Command Reference
This is a reference for all commands in the Spack command line interface. The same information is available through spack help.
Commands that also have sections in the main documentation have a link to “More documentation”.
Category |
Commands |
Administration |
Query packages |
Build packages |
Configuration |
Container |
Developer |
Environments |
Extensions |
More help |
Create packages |
System |
User environment |
A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
spack [-hHdklLmbpvtV] [--color {always,never,auto}] [-c CONFIG_VARS] [-C DIR|ENV] [--timestamp] [--pdb]
[-e ENV | -D DIR | -E] [--use-env-repo] [--sorted-profile STAT] [--lines LINES] [--stacktrace]
[--print-shell-vars PRINT_SHELL_VARS]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-H, --all-help
show help for all commands (same as spack help –all)
--color {always,never,auto}
when to colorize output (default: auto)
add one or more custom, one off config settings
-C DIR|ENV, --config-scope DIR|ENV
add directory or environment as read-only configuration scope, without activating the environment.
-d, --debug
write out debug messages
add a timestamp to tty output
run spack under the pdb debugger
-e ENV, --env ENV
run with a specific environment (see spack env)
-D DIR, --env-dir DIR
run with an environment directory (ignore managed environments)
-E, --no-env
run without any environments activated (see spack env)
when running in an environment, use its package repository
-k, --insecure
do not check ssl certificates when downloading
-l, --enable-locks
use filesystem locking (default)
-L, --disable-locks
do not use filesystem locking (unsafe)
-m, --mock
use mock packages instead of real ones
-b, --bootstrap
use bootstrap configuration (bootstrap store, config, externals)
-p, --profile
profile execution using cProfile
--sorted-profile STAT
profile and sort
--lines LINES
lines of profile output or ‘all’ (default: 20)
-v, --verbose
print additional output during builds
add stacktraces to all printed statements
-t, --backtrace
always show backtraces for exceptions
-V, --version
show version number and exit
--print-shell-vars PRINT_SHELL_VARS
print info needed by setup-env.*sh
spack add
add a spec to an environment
spack add [-h] [-l LIST_NAME] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l LIST_NAME, --list-name LIST_NAME
name of the list to add specs to
spack arch
print architecture information about this machine
spack arch [-hg] [--known-targets] [--family | --generic] [-p | -o | -t] [-f | -b]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-g, --generic-target
show the best generic target (deprecated)
show a list of all known targets and exit
print generic ISA (x86_64, aarch64, ppc64le, …)
print feature level (x86_64_v3, armv8.4a, …)
-p, --platform
print only the platform
-o, --operating-system
print only the operating system
-t, --target
print only the target
-f, --frontend
print frontend (DEPRECATED)
-b, --backend
print backend (DEPRECATED)
spack audit
audit configuration files, packages, etc.
spack audit [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack audit configs
spack audit configs [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack audit externals
spack audit externals [-h] [--list] [PKG ...]
Positional arguments
package to be analyzed (if none all packages will be processed)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
if passed, list which packages have detection tests
spack audit packages-https
spack audit packages-https [-h] [--all] [PKG ...]
Positional arguments
package to be analyzed (if none all packages will be processed)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
audit all packages
spack audit packages
spack audit packages [-h] [PKG ...]
Positional arguments
package to be analyzed (if none all packages will be processed)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack audit list
spack audit list [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack blame
show contributors to packages
spack blame [-h] [-t | -p | -g] [--json] package_or_file
Positional arguments
- package_or_file
name of package to show contributions for, or path to a file in the spack repo
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-t, --time
sort by last modification date (default)
-p, --percent
sort by percent of code
-g, --git
show git blame output instead of summary
output blame as machine-readable json records
spack bootstrap
manage bootstrap configuration
spack bootstrap [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack bootstrap now
spack bootstrap now [-h] [--dev]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
bootstrap dev dependencies too
spack bootstrap status
spack bootstrap status [-h] [--optional] [--dev]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
show the status of rarely used optional dependencies
show the status of dependencies needed to develop Spack
spack bootstrap enable
spack bootstrap enable [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] [name]
Positional arguments
- name
name of the source to be enabled
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read/modify
spack bootstrap disable
spack bootstrap disable [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] [name]
Positional arguments
- name
name of the source to be disabled
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read/modify
spack bootstrap reset
spack bootstrap reset [-hy]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack bootstrap root
spack bootstrap root [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] [path]
Positional arguments
- path
set the bootstrap directory to this value
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read/modify
spack bootstrap list
spack bootstrap list [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read/modify
spack bootstrap add
spack bootstrap add [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] [--trust]
name metadata_dir
Positional arguments
- name
name of the new source of software
- metadata_dir
directory where to find metadata files
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read/modify
enable the source immediately upon addition
spack bootstrap remove
spack bootstrap remove [-h] name
Positional arguments
- name
name of the source to be removed
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack bootstrap mirror
spack bootstrap mirror [-h] [--binary-packages] [--dev] DIRECTORY
Positional arguments
root directory in which to create the mirror and metadata
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
download public binaries in the mirror
download dev dependencies too
spack build-env
run a command in a spec’s install environment, or dump its environment to screen or file
spack build-env [-hU] [--clean] [--dirty] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated] [--dump FILE] [--pickle FILE] ...
Positional arguments
- spec [–] [cmd]…
specs of package environment to emulate
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
unset harmful variables in the build environment (default)
preserve user environment in spack’s build environment (danger!)
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
--dump FILE
dump a source-able environment to FILE
--pickle FILE
dump a pickled source-able environment to FILE
spack buildcache
create, download and install binary packages
spack buildcache [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack buildcache push
spack buildcache push [-hf] [--unsigned | --signed | --key key] [--update-index] [--spec-file SPEC_FILE]
[--only {package,dependencies}] [--with-build-dependencies | --without-build-dependencies]
[--fail-fast] [--base-image BASE_IMAGE] [--tag TAG] [--private] [-j JOBS]
mirror ...
