Source code for llnl.url

# Copyright Spack Project Developers. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""URL primitives that just require Python standard library."""
import itertools
import os.path
import re
from typing import Optional, Set, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit

# Archive extensions allowed in Spack
EXTENSIONS = ("gz", "bz2", "xz", "Z")
NO_TAR_EXTENSIONS = ("zip", "tgz", "tbz2", "tbz", "txz", "whl")

# Add PREFIX_EXTENSIONS and EXTENSIONS last so that .tar.gz is matched *before* .tar or .gz
    tuple(".".join(ext) for ext in itertools.product(PREFIX_EXTENSIONS, EXTENSIONS))
CONTRACTION_MAP = {"tgz": "tar.gz", "txz": "tar.xz", "tbz": "tar.bz2", "tbz2": "tar.bz2"}

[docs] def find_list_urls(url: str) -> Set[str]: r"""Find good list URLs for the supplied URL. By default, returns the dirname of the archive path. Provides special treatment for the following websites, which have a unique list URL different from the dirname of the download URL: ========= ======================================================= GitHub<repo>/<name>/releases GitLab https://gitlab.\*/<repo>/<name>/tags BitBucket<repo>/<name>/downloads/?tab=tags CRAN https://\*<name> PyPI<name>/ LuaRocks<repo>/<name> ========= ======================================================= Note: this function is called by `spack versions`, `spack checksum`, and `spack create`, but not by `spack fetch` or `spack install`. Parameters: url (str): The download URL for the package Returns: set: One or more list URLs for the package """ url_types = [ # GitHub # e.g. (r"(.*github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+)", lambda m: + "/releases"), # GitLab API endpoint # e.g. ( r"(.*gitlab[^/]+)/api/v4/projects/([^/]+)%2F([^/]+)", lambda m: + "/" + + "/" + + "/tags", ), # GitLab non-API endpoint # e.g. (r"(.*gitlab[^/]+/(?!api/v4/projects)[^/]+/[^/]+)", lambda m: + "/tags"), # BitBucket # e.g. (r"(.*[^/]+/[^/]+)", lambda m: + "/downloads/?tab=tags"), # CRAN # e.g. # e.g. ( r"(.*\.r-project\.org/src/contrib)/([^_]+)", lambda m: + "/Archive/" +, ), # PyPI # e.g. # e.g. # e.g. # e.g. # e.g. # e.g. ( r"(?:pypi|pythonhosted)[^/]+/packages/[^/]+/./([^/]+)", lambda m: "" + + "/", ), # LuaRocks # e.g. # e.g. ( r"luarocks[^/]+/(?:modules|manifests)/(?P<org>[^/]+)/" + r"(?P<name>.+?)-[0-9.-]*\.src\.rock", lambda m: "" +"org") + "/" +"name") + "/", ), ] list_urls = {os.path.dirname(url)} for pattern, fun in url_types: match =, url) if match: list_urls.add(fun(match)) return list_urls
[docs] def strip_query_and_fragment(url: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Strips query and fragment from a url, then returns the base url and the suffix. Args: url: URL to be stripped Raises: ValueError: when there is any error parsing the URL """ components = urlsplit(url) stripped = components[:3] + (None, None) query, frag = components[3:5] suffix = "" if query: suffix += "?" + query if frag: suffix += "#" + frag return urlunsplit(stripped), suffix
SOURCEFORGE_RE = re.compile(r"(.*(?:sourceforge\.net|sf\.net)/.*)(/download)$")
[docs] def split_url_on_sourceforge_suffix(url: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """If the input is a sourceforge URL, returns base URL and "/download" suffix. Otherwise, returns the input URL and an empty string. """ match = if match is not None: return match.groups() return url, ""
[docs] def has_extension(path_or_url: str, ext: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the extension in input is present in path, false otherwise.""" prefix, _ = split_url_on_sourceforge_suffix(path_or_url) if not ext.startswith(r"\."): ext = rf"\.{ext}$" if, prefix): return True return False
[docs] def extension_from_path(path_or_url: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Tries to match an allowed archive extension to the input. Returns the first match, or None if no match was found. Raises: ValueError: if the input is None """ if path_or_url is None: raise ValueError("Can't call extension() on None") for t in ALLOWED_ARCHIVE_TYPES: if has_extension(path_or_url, t): return t return None
[docs] def remove_extension(path_or_url: str, *, extension: str) -> str: """Returns the input with the extension removed""" suffix = rf"\.{extension}$" return re.sub(suffix, "", path_or_url)
[docs] def check_and_remove_ext(path: str, *, extension: str) -> str: """Returns the input path with the extension removed, if the extension is present in path. Otherwise, returns the input unchanged. """ if not has_extension(path, extension): return path path, _ = split_url_on_sourceforge_suffix(path) return remove_extension(path, extension=extension)
[docs] def strip_extension(path_or_url: str, *, extension: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """If a path contains the extension in input, returns the path stripped of the extension. Otherwise, returns the input path. If extension is None, attempts to strip any allowed extension from path. """ if extension is None: for t in ALLOWED_ARCHIVE_TYPES: if has_extension(path_or_url, ext=t): extension = t break else: return path_or_url return check_and_remove_ext(path_or_url, extension=extension)
