Source code for spack.util.prefix

# Copyright Spack Project Developers. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

This file contains utilities for managing the installation prefix of a package.
import os
from typing import Dict

[docs] class Prefix(str): """This class represents an installation prefix, but provides useful attributes for referring to directories inside the prefix. Attributes of this object are created on the fly when you request them, so any of the following are valid: >>> prefix = Prefix("/usr") >>> prefix.bin /usr/bin >>> prefix.lib64 /usr/lib64 >>> /usr/share/man >>> /usr/foo/bar/baz >>> prefix.join("dashed-directory").bin64 /usr/dashed-directory/bin64 Prefix objects behave identically to strings. In fact, they subclass ``str``, so operators like ``+`` are legal:: print("foobar " + prefix) This prints ``foobar /usr``. All of this is meant to make custom installs easy. """ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> "Prefix": """Concatenate a string to a prefix. Useful for strings that are valid variable names. Args: name: the string to append to the prefix Returns: the newly created installation prefix """ return Prefix(os.path.join(self, name))
[docs] def join(self, string: str) -> "Prefix": # type: ignore[override] """Concatenate a string to a prefix. Useful for strings that are not valid variable names. This includes strings containing characters like ``-`` and ``.``. Args: string: the string to append to the prefix Returns: the newly created installation prefix """ return Prefix(os.path.join(self, string))
def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Control how object is pickled. Returns: current state of the object """ return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Control how object is unpickled. Args: new state of the object """ self.__dict__.update(state)