Source code for

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import textwrap
from typing import Optional

import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.tty.color import colorize

import spack.environment as ev
import spack.repo
from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications

[docs] def activate_header(env, shell, prompt=None, view: Optional[str] = None): # Construct the commands to run cmds = "" if shell == "csh": # TODO: figure out how to make color work for csh cmds += "setenv SPACK_ENV %s;\n" % env.path if view: cmds += "setenv SPACK_ENV_VIEW %s;\n" % view cmds += 'alias despacktivate "spack env deactivate";\n' if prompt: cmds += "if (! $?SPACK_OLD_PROMPT ) " cmds += 'setenv SPACK_OLD_PROMPT "${prompt}";\n' cmds += 'set prompt="%s ${prompt}";\n' % prompt elif shell == "fish": if "color" in os.getenv("TERM", "") and prompt: prompt = colorize("@G{%s} " % prompt, color=True) cmds += "set -gx SPACK_ENV %s;\n" % env.path if view: cmds += "set -gx SPACK_ENV_VIEW %s;\n" % view cmds += "function despacktivate;\n" cmds += " spack env deactivate;\n" cmds += "end;\n" # # NOTE: We're not changing the fish_prompt function (which is fish's # solution to the PS1 variable) here. This is a bit fiddly, and easy to # screw up => spend time reasearching a solution. Feedback welcome. # elif shell == "bat": # TODO: Color cmds += 'set "SPACK_ENV=%s"\n' % env.path if view: cmds += 'set "SPACK_ENV_VIEW=%s"\n' % view # TODO: despacktivate # TODO: prompt elif shell == "pwsh": cmds += "$Env:SPACK_ENV='%s'\n" % env.path if view: cmds += "$Env:SPACK_ENV_VIEW='%s'\n" % view else: bash_color_prompt = colorize(f"@G{{{prompt}}}", color=True, enclose=True) zsh_color_prompt = colorize(f"@G{{{prompt}}}", color=True, enclose=False, zsh=True) cmds += "export SPACK_ENV=%s;\n" % env.path if view: cmds += "export SPACK_ENV_VIEW=%s;\n" % view cmds += "alias despacktivate='spack env deactivate';\n" if prompt: cmds += textwrap.dedent( rf""" if [ -z ${{SPACK_OLD_PS1+x}} ]; then if [ -z ${{PS1+x}} ]; then PS1='$$$$'; fi; export SPACK_OLD_PS1="${{PS1}}"; fi; if [ -n "${{TERM:-}}" ] && [ "${{TERM#*color}}" != "${{TERM}}" ] && \ [ -n "${{BASH:-}}" ]; then export PS1="{bash_color_prompt} ${{PS1}}"; elif [ -n "${{TERM:-}}" ] && [ "${{TERM#*color}}" != "${{TERM}}" ] && \ [ -n "${{ZSH_NAME:-}}" ]; then export PS1="{zsh_color_prompt} ${{PS1}}"; else export PS1="{prompt} ${{PS1}}"; fi """ ).lstrip("\n") return cmds
[docs] def deactivate_header(shell): cmds = "" if shell == "csh": cmds += "unsetenv SPACK_ENV;\n" cmds += "unsetenv SPACK_ENV_VIEW;\n" cmds += "if ( $?SPACK_OLD_PROMPT ) " cmds += ' eval \'set prompt="$SPACK_OLD_PROMPT" &&' cmds += " unsetenv SPACK_OLD_PROMPT';\n" cmds += "unalias despacktivate;\n" elif shell == "fish": cmds += "set -e SPACK_ENV;\n" cmds += "set -e SPACK_ENV_VIEW;\n" cmds += "functions -e despacktivate;\n" # # NOTE: Not changing fish_prompt (above) => no need to restore it here. # elif shell == "bat": # TODO: Color cmds += 'set "SPACK_ENV="\n' cmds += 'set "SPACK_ENV_VIEW="\n' # TODO: despacktivate # TODO: prompt elif shell == "pwsh": cmds += "Set-Item -Path Env:SPACK_ENV\n" cmds += "Set-Item -Path Env:SPACK_ENV_VIEW\n" else: cmds += "if [ ! -z ${SPACK_ENV+x} ]; then\n" cmds += "unset SPACK_ENV; export SPACK_ENV;\n" cmds += "fi;\n" cmds += "if [ ! -z ${SPACK_ENV_VIEW+x} ]; then\n" cmds += "unset SPACK_ENV_VIEW; export SPACK_ENV_VIEW;\n" cmds += "fi;\n" cmds += "alias despacktivate > /dev/null 2>&1 && unalias despacktivate;\n" cmds += "if [ ! -z ${SPACK_OLD_PS1+x} ]; then\n" cmds += " if [ \"$SPACK_OLD_PS1\" = '$$$$' ]; then\n" cmds += " unset PS1; export PS1;\n" cmds += " else\n" cmds += ' export PS1="$SPACK_OLD_PS1";\n' cmds += " fi;\n" cmds += " unset SPACK_OLD_PS1; export SPACK_OLD_PS1;\n" cmds += "fi;\n" return cmds
[docs] def activate( env: ev.Environment, use_env_repo=False, view: Optional[str] = "default" ) -> EnvironmentModifications: """Activate an environment and append environment modifications To activate an environment, we add its configuration scope to the existing Spack configuration, and we set active to the current environment. Arguments: env: the environment to activate use_env_repo: use the packages exactly as they appear in the environment's repository view: generate commands to add runtime environment variables for named view Returns: spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications: Environment variables modifications to activate environment.""" ev.activate(env, use_env_repo=use_env_repo) env_mods = EnvironmentModifications() # # NOTE in the fish-shell: Path variables are a special kind of variable # used to support colon-delimited path lists including PATH, CDPATH, # MANPATH, PYTHONPATH, etc. All variables that end in PATH (case-sensitive) # become PATH variables. # try: if view and env.has_view(view): with env.add_view_to_env(env_mods, view) except (spack.repo.UnknownPackageError, spack.repo.UnknownNamespaceError) as e: tty.error(e) tty.die( "Environment view is broken due to a missing package or repo.\n", " To activate without views enabled, activate with:\n", " spack env activate -V {0}\n".format(, " To remove it and resolve the issue, " "force concretize with the command:\n", " spack -e {0} concretize --force".format(, ) return env_mods
[docs] def deactivate() -> EnvironmentModifications: """Deactivate an environment and collect corresponding environment modifications. Note: unloads the environment in its current state, not in the state it was loaded in, meaning that specs that were removed from the spack environment after activation are not unloaded. Returns: Environment variables modifications to activate environment. """ env_mods = EnvironmentModifications() active = ev.active_environment() if active is None: return env_mods active_view = os.getenv(ev.spack_env_view_var) if active_view and active.has_view(active_view): try: with active.rm_view_from_env(env_mods, active_view) except (spack.repo.UnknownPackageError, spack.repo.UnknownNamespaceError) as e: tty.warn(e) tty.warn( "Could not fully deactivate view due to missing package " "or repo, shell environment may be corrupt." ) ev.deactivate() return env_mods