# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Enhanced YAML parsing for Spack.
- ``load()`` preserves YAML Marks on returned objects -- this allows
us to access file and line information later.
- ``Our load methods use ``OrderedDict`` class instead of YAML's
default unorderd dict.
import collections
import collections.abc
import ctypes
import enum
import functools
import io
import re
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import ruamel.yaml
from ruamel.yaml import comments, constructor, emitter, error, representer
from llnl.util.tty.color import cextra, clen, colorize
import spack.error
# Only export load and dump
__all__ = ["load", "dump", "SpackYAMLError"]
# Make new classes so we can add custom attributes.
# Also, use OrderedDict instead of just dict.
class syaml_dict(collections.OrderedDict):
def __repr__(self):
mappings = (f"{k!r}: {v!r}" for k, v in self.items())
return "{%s}" % ", ".join(mappings)
class syaml_list(list):
__repr__ = list.__repr__
class syaml_str(str):
__repr__ = str.__repr__
class syaml_int(int):
__repr__ = int.__repr__
#: mapping from syaml type -> primitive type
syaml_types = {syaml_str: str, syaml_int: int, syaml_dict: dict, syaml_list: list}
markable_types = set(syaml_types) | {comments.CommentedSeq, comments.CommentedMap}
def syaml_type(obj):
"""Get the corresponding syaml wrapper type for a primitive type.
(object): syaml-typed copy of object, or the obj if no wrapper
for syaml_t, t in syaml_types.items():
if type(obj) is not bool and isinstance(obj, t):
return syaml_t(obj) if type(obj) is not syaml_t else obj
return obj
def markable(obj):
"""Whether an object can be marked."""
return type(obj) in markable_types
def mark(obj, node):
"""Add start and end markers to an object."""
if hasattr(node, "start_mark"):
obj._start_mark = node.start_mark
elif hasattr(node, "_start_mark"):
obj._start_mark = node._start_mark
if hasattr(node, "end_mark"):
obj._end_mark = node.end_mark
elif hasattr(node, "_end_mark"):
obj._end_mark = node._end_mark
def marked(obj):
"""Whether an object has been marked by spack_yaml."""
return (
hasattr(obj, "_start_mark")
and obj._start_mark
or hasattr(obj, "_end_mark")
and obj._end_mark
class OrderedLineConstructor(constructor.RoundTripConstructor):
"""YAML loader specifically intended for reading Spack configuration
files. It preserves order and line numbers. It also has special-purpose
logic for handling dictionary keys that indicate a Spack config
override: namely any key that contains an "extra" ':' character.
Mappings read in by this loader behave like an ordered dict.
Sequences, mappings, and strings also have new attributes,
``_start_mark`` and ``_end_mark``, that preserve YAML line
information in the output data.
# Override construct_yaml_* so that we can apply _start_mark/_end_mark to
# them. The superclass returns CommentedMap/CommentedSeq objects that we
# can add attributes to (and we depend on their behavior to preserve
# comments).
# The inherited sequence/dictionary constructors return empty instances
# and fill in with mappings later. We preserve this behavior.
def construct_yaml_str(self, node):
value = super().construct_yaml_str(node)
# There is no specific marker to indicate that we are parsing a key,
# so this assumes we are talking about a Spack config override key if
# it ends with a ':' and does not contain a '@' (which can appear
# in config values that refer to Spack specs)
if value and value.endswith(":") and "@" not in value:
value = syaml_str(value[:-1])
value.override = True
value = syaml_str(value)
mark(value, node)
return value
def construct_yaml_seq(self, node):
gen = super().construct_yaml_seq(node)
data = next(gen)
if markable(data):
mark(data, node)
yield data
for x in gen:
def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
gen = super().construct_yaml_map(node)
data = next(gen)
if markable(data):
mark(data, node)
yield data
for x in gen:
# register above new constructors
"tag:yaml.org,2002:map", OrderedLineConstructor.construct_yaml_map
"tag:yaml.org,2002:seq", OrderedLineConstructor.construct_yaml_seq
"tag:yaml.org,2002:str", OrderedLineConstructor.construct_yaml_str
class OrderedLineRepresenter(representer.RoundTripRepresenter):
"""Representer that preserves ordering and formats ``syaml_*`` objects.
