Source code for spack.cmd.undevelop

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import llnl.util.tty as tty

import spack.cmd
from spack.cmd.common import arguments

description = "remove specs from an environment"
section = "environments"
level = "long"

[docs] def setup_parser(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="remove all specs from (clear) the environment" ) arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["specs"])
def _update_config(specs_to_remove, remove_all=False): def change_fn(dev_config): modified = False for spec in specs_to_remove: if in dev_config: tty.msg("Undevelop: removing {0}".format( del dev_config[] modified = True if remove_all and dev_config: dev_config.clear() modified = True return modified spack.config.update_all("develop", change_fn)
[docs] def undevelop(parser, args): remove_specs = None remove_all = False if args.all: remove_all = True else: remove_specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.specs) # TODO: when is merged, # an active env is not required if a scope is specified env = spack.cmd.require_active_env(cmd_name="undevelop") with env.write_transaction(): _update_config(remove_specs, remove_all) updated_all_dev_specs = set(spack.config.get("develop")) remove_spec_names = set( for x in remove_specs) if remove_all: not_fully_removed = updated_all_dev_specs else: not_fully_removed = updated_all_dev_specs & remove_spec_names if not_fully_removed: tty.msg( "The following specs could not be removed as develop specs" " - see `spack config blame develop` to locate files requiring" f" manual edits: {', '.join(not_fully_removed)}" )