Positional arguments
- mirror
mirror name, path, or URL
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-f, --force
overwrite tarball if it exists
--unsigned, -u
push unsigned buildcache tarballs
push signed buildcache tarballs
--key key, -k key
key for signing
--update-index, --rebuild-index
regenerate buildcache index after building package(s)
--spec-file SPEC_FILE
create buildcache entry for spec from json or yaml file
--only {package,dependencies}
select the buildcache mode. The default is to build a cache for the package along with all its dependencies. Alternatively, one can decide to build a cache for only the package or only the dependencies
include build dependencies in the buildcache
exclude build dependencies from the buildcache
stop pushing on first failure (default is best effort)
--base-image BASE_IMAGE
specify the base image for the buildcache
--tag TAG, -t TAG
when pushing to an OCI registry, tag an image containing all root specs and their runtime dependencies
for a private mirror, include non-redistributable packages
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack buildcache install
spack buildcache install [-hfmuo] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-f, --force
overwrite install directory if it exists
-m, --multiple
allow all matching packages
-u, --unsigned
install unsigned buildcache tarballs for testing
-o, --otherarch
install specs from other architectures instead of default platform and OS
spack buildcache list
spack buildcache list [-hlLNva] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l, --long
show dependency hashes as well as versions
-L, --very-long
show full dependency hashes as well as versions
-N, --namespaces
show fully qualified package names
-v, --variants
show variants in output (can be long)
-a, --allarch
list specs for all available architectures instead of default platform and OS
spack buildcache keys
spack buildcache keys [-hitf]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-i, --install
install Keys pulled from mirror
-t, --trust
trust all downloaded keys
-f, --force
force new download of keys
spack buildcache check
spack buildcache check [-h] [-m MIRROR_URL] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
[--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
[-s SPEC | --spec-file SPEC_FILE]
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-m MIRROR_URL, --mirror-url MIRROR_URL
override any configured mirrors with this mirror URL
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
file where rebuild info should be written
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope containing mirrors to check
-s SPEC, --spec SPEC
check single spec instead of release specs file
--spec-file SPEC_FILE
check single spec from json or yaml file instead of release specs file
spack buildcache download
spack buildcache download [-h] (-s SPEC | --spec-file SPEC_FILE) -p PATH
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-s SPEC, --spec SPEC
download built tarball for spec from mirror
--spec-file SPEC_FILE
download built tarball for spec (from json or yaml file) from mirror
-p PATH, --path PATH
path to directory where tarball should be downloaded
spack buildcache get-buildcache-name
spack buildcache get-buildcache-name [-h] (-s SPEC | --spec-file SPEC_FILE)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-s SPEC, --spec SPEC
spec string for which buildcache name is desired
--spec-file SPEC_FILE
path to spec json or yaml file for which buildcache name is desired
spack buildcache save-specfile
spack buildcache save-specfile [-h] (--root-spec ROOT_SPEC | --root-specfile ROOT_SPECFILE) -s SPECS --specfile-dir
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--root-spec ROOT_SPEC
root spec of dependent spec
--root-specfile ROOT_SPECFILE
path to json or yaml file containing root spec of dependent spec
-s SPECS, --specs SPECS
list of dependent specs for which saved yaml is desired
--specfile-dir SPECFILE_DIR
path to directory where spec yamls should be saved
spack buildcache sync
spack buildcache sync [-h] [--manifest-glob MANIFEST_GLOB] [source mirror] [destination mirror]
Positional arguments
- source mirror
source mirror name, path, or URL
- destination mirror
destination mirror name, path, or URL
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--manifest-glob MANIFEST_GLOB
a quoted glob pattern identifying CI rebuild manifest files
spack buildcache update-index
spack buildcache update-index [-hk] mirror
Positional arguments
- mirror
destination mirror name, path, or URL
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-k, --keys
if provided, key index will be updated as well as package index
spack cd
cd to spack directories in the shell
spack cd [-h] [-m | -r | -i | -p | -P | -s | -S | -c | -b | -e [name]] [--first] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-m, --module-dir
spack python module directory
-r, --spack-root
spack installation root
-i, --install-dir
install prefix for spec (spec need not be installed)
-p, --package-dir
directory enclosing a spec’s file
-P, --packages
top-level packages directory for Spack
-s, --stage-dir
stage directory for a spec
-S, --stages
top level stage directory
-c, --source-dir
source directory for a spec (requires it to be staged first)
-b, --build-dir
build directory for a spec (requires it to be staged first)
-e [name], --env [name]
location of the named or current environment
use the first match if multiple packages match the spec
spack change
change an existing spec in an environment
spack change [-ha] [-l LIST_NAME] [--match-spec MATCH_SPEC] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l LIST_NAME, --list-name LIST_NAME
name of the list to remove specs from
--match-spec MATCH_SPEC
if name is ambiguous, supply a spec to match
-a, --all
change all matching specs (allow changing more than one spec)
spack checksum
checksum available versions of a package
spack checksum [-h] [--keep-stage] [--batch] [--latest] [--preferred] [--add-to-package | --verify] [-j JOBS]
package [versions ...]
Positional arguments
- package
name or spec (e.g. cmake or cmake@3.18)
- versions
checksum these specific versions (if omitted, Spack searches for remote versions)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
don’t clean up staging area when command completes
--batch, -b
don’t ask which versions to checksum
--latest, -l
checksum the latest available version
--preferred, -p
checksum the known Spack preferred version
--add-to-package, -a
add new versions to package
verify known package checksums
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack ci
manage continuous integration pipelines
spack ci [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack ci generate
generate jobs file from a CI-aware spack file
if you want to report the results on CDash, you will need to set the SPACK_CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN before invoking this command. the value must be the CDash authorization token needed to create a build group and register all generated jobs under it
spack ci generate [-hU] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE] [--prune-dag | --no-prune-dag]
[--prune-externals | --no-prune-externals] [--check-index-only] [--artifacts-root ARTIFACTS_ROOT]
[--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated] [-j JOBS]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
pathname for the generated gitlab ci yaml file
skip up-to-date specs
process up-to-date specs
skip external specs
process external specs
only check spec state from buildcache indices
--artifacts-root ARTIFACTS_ROOT
path to the root of the artifacts directory
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack ci rebuild-index
rebuild the buildcache index for the remote mirror
use the active, gitlab-enabled environment to rebuild the buildcache index for the associated mirror
spack ci rebuild-index [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack ci rebuild
rebuild a spec if it is not on the remote mirror
check a single spec against the remote mirror, and rebuild it from source if the mirror does not contain the hash
spack ci rebuild [-ht] [--fail-fast] [-j JOBS]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-t, --tests
run stand-alone tests after the build
stop stand-alone tests after the first failure
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack ci reproduce-build
generate instructions for reproducing the spec rebuild job
artifacts of the provided gitlab pipeline rebuild job’s URL will be used to derive instructions for reproducing the build locally
spack ci reproduce-build [-hs] [--runtime {docker,podman}] [--working-dir WORKING_DIR]
[--gpg-file GPG_FILE | --gpg-url GPG_URL]
Positional arguments
- job_url
URL of GitLab job web page or artifact
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--runtime {docker,podman}
Container runtime to use.
--working-dir WORKING_DIR
where to unpack artifacts
-s, --autostart
Run docker reproducer automatically
--gpg-file GPG_FILE
Path to public GPG key for validating binary cache installs
--gpg-url GPG_URL
URL to public GPG key for validating binary cache installs
spack clean
remove temporary build files and/or downloaded archives
spack clean [-hsdfmpba] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-s, --stage
remove all temporary build stages (default)
-d, --downloads
remove cached downloads
-f, --failures
force removal of all install failure tracking markers
-m, --misc-cache
remove long-lived caches, like the virtual package index
-p, --python-cache
remove .pyc, .pyo files and __pycache__ folders
-b, --bootstrap
remove software and configuration needed to bootstrap Spack
-a, --all
equivalent to -sdfmp (does not include –bootstrap)
spack clone
create a new installation of spack in another prefix
spack clone [-h] [-r REMOTE] prefix
Positional arguments
- prefix
name of prefix where we should install spack
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
name of the remote to clone from
spack commands
list available spack commands
spack commands [-ha] [--update-completion] [--format {subcommands,rst,names,bash,fish}] [--header FILE]
[--update FILE]
Positional arguments
- rst_files
list of rst files to search for _cmd-spack-<cmd> cross-refs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
regenerate spack’s tab completion scripts
-a, --aliases
include command aliases
--format {subcommands,rst,names,bash,fish}
format to be used to print the output (default: names)
--header FILE
prepend contents of FILE to the output (useful for rst format)
--update FILE
write output to the specified file, if any command is newer
spack compiler
manage compilers
spack compiler [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack compiler find
spack compiler find [-h] [--mixed-toolchain | --no-mixed-toolchain]
[--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] [-j JOBS]
Positional arguments
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Allow mixed toolchains (for example: clang, clang++, gfortran)
Do not allow mixed toolchains (for example: clang, clang++, gfortran)
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack compiler remove
spack compiler remove [-ha] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Positional arguments
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --all
remove ALL compilers that match spec
