projection): f = string.Formatter() errors = [] if len([x for x in f.parse(item)]) > 1: for naming_dir, conflict_dir in zip(projection.split("/"), item.split("/")): if naming_dir != conflict_dir: errors.extend( [ f"spec={self.spec.cshort_spec}", f"conflict_scheme={item}", f"naming_scheme={projection}", ] ) if errors: raise ModulesError( message="conflict scheme does not match naming scheme", long_message="\n ".join(errors), ) @tengine.context_property def autoload(self): """List of modules that needs to be loaded automatically.""" # From 'autoload' configuration option specs = self._create_module_list_of("specs_to_load") # From 'load' configuration option literals = self.conf.literals_to_load return specs + literals def _create_module_list_of(self, what): m = self.conf.module name = return [m.make_layout(x, name).use_name for x in getattr(self.conf, what)] @tengine.context_property def verbose(self): """Verbosity level.""" return self.conf.verbose
[docs] class BaseModuleFileWriter: default_template: str hide_cmd_format: str modulerc_header: List[str] def __init__( self, spec: spack.spec.Spec, module_set_name: str, explicit: Optional[bool] = None ) -> None: self.spec = spec # This class is meant to be derived. Get the module of the # actual writer. self.module = inspect.getmodule(self) assert self.module is not None # make mypy happy m = self.module # Create the triplet of configuration/layout/context self.conf = m.make_configuration(spec, module_set_name, explicit) self.layout = m.make_layout(spec, module_set_name, explicit) self.context = m.make_context(spec, module_set_name, explicit) # Check if a default template has been defined, # throw if not found try: self.default_template except AttributeError: msg = "'{0}' object has no attribute 'default_template'\n" msg += "Did you forget to define it in the class?" name = type(self).__name__ raise DefaultTemplateNotDefined(msg.format(name)) # Check if format for module hide command has been defined, # throw if not found try: self.hide_cmd_format except AttributeError: msg = "'{0}' object has no attribute 'hide_cmd_format'\n" msg += "Did you forget to define it in the class?" name = type(self).__name__ raise HideCmdFormatNotDefined(msg.format(name)) # Check if modulerc header content has been defined, # throw if not found try: self.modulerc_header except AttributeError: msg = "'{0}' object has no attribute 'modulerc_header'\n" msg += "Did you forget to define it in the class?" name = type(self).__name__ raise ModulercHeaderNotDefined(msg.format(name)) def _get_template(self): """Gets the template that will be rendered for this spec.""" # Get templates and put them in the order of importance: # 1. template specified in "modules.yaml" # 2. template specified in a package directly # 3. default template (must be defined, check in __init__) module_system_name = str(self.module.__name__).split(".")[-1] package_attribute = f"{module_system_name}_template" choices = [ self.conf.template, getattr(self.spec.package, package_attribute, None), self.default_template, # This is always defined at this point ] # Filter out false-ish values choices = list(filter(lambda x: bool(x), choices)) # ... and return the first match return choices.pop(0)
[docs] def write(self, overwrite=False): """Writes the module file. Args: overwrite (bool): if True it is fine to overwrite an already existing file. If False the operation is skipped an we print a warning to the user. """ # Return immediately if the module is excluded if self.conf.excluded: msg = "\tNOT WRITING: {0} [EXCLUDED]" tty.debug(msg.format(self.spec.cshort_spec)) return # Print a warning in case I am accidentally overwriting # a module file that is already there (name clash) if not overwrite and os.path.exists(self.layout.filename): message = "Module file {0.filename} exists and will not be overwritten" tty.warn(message.format(self.layout)) return # If we are here it means it's ok to write the module file msg = "\tWRITE: {0} [{1}]" tty.debug(msg.format(self.spec.cshort_spec, self.layout.filename)) # If the directory where the module should reside does not exist # create it module_dir = os.path.dirname(self.layout.filename) if not os.path.exists(module_dir): llnl.util.filesystem.mkdirp(module_dir) # Get the template for the module template_name = self._get_template() import jinja2 try: env = tengine.make_environment() template = env.get_template(template_name) except jinja2.TemplateNotFound: # If the template was not found raise an exception with a little # more information msg = "template '{0}' was not found for '{1}'" name = type(self).__name__ msg = msg.format(template_name, name) raise ModulesTemplateNotFoundError(msg) # Construct the context following the usual hierarchy of updates: # 1. start with the default context from the module writer class # 2. update with package specific context # 3. update with 'modules.yaml' specific context context = self.context.to_dict() # Attribute from package module_name = str(self.module.