Source code for spack.cmd.gc

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import llnl.util.tty as tty

import spack.cmd.common.arguments
import spack.cmd.common.confirmation
import spack.cmd.uninstall
import spack.deptypes as dt
import spack.environment as ev

description = "remove specs that are now no longer needed"
section = "build"
level = "short"

[docs] def setup_parser(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "-E", "--except-any-environment", action="store_true", help="remove everything unless needed by an environment", ) subparser.add_argument( "-e", "--except-environment", metavar="ENV", action="append", default=[], help="remove everything unless needed by specified environment\n" "you can list multiple environments, or specify directory\n" "environments by path.", ) subparser.add_argument( "-b", "--keep-build-dependencies", action="store_true", help="do not remove installed build-only dependencies of roots\n" "(default is to keep only link & run dependencies)", ) spack.cmd.common.arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["yes_to_all"])
[docs] def roots_from_environments(args, active_env): # if we're using -E or -e, make a list of environments whose roots we should consider. all_environments = [] # -E will garbage collect anything not needed by any env, including the current one if args.except_any_environment: all_environments += list(ev.all_environments()) if active_env: all_environments.append(active_env) # -e says "also preserve things needed by this particular env" for env_name_or_dir in args.except_environment: print("HMM", env_name_or_dir) if ev.exists(env_name_or_dir): env = elif ev.is_env_dir(env_name_or_dir): env = ev.Environment(env_name_or_dir) else: tty.die(f"No such environment: '{env_name_or_dir}'") all_environments.append(env) # add root hashes from all considered environments to list of roots root_hashes = set() for env in all_environments: root_hashes |= set(env.concretized_order) return root_hashes
[docs] def gc(parser, args): deptype = dt.LINK | dt.RUN if args.keep_build_dependencies: deptype |= dt.BUILD active_env = ev.active_environment() # wrap the whole command with a read transaction to avoid multiple with if args.except_environment or args.except_any_environment: # if either of these is specified, we ignore the active environment and garbage # collect anything NOT in specified environments. root_hashes = roots_from_environments(args, active_env) elif active_env: # only gc what's in current environment tty.msg(f"Restricting garbage collection to environment '{}'") root_hashes = set( # keep everything root_hashes -= set(active_env.all_hashes()) # except this env root_hashes |= set(active_env.concretized_order) # but keep its roots else: # consider all explicit specs roots (the default for db.unused_specs()) root_hashes = None specs =, deptype=deptype) if not specs: tty.msg("There are no unused specs. Spack's store is clean.") return if not args.yes_to_all: spack.cmd.common.confirmation.confirm_action(specs, "uninstalled", "uninstall") spack.cmd.uninstall.do_uninstall(specs, force=False)