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
spack compiler list
spack compiler list [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read from
spack compiler info
spack compiler info [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Positional arguments
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read from
spack compilers
list available compilers
spack compilers [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read/modify
spack concretize
concretize an environment and write a lockfile
spack concretize [-hfqU] [--test {root,all}] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated] [-j JOBS]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-f, --force
re-concretize even if already concretized
--test {root,all}
concretize with test dependencies of only root packages or all packages
-q, --quiet
don’t print concretized specs
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack config
get and set configuration options
spack config [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read/modify
spack config get
spack config get [-h] [section]
Positional arguments
- section
configuration section to print
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack config blame
spack config blame [-h] [section]
Positional arguments
- section
configuration section to print
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack config edit
spack config edit [-h] [--print-file] [section]
Positional arguments
- section
configuration section to edit
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
print the file name that would be edited
spack config list
spack config list [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack config add
spack config add [-h] [-f FILE] [path]
Positional arguments
- path
colon-separated path to config that should be added, e.g. ‘config:default:true’
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE
file from which to set all config values
spack config change
spack config change [-h] [--match-spec MATCH_SPEC] path
Positional arguments
- path
colon-separated path to config section with specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--match-spec MATCH_SPEC
only change constraints that match this
spack config prefer-upstream
spack config prefer-upstream [-h] [--local]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
set packages preferences based on local installs, rather than upstream
spack config remove
spack config remove [-h] path
Positional arguments
- path
colon-separated path to config that should be removed, e.g. ‘config:default:true’
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack config update
spack config update [-hy] section
Positional arguments
- section
section to update
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack config revert
spack config revert [-hy] section
Positional arguments
- section
section to update
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack containerize
creates recipes to build images for different container runtimes
spack containerize [-h] [--list-os] [--last-stage {bootstrap,build,final}]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
list all the OS that can be used in the bootstrap phase and exit
--last-stage {bootstrap,build,final}
last stage in the container recipe
spack create
create a new package file
spack create [-hfb] [--keep-stage] [-n NAME] [-t TEMPLATE] [-r REPO] [-N NAMESPACE] [--skip-editor] [url]
Positional arguments
- url
url of package archive
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
don’t clean up staging area when command completes
-n NAME, --name NAME
name of the package to create
-t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
build system template to use
-r REPO, --repo REPO
path to a repository where the package should be created
specify a namespace for the package
-f, --force
overwrite any existing package file with the same name
skip the edit session for the package (e.g., automation)
-b, --batch
don’t ask which versions to checksum
spack debug
debugging commands for troubleshooting Spack
spack debug [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack debug create-db-tarball
spack debug create-db-tarball [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack debug report
spack debug report [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack deconcretize
remove specs from the concretized lockfile of an environment
spack deconcretize [-hya] [--root] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
deconcretize only specific environment roots
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
-a, --all
deconcretize ALL specs that match each supplied spec
spack dependencies
show dependencies of a package
spack dependencies [-hitV] [--deptype DEPTYPE] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-i, --installed
list installed dependencies of an installed spec instead of possible dependencies of a package
-t, --transitive
show all transitive dependencies
--deptype DEPTYPE
comma-separated list of deptypes to traverse (default=build,link,run,test)
-V, --no-expand-virtuals
do not expand virtual dependencies
spack dependents
show packages that depend on another
spack dependents [-hit] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-i, --installed
list installed dependents of an installed spec instead of possible dependents of a package
-t, --transitive
show all transitive dependents
spack deprecate
replace one package with another via symlinks
spack deprecate [-hy] [-d | -D] [-i | -I] [-l {soft,hard}] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
spec to deprecate and spec to use as deprecator
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
-d, --dependencies
deprecate dependencies (default)
-D, --no-dependencies
do not deprecate dependencies
-i, --install-deprecator
concretize and install deprecator spec
-I, --no-install-deprecator
deprecator spec must already be installed (default)
-l {soft,hard}, --link-type {soft,hard}
spack dev-build
developer build: build from code in current working directory
spack dev-build [-hniqU] [-j JOBS] [-d SOURCE_PATH] [--keep-prefix] [--skip-patch] [--drop-in SHELL]
[--test {root,all}] [-b BEFORE | -u UNTIL] [--clean | --dirty] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots]
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
-n, --no-checksum
do not use checksums to verify downloaded files (unsafe)
-d SOURCE_PATH, --source-path SOURCE_PATH
path to source directory (defaults to the current directory)
-i, --ignore-dependencies
do not try to install dependencies of requested packages
do not remove the install prefix if installation fails
skip patching for the developer build
-q, --quiet
do not display verbose build output while installing
--drop-in SHELL
drop into a build environment in a new shell, e.g., bash
--test {root,all}
run tests on only root packages or all packages
-b BEFORE, --before BEFORE
phase to stop before when installing (default None)
-u UNTIL, --until UNTIL
phase to stop after when installing (default None)
unset harmful variables in the build environment (default)
preserve user environment in spack’s build environment (danger!)
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack develop
add a spec to an environment’s dev-build information
spack develop [-h] [-p PATH] [-b BUILD_DIRECTORY] [--no-clone | --clone] [-f FORCE] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH
source location of package
build directory for the package
do not clone, the package already exists at the source path
clone the package even if the path already exists
-f FORCE, --force FORCE
remove any files or directories that block cloning source code
spack diff
compare two specs
spack diff [-h] [--json] [--first] [-a ATTRIBUTE] [--ignore IGNORE] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
dump json output instead of pretty printing
load the first match if multiple packages match the spec
select the attributes to show (defaults to all)
--ignore IGNORE
omit diffs related to these dependencies
spack docs
open spack documentation in a web browser
spack docs [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack edit
open package files in $EDITOR
spack edit [-h] [-b | -c | -d | -t | -m | -r REPO | -N NAMESPACE] [package ...]
Positional arguments
- package
package name
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-b, --build-system
edit the build system with the supplied name
-c, --command
edit the command with the supplied name
-d, --docs
edit the docs with the supplied name
-t, --test
edit the test with the supplied name
-m, --module
edit the main spack module with the supplied name
-r REPO, --repo REPO
path to repo to edit package in
namespace of package to edit
spack env
manage virtual environments
spack env [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack env activate
set the active environment
spack env activate [-hpd] [--sh | --csh | --fish | --bat | --pwsh] [-v name | -V] [--temp] [--create]
[--envfile [ENVFILE]] [--keep-relative]
Positional arguments
- env
name or directory of the environment being activated
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
print sh commands to activate the environment
print csh commands to activate the environment
print fish commands to activate the environment
print bat commands to activate the environment
print powershell commands to activate environment
-v name, --with-view name
set runtime environment variables for the named view
-V, --without-view
do not set runtime environment variables for any view
-p, --prompt
add the active environment to the command line prompt
create and activate in a temporary directory
create and activate the environment if it doesn’t exist
--envfile [ENVFILE]
manifest or lock file (ends with ‘.json’ or ‘.lock’)
copy envfile’s relative develop paths verbatim when create
-d, --dir
activate environment based on the directory supplied
spack env deactivate
deactivate the active environment
spack env deactivate [-h] [--sh | --csh | --fish | --bat | --pwsh]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
print sh commands to deactivate the environment
print csh commands to deactivate the environment
print fish commands to activate the environment
print bat commands to activate the environment
print pwsh commands to activate the environment
spack env create
create a new environment
create a new environment or, optionally, copy an existing environment
a manifest file results in a new abstract environment while a lock file creates a new concrete environment
spack env create [-hd] [--keep-relative] [--without-view | --with-view WITH_VIEW]
[--include-concrete INCLUDE_CONCRETE]
env [envfile]
Positional arguments
- env
name or directory of the new environment
- envfile
manifest or lock file (ends with ‘.json’ or ‘.lock’)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-d, --dir
create an environment in a specific directory
copy envfile’s relative develop paths verbatim
do not maintain a view for this environment
--with-view WITH_VIEW
maintain view at WITH_VIEW (vs. environment’s directory)
--include-concrete INCLUDE_CONCRETE
copy concrete specs from INCLUDE_CONCRETE’s environment
spack env remove
remove managed environment(s)
remove existing environment(s) managed by Spack
directory environments and manifests embedded in repositories must be removed manually
spack env remove [-hyf] env [env ...]
