spack.oci package
spack.oci.image module
- class spack.oci.image.Digest(*, algorithm: str, digest: str)[source]
Represents a digest in the format <algorithm>:<digest>. Currently only supports sha256 digests.
- algorithm
- digest
- class spack.oci.image.ImageReference(*, domain: str, name: str, tag: str = 'latest', digest: Digest | None = None)[source]
A parsed image of the form domain/name:tag[@digest]. The digest is optional, and domain and tag are automatically filled out with defaults when parsed from string.
- digest
- domain
- classmethod from_string(string) ImageReference [source]
- name
- tag
- with_digest(digest: str | Digest) ImageReference [source]
- with_tag(tag: str) ImageReference [source]
spack.oci.oci module
- class spack.oci.oci.Blob(compressed_digest, uncompressed_digest, size)[source]
- spack.oci.oci.all_content_type = ['application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json', 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', 'application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json', 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json']
All OCI manifest / index content types
- spack.oci.oci.blob_exists(ref: ImageReference, digest: Digest, _urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] | None = None) bool [source]
Checks if a blob exists in an OCI registry
- spack.oci.oci.copy_missing_layers(src: ImageReference, dst: ImageReference, architecture: str, _urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] | None = None) Tuple[dict, dict] [source]
Copy image layers from src to dst for given architecture.
- Parameters:
src – The source image reference.
dst – The destination image reference.
architecture – The architecture (when referencing an index)
- Returns:
Tuple of manifest and config of the base image.
- spack.oci.oci.copy_missing_layers_with_retry(*args, **kwargs)
Same as copy_missing_layers, but with retry wrapper
- spack.oci.oci.get_manifest_and_config(ref: ImageReference, architecture='amd64', recurse=3, _urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] | None = None) Tuple[dict, dict] [source]
Recursively fetch manifest and config for a given image reference with a given architecture.
- Parameters:
ref – The image reference.
architecture – The architecture (when referencing an index)
recurse – How many levels of index to recurse into.
- Returns:
A tuple of (manifest, config)
- spack.oci.oci.get_manifest_and_config_with_retry(*args, **kwargs)
Same as get_manifest_and_config, but with retry wrapper
- spack.oci.oci.image_from_mirror(mirror: Mirror) ImageReference [source]
Given an OCI based mirror, extract the URL and image name from it
- spack.oci.oci.index_content_type = ['application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json', 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json']
OCI index content types (including docker type)
- spack.oci.oci.list_tags(ref: ImageReference, _urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] | None = None) List[str] [source]
Retrieves the list of tags associated with an image, handling pagination.
- spack.oci.oci.make_stage(url: str, digest: Digest, keep: bool = False, _urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] | None = None) Stage [source]
- spack.oci.oci.manifest_content_type = ['application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json', 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json']
OCI manifest content types (including docker type)
- spack.oci.oci.upload_blob(ref: ImageReference, file: str, digest: Digest, force: bool = False, small_file_size: int = 0, _urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] | None = None) bool [source]
Uploads a blob to an OCI registry
We only do monolithic uploads, even though it’s very simple to do chunked. Observed problems with chunked uploads: (1) it’s slow, many sequential requests, (2) some registries set an unknown max chunk size, and the spec doesn’t say how to obtain it
- Parameters:
ref – The image reference.
file – The file to upload.
digest – The digest of the file.
force – Whether to force upload the blob, even if it already exists.
small_file_size – For files at most this size, attempt to do a single POST request instead of POST + PUT. Some registries do no support single requests, and others do not specify what size they support in single POST. For now this feature is disabled by default (0KB)
- Returns:
True if the blob was uploaded, False if it already existed.
- spack.oci.oci.upload_blob_with_retry(*args, **kwargs)
Same as upload_blob, but with retry wrapper
- spack.oci.oci.upload_manifest(ref: ImageReference, manifest: dict, tag: bool = True, _urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] | None = None)[source]
Uploads a manifest/index to a registry
- Parameters:
ref – The image reference.
manifest – The manifest or index.
tag – When true, use the tag, otherwise use the digest, this is relevant for multi-arch images, where the tag is an index, referencing the manifests by digest.
- Returns:
The digest and size of the uploaded manifest.
- spack.oci.oci.upload_manifest_with_retry(*args, **kwargs)
Same as upload_manifest, but with retry wrapper
spack.oci.opener module
All the logic for OCI fetching and authentication
- class spack.oci.opener.Challenge(scheme: str | None = None, params: List[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None)[source]
- params
- scheme
- class spack.oci.opener.OCIAuthHandler(credentials_provider: Callable[[str], UsernamePassword | None])[source]
- obtain_bearer_token(registry: str, challenge: RealmServiceScope, timeout) str [source]
- class spack.oci.opener.RealmServiceScope(realm, service, scope)[source]
- class spack.oci.opener.State(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
- class spack.oci.opener.UsernamePassword(username, password)[source]
- class spack.oci.opener.WwwAuthenticateTokens(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
- ANY = 7
- COMMA = 4
- EOF = 6
- EQUALS = 3
- SPACE = 5
- TOKEN = 2
- spack.oci.opener.credentials_from_mirrors(domain: str, *, mirrors: Iterable[Mirror] | None = None) UsernamePassword | None [source]
Filter out OCI registry credentials from a list of mirrors.
- spack.oci.opener.ensure_status(request: Request, response: HTTPResponse, status: int)[source]
Raise an error if the response status is not the expected one.
- spack.oci.opener.get_bearer_challenge(challenges: List[Challenge]) RealmServiceScope | None [source]
- spack.oci.opener.parse_www_authenticate(input: str)[source]
Very basic parsing of www-authenticate parsing (RFC7235 section 4.1) Notice: this omits token68 support.
- spack.oci.opener.urlopen: Callable[[...], HTTPResponse] = <function _urlopen.<locals>.dispatch_open>
Opener that automatically uses OCI authentication based on mirror config