[docs] def split_url_extension(url: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Some URLs have a query string, e.g.: 1. 2. 3. In (1), the query string needs to be stripped to get at the extension, but in (2) & (3), the filename is IN a single final query argument. This strips the URL into three pieces: ``prefix``, ``ext``, and ``suffix``. The suffix contains anything that was stripped off the URL to get at the file extension. In (1), it will be ``'?raw=true'``, but in (2), it will be empty. In (3) the suffix is a parameter that follows after the file extension, e.g.: 1. ``('', '.tgz', '?raw=true')`` 2. ``('', '.tar.gz', None)`` 3. ``('', '.tar.bz2', '?ref=v7.0.0')`` """ # Strip off sourceforge download suffix. # e.g. prefix, suffix = split_url_on_sourceforge_suffix(url) ext = extension_from_path(prefix) if ext is not None: prefix = strip_extension(prefix) return prefix, ext, suffix try: prefix, suf = strip_query_and_fragment(prefix) except ValueError: # FIXME: tty.debug("Got error parsing path %s" % path) # Ignore URL parse errors here return url, "" ext = extension_from_path(prefix) prefix = strip_extension(prefix) suffix = suf + suffix if ext is None: ext = "" return prefix, ext, suffix
[docs] def strip_version_suffixes(path_or_url: str) -> str: """Some tarballs contain extraneous information after the version: * ``bowtie2-2.2.5-source`` * ``libevent-2.0.21-stable`` * ```` These strings are not part of the version number and should be ignored. This function strips those suffixes off and returns the remaining string. The goal is that the version is always the last thing in ``path``: * ``bowtie2-2.2.5`` * ``libevent-2.0.21`` * ``cuda_8.0.44`` Args: path_or_url: The filename or URL for the package Returns: The ``path`` with any extraneous suffixes removed """ # NOTE: This could be done with complicated regexes in parse_version_offset # NOTE: The problem is that we would have to add these regexes to the end # NOTE: of every single version regex. Easier to just strip them off # NOTE: permanently suffix_regexes = [ # Download type r"[Ii]nstall", r"all", r"code", r"[Ss]ources?", r"file", r"full", r"single", r"with[a-zA-Z_-]+", r"rock", r"src(_0)?", r"public", r"bin", r"binary", r"run", r"[Uu]niversal", r"jar", r"complete", r"dynamic", r"oss", r"gem", r"tar", r"sh", # Download version r"release", r"bin", r"stable", r"[Ff]inal", r"rel", r"orig", r"dist", r"\+", # License r"gpl", # Arch # Needs to come before and after OS, appears in both orders r"ia32", r"intel", r"amd64", r"linux64", r"x64", r"64bit", r"x86[_-]64", r"i586_64", r"x86", r"i[36]86", r"ppc64(le)?", r"armv?(7l|6l|64)", # Other r"cpp", r"gtk", r"incubating", # OS r"[Ll]inux(_64)?", r"LINUX", r"[Uu]ni?x", r"[Ss]un[Oo][Ss]", r"[Mm]ac[Oo][Ss][Xx]?", r"[Oo][Ss][Xx]", r"[Dd]arwin(64)?", r"[Aa]pple", r"[Ww]indows", r"[Ww]in(64|32)?", r"[Cc]ygwin(64|32)?", r"[Mm]ingw", r"centos", # Arch # Needs to come before and after OS, appears in both orders r"ia32", r"intel", r"amd64", r"linux64", r"x64", r"64bit", r"x86[_-]64", r"i586_64", r"x86", r"i[36]86", r"ppc64(le)?", r"armv?(7l|6l|64)?", # PyPI wheels r"-(?:py|cp)[23].*", ] for regex in suffix_regexes: # Remove the suffix from the end of the path # This may be done multiple times path_or_url = re.sub(r"[._-]?" + regex + "$", "", path_or_url) return path_or_url
[docs] def expand_contracted_extension(extension: str) -> str: """Returns the expanded version of a known contracted extension. This function maps extensions like ".tgz" to ".tar.gz". On unknown extensions, return the input unmodified. """ extension = extension.strip(".") return CONTRACTION_MAP.get(extension, extension)
[docs] def expand_contracted_extension_in_path( path_or_url: str, *, extension: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """Returns the input path or URL with any contraction extension expanded. Args: path_or_url: path or URL to be expanded extension: if specified, only attempt to expand that extension """ extension = extension or extension_from_path(path_or_url) if extension is None: return path_or_url expanded = expand_contracted_extension(extension) if expanded != extension: return re.sub(rf"{extension}", rf"{expanded}", path_or_url) return path_or_url
[docs] def compression_ext_from_compressed_archive(extension: str) -> Optional[str]: """Returns compression extension for a compressed archive""" extension = expand_contracted_extension(extension) for ext in EXTENSIONS: if ext in extension: return ext return None
[docs] def strip_compression_extension(path_or_url: str, ext: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Strips the compression extension from the input, and returns it. For instance, "foo.tgz" becomes "foo.tar". If no extension is given, try a default list of extensions. Args: path_or_url: input to be stripped ext: if given, extension to be stripped """ if not extension_from_path(path_or_url): return path_or_url expanded_path = expand_contracted_extension_in_path(path_or_url) candidates = [ext] if ext is not None else EXTENSIONS for current_extension in candidates: modified_path = check_and_remove_ext(expanded_path, extension=current_extension) if modified_path != expanded_path: return modified_path return expanded_path
[docs] def allowed_archive(path_or_url: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the input is a valid archive, False otherwise.""" return ( False if not path_or_url else any(path_or_url.endswith(t) for t in ALLOWED_ARCHIVE_TYPES) )
[docs] def determine_url_file_extension(path: str) -> str: """This returns the type of archive a URL refers to. This is sometimes confusing because of URLs like: (1) Where the URL doesn't actually contain the filename. We need to know what type it is so that we can appropriately name files in mirrors. """ match ="|tar)ball/", path) if match: if == "zip": return "zip" elif == "tar": return "tar.gz" prefix, ext, suffix = split_url_extension(path) return ext