Positional arguments
- env
name(s) of the environment(s) being removed
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
-f, --force
force removal even when included in other environment(s)
spack env rename
rename an existing environment
rename a managed environment or move an independent/directory environment
operation cannot be performed to or from an active environment
spack env rename [-hdf] from to
Positional arguments
- from
current name or directory of the environment
- to
new name or directory for the environment
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-d, --dir
positional arguments are environment directory paths
-f, --force
force renaming even if overwriting an existing environment
spack env list
list all managed environments
spack env list [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack env status
print active environment status
spack env status [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack env loads
list modules for an installed environment ‘(see spack module loads)’
spack env loads [-hr] [-n MODULE_SET_NAME] [-m {tcl,lmod}] [--input-only] [-p PREFIX] [-x EXCLUDE]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-n MODULE_SET_NAME, --module-set-name MODULE_SET_NAME
module set for which to generate load operations
-m {tcl,lmod}, --module-type {tcl,lmod}
type of module system to generate loads for
generate input for module command (instead of a shell script)
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prepend to module names when issuing module load commands
-x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude package from output; may be specified multiple times
-r, --dependencies
recursively traverse spec dependencies
spack env view
manage the environment’s view
provide the path when enabling a view with a non-default path
spack env view [-h] {regenerate,enable,disable} [view_path]
Positional arguments
- {regenerate,enable,disable}
action to take for the environment’s view
- view_path
view’s non-default path when enabling it
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack env update
update the environment manifest to the latest schema format
update the environment to the latest schema format, which may not be readable by older versions of spack
a backup copy of the manifest is retained in case there is a need to revert this operation
spack env update [-hy] env
Positional arguments
- env
name or directory of the environment
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack env revert
restore the environment manifest to its previous format
revert the environment’s manifest to the schema format from its last ‘spack env update’
the current manifest will be overwritten by the backup copy and the backup copy will be removed
spack env revert [-hy] env
Positional arguments
- env
name or directory of the environment
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack env depfile
generate a depfile to exploit parallel builds across specs
requires the active environment to be concrete
spack env depfile [-h] [--make-prefix TARGET] [--make-disable-jobserver]
[--use-buildcache [{auto,only,never},][package:{auto,only,never},][dependencies:{auto,only,never}]]
[-o FILE] [-G {make}]
Positional arguments
- specs
limit the generated file to matching specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--make-prefix TARGET, --make-target-prefix TARGET
prefix Makefile targets/variables with <TARGET>/<name>,
disable POSIX jobserver support
--use-buildcache [{auto,only,never},][package:{auto,only,never},][dependencies:{auto,only,never}]
use only to prune redundant build dependencies
-o FILE, --output FILE
write the depfile to FILE rather than to stdout
-G {make}, --generator {make}
specify the depfile type (only supports make)
spack env track
track an environment from a directory in Spack
spack env track [-hy] [-n NAME] dir
Positional arguments
- dir
path to environment
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME
custom environment name
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack env untrack
track an environment from a directory in Spack
spack env untrack [-hfy] env [env ...]
Positional arguments
- env
tracked environment name
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-f, --force
force unlink even when environment is active
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack extensions
list extensions for package
spack extensions [-hlLdp] [-s {packages,installed,all}] ...
Positional arguments
- extendable
spec of package to list extensions for
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l, --long
show dependency hashes as well as versions
-L, --very-long
show full dependency hashes as well as versions
-d, --deps
output dependencies along with found specs
-p, --paths
show paths to package install directories
-s {packages,installed,all}, --show {packages,installed,all}
show only part of output
spack external
manage external packages in Spack configuration
spack external [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack external find
spack external find [-h] [--not-buildable] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [-p PATH]
[--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] [--all] [-t TAG]
[-j JOBS]
Positional arguments
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
packages with detected externals won’t be built with Spack
--exclude EXCLUDE
packages to exclude from search
-p PATH, --path PATH
one or more alternative search paths for finding externals
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
search for all packages that Spack knows about
-t TAG, --tag TAG
filter a package query by tag (multiple use allowed)
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack external list
spack external list [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack external read-cray-manifest
spack external read-cray-manifest [-h] [--file FILE] [--directory DIRECTORY] [--ignore-default-dir] [--dry-run]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--file FILE
specify a location other than the default
--directory DIRECTORY
specify a directory storing a group of manifest files
ignore the default directory of manifest files
don’t modify DB with files that are read
if a manifest file cannot be parsed, fail and report the full stack trace
spack fetch
fetch archives for packages
spack fetch [-hnmDU] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-n, --no-checksum
do not use checksums to verify downloaded files (unsafe)
-m, --missing
fetch only missing (not yet installed) dependencies
-D, --dependencies
also fetch all dependencies
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack find
list and search installed packages
spack find [-hIdplLNrcfumv] [--format FORMAT | -H | --json] [--groups] [--no-groups] [-t TAG] [--show-full-compiler]
[-x | -X] [--loaded] [-M | --only-deprecated] [--deprecated] [--install-tree INSTALL_TREE]
[--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE]
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--format FORMAT
output specs with the specified format string
-H, --hashes
same as ‘–format {/hash}’; use with xargs or $()
output specs as machine-readable json records
-I, --install-status
show install status of packages
-d, --deps
output dependencies along with found specs
-p, --paths
show paths to package install directories
display specs in arch/compiler groups (default on)
do not group specs by arch/compiler
-l, --long
show dependency hashes as well as versions
-L, --very-long
show full dependency hashes as well as versions
-t TAG, --tag TAG
filter a package query by tag (multiple use allowed)
-N, --namespaces
show fully qualified package names
-r, --only-roots
don’t show full list of installed specs in an environment
-c, --show-concretized
show concretized specs in an environment
-f, --show-flags
show spec compiler flags
show full compiler specs
-x, --explicit
show only specs that were installed explicitly
-X, --implicit
show only specs that were installed as dependencies
-u, --unknown
show only specs Spack does not have a package for
-m, --missing
show missing dependencies as well as installed specs
-v, --variants
show variants in output (can be long)
show only packages loaded in the user environment
-M, --only-missing
show only missing dependencies
show only deprecated packages
show deprecated packages as well as installed specs
--install-tree INSTALL_TREE
Install trees to query: ‘all’ (default), ‘local’, ‘upstream’, upstream name or path
--start-date START_DATE
earliest date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD]
--end-date END_DATE
latest date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD]
spack gc
remove specs that are now no longer needed
spack gc [-hEby] [-e ENV] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-E, --except-any-environment
remove everything unless needed by an environment
-e ENV, --except-environment ENV
remove everything unless needed by specified environment
-b, --keep-build-dependencies
do not remove installed build-only dependencies of roots
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack gpg
handle GPG actions for spack
spack gpg [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack gpg verify
spack gpg verify [-h] ... [signature]
Positional arguments
- installed_spec
installed package spec
- signature
the signature file
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack gpg trust
spack gpg trust [-h] keyfile
Positional arguments
- keyfile
add a key to the trust store
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack gpg untrust
spack gpg untrust [-h] [--signing] keys [keys ...]
Positional arguments
- keys
remove keys from the trust store
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
allow untrusting signing keys
spack gpg sign
spack gpg sign [-h] [--output DEST] [--key KEY] [--clearsign] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_spec
installed package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--output DEST
the directory to place signatures
--key KEY
the key to use for signing
if specified, create a clearsign signature
spack gpg create
spack gpg create [-h] [--comment COMMENT] [--expires EXPIRATION] [--export DEST] [--export-secret DEST] name email
Positional arguments
- name
the name to use for the new key
the email address to use for the new key
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--comment COMMENT
a description for the intended use of the key
--expires EXPIRATION
when the key should expire
--export DEST
export the public key to a file
--export-secret DEST
export the private key to a file
spack gpg list
spack gpg list [-h] [--trusted] [--signing]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
list trusted keys
list keys which may be used for signing
spack gpg init
spack gpg init [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--from DIR
spack gpg export
spack gpg export [-h] [--secret] location [keys ...]
