Source code for llnl.path

# Copyright Spack Project Developers. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Path primitives that just require Python standard library."""
import functools
import sys
from typing import List, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse

[docs] class Path: """Enum to identify the path-style.""" unix: int = 0 windows: int = 1 platform_path: int = windows if sys.platform == "win32" else unix
[docs] def format_os_path(path: str, mode: int = Path.unix) -> str: """Formats the input path to use consistent, platform specific separators. Absolute paths are converted between drive letters and a prepended '/' as per platform requirement. Parameters: path: the path to be normalized, must be a string or expose the replace method. mode: the path file separator style to normalize the passed path to. Default is unix style, i.e. '/' """ if not path: return path if mode == path = path.replace("/", "\\") else: path = path.replace("\\", "/") return path
[docs] def convert_to_posix_path(path: str) -> str: """Converts the input path to POSIX style.""" return format_os_path(path, mode=Path.unix)
[docs] def convert_to_platform_path(path: str) -> str: """Converts the input path to the current platform's native style.""" return format_os_path(path, mode=Path.platform_path)
[docs] def path_to_os_path(*parameters: str) -> List[str]: """Takes an arbitrary number of positional parameters, converts each argument of type string to use a normalized filepath separator, and returns a list of all values. """ def _is_url(path_or_url: str) -> bool: if "\\" in path_or_url: return False url_tuple = urlparse(path_or_url) return bool(url_tuple.scheme) and len(url_tuple.scheme) > 1 result = [] for item in parameters: if isinstance(item, str) and not _is_url(item): item = convert_to_platform_path(item) result.append(item) return result
def _system_path_filter(_func=None, arg_slice: Optional[slice] = None): """Filters function arguments to account for platform path separators. Optional slicing range can be specified to select specific arguments This decorator takes all (or a slice) of a method's positional arguments and normalizes usage of filepath separators on a per platform basis. Note: `**kwargs`, urls, and any type that is not a string are ignored so in such cases where path normalization is required, that should be handled by calling path_to_os_path directly as needed. Parameters: arg_slice: a slice object specifying the slice of arguments in the decorated method over which filepath separators are normalized """ def holder_func(func): @functools.wraps(func) def path_filter_caller(*args, **kwargs): args = list(args) if arg_slice: args[arg_slice] = path_to_os_path(*args[arg_slice]) else: args = path_to_os_path(*args) return func(*args, **kwargs) return path_filter_caller if _func: return holder_func(_func) return holder_func def _noop_decorator(_func=None, arg_slice: Optional[slice] = None): return _func if _func else lambda x: x if sys.platform == "win32": system_path_filter = _system_path_filter else: system_path_filter = _noop_decorator
[docs] def sanitize_win_longpath(path: str) -> str: """Strip Windows extended path prefix from strings Returns sanitized string. no-op if extended path prefix is not present""" return path.lstrip("\\\\?\\")