Source code for

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Tools to produce reports of spec installations"""
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import os
import time
import traceback
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Type

import llnl.util.lang

import spack.build_environment
import spack.fetch_strategy
import spack.install_test
import spack.installer
import spack.package_base
import spack.reporters
import spack.spec

[docs] class InfoCollector: """Base class for context manager objects that collect information during the execution of certain package functions. The data collected is available through the ``specs`` attribute once exited, and it's organized as a list where each item represents the installation of one spec. """ wrap_class: Type do_fn: str _backup_do_fn: Callable input_specs: List[spack.spec.Spec] specs: List[Dict[str, Any]] def __init__(self, wrap_class: Type, do_fn: str, specs: List[spack.spec.Spec]): #: Class for which to wrap a function self.wrap_class = wrap_class #: Action to be reported on self.do_fn = do_fn #: Backup of the wrapped class function self._backup_do_fn = getattr(self.wrap_class, do_fn) #: Specs that will be acted on self.input_specs = specs #: This is where we record the data that will be included in our report self.specs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
[docs] def fetch_log(self, pkg: spack.package_base.PackageBase) -> str: """Return the stdout log associated with the function being monitored Args: pkg: package under consideration """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by derived classes")
[docs] def extract_package_from_signature(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): """Return the package instance, given the signature of the wrapped function.""" raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by derived classes")
def __enter__(self): # Initialize the spec report with the data that is available upfront. Property = collections.namedtuple("Property", ["name", "value"]) for input_spec in self.input_specs: name_fmt = "{0}_{1}" name = name_fmt.format(, input_spec.dag_hash(length=7)) spec_record = { "name": name, "nerrors": None, "nfailures": None, "npackages": None, "time": None, "timestamp": time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()), "properties": [], "packages": [], } spec_record["properties"].append(Property("architecture", input_spec.architecture)) spec_record["properties"].append(Property("compiler", input_spec.compiler)) self.init_spec_record(input_spec, spec_record) self.specs.append(spec_record) def gather_info(wrapped_fn): """Decorates a function to gather useful information for a CI report.""" @functools.wraps(wrapped_fn) def wrapper(instance, *args, **kwargs): pkg = self.extract_package_from_signature(instance, *args, **kwargs) package = { "name":, "id": pkg.spec.dag_hash(), "elapsed_time": None, "result": None, "message": None, "installed_from_binary_cache": False, } # Append the package to the correct spec report. In some # cases it may happen that a spec that is asked to be # installed explicitly will also be installed as a # dependency of another spec. In this case append to both # spec reports. for current_spec in llnl.util.lang.dedupe([pkg.spec.root, pkg.spec]): name = name_fmt.format(, current_spec.dag_hash(length=7)) try: item = next((x for x in self.specs if x["name"] == name)) item["packages"].append(package) except StopIteration: pass start_time = time.time() try: value = wrapped_fn(instance, *args, **kwargs) package["stdout"] = self.fetch_log(pkg) package["installed_from_binary_cache"] = pkg.installed_from_binary_cache self.on_success(pkg, kwargs, package) return value except spack.build_environment.InstallError as exc: # An InstallError is considered a failure (the recipe # didn't work correctly) package["result"] = "failure" package["message"] = exc.message or "Installation failure" package["stdout"] = self.fetch_log(pkg) package["stdout"] += package["message"] package["exception"] = exc.traceback raise except (Exception, BaseException) as exc: # Everything else is an error (the installation # failed outside of the child process) package["result"] = "error" package["message"] = str(exc) or "Unknown error" package["stdout"] = self.fetch_log(pkg) package["stdout"] += package["message"] package["exception"] = traceback.format_exc() raise finally: package["elapsed_time"] = time.time() - start_time return wrapper setattr(self.wrap_class, self.do_fn, gather_info(getattr(self.wrap_class, self.do_fn)))
[docs] def on_success(self, pkg: spack.package_base.PackageBase, kwargs, package_record): """Add additional properties on function call success.""" raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by derived classes")
[docs] def init_spec_record(self, input_spec: spack.spec.Spec, record): """Add additional entries to a spec record when entering the collection context."""
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # Restore the original method in PackageBase setattr(self.wrap_class, self.do_fn, self._backup_do_fn) for spec in self.specs: spec["npackages"] = len(spec["packages"]) spec["nfailures"] = len([x for x in spec["packages"] if x["result"] == "failure"]) spec["nerrors"] = len([x for x in spec["packages"] if x["result"] == "error"]) spec["time"] = sum(float(x["elapsed_time"]) for x in spec["packages"])
[docs] class BuildInfoCollector(InfoCollector): """Collect information for the PackageInstaller._install_task method. Args: specs: specs whose install information will be recorded """ def __init__(self, specs: List[spack.spec.Spec]): super().__init__(spack.installer.PackageInstaller, "_install_task", specs)
[docs] def init_spec_record(self, input_spec, record): # Check which specs are already installed and mark them as skipped for dep in filter(lambda x: x.installed, input_spec.traverse()): package = { "name":, "id": dep.dag_hash(), "elapsed_time": "0.0", "result": "skipped", "message": "Spec already installed", } record["packages"].append(package)
[docs] def on_success(self, pkg, kwargs, package_record): package_record["result"] = "success"
[docs] def fetch_log(self, pkg): try: with open(pkg.build_log_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as stream: return "".join(stream.readlines()) except Exception: return f"Cannot open log for {pkg.spec.cshort_spec}"
[docs] def extract_package_from_signature(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): return args[0].pkg
[docs] class TestInfoCollector(InfoCollector): """Collect information for the PackageBase.do_test method. Args: specs: specs whose install information will be recorded record_directory: record directory for test log paths """ dir: str def __init__(self, specs: List[spack.spec.Spec], record_directory: str): super().__init__(spack.package_base.PackageBase, "do_test", specs) self.dir = record_directory
[docs] def on_success(self, pkg, kwargs, package_record): externals = kwargs.get("externals", False) skip_externals = pkg.spec.external and not externals if skip_externals: package_record["result"] = "skipped" package_record["result"] = "success"
[docs] def fetch_log(self, pkg: spack.package_base.PackageBase): log_file = os.path.join(self.dir, spack.install_test.TestSuite.test_log_name(pkg.spec)) try: with open(log_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as stream: return "".join(stream.readlines()) except Exception: return f"Cannot open log for {pkg.spec.cshort_spec}"
[docs] def extract_package_from_signature(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): return instance
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def build_context_manager( reporter: spack.reporters.Reporter, filename: str, specs: List[spack.spec.Spec] ): """Decorate a package to generate a report after the installation function is executed. Args: reporter: object that generates the report filename: filename for the report specs: specs that need reporting """ collector = BuildInfoCollector(specs) try: with collector: yield finally: reporter.build_report(filename, specs=collector.specs)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def test_context_manager( reporter: spack.reporters.Reporter, filename: str, specs: List[spack.spec.Spec], raw_logs_dir: str, ): """Decorate a package to generate a report after the test function is executed. Args: reporter: object that generates the report filename: filename for the report specs: specs that need reporting raw_logs_dir: record directory for test log paths """ collector = TestInfoCollector(specs, raw_logs_dir) try: with collector: yield finally: reporter.test_report(filename, specs=collector.specs)