Positional arguments
- location
where to export keys
- keys
the keys to export (all public keys if unspecified)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
export secret keys
spack gpg publish
spack gpg publish [-h] (-d directory | -m mirror-name | --mirror-url mirror-url) [--update-index] [keys ...]
Positional arguments
- keys
keys to publish (all public keys if unspecified)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-d directory, --directory directory
local directory where keys will be published
-m mirror-name, --mirror-name mirror-name
name of the mirror where keys will be published
--mirror-url mirror-url
URL of the mirror where keys will be published
--update-index, --rebuild-index
regenerate buildcache key index after publishing key(s)
spack graph
generate graphs of package dependency relationships
spack graph [-hsci] [-a | -d] [--deptype DEPTYPE] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --ascii
draw graph as ascii to stdout (default)
-d, --dot
generate graph in dot format and print to stdout
-s, --static
graph static (possible) deps, don’t concretize (implies –dot)
-c, --color
use different colors for different dependency types
-i, --installed
graph specs from the DB
--deptype DEPTYPE
comma-separated list of deptypes to traverse (default=build,link,run,test)
spack help
get help on spack and its commands
spack help [-ha] [--spec help_command]
Positional arguments
- help_command
command to get help on
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --all
list all available commands and options
help on the package specification syntax
spack info
get detailed information on a particular package
spack info [-ha] [--detectable] [--maintainers] [--namespace] [--no-dependencies] [--no-variants] [--no-versions]
[--phases] [--tags] [--tests] [--virtuals] [--variants-by-name]
Positional arguments
- package
package name
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --all
output all package information
output information on external detection
output package maintainers
output package namespace
do not output build, link, and run package dependencies
do not output variants
do not output versions
output installation phases
output package tags
output relevant build-time and stand-alone tests
output virtual packages
list variants in strict name order; don’t group by condition
spack install
build and install packages
spack install [-hnvyU] [--only {package,dependencies}] [-u UNTIL] [-j JOBS] [--overwrite] [--fail-fast]
[--keep-prefix] [--keep-stage] [--dont-restage]
[--use-cache | --no-cache | --cache-only | --use-buildcache [{auto,only,never},][package:{auto,only,never},][dependencies:{auto,only,never}]]
[--include-build-deps] [--no-check-signature] [--show-log-on-error] [--source] [--fake]
[--only-concrete] [--add | --no-add] [-f SPEC_YAML_FILE] [--clean | --dirty] [--test {root,all}]
[--log-format {junit,cdash}] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--help-cdash] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots]
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--only {package,dependencies}
select the mode of installation
-u UNTIL, --until UNTIL
phase to stop after when installing (default None)
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
reinstall an existing spec, even if it has dependents
stop all builds if any build fails (default is best effort)
don’t remove the install prefix if installation fails
don’t remove the build stage if installation succeeds
if a partial install is detected, don’t delete prior state
check for pre-built Spack packages in mirrors (default)
do not check for pre-built Spack packages in mirrors
only install package from binary mirrors
--use-buildcache [{auto,only,never},][package:{auto,only,never},][dependencies:{auto,only,never}]
select the mode of buildcache for the ‘package’ and ‘dependencies’
include build deps when installing from cache, useful for CI pipeline troubleshooting
do not check signatures of binary packages (override mirror config)
print full build log to stderr if build fails
install source files in prefix
-n, --no-checksum
do not use checksums to verify downloaded files (unsafe)
-v, --verbose
display verbose build output while installing
fake install for debug purposes
(with environment) only install already concretized specs
(with environment) add spec to the environment as a root
(with environment) do not add spec to the environment as a root
read specs to install from .yaml files
unset harmful variables in the build environment (default)
preserve user environment in spack’s build environment (danger!)
--test {root,all}
run tests on only root packages or all packages
--log-format {junit,cdash}
format to be used for log files
--log-file LOG_FILE
filename for the log file
show usage instructions for CDash reporting
--cdash-upload-url CDASH_UPLOAD_URL
--cdash-build CDASH_BUILD
--cdash-site CDASH_SITE
--cdash-track CDASH_TRACK
--cdash-buildstamp CDASH_BUILDSTAMP
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack license
list and check license headers on files in spack
spack license [-h] [--root ROOT] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--root ROOT
scan a different prefix for license issues
spack license list-files
spack license list-files [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack license verify
spack license verify [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack list
list and search available packages
spack list [-hdv] [-r REPOS] [--format {name_only,version_json,html}] [-t TAG] [--count | --update FILE] ...
Positional arguments
- filter
optional case-insensitive glob patterns to filter results
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-r REPOS, --repo REPOS, -N REPOS, --namespace REPOS
only list packages from the specified repo/namespace
-d, --search-description
filtering will also search the description for a match
--format {name_only,version_json,html}
format to be used to print the output [default: name_only]
-v, --virtuals
include virtual packages in list
-t TAG, --tag TAG
filter a package query by tag (multiple use allowed)
display the number of packages that would be listed
--update FILE
write output to the specified file, if any package is newer
spack load
add package to the user environment
spack load [-h] [--sh | --csh | --fish | --bat | --pwsh] [--first] [--list] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
print sh commands to load the package
print csh commands to load the package
print fish commands to load the package
print bat commands to load the package
print pwsh commands to load the package
load the first match if multiple packages match the spec
show loaded packages: same as spack find –loaded
spack location
print out locations of packages and spack directories
spack location [-h] [-m | -r | -i | -p | -P | -s | -S | -c | -b | -e [name]] [--first] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-m, --module-dir
spack python module directory
-r, --spack-root
spack installation root
-i, --install-dir
install prefix for spec (spec need not be installed)
-p, --package-dir
directory enclosing a spec’s file
-P, --packages
top-level packages directory for Spack
-s, --stage-dir
stage directory for a spec
-S, --stages
top level stage directory
-c, --source-dir
source directory for a spec (requires it to be staged first)
-b, --build-dir
build directory for a spec (requires it to be staged first)
-e [name], --env [name]
location of the named or current environment
use the first match if multiple packages match the spec
spack log-parse
filter errors and warnings from build logs
spack log-parse [-hp] [--show SHOW] [-c CONTEXT] [-w WIDTH] [-j JOBS] file
Positional arguments
- file
a log file containing build output, or - for stdin
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--show SHOW
comma-separated list of what to show; options: errors, warnings
-c CONTEXT, --context CONTEXT
lines of context to show around lines of interest
-p, --profile
print out a profile of time spent in regexes during parse
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
wrap width: auto-size to terminal by default; 0 for no wrap
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
number of jobs to parse log file (default: 1 for short logs, ncpus for long logs)
spack logs
print out logs for packages
spack logs [-h] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack maintainers
get information about package maintainers
spack maintainers [-ha] [--maintained | --unmaintained] [--by-user] ...