__name__).split(".")[-1] attr_name = f"{module_name}_context" pkg_update = getattr(self.spec.package, attr_name, {}) context.update(pkg_update) # Context key in modules.yaml conf_update = self.conf.context context.update(conf_update) # Render the template text = template.render(context) # Write it to file with open(self.layout.filename, "w") as f: f.write(text) # Set the file permissions of the module to match that of the package if os.path.exists(self.layout.filename): fp.set_permissions_by_spec(self.layout.filename, self.spec) # Symlink defaults if needed self.update_module_defaults() # record module hiddenness if implicit self.update_module_hiddenness()
[docs] def update_module_defaults(self): if any(self.spec.satisfies(default) for default in self.conf.defaults): # This spec matches a default, it needs to be symlinked to default # Symlink to a tmp location first and move, so that existing # symlinks do not cause an error. default_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.layout.filename), "default") default_tmp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.layout.filename), ".tmp_spack_default") os.symlink(self.layout.filename, default_tmp) os.rename(default_tmp, default_path)
[docs] def update_module_hiddenness(self, remove=False): """Update modulerc file corresponding to module to add or remove command that hides module depending on its hidden state. Args: remove (bool): if True, hiddenness information for module is removed from modulerc. """ modulerc_path = self.layout.modulerc hide_module_cmd = self.hide_cmd_format % self.layout.use_name hidden = self.conf.hidden and not remove modulerc_exists = os.path.exists(modulerc_path) updated = False if modulerc_exists: # retrieve modulerc content with open(modulerc_path) as f: content = f.readlines() content = "".join(content).split("\n") # remove last empty item if any if len(content[-1]) == 0: del content[-1] already_hidden = hide_module_cmd in content # remove hide command if module not hidden if already_hidden and not hidden: content.remove(hide_module_cmd) updated = True # add hide command if module is hidden elif not already_hidden and hidden: if len(content) == 0: content = self.modulerc_header.copy() content.append(hide_module_cmd) updated = True else: content = self.modulerc_header.copy() if hidden: content.append(hide_module_cmd) updated = True # no modulerc file change if no content update if updated: is_empty = content == self.modulerc_header or len(content) == 0 # remove existing modulerc if empty if modulerc_exists and is_empty: os.remove(modulerc_path) # create or update modulerc elif content != self.modulerc_header: # ensure file ends with a newline character content.append("") with open(modulerc_path, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(content))
[docs] def remove(self): """Deletes the module file.""" mod_file = self.layout.filename if os.path.exists(mod_file): try: os.remove(mod_file) # Remove the module file self.remove_module_defaults() # Remove default targeting module file self.update_module_hiddenness(remove=True) # Remove hide cmd in modulerc os.removedirs( os.path.dirname(mod_file) ) # Remove all the empty directories from the leaf up except OSError: # removedirs throws OSError on first non-empty directory found pass
[docs] def remove_module_defaults(self): if not any(self.spec.satisfies(default) for default in self.conf.defaults): return # This spec matches a default, symlink needs to be removed as we remove the module # file it targets. default_symlink = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.layout.filename), "default") try: os.unlink(default_symlink) except OSError: pass
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def disable_modules(): """Disable the generation of modulefiles within the context manager.""" data = {"modules:": {"default": {"enable": []}}} disable_scope = spack.config.InternalConfigScope("disable_modules", data=data) with spack.config.override(disable_scope): yield
[docs] class ModulesError(spack.error.SpackError): """Base error for modules."""
[docs] class ModuleNotFoundError(ModulesError): """Raised when a module cannot be found for a spec"""
[docs] class DefaultTemplateNotDefined(AttributeError, ModulesError): """Raised if the attribute 'default_template' has not been specified in the derived classes. """
[docs] class HideCmdFormatNotDefined(AttributeError, ModulesError): """Raised if the attribute 'hide_cmd_format' has not been specified in the derived classes. """
[docs] class ModulercHeaderNotDefined(AttributeError, ModulesError): """Raised if the attribute 'modulerc_header' has not been specified in the derived classes. """
[docs] class ModulesTemplateNotFoundError(ModulesError, RuntimeError): """Raised if the template for a module file was not found."""