チュートリアル: Spack 101

This is a full-day introduction to Spack with lectures and live demos. It was presented as a tutorial for staff at the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS). You can use these materials to teach a course on Spack at your own site, or you can just skip ahead and read the live demo scripts to see how Spack is used in practice.


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Full citation: Todd Gamblin, Gregory Becker, and Peter Scheibel. Managing HPC Software Complexity with Spack. Tutorial presented at RIKEN Center for Computational Science. April 23, 2019. Kobe, Japan.

Live Demos

We provide scripts that take you step-by-step through basic Spack tasks. They correspond to sections in the slides above. You can use one of the following methods to run through the scripts:

  1. We provide the spack/tutorial container image on Docker Hub that you can use to do the tutorial on your local machine. You can invoke docker run -it spack/tutorial to start using the container.

  2. When we host the tutorial, we also provision VM instances in AWS, so that users who are unfamiliar with Docker can simply log into a VPM to do the demo exercises.

You should now be ready to run through our demo scripts:

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