Positional arguments
- package_or_user
names of packages or users to get info for
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
show names of maintained packages
show names of unmaintained packages
-a, --all
show maintainers for all packages
show packages for users instead of users for packages
spack make-installer
generate Windows installer
spack make-installer [-h] (-v SPACK_VERSION | -s SPACK_SOURCE) [-g {SILENT,VERYSILENT}] output_dir
Positional arguments
- output_dir
output directory
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
download given spack version
-s SPACK_SOURCE, --spack-source SPACK_SOURCE
full path to spack source
-g {SILENT,VERYSILENT}, --git-installer-verbosity {SILENT,VERYSILENT}
level of verbosity provided by bundled git installer (default is fully verbose)
spack mark
mark packages as explicitly or implicitly installed
spack mark [-ha] (-e | -i) ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
one or more installed package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --all
mark ALL installed packages that match each supplied spec
-e, --explicit
mark packages as explicitly installed
-i, --implicit
mark packages as implicitly installed
spack mirror
manage mirrors (source and binary)
spack mirror [-hn] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-n, --no-checksum
do not use checksums to verify downloaded files (unsafe)
spack mirror create
spack mirror create [-haDU] [-d DIRECTORY] [-f FILE] [--exclude-file EXCLUDE_FILE] [--exclude-specs EXCLUDE_SPECS]
[--skip-unstable-versions] [-n VERSIONS_PER_SPEC] [--private] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots]
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
directory in which to create mirror
-a, --all
mirror all versions of all packages in Spack, or all packages in the current environment if there is an active environment (this requires significant time and space)
-f FILE, --file FILE
file with specs of packages to put in mirror
--exclude-file EXCLUDE_FILE
specs which Spack should not try to add to a mirror (listed in a file, one per line)
--exclude-specs EXCLUDE_SPECS
specs which Spack should not try to add to a mirror (specified on command line)
don’t cache versions unless they identify a stable (unchanging) source code
-D, --dependencies
also fetch all dependencies
the number of versions to fetch for each spec, choose ‘all’ to retrieve all versions of each package
for a private mirror, include non-redistributable packages
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack mirror destroy
spack mirror destroy [-h] (-m mirror_name | --mirror-url mirror_url)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-m mirror_name, --mirror-name mirror_name
find mirror to destroy by name
--mirror-url mirror_url
find mirror to destroy by url
spack mirror add
spack mirror add [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
[--type {binary,source}] [--autopush] [--unsigned | --signed]
[--s3-access-key-id S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | --s3-access-key-id-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID_VARIABLE]
[--s3-access-key-secret S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET | --s3-access-key-secret-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET_VARIABLE]
[--s3-access-token S3_ACCESS_TOKEN | --s3-access-token-variable S3_ACCESS_TOKEN_VARIABLE]
[--s3-profile S3_PROFILE] [--s3-endpoint-url S3_ENDPOINT_URL]
[--oci-username OCI_USERNAME | --oci-username-variable OCI_USERNAME_VARIABLE]
[--oci-password OCI_PASSWORD | --oci-password-variable OCI_PASSWORD_VARIABLE]
mirror url
Positional arguments
- mirror
mnemonic name for mirror
- url
url of mirror directory from ‘spack mirror create’
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
--type {binary,source}
specify the mirror type: for both binary and source use –type binary –type source (default)
set mirror to push automatically after installation
do not require signing and signature verification when pushing and installing from this build cache
require signing and signature verification when pushing and installing from this build cache
--s3-access-key-id S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
ID string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-id-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID_VARIABLE
environment variable containing ID string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-secret S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
secret string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-secret-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET_VARIABLE
environment variable containing secret string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-token S3_ACCESS_TOKEN
access token to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-token-variable S3_ACCESS_TOKEN_VARIABLE
environment variable containing access token to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-profile S3_PROFILE
S3 profile name to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-endpoint-url S3_ENDPOINT_URL
endpoint URL to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--oci-username OCI_USERNAME
username to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-username-variable OCI_USERNAME_VARIABLE
environment variable containing username to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-password OCI_PASSWORD
password to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-password-variable OCI_PASSWORD_VARIABLE
environment variable containing password to use to connect to this OCI mirror
spack mirror remove
spack mirror remove [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] mirror
Positional arguments
- mirror
mnemonic name for mirror
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
spack mirror set-url
spack mirror set-url [-h] [--push | --fetch] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or
[--s3-access-key-id S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | --s3-access-key-id-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID_VARIABLE]
[--s3-access-key-secret S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET | --s3-access-key-secret-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET_VARIABLE]
[--s3-access-token S3_ACCESS_TOKEN | --s3-access-token-variable S3_ACCESS_TOKEN_VARIABLE]
[--s3-profile S3_PROFILE] [--s3-endpoint-url S3_ENDPOINT_URL]
[--oci-username OCI_USERNAME | --oci-username-variable OCI_USERNAME_VARIABLE]
[--oci-password OCI_PASSWORD | --oci-password-variable OCI_PASSWORD_VARIABLE]
mirror url
Positional arguments
- mirror
mnemonic name for mirror
- url
url of mirror directory from ‘spack mirror create’
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
set only the URL used for uploading
set only the URL used for downloading
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
--s3-access-key-id S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
ID string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-id-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID_VARIABLE
environment variable containing ID string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-secret S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
secret string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-secret-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET_VARIABLE
environment variable containing secret string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-token S3_ACCESS_TOKEN
access token to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-token-variable S3_ACCESS_TOKEN_VARIABLE
environment variable containing access token to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-profile S3_PROFILE
S3 profile name to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-endpoint-url S3_ENDPOINT_URL
endpoint URL to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--oci-username OCI_USERNAME
username to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-username-variable OCI_USERNAME_VARIABLE
environment variable containing username to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-password OCI_PASSWORD
password to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-password-variable OCI_PASSWORD_VARIABLE
environment variable containing password to use to connect to this OCI mirror
spack mirror set
spack mirror set [-h] [--push | --fetch] [--type {binary,source}] [--url URL] [--autopush | --no-autopush]
[--unsigned | --signed] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or
[--s3-access-key-id S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | --s3-access-key-id-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID_VARIABLE]
[--s3-access-key-secret S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET | --s3-access-key-secret-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET_VARIABLE]
[--s3-access-token S3_ACCESS_TOKEN | --s3-access-token-variable S3_ACCESS_TOKEN_VARIABLE]
[--s3-profile S3_PROFILE] [--s3-endpoint-url S3_ENDPOINT_URL]
[--oci-username OCI_USERNAME | --oci-username-variable OCI_USERNAME_VARIABLE]
[--oci-password OCI_PASSWORD | --oci-password-variable OCI_PASSWORD_VARIABLE]
Positional arguments
- mirror
mnemonic name for mirror
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
modify just the push connection details
modify just the fetch connection details
--type {binary,source}
specify the mirror type: for both binary and source use –type binary –type source
--url URL
url of mirror directory from ‘spack mirror create’
set mirror to push automatically after installation
set mirror to not push automatically after installation
do not require signing and signature verification when pushing and installing from this build cache
require signing and signature verification when pushing and installing from this build cache
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
--s3-access-key-id S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
ID string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-id-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID_VARIABLE
environment variable containing ID string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-secret S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
secret string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-key-secret-variable S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET_VARIABLE
environment variable containing secret string to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-token S3_ACCESS_TOKEN
access token to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-access-token-variable S3_ACCESS_TOKEN_VARIABLE
environment variable containing access token to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-profile S3_PROFILE
S3 profile name to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--s3-endpoint-url S3_ENDPOINT_URL
endpoint URL to use to connect to this S3 mirror
--oci-username OCI_USERNAME
username to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-username-variable OCI_USERNAME_VARIABLE
environment variable containing username to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-password OCI_PASSWORD
password to use to connect to this OCI mirror
--oci-password-variable OCI_PASSWORD_VARIABLE
environment variable containing password to use to connect to this OCI mirror
spack mirror list
spack mirror list [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read from
spack module
generate/manage module files
spack module [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack module lmod
spack module lmod [-h] [-n MODULE_SET_NAME] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
named module set to use from modules configuration
spack module lmod refresh
spack module lmod refresh [-hy] [--delete-tree] [--upstream-modules] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
delete the module file tree before refresh
generate modules for packages installed upstream
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack module lmod find
spack module lmod find [-hr] [--full-path] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
display full path to module file
-r, --dependencies
recursively traverse spec dependencies
spack module lmod rm
spack module lmod rm [-hy] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack module lmod loads
spack module lmod loads [-hr] [--input-only] [-p PREFIX] [-x EXCLUDE] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
generate input for module command (instead of a shell script)
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prepend to module names when issuing module load commands
-x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude package from output; may be specified multiple times
-r, --dependencies
recursively traverse spec dependencies
spack module lmod setdefault
spack module lmod setdefault [-h] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack module tcl
spack module tcl [-h] [-n MODULE_SET_NAME] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
named module set to use from modules configuration
spack module tcl refresh
spack module tcl refresh [-hy] [--delete-tree] [--upstream-modules] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
delete the module file tree before refresh
generate modules for packages installed upstream
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack module tcl find
spack module tcl find [-hr] [--full-path] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
display full path to module file
-r, --dependencies
recursively traverse spec dependencies
spack module tcl rm
spack module tcl rm [-hy] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack module tcl loads
spack module tcl loads [-hr] [--input-only] [-p PREFIX] [-x EXCLUDE] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
generate input for module command (instead of a shell script)
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prepend to module names when issuing module load commands
-x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude package from output; may be specified multiple times
-r, --dependencies
recursively traverse spec dependencies
spack module tcl setdefault
spack module tcl setdefault [-h] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
constraint to select a subset of installed packages
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack patch
patch expanded archive sources in preparation for install
spack patch [-hnU] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-n, --no-checksum
do not use checksums to verify downloaded files (unsafe)
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack pkg
query packages associated with particular git revisions
spack pkg [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack pkg add
spack pkg add [-h] package [package ...]