This representer preserves insertion ordering ``syaml_dict`` objects
when they're written out. It also has some custom formatters
for ``syaml_*`` objects so that they are formatted like their
regular Python equivalents, instead of ugly YAML pyobjects.
def ignore_aliases(self, _data):
"""Make the dumper NEVER print YAML aliases."""
return True
def represent_data(self, data):
result = super().represent_data(data)
if data is None:
result.value = syaml_str("null")
return result
def represent_str(self, data):
if hasattr(data, "override") and data.override:
data = data + ":"
return super().represent_str(data)
class SafeRepresenter(representer.RoundTripRepresenter):
def ignore_aliases(self, _data):
"""Make the dumper NEVER print YAML aliases."""
return True
# Make our special objects look like normal YAML ones.
syaml_dict, representer.RoundTripRepresenter.represent_dict
syaml_list, representer.RoundTripRepresenter.represent_list
syaml_int, representer.RoundTripRepresenter.represent_int
syaml_str, representer.RoundTripRepresenter.represent_str
OrderedLineRepresenter.add_representer(syaml_str, OrderedLineRepresenter.represent_str)
#: Max integer helps avoid passing too large a value to cyaml.
maxint = 2 ** (ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int) * 8 - 1) - 1
def return_string_when_no_stream(func):
def wrapper(data, stream=None, **kwargs):
if stream:
return func(data, stream=stream, **kwargs)
stream = io.StringIO()
func(data, stream=stream, **kwargs)
return stream.getvalue()
return wrapper
def dump(data, stream=None, default_flow_style=False):
handler = ConfigYAML(yaml_type=YAMLType.GENERIC_YAML)
handler.yaml.default_flow_style = default_flow_style
handler.yaml.width = maxint
return handler.dump(data, stream=stream)
def file_line(mark):
"""Format a mark as <file>:<line> information."""
result = mark.name
if mark.line:
result += ":" + str(mark.line)
return result
#: Global for interactions between LineAnnotationDumper and dump_annotated().
#: This is nasty but YAML doesn't give us many ways to pass arguments --
#: yaml.dump() takes a class (not an instance) and instantiates the dumper
#: itself, so we can't just pass an instance
_ANNOTATIONS: List[str] = []
class LineAnnotationRepresenter(OrderedLineRepresenter):
"""Representer that generates per-line annotations.
Annotations are stored in the ``_annotations`` global. After one
dump pass, the strings in ``_annotations`` will correspond one-to-one
with the lines output by the dumper.
LineAnnotationDumper records blame information after each line is
generated. As each line is parsed, it saves file/line info for each
object printed. At the end of each line, it creates an annotation
based on the saved mark and stores it in ``_annotations``.
For an example of how to use this, see ``dump_annotated()``, which
writes to a ``StringIO`` then joins the lines from that with
def represent_data(self, data):
"""Force syaml_str to be passed through with marks."""
result = super().represent_data(data)
if data is None:
result.value = syaml_str("null")
elif isinstance(result.value, str):
result.value = syaml_str(data)
if markable(result.value):
mark(result.value, data)
return result
class LineAnnotationEmitter(emitter.Emitter):
saved = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.colors = "KgrbmcyGRBMCY"
self.filename_colors = {}
def process_scalar(self):
if marked(self.event.value):
self.saved = self.event.value
def write_line_break(self, data=None):
if self.saved is None:
# append annotations at the end of each line
if self.saved:
mark = self.saved._start_mark
color = self.filename_colors.get(mark.name)
if not color:
ncolors = len(self.colors)
color = self.colors[len(self.filename_colors) % ncolors]
self.filename_colors[mark.name] = color
fmt = "@%s{%%s}" % color
ann = fmt % mark.name
if mark.line is not None:
ann += ":@c{%s}" % (mark.line + 1)
def write_comment(self, comment, pre=False):
class YAMLType(enum.Enum):
"""YAML configurations handled by Spack"""
#: Generic YAML configuration
GENERIC_YAML = enum.auto()
#: A Spack config file with overrides
SPACK_CONFIG_FILE = enum.auto()
#: A Spack config file with line annotations
class ConfigYAML:
"""Handles the loading and dumping of Spack's YAML files."""
def __init__(self, yaml_type: YAMLType) -> None:
self.yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ="rt", pure=True)
if yaml_type == YAMLType.GENERIC_YAML:
self.yaml.Representer = SafeRepresenter
self.yaml.Representer = LineAnnotationRepresenter
self.yaml.Emitter = LineAnnotationEmitter
self.yaml.Constructor = OrderedLineConstructor
self.yaml.Representer = OrderedLineRepresenter
self.yaml.Constructor = OrderedLineConstructor
def load(self, stream: IO):
"""Loads the YAML data from a stream and returns it.
stream: stream to load from.
