spack.operating_systems package


spack.operating_systems.cnk module

class spack.operating_systems.cnk.Cnk

ベースクラス: spack.architecture.OperatingSystem

Compute Node Kernel (CNK) is the node level operating system for the IBM Blue Gene series of supercomputers. The compute nodes of the Blue Gene family of supercomputers run CNK, a lightweight kernel that runs on each node and supports one application running for one user on that node.

spack.operating_systems.cnl module

class spack.operating_systems.cnl.Cnl

ベースクラス: spack.architecture.OperatingSystem

Compute Node Linux (CNL) is the operating system used for the Cray XC series super computers. It is a very stripped down version of GNU/Linux. Any compilers found through this operating system will be used with modules. If updated, user must make sure that version and name are updated to indicate that OS has been upgraded (or downgraded)

find_compiler(cmp_cls, *paths)

Try to find the given type of compiler in the user's environment. For each set of compilers found, this returns compiler objects with the cc, cxx, f77, fc paths and the version filled in.

This will search for compilers with the names in cc_names, cxx_names, etc. and it will group them if they have common prefixes, suffixes, and versions. e.g., gcc-mp-4.7 would be grouped with g++-mp-4.7 and gfortran-mp-4.7.


Return a list of compilers found in the supplied paths. This invokes the find() method for each Compiler class, and appends the compilers detected to a list.

spack.operating_systems.cray_frontend module

class spack.operating_systems.cray_frontend.CrayFrontend

ベースクラス: spack.operating_systems.linux_distro.LinuxDistro

Represents OS that runs on login and service nodes of the Cray platform. It acts as a regular Linux without Cray-specific modules and compiler wrappers.


Calls the overridden method but prevents it from detecting Cray compiler wrappers to avoid possible false detections. The detected compilers come into play only if a user decides to work with the Cray's frontend OS as if it was a regular Linux environment.

spack.operating_systems.linux_distro module

class spack.operating_systems.linux_distro.LinuxDistro

ベースクラス: spack.architecture.OperatingSystem

This class will represent the autodetected operating system for a Linux System. Since there are many different flavors of Linux, this class will attempt to encompass them all through autodetection using the python module platform and the method platform.dist()

spack.operating_systems.mac_os module

class spack.operating_systems.mac_os.MacOs

ベースクラス: spack.architecture.OperatingSystem

This class represents the macOS operating system. This will be auto detected using the python platform.mac_ver. The macOS platform will be represented using the major version operating system name, i.e el capitan, yosemite...etc.


temporary workaround to return a macOS version as a Version object

Module contents