Positional arguments
- package
one or more package names
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack pkg list
spack pkg list [-h] [rev]
Positional arguments
- rev
revision to list packages for
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack pkg diff
spack pkg diff [-h] [rev1] [rev2]
Positional arguments
- rev1
revision to compare against
- rev2
revision to compare to rev1 (default is HEAD)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack pkg added
spack pkg added [-h] [rev1] [rev2]
Positional arguments
- rev1
revision to compare against
- rev2
revision to compare to rev1 (default is HEAD)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack pkg changed
spack pkg changed [-h] [-t TYPE] [rev1] [rev2]
Positional arguments
- rev1
revision to compare against
- rev2
revision to compare to rev1 (default is HEAD)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-t TYPE, --type TYPE
types of changes to show (A: added, R: removed, C: changed); default is ‘C’
spack pkg removed
spack pkg removed [-h] [rev1] [rev2]
Positional arguments
- rev1
revision to compare against
- rev2
revision to compare to rev1 (default is HEAD)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack pkg grep
spack pkg grep [--help] ...
Positional arguments
- grep_args
arguments for grep
Optional arguments
show this help message and exit
spack pkg source
spack pkg source [-hc] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-c, --canonical
dump canonical source as used by package hash
spack pkg hash
spack pkg hash [-h] ...
Positional arguments
- spec
package spec
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack providers
list packages that provide a particular virtual package
spack providers [-h] [virtual_package ...]
Positional arguments
- virtual_package
find packages that provide this virtual package
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack pydoc
run pydoc from within spack
spack pydoc [-h] entity
Positional arguments
- entity
run pydoc help on entity
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack python
launch an interpreter as spack would launch a command
spack python [-hVu] [-c PYTHON_COMMAND] [-i {python,ipython}] [-m MODULE] [--path] ...
Positional arguments
- python_args
file to run plus arguments
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-V, --version
print the Python version number and exit
command to execute
for compatibility with xdist, do not use without adding -u to the interpreter
-i {python,ipython}
python interpreter
run library module as a script
show path to python interpreter that spack uses
spack reindex
rebuild Spack’s package database
spack reindex [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack remove
remove specs from an environment
spack remove [-haf] [-l LIST_NAME] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --all
remove all specs from (clear) the environment
-l LIST_NAME, --list-name LIST_NAME
name of the list to remove specs from
-f, --force
remove concretized spec (if any) immediately
spack repo
manage package source repositories
spack repo [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack repo create
spack repo create [-h] [-d SUBDIR] directory [namespace]
Positional arguments
- directory
directory to create the repo in
- namespace
namespace to identify packages in the repository (defaults to the directory name)
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-d SUBDIR, --subdirectory SUBDIR
subdirectory to store packages in the repository
spack repo list
spack repo list [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to read from
spack repo add
spack repo add [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT] path
Positional arguments
- path
path to a Spack package repository directory
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
spack repo remove
spack repo remove [-h] [--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT]
Positional arguments
- namespace_or_path
namespace or path of a Spack package repository
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--scope {defaults,system,site,user,command_line}[/PLATFORM] or env:ENVIRONMENT
configuration scope to modify
spack resource
list downloadable resources (tarballs, repos, patches, etc.)
spack resource [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack resource list
spack resource list [-h] [--only-hashes]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
only print sha256 hashes of resources
spack resource show
spack resource show [-h] hash
Positional arguments
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack restage
revert checked out package source code
spack restage [-h] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack solve
concretize a specs using an ASP solver
spack solve [-hlLNtU] [--show SHOW] [--timers] [--stats] [-I | --no-install-status] [-y | -j | --format FORMAT]
[-c {nodes,edges,paths}] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated]
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--show SHOW
select outputs
print out timers for different solve phases
print out statistics from clingo
-l, --long
show dependency hashes as well as versions
-L, --very-long
show full dependency hashes as well as versions
-N, --namespaces
show fully qualified package names
-I, --install-status
show install status of packages
do not show install status annotations
-y, --yaml
print concrete spec as YAML
-j, --json
print concrete spec as JSON
--format FORMAT
print concrete spec with the specified format string
-c {nodes,edges,paths}, --cover {nodes,edges,paths}
how extensively to traverse the DAG (default: nodes)
-t, --types
show dependency types
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack spec
show what would be installed, given a spec
spack spec [-hlLNtU] [-I | --no-install-status] [-y | -j | --format FORMAT] [-c {nodes,edges,paths}] [--reuse]
[--fresh-roots] [--deprecated]
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l, --long
show dependency hashes as well as versions
-L, --very-long
show full dependency hashes as well as versions
-N, --namespaces
show fully qualified package names
-I, --install-status
show install status of packages
do not show install status annotations
-y, --yaml
print concrete spec as YAML
-j, --json
print concrete spec as JSON
--format FORMAT
print concrete spec with the specified format string
-c {nodes,edges,paths}, --cover {nodes,edges,paths}
how extensively to traverse the DAG (default: nodes)
-t, --types
show dependency types
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack stage
expand downloaded archive in preparation for install
spack stage [-hnsU] [-p PATH] [-e EXCLUDE] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-n, --no-checksum
do not use checksums to verify downloaded files (unsafe)
-p PATH, --path PATH
path to stage package, does not add to spack tree
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude packages that satisfy the specified specs
-s, --skip-installed
dont restage already installed specs
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
spack style
runs source code style checks on spack
spack style [-harUf] [-b BASE] [--root ROOT] [-t TOOL | -s TOOL] ...