SpackYAMLError: if anything goes wrong while loading
return self.yaml.load(stream)
except error.MarkedYAMLError as e:
msg = "error parsing YAML"
error_mark = e.context_mark if e.context_mark else e.problem_mark
if error_mark:
line, column = error_mark.line, error_mark.column
msg += f": near {error_mark.name}, {str(line)}, {str(column)}"
msg += f": {stream.name}"
msg += f": {e.problem}"
raise SpackYAMLError(msg, e) from e
except Exception as e:
msg = "cannot load Spack YAML configuration"
raise SpackYAMLError(msg, e) from e
def dump(self, data, stream: Optional[IO] = None, *, transform=None) -> None:
"""Dumps the YAML data to a stream.
data: data to be dumped
stream: stream to dump the data into.
SpackYAMLError: if anything goes wrong while dumping
return self.yaml.dump(data, stream=stream, transform=transform)
except Exception as e:
msg = "cannot dump Spack YAML configuration"
raise SpackYAMLError(msg, str(e)) from e
def as_string(self, data) -> str:
"""Returns a string representing the YAML data passed as input."""
result = io.StringIO()
self.dump(data, stream=result)
return result.getvalue()
def load_config(str_or_file):
"""Load but modify the loader instance so that it will add __line__
attributes to the returned object."""
handler = ConfigYAML(yaml_type=YAMLType.SPACK_CONFIG_FILE)
return handler.load(str_or_file)
def load(*args, **kwargs):
handler = ConfigYAML(yaml_type=YAMLType.GENERIC_YAML)
return handler.load(*args, **kwargs)
def dump_config(data, stream, *, default_flow_style=False, blame=False):
if blame:
handler = ConfigYAML(yaml_type=YAMLType.ANNOTATED_SPACK_CONFIG_FILE)
handler.yaml.default_flow_style = default_flow_style
handler.yaml.width = maxint
return _dump_annotated(handler, data, stream)
handler = ConfigYAML(yaml_type=YAMLType.SPACK_CONFIG_FILE)
handler.yaml.default_flow_style = default_flow_style
handler.yaml.width = maxint
return handler.dump(data, stream)
def _dump_annotated(handler, data, stream=None):
sio = io.StringIO()
handler.dump(data, sio)
# write_line_break() is not called by YAML for empty lines, so we
# skip empty lines here with \n+.
lines = re.split(r"\n+", sio.getvalue().rstrip())
getvalue = None
if stream is None:
stream = io.StringIO()
getvalue = stream.getvalue
# write out annotations and lines, accounting for color
width = max(clen(a) for a in _ANNOTATIONS)
formats = ["%%-%ds %%s\n" % (width + cextra(a)) for a in _ANNOTATIONS]
for f, a, l in zip(formats, _ANNOTATIONS, lines):
stream.write(f % (a, l))
if getvalue:
return getvalue()
def sorted_dict(dict_like):
"""Return an ordered dict with all the fields sorted recursively.
dict_like (dict): dictionary to be sorted
dictionary sorted recursively
result = syaml_dict(sorted(dict_like.items()))
for key, value in result.items():
if isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping):
result[key] = sorted_dict(value)
return result
def extract_comments(data):
"""Extract and returns comments from some YAML data"""
return getattr(data, comments.Comment.attrib, None)
def set_comments(data, *, data_comments):
"""Set comments on some YAML data"""
return setattr(data, comments.Comment.attrib, data_comments)
def name_mark(name):
"""Returns a mark with just a name"""
return error.StringMark(name, None, None, None, None, None)
def anchorify(data: Union[dict, list], identifier: Callable[[Any], str] = repr) -> None:
"""Replace identical dict/list branches in tree with references to earlier instances. The YAML
serializer generate anchors for them, resulting in small yaml files."""
anchors: Dict[str, Union[dict, list]] = {}
stack: List[Union[dict, list]] = [data]
while stack:
item = stack.pop()
for key, value in item.items() if isinstance(item, dict) else enumerate(item):
if not isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
id = identifier(value)
anchor = anchors.get(id)
if anchor is None:
anchors[id] = value
item[key] = anchor # replace with reference
class SpackYAMLError(spack.error.SpackError):
"""Raised when there are issues with YAML parsing."""
def __init__(self, msg, yaml_error):
super().__init__(msg, str(yaml_error))