Positional arguments
- files
specific files to check
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-b BASE, --base BASE
branch to compare against to determine changed files (default: develop)
-a, --all
check all files, not just changed files
-r, --root-relative
print root-relative paths (default: cwd-relative)
-U, --no-untracked
exclude untracked files from checks
-f, --fix
format automatically if possible (e.g., with isort, black)
--root ROOT
style check a different spack instance
-t TOOL, --tool TOOL
specify which tools to run (default: import, isort, black, flake8, mypy)
-s TOOL, --skip TOOL
specify tools to skip (choose from import, isort, black, flake8, mypy)
spack test
run spack’s tests for an install
spack test [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack test run
run tests for the specified installed packages
if no specs are listed, run tests for all packages in the current environment or all installed packages if there is no active environment
spack test run [-hx] [--alias ALIAS] [--fail-fast] [--fail-first] [--externals] [--keep-stage]
[--log-format {junit,cdash}] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--help-cdash] [--clean | --dirty]
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
one or more installed package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--alias ALIAS
provide an alias for this test-suite for subsequent access
stop tests for each package after the first failure
stop after the first failed package
test packages that are externally installed
-x, --explicit
only test packages that are explicitly installed
keep testing directory for debugging
--log-format {junit,cdash}
format to be used for log files
--log-file LOG_FILE
filename for the log file
--cdash-upload-url CDASH_UPLOAD_URL
--cdash-build CDASH_BUILD
--cdash-site CDASH_SITE
--cdash-track CDASH_TRACK
--cdash-buildstamp CDASH_BUILDSTAMP
show usage instructions for CDash reporting
unset harmful variables in the build environment (default)
preserve user environment in spack’s build environment (danger!)
spack test list
list installed packages with available tests
spack test list [-ha] [tag ...]
Positional arguments
- tag
limit packages to those with all listed tags
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --all
list all packages with tests (not just installed)
spack test find
find tests that are running or have available results
displays aliases for tests that have them, otherwise test suite content hashes
spack test find [-h] ...
Positional arguments
- filter
optional case-insensitive glob patterns to filter results
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack test status
get the current status for the specified Spack test suite(s)
spack test status [-h] ...
Positional arguments
- names
test suites for which to print status
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack test results
get the results from Spack test suite(s) (default all)
spack test results [-hlf] ...
Positional arguments
- [name(s)] [– installed_specs]…
suite names and installed package constraints
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l, --logs
print the test log for each matching package
-f, --failed
only show results for failed tests of matching packages
spack test remove
remove results from Spack test suite(s) (default all)
if no test suite is listed, remove results for all suites.
removed tests can no longer be accessed for results or status, and will not appear in spack test list results
spack test remove [-hy] ...
Positional arguments
- names
test suites to remove from test stage
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack test-env
run a command in a spec’s test environment, or dump its environment to screen or file
spack test-env [-hU] [--clean] [--dirty] [--reuse] [--fresh-roots] [--deprecated] [--dump FILE] [--pickle FILE] ...
Positional arguments
- spec [–] [cmd]…
specs of package environment to emulate
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
unset harmful variables in the build environment (default)
preserve user environment in spack’s build environment (danger!)
-U, --fresh
do not reuse installed deps; build newest configuration
reuse installed packages/buildcaches when possible
--fresh-roots, --reuse-deps
concretize with fresh roots and reused dependencies
allow concretizer to select deprecated versions
--dump FILE
dump a source-able environment to FILE
--pickle FILE
dump a pickled source-able environment to FILE
spack tutorial
set up spack for our tutorial (WARNING: modifies config!)
spack tutorial [-hy]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
spack undevelop
remove specs from an environment
spack undevelop [-ha] ...
Positional arguments
- specs
one or more package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a, --all
remove all specs from (clear) the environment
spack uninstall
remove installed packages
spack uninstall [-hfRya] [--remove] [--origin ORIGIN] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
one or more installed package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-f, --force
remove regardless of whether other packages or environments depend on this one
if in an environment, then the spec should also be removed from the environment description
-R, --dependents
also uninstall any packages that depend on the ones given via command line
-y, --yes-to-all
assume “yes” is the answer to every confirmation request
-a, --all
remove ALL installed packages that match each supplied spec
--origin ORIGIN
only remove DB records with the specified origin
spack unit-test
run spack’s unit tests (wrapper around pytest)
spack unit-test [-hHs] [-n NUMPROCESSES] [-l | -L | -N] [--extension EXTENSION] [-k EXPRESSION] [--showlocals] ...
Positional arguments
- pytest_args
arguments for pytest
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-H, --pytest-help
show full pytest help, with advanced options
run tests in parallel up to this wide, default 1 for sequential
-l, --list
list test filenames
-L, --list-long
list all test functions
-N, --list-names
list full names of all tests
--extension EXTENSION
run test for a given spack extension
print output while tests run (disable capture)
filter tests by keyword (can also use w/list options)
show local variable values in tracebacks
spack unload
remove package from the user environment
spack unload [-ha] [--sh | --csh | --fish | --bat | --pwsh] ...
Positional arguments
- installed_specs
one or more installed package specs
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
print sh commands to activate the environment
print csh commands to activate the environment
print fish commands to load the package
print bat commands to load the package
print pwsh commands to load the package
-a, --all
unload all loaded Spack packages
spack url
debugging tool for url parsing
spack url [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack url parse
spack url parse [-hs] url
Positional arguments
- url
url to parse
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-s, --spider
spider the source page for versions
spack url list
spack url list [-hce] [-n | -N | -v | -V]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-c, --color
color the parsed version and name in the urls shown (versions will be cyan, name red)
-e, --extrapolation
color the versions used for extrapolation as well (additional versions will be green, names magenta)
-n, --incorrect-name
only list urls for which the name was incorrectly parsed
-N, --correct-name
only list urls for which the name was correctly parsed
-v, --incorrect-version
only list urls for which the version was incorrectly parsed
-V, --correct-version
only list urls for which the version was correctly parsed
spack url summary
spack url summary [-h]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
spack url stats
spack url stats [-h] [--show-issues]
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
show packages with issues (md5 hashes, http urls)
spack verify
check that all spack packages are on disk as installed
spack verify [-hlja] [-s | -f] ...
Positional arguments
- specs_or_files
specs or files to verify
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-l, --local
verify only locally installed packages
-j, --json
ouptut json-formatted errors
-a, --all
verify all packages
-s, --specs
treat entries as specs (default)
-f, --files
treat entries as absolute filenames
spack versions
list available versions of a package
spack versions [-h] [-s | -r | -n] [-j JOBS] package
Positional arguments
- package
package name
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-s, --safe
only list safe versions of the package
-r, --remote
only list remote versions of the package
-n, --new
only list remote versions newer than the latest checksummed version
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
explicitly set number of parallel jobs
spack view
project packages to a compact naming scheme on the filesystem
spack view [-hv] [-e EXCLUDE] [-d {true,false,yes,no}] ACTION ...
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
if not verbose only warnings/errors will be printed
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude packages with names matching the given regex pattern
-d {true,false,yes,no}, --dependencies {true,false,yes,no}
link/remove/list dependencies
spack view symlink
spack view symlink [-hi] [--projection-file PROJECTION_FILE] path spec [spec ...]
Positional arguments
- path
path to file system view directory
- spec
seed specs of the packages to view
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--projection-file PROJECTION_FILE
initialize view using projections from file
-i, --ignore-conflicts
spack view hardlink
spack view hardlink [-hi] [--projection-file PROJECTION_FILE] path spec [spec ...]
Positional arguments
- path
path to file system view directory
- spec
seed specs of the packages to view
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--projection-file PROJECTION_FILE
initialize view using projections from file
-i, --ignore-conflicts
spack view copy
spack view copy [-hi] [--projection-file PROJECTION_FILE] path spec [spec ...]
Positional arguments
- path
path to file system view directory
- spec
seed specs of the packages to view
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--projection-file PROJECTION_FILE
initialize view using projections from file
-i, --ignore-conflicts
spack view remove
spack view remove [-ha] [--no-remove-dependents] path [spec ...]
Positional arguments
- path
path to file system view directory
- spec
seed specs of the packages to view
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
do not remove dependents of specified specs
-a, --all
act on all specs in view
spack view statlink
spack view statlink [-h] path [spec ...]
Positional arguments
- path
path to file system view directory
- spec
seed specs of the packages to view
Optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit