Source code for spack.repo

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import abc
import contextlib
import difflib
import errno
import functools
import importlib
import importlib.machinery
import importlib.util
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import os.path
import random
import re
import shutil
import stat
import string
import sys
import traceback
import types
import uuid
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import llnl.path
import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import llnl.util.lang
import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.filesystem import working_dir

import spack.caches
import spack.config
import spack.error
import spack.patch
import spack.provider_index
import spack.spec
import spack.tag
import spack.util.file_cache
import spack.util.git
import spack.util.naming as nm
import spack.util.path
import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml

#: Package modules are imported as spack.pkg.<repo-namespace>.<pkg-name>

[docs] def python_package_for_repo(namespace): """Returns the full namespace of a repository, given its relative one For instance: python_package_for_repo('builtin') == 'spack.pkg.builtin' Args: namespace (str): repo namespace """ return "{0}.{1}".format(ROOT_PYTHON_NAMESPACE, namespace)
[docs] def namespace_from_fullname(fullname): """Return the repository namespace only for the full module name. For instance: namespace_from_fullname('spack.pkg.builtin.hdf5') == 'builtin' Args: fullname (str): full name for the Python module """ namespace, dot, module = fullname.rpartition(".") prefix_and_dot = "{0}.".format(ROOT_PYTHON_NAMESPACE) if namespace.startswith(prefix_and_dot): namespace = namespace[len(prefix_and_dot) :] return namespace
class _PrependFileLoader(importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader): def __init__(self, fullname, path, prepend=None): super(_PrependFileLoader, self).__init__(fullname, path) self.prepend = prepend def path_stats(self, path): stats = super(_PrependFileLoader, self).path_stats(path) if self.prepend: stats["size"] += len(self.prepend) + 1 return stats def get_data(self, path): data = super(_PrependFileLoader, self).get_data(path) if path != self.path or self.prepend is None: return data else: return self.prepend.encode() + b"\n" + data
[docs] class RepoLoader(_PrependFileLoader): """Loads a Python module associated with a package in specific repository""" #: Code in ``_package_prepend`` is prepended to imported packages. #: #: Spack packages are expected to call `from spack.package import *` #: themselves, but we are allowing a deprecation period before breaking #: external repos that don't do this yet. _package_prepend = "from spack.package import *" def __init__(self, fullname, repo, package_name): self.repo = repo self.package_name = package_name self.package_py = repo.filename_for_package_name(package_name) self.fullname = fullname super().__init__(self.fullname, self.package_py, prepend=self._package_prepend)
[docs] class SpackNamespaceLoader:
[docs] def create_module(self, spec): return SpackNamespace(
[docs] def exec_module(self, module): module.__loader__ = self
[docs] class ReposFinder: """MetaPathFinder class that loads a Python module corresponding to a Spack package Return a loader based on the inspection of the current global repository list. """
[docs] def find_spec(self, fullname, python_path, target=None): # "target" is not None only when calling importlib.reload() if target is not None: raise RuntimeError('cannot reload module "{0}"'.format(fullname)) # Preferred API from if not fullname.startswith(ROOT_PYTHON_NAMESPACE): return None loader = self.compute_loader(fullname) if loader is None: return None return importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, loader)
[docs] def compute_loader(self, fullname): # namespaces are added to repo, and package modules are leaves. namespace, dot, module_name = fullname.rpartition(".") # If it's a module in some repo, or if it is the repo's # namespace, let the repo handle it. for repo in PATH.repos: # We are using the namespace of the repo and the repo contains the package if namespace == repo.full_namespace: # With 2 nested conditionals we can call "repo.real_name" only once package_name = repo.real_name(module_name) if package_name: return RepoLoader(fullname, repo, package_name) # We are importing a full namespace like 'spack.pkg.builtin' if fullname == repo.full_namespace: return SpackNamespaceLoader() # No repo provides the namespace, but it is a valid prefix of # something in the RepoPath. if PATH.by_namespace.is_prefix(fullname): return SpackNamespaceLoader() return None
# # These names describe how repos should be laid out in the filesystem. # repo_config_name = "repo.yaml" # Top-level filename for repo config. repo_index_name = "index.yaml" # Top-level filename for repository index. packages_dir_name = "packages" # Top-level repo directory containing pkgs. package_file_name = "" # Filename for packages in a repository. #: Guaranteed unused default value for some functions. NOT_PROVIDED = object()
[docs] def packages_path(): """Get the test repo if it is active, otherwise the builtin repo.""" try: return spack.repo.PATH.get_repo("builtin.mock").packages_path except spack.repo.UnknownNamespaceError: return spack.repo.PATH.get_repo("builtin").packages_path
[docs] class GitExe: # Wrapper around Executable for git to set working directory for all # invocations. # # Not using -C as that is not supported for git < 1.8.5. def __init__(self): self._git_cmd = spack.util.git.git(required=True) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): with working_dir(packages_path()): return self._git_cmd(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_packages(rev): """List all packages associated with the given revision""" git = GitExe() # git ls-tree does not support ... merge-base syntax, so do it manually if rev.endswith("..."): ref = rev.replace("...", "") rev = git("merge-base", ref, "HEAD", output=str).strip() output = git("ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", rev, output=str) # recursively list the packages directory package_paths = [ line.split(os.sep) for line in output.split("\n") if line.endswith("") ] # take the directory names with one-level-deep package files package_names = sorted(set([line[0] for line in package_paths if len(line) == 2])) return package_names
[docs] def diff_packages(rev1, rev2): """Compute packages lists for the two revisions and return a tuple containing all the packages in rev1 but not in rev2 and all the packages in rev2 but not in rev1.""" p1 = set(list_packages(rev1)) p2 = set(list_packages(rev2)) return p1.difference(p2), p2.difference(p1)
[docs] def get_all_package_diffs(type, rev1="HEAD^1", rev2="HEAD"): """Show packages changed, added, or removed (or any combination of those) since a commit. Arguments: type (str): String containing one or more of 'A', 'B', 'C' rev1 (str): Revision to compare against, default is 'HEAD^' rev2 (str): Revision to compare to rev1, default is 'HEAD' Returns: A set contain names of affected packages. """ lower_type = type.lower() if not re.match("^[arc]*$", lower_type): tty.die( "Invald change type: '%s'." % type, "Can contain only A (added), R (removed), or C (changed)", ) removed, added = diff_packages(rev1, rev2) git = GitExe() out = git("diff", "--relative", "--name-only", rev1, rev2, output=str).strip() lines = [] if not out else re.split(r"\s+", out) changed = set() for path in lines: pkg_name, _, _ = path.partition(os.sep) if pkg_name not in added and pkg_name not in removed: changed.add(pkg_name) packages = set() if "a" in lower_type: packages |= added if "r" in lower_type: packages |= removed if "c" in lower_type: packages |= changed return packages
[docs] def add_package_to_git_stage(packages): """add a package to the git stage with `git add`""" git = GitExe() for pkg_name in packages: filename = spack.repo.PATH.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name) if not os.path.isfile(filename): tty.die("No such package: %s. Path does not exist:" % pkg_name, filename) git("add", filename)
[docs] def autospec(function): """Decorator that automatically converts the first argument of a function to a Spec. """ @functools.wraps(function) def converter(self, spec_like, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(spec_like, spack.spec.Spec): spec_like = spack.spec.Spec(spec_like) return function(self, spec_like, *args, **kwargs) return converter
[docs] def is_package_file(filename): """Determine whether we are in a package file from a repo.""" # Package files are named `` and are not in lib/spack/spack # We have to remove the file extension because it can be .py and can be # .pyc depending on context, and can differ between the files import spack.package_base # break cycle filename_noext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] packagebase_filename_noext = os.path.splitext(inspect.getfile(spack.package_base.PackageBase))[ 0 ] return ( filename_noext != packagebase_filename_noext and os.path.basename(filename_noext) == "package" )
[docs] class SpackNamespace(types.ModuleType): """Allow lazy loading of modules.""" def __init__(self, namespace): super().__init__(namespace) self.__file__ = "(spack namespace)" self.__path__ = [] self.__name__ = namespace self.__package__ = namespace self.__modules = {} def __getattr__(self, name): """Getattr lazily loads modules if they're not already loaded.""" submodule = self.__package__ + "." + name try: setattr(self, name, __import__(submodule)) except ImportError: msg = "'{0}' object has no attribute {1}" raise AttributeError(msg.format(type(self), name)) return getattr(self, name)
[docs] class FastPackageChecker( """Cache that maps package names to the stats obtained on the '' files associated with them. For each repository a cache is maintained at class level, and shared among all instances referring to it. Update of the global cache is done lazily during instance initialization. """ #: Global cache, reused by every instance _paths_cache: Dict[str, Dict[str, os.stat_result]] = {} def __init__(self, packages_path): # The path of the repository managed by this instance self.packages_path = packages_path # If the cache we need is not there yet, then build it appropriately if packages_path not in self._paths_cache: self._paths_cache[packages_path] = self._create_new_cache() #: Reference to the appropriate entry in the global cache self._packages_to_stats = self._paths_cache[packages_path]
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Regenerate cache for this checker.""" self._paths_cache[self.packages_path] = self._create_new_cache() self._packages_to_stats = self._paths_cache[self.packages_path]
def _create_new_cache(self) -> Dict[str, os.stat_result]: """Create a new cache for packages in a repo. The implementation here should try to minimize filesystem calls. At the moment, it is O(number of packages) and makes about one stat call per package. This is reasonably fast, and avoids actually importing packages in Spack, which is slow. """ # Create a dictionary that will store the mapping between a # package name and its stat info cache: Dict[str, os.stat_result] = {} for pkg_name in os.listdir(self.packages_path): # Skip non-directories in the package root. pkg_dir = os.path.join(self.packages_path, pkg_name) # Warn about invalid names that look like packages. if not nm.valid_module_name(pkg_name): if not pkg_name.startswith(".") and pkg_name != "repo.yaml": tty.warn( 'Skipping package at {0}. "{1}" is not ' "a valid Spack module name.".format(pkg_dir, pkg_name) ) continue # Construct the file name from the directory pkg_file = os.path.join(self.packages_path, pkg_name, package_file_name) # Use stat here to avoid lots of calls to the filesystem. try: sinfo = os.stat(pkg_file) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # No file here. continue elif e.errno == errno.EACCES: tty.warn("Can't read package file %s." % pkg_file) continue raise e # If it's not a file, skip it. if stat.S_ISDIR(sinfo.st_mode): continue # If it is a file, then save the stats under the # appropriate key cache[pkg_name] = sinfo return cache
[docs] def last_mtime(self): return max(sinfo.st_mtime for sinfo in self._packages_to_stats.values())
[docs] def modified_since(self, since: float) -> List[str]: return [name for name, sinfo in self._packages_to_stats.items() if sinfo.st_mtime > since]
def __getitem__(self, item): return self._packages_to_stats[item] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._packages_to_stats) def __len__(self): return len(self._packages_to_stats)
[docs] class Indexer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Adaptor for indexes that need to be generated when repos are updated.""" def __init__(self, repository): self.repository = repository self.index = None
[docs] def create(self): self.index = self._create()
@abc.abstractmethod def _create(self): """Create an empty index and return it."""
[docs] def needs_update(self, pkg): """Whether an update is needed when the package file hasn't changed. Returns: (bool): ``True`` if this package needs its index updated, ``False`` otherwise. We already automatically update indexes when package files change, but other files (like patches) may change underneath the package file. This method can be used to check additional package-specific files whenever they're loaded, to tell the RepoIndex to update the index *just* for that package. """ return False
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def read(self, stream): """Read this index from a provided file object."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update(self, pkg_fullname): """Update the index in memory with information about a package."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write(self, stream): """Write the index to a file object."""
[docs] class TagIndexer(Indexer): """Lifecycle methods for a TagIndex on a Repo.""" def _create(self): return spack.tag.TagIndex(self.repository)
[docs] def read(self, stream): self.index = spack.tag.TagIndex.from_json(stream, self.repository)
[docs] def update(self, pkg_fullname): self.index.update_package(pkg_fullname)
[docs] def write(self, stream): self.index.to_json(stream)
[docs] class ProviderIndexer(Indexer): """Lifecycle methods for virtual package providers.""" def _create(self): return spack.provider_index.ProviderIndex(repository=self.repository)
[docs] def read(self, stream): self.index = spack.provider_index.ProviderIndex.from_json(stream, self.repository)
[docs] def update(self, pkg_fullname): name = pkg_fullname.split(".")[-1] is_virtual = ( not self.repository.exists(name) or self.repository.get_pkg_class(name).virtual ) if is_virtual: return self.index.remove_provider(pkg_fullname) self.index.update(pkg_fullname)
[docs] def write(self, stream): self.index.to_json(stream)
[docs] class PatchIndexer(Indexer): """Lifecycle methods for patch cache.""" def _create(self): return spack.patch.PatchCache(repository=self.repository)
[docs] def needs_update(self): # TODO: patches can change under a package and we should handle # TODO: it, but we currently punt. This should be refactored to # TODO: check whether patches changed each time a package loads, # TODO: tell the RepoIndex to reindex them. return False
[docs] def read(self, stream): self.index = spack.patch.PatchCache.from_json(stream, repository=self.repository)
[docs] def write(self, stream): self.index.to_json(stream)
[docs] def update(self, pkg_fullname): self.index.update_package(pkg_fullname)
[docs] class RepoIndex: """Container class that manages a set of Indexers for a Repo. This class is responsible for checking packages in a repository for updates (using ``FastPackageChecker``) and for regenerating indexes when they're needed. ``Indexers`` should be added to the ``RepoIndex`` using ``add_indexer(name, indexer)``, and they should support the interface defined by ``Indexer``, so that the ``RepoIndex`` can read, generate, and update stored indices. Generated indexes are accessed by name via ``__getitem__()``.""" def __init__( self, package_checker: FastPackageChecker, namespace: str, cache: spack.util.file_cache.FileCache, ): self.checker = package_checker self.packages_path = self.checker.packages_path if sys.platform == "win32": self.packages_path = llnl.path.convert_to_posix_path(self.packages_path) self.namespace = namespace self.indexers: Dict[str, Indexer] = {} self.indexes: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.cache = cache
[docs] def add_indexer(self, name: str, indexer: Indexer): """Add an indexer to the repo index. Arguments: name: name of this indexer indexer: object implementing the ``Indexer`` interface""" self.indexers[name] = indexer
def __getitem__(self, name): """Get the index with the specified name, reindexing if needed.""" indexer = self.indexers.get(name) if not indexer: raise KeyError("no such index: %s" % name) if name not in self.indexes: self._build_all_indexes() return self.indexes[name] def _build_all_indexes(self): """Build all the indexes at once. We regenerate *all* indexes whenever *any* index needs an update, because the main bottleneck here is loading all the packages. It can take tens of seconds to regenerate sequentially, and we'd rather only pay that cost once rather than on several invocations.""" for name, indexer in self.indexers.items(): self.indexes[name] = self._build_index(name, indexer) def _build_index(self, name: str, indexer: Indexer): """Determine which packages need an update, and update indexes.""" # Filename of the provider index cache (we assume they're all json) cache_filename = f"{name}/{self.namespace}-index.json" # Compute which packages needs to be updated in the cache index_mtime = self.cache.mtime(cache_filename) needs_update = self.checker.modified_since(index_mtime) index_existed = self.cache.init_entry(cache_filename) if index_existed and not needs_update: # If the index exists and doesn't need an update, read it with self.cache.read_transaction(cache_filename) as f: else: # Otherwise update it and rewrite the cache file with self.cache.write_transaction(cache_filename) as (old, new): if old else indexer.create() # Compute which packages needs to be updated **again** in case someone updated them # while we waited for the lock new_index_mtime = self.cache.mtime(cache_filename) if new_index_mtime != index_mtime: needs_update = self.checker.modified_since(new_index_mtime) for pkg_name in needs_update: indexer.update(f"{self.namespace}.{pkg_name}") indexer.write(new) return indexer.index
[docs] class RepoPath: """A RepoPath is a list of repos that function as one. It functions exactly like a Repo, but it operates on the combined results of the Repos in its list instead of on a single package repository. Args: repos (list): list Repo objects or paths to put in this RepoPath """ def __init__(self, *repos, **kwargs): cache = kwargs.get("cache", spack.caches.MISC_CACHE) self.repos = [] self.by_namespace = nm.NamespaceTrie() self._provider_index = None self._patch_index = None self._tag_index = None # Add each repo to this path. for repo in repos: try: if isinstance(repo, str): repo = Repo(repo, cache=cache) self.put_last(repo) except RepoError as e: tty.warn( "Failed to initialize repository: '%s'." % repo, e.message, "To remove the bad repository, run this command:", " spack repo rm %s" % repo, )
[docs] def put_first(self, repo): """Add repo first in the search path.""" if isinstance(repo, RepoPath): for r in reversed(repo.repos): self.put_first(r) return self.repos.insert(0, repo) self.by_namespace[repo.full_namespace] = repo
[docs] def put_last(self, repo): """Add repo last in the search path.""" if isinstance(repo, RepoPath): for r in repo.repos: self.put_last(r) return self.repos.append(repo) # don't mask any higher-precedence repos with same namespace if repo.full_namespace not in self.by_namespace: self.by_namespace[repo.full_namespace] = repo
[docs] def remove(self, repo): """Remove a repo from the search path.""" if repo in self.repos: self.repos.remove(repo)
[docs] def get_repo(self, namespace, default=NOT_PROVIDED): """Get a repository by namespace. Arguments: namespace: Look up this namespace in the RepoPath, and return it if found. Optional Arguments: default: If default is provided, return it when the namespace isn't found. If not, raise an UnknownNamespaceError. """ full_namespace = python_package_for_repo(namespace) if full_namespace not in self.by_namespace: if default == NOT_PROVIDED: raise UnknownNamespaceError(namespace) return default return self.by_namespace[full_namespace]
[docs] def first_repo(self): """Get the first repo in precedence order.""" return self.repos[0] if self.repos else None
@llnl.util.lang.memoized def _all_package_names(self, include_virtuals): """Return all unique package names in all repositories.""" all_pkgs = set() for repo in self.repos: for name in repo.all_package_names(include_virtuals): all_pkgs.add(name) return sorted(all_pkgs, key=lambda n: n.lower())
[docs] def all_package_names(self, include_virtuals=False): return self._all_package_names(include_virtuals)
[docs] def package_path(self, name): """Get path to file for this repo.""" return self.repo_for_pkg(name).package_path(name)
[docs] def all_package_paths(self): for name in self.all_package_names(): yield self.package_path(name)
[docs] def packages_with_tags(self, *tags, full=False): """Returns a list of packages matching any of the tags in input. Args: full: if True the package names in the output are fully-qualified """ r = set() for repo in self.repos: current = repo.packages_with_tags(*tags) if full: current = [f"{repo.namespace}.{x}" for x in current] r |= set(current) return sorted(r)
[docs] def all_package_classes(self): for name in self.all_package_names(): yield self.get_pkg_class(name)
@property def provider_index(self): """Merged ProviderIndex from all Repos in the RepoPath.""" if self._provider_index is None: self._provider_index = spack.provider_index.ProviderIndex(repository=self) for repo in reversed(self.repos): self._provider_index.merge(repo.provider_index) return self._provider_index @property def tag_index(self): """Merged TagIndex from all Repos in the RepoPath.""" if self._tag_index is None: self._tag_index = spack.tag.TagIndex(repository=self) for repo in reversed(self.repos): self._tag_index.merge(repo.tag_index) return self._tag_index @property def patch_index(self): """Merged PatchIndex from all Repos in the RepoPath.""" if self._patch_index is None: self._patch_index = spack.patch.PatchCache(repository=self) for repo in reversed(self.repos): self._patch_index.update(repo.patch_index) return self._patch_index
[docs] @autospec def providers_for(self, vpkg_spec): providers = self.provider_index.providers_for(vpkg_spec) if not providers: raise UnknownPackageError(vpkg_spec.fullname) return providers
[docs] @autospec def extensions_for(self, extendee_spec): return [ pkg_cls(spack.spec.Spec( for pkg_cls in self.all_package_classes() if pkg_cls(spack.spec.Spec( ]
[docs] def last_mtime(self): """Time a package file in this repo was last updated.""" return max(repo.last_mtime() for repo in self.repos)
[docs] def repo_for_pkg(self, spec): """Given a spec, get the repository for its package.""" # We don't @_autospec this function b/c it's called very frequently # and we want to avoid parsing str's into Specs unnecessarily. if isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec): namespace = spec.namespace name = else: # handle strings directly for speed instead of @_autospec'ing namespace, _, name = spec.rpartition(".") # If the spec already has a namespace, then return the # corresponding repo if we know about it. if namespace: fullspace = python_package_for_repo(namespace) if fullspace not in self.by_namespace: raise UnknownNamespaceError(namespace, name=name) return self.by_namespace[fullspace] # If there's no namespace, search in the RepoPath. for repo in self.repos: if name in repo: return repo # If the package isn't in any repo, return the one with # highest precedence. This is for commands like `spack edit` # that can operate on packages that don't exist yet. return self.first_repo()
[docs] def get(self, spec): """Returns the package associated with the supplied spec.""" msg = "RepoPath.get can only be called on concrete specs" assert isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec) and spec.concrete, msg return self.repo_for_pkg(spec).get(spec)
[docs] def get_pkg_class(self, pkg_name): """Find a class for the spec's package and return the class object.""" return self.repo_for_pkg(pkg_name).get_pkg_class(pkg_name)
[docs] @autospec def dump_provenance(self, spec, path): """Dump provenance information for a spec to a particular path. This dumps the package file and any associated patch files. Raises UnknownPackageError if not found. """ return self.repo_for_pkg(spec).dump_provenance(spec, path)
[docs] def dirname_for_package_name(self, pkg_name): return self.repo_for_pkg(pkg_name).dirname_for_package_name(pkg_name)
[docs] def filename_for_package_name(self, pkg_name): return self.repo_for_pkg(pkg_name).filename_for_package_name(pkg_name)
[docs] def exists(self, pkg_name): """Whether package with the give name exists in the path's repos. Note that virtual packages do not "exist". """ return any(repo.exists(pkg_name) for repo in self.repos)
def _have_name(self, pkg_name): have_name = pkg_name is not None if have_name and not isinstance(pkg_name, str): raise ValueError("is_virtual(): expected package name, got %s" % type(pkg_name)) return have_name
[docs] def is_virtual(self, pkg_name): """Return True if the package with this name is virtual, False otherwise. This function use the provider index. If calling from a code block that is used to construct the provider index use the ``is_virtual_safe`` function. Args: pkg_name (str): name of the package we want to check """ have_name = self._have_name(pkg_name) return have_name and pkg_name in self.provider_index
[docs] def is_virtual_safe(self, pkg_name): """Return True if the package with this name is virtual, False otherwise. This function doesn't use the provider index. Args: pkg_name (str): name of the package we want to check """ have_name = self._have_name(pkg_name) return have_name and (not self.exists(pkg_name) or self.get_pkg_class(pkg_name).virtual)
def __contains__(self, pkg_name): return self.exists(pkg_name)
[docs] class Repo: """Class representing a package repository in the filesystem. Each package repository must have a top-level configuration file called `repo.yaml`. Currently, `repo.yaml` this must define: `namespace`: A Python namespace where the repository's packages should live. """ def __init__(self, root, cache=None): """Instantiate a package repository from a filesystem path. Args: root: the root directory of the repository """ # Root directory, containing _repo.yaml and package dirs # Allow roots to by spack-relative by starting with '$spack' self.root = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(root) # check and raise BadRepoError on fail. def check(condition, msg): if not condition: raise BadRepoError(msg) # Validate repository layout. self.config_file = os.path.join(self.root, repo_config_name) check(os.path.isfile(self.config_file), "No %s found in '%s'" % (repo_config_name, root)) # Read configuration and validate namespace config = self._read_config() check( "namespace" in config, "%s must define a namespace." % os.path.join(root, repo_config_name), ) self.namespace = config["namespace"] check( re.match(r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]+", self.namespace), ("Invalid namespace '%s' in repo '%s'. " % (self.namespace, self.root)) + "Namespaces must be valid python identifiers separated by '.'", ) # Set up 'full_namespace' to include the super-namespace self.full_namespace = python_package_for_repo(self.namespace) # Keep name components around for checking prefixes. self._names = self.full_namespace.split(".") packages_dir = config.get("subdirectory", packages_dir_name) self.packages_path = os.path.join(self.root, packages_dir) check( os.path.isdir(self.packages_path), "No directory '%s' found in '%s'" % (packages_dir, root), ) # These are internal cache variables. self._modules = {} self._classes = {} self._instances = {} # Maps that goes from package name to corresponding file stat self._fast_package_checker = None # Indexes for this repository, computed lazily self._repo_index = None self._cache = cache or spack.caches.MISC_CACHE
[docs] def real_name(self, import_name): """Allow users to import Spack packages using Python identifiers. A python identifier might map to many different Spack package names due to hyphen/underscore ambiguity. Easy example: num3proxy -> 3proxy Ambiguous: foo_bar -> foo_bar, foo-bar More ambiguous: foo_bar_baz -> foo_bar_baz, foo-bar-baz, foo_bar-baz, foo-bar_baz """ if import_name in self: return import_name options = nm.possible_spack_module_names(import_name) options.remove(import_name) for name in options: if name in self: return name return None
[docs] def is_prefix(self, fullname): """True if fullname is a prefix of this Repo's namespace.""" parts = fullname.split(".") return self._names[: len(parts)] == parts
def _read_config(self): """Check for a YAML config file in this db's root directory.""" try: with open(self.config_file) as reponame_file: yaml_data = syaml.load(reponame_file) if ( not yaml_data or "repo" not in yaml_data or not isinstance(yaml_data["repo"], dict) ): tty.die("Invalid %s in repository %s" % (repo_config_name, self.root)) return yaml_data["repo"] except IOError: tty.die("Error reading %s when opening %s" % (self.config_file, self.root))
[docs] def get(self, spec): """Returns the package associated with the supplied spec.""" msg = "Repo.get can only be called on concrete specs" assert isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec) and spec.concrete, msg # NOTE: we only check whether the package is None here, not whether it # actually exists, because we have to load it anyway, and that ends up # checking for existence. We avoid constructing FastPackageChecker, # which will stat all packages. if is None: raise UnknownPackageError(None, self) if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace: raise UnknownPackageError(, self.namespace) package_class = self.get_pkg_class( try: return package_class(spec) except spack.error.SpackError: # pass these through as their error messages will be fine. raise except Exception as e: tty.debug(e) # Make sure other errors in constructors hit the error # handler by wrapping them if spack.config.get("config:debug"): sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) raise FailedConstructorError(spec.fullname, *sys.exc_info())
[docs] @autospec def dump_provenance(self, spec, path): """Dump provenance information for a spec to a particular path. This dumps the package file and any associated patch files. Raises UnknownPackageError if not found. """ if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace: raise UnknownPackageError( "Repository %s does not contain package %s." % (self.namespace, spec.fullname) ) package_path = self.filename_for_package_name( if not os.path.exists(package_path): # Spec has no files (e.g., package, patches) to copy tty.debug(f"{} does not have a package to dump") return # Install patch files needed by the (concrete) package. fs.mkdirp(path) if spec.concrete: for patch in itertools.chain.from_iterable(spec.package.patches.values()): if patch.path: if os.path.exists(patch.path): fs.install(patch.path, path) else: tty.warn("Patch file did not exist: %s" % patch.path) # Install the file itself. fs.install(self.filename_for_package_name(, path)
[docs] def purge(self): """Clear entire package instance cache.""" self._instances.clear()
@property def index(self): """Construct the index for this repo lazily.""" if self._repo_index is None: self._repo_index = RepoIndex(self._pkg_checker, self.namespace, cache=self._cache) self._repo_index.add_indexer("providers", ProviderIndexer(self)) self._repo_index.add_indexer("tags", TagIndexer(self)) self._repo_index.add_indexer("patches", PatchIndexer(self)) return self._repo_index @property def provider_index(self): """A provider index with names *specific* to this repo.""" return self.index["providers"] @property def tag_index(self): """Index of tags and which packages they're defined on.""" return self.index["tags"] @property def patch_index(self): """Index of patches and packages they're defined on.""" return self.index["patches"]
[docs] @autospec def providers_for(self, vpkg_spec): providers = self.provider_index.providers_for(vpkg_spec) if not providers: raise UnknownPackageError(vpkg_spec.fullname) return providers
[docs] @autospec def extensions_for(self, extendee_spec): return [ pkg_cls(spack.spec.Spec( for pkg_cls in self.all_package_classes() if pkg_cls(spack.spec.Spec( ]
[docs] def dirname_for_package_name(self, pkg_name): """Get the directory name for a particular package. This is the directory that contains its file.""" _, unqualified_name = self.partition_package_name(pkg_name) return os.path.join(self.packages_path, unqualified_name)
[docs] def filename_for_package_name(self, pkg_name): """Get the filename for the module we should load for a particular package. Packages for a Repo live in ``$root/<package_name>/`` This will return a proper path even if the package doesn't exist yet, so callers will need to ensure the package exists before importing. """ pkg_dir = self.dirname_for_package_name(pkg_name) return os.path.join(pkg_dir, package_file_name)
@property def _pkg_checker(self): if self._fast_package_checker is None: self._fast_package_checker = FastPackageChecker(self.packages_path) return self._fast_package_checker
[docs] def all_package_names(self, include_virtuals=False): """Returns a sorted list of all package names in the Repo.""" names = sorted(self._pkg_checker.keys()) if include_virtuals: return names return [x for x in names if not self.is_virtual(x)]
[docs] def package_path(self, name): """Get path to file for this repo.""" return os.path.join(self.packages_path, name, package_file_name)
[docs] def all_package_paths(self): for name in self.all_package_names(): yield self.package_path(name)
[docs] def packages_with_tags(self, *tags): v = set(self.all_package_names()) index = self.tag_index for t in tags: t = t.lower() v &= set(index[t]) return sorted(v)
[docs] def all_package_classes(self): """Iterator over all package *classes* in the repository. Use this with care, because loading packages is slow. """ for name in self.all_package_names(): yield self.get_pkg_class(name)
[docs] def exists(self, pkg_name): """Whether a package with the supplied name exists.""" if pkg_name is None: return False # if the FastPackageChecker is already constructed, use it if self._fast_package_checker: return pkg_name in self._pkg_checker # if not, check for the file path = self.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name) return os.path.exists(path)
[docs] def last_mtime(self): """Time a package file in this repo was last updated.""" return self._pkg_checker.last_mtime()
[docs] def is_virtual(self, pkg_name): """Return True if the package with this name is virtual, False otherwise. This function use the provider index. If calling from a code block that is used to construct the provider index use the ``is_virtual_safe`` function. Args: pkg_name (str): name of the package we want to check """ return pkg_name in self.provider_index
[docs] def is_virtual_safe(self, pkg_name): """Return True if the package with this name is virtual, False otherwise. This function doesn't use the provider index. Args: pkg_name (str): name of the package we want to check """ return not self.exists(pkg_name) or self.get_pkg_class(pkg_name).virtual
[docs] def get_pkg_class(self, pkg_name): """Get the class for the package out of its module. First loads (or fetches from cache) a module for the package. Then extracts the package class from the module according to Spack's naming convention. """ namespace, pkg_name = self.partition_package_name(pkg_name) class_name = nm.mod_to_class(pkg_name) fullname = f"{self.full_namespace}.{pkg_name}" try: module = importlib.import_module(fullname) except ImportError: raise UnknownPackageError(fullname) except Exception as e: msg = f"cannot load package '{pkg_name}' from the '{self.namespace}' repository: {e}" raise RepoError(msg) from e cls = getattr(module, class_name) if not inspect.isclass(cls): tty.die(f"{pkg_name}.{class_name} is not a class") new_cfg_settings = ( spack.config.get("packages").get(pkg_name, {}).get("package_attributes", {}) ) overridden_attrs = getattr(cls, "overridden_attrs", {}) attrs_exclusively_from_config = getattr(cls, "attrs_exclusively_from_config", []) # Clear any prior changes to class attributes in case the config has # since changed for key, val in overridden_attrs.items(): setattr(cls, key, val) for key in attrs_exclusively_from_config: delattr(cls, key) # Keep track of every class attribute that is overridden by the config: # if the config changes between calls to this method, we make sure to # restore the original config values (in case the new config no longer # sets attributes that it used to) new_overridden_attrs = {} new_attrs_exclusively_from_config = set() for key, val in new_cfg_settings.items(): if hasattr(cls, key): new_overridden_attrs[key] = getattr(cls, key) else: new_attrs_exclusively_from_config.add(key) setattr(cls, key, val) if new_overridden_attrs: setattr(cls, "overridden_attrs", dict(new_overridden_attrs)) elif hasattr(cls, "overridden_attrs"): delattr(cls, "overridden_attrs") if new_attrs_exclusively_from_config: setattr(cls, "attrs_exclusively_from_config", new_attrs_exclusively_from_config) elif hasattr(cls, "attrs_exclusively_from_config"): delattr(cls, "attrs_exclusively_from_config") return cls
[docs] def partition_package_name(self, pkg_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: namespace, pkg_name = partition_package_name(pkg_name) if namespace and (namespace != self.namespace): raise InvalidNamespaceError( f"Invalid namespace for the '{self.namespace}' repo: {namespace}" ) return namespace, pkg_name
def __str__(self): return "[Repo '%s' at '%s']" % (self.namespace, self.root) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __contains__(self, pkg_name): return self.exists(pkg_name)
RepoType = Union[Repo, RepoPath]
[docs] def partition_package_name(pkg_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Given a package name that might be fully-qualified, returns the namespace part, if present and the unqualified package name. If the package name is unqualified, the namespace is an empty string. Args: pkg_name: a package name, either unqualified like "llvl", or fully-qualified, like "builtin.llvm" """ namespace, _, pkg_name = pkg_name.rpartition(".") return namespace, pkg_name
[docs] def create_repo(root, namespace=None, subdir=packages_dir_name): """Create a new repository in root with the specified namespace. If the namespace is not provided, use basename of root. Return the canonicalized path and namespace of the created repository. """ root = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(root) if not namespace: namespace = os.path.basename(root) if not re.match(r"\w[\.\w-]*", namespace): raise InvalidNamespaceError("'%s' is not a valid namespace." % namespace) existed = False if os.path.exists(root): if os.path.isfile(root): raise BadRepoError("File %s already exists and is not a directory" % root) elif os.path.isdir(root): if not os.access(root, os.R_OK | os.W_OK): raise BadRepoError("Cannot create new repo in %s: cannot access directory." % root) if os.listdir(root): raise BadRepoError("Cannot create new repo in %s: directory is not empty." % root) existed = True full_path = os.path.realpath(root) parent = os.path.dirname(full_path) if not os.access(parent, os.R_OK | os.W_OK): raise BadRepoError("Cannot create repository in %s: can't access parent!" % root) try: config_path = os.path.join(root, repo_config_name) packages_path = os.path.join(root, subdir) fs.mkdirp(packages_path) with open(config_path, "w") as config: config.write("repo:\n") config.write(f" namespace: '{namespace}'\n") if subdir != packages_dir_name: config.write(f" subdirectory: '{subdir}'\n") except (IOError, OSError) as e: # try to clean up. if existed: shutil.rmtree(config_path, ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(packages_path, ignore_errors=True) else: shutil.rmtree(root, ignore_errors=True) raise BadRepoError( "Failed to create new repository in %s." % root, "Caused by %s: %s" % (type(e), e) ) return full_path, namespace
[docs] def create_or_construct(path, namespace=None): """Create a repository, or just return a Repo if it already exists.""" if not os.path.exists(path): fs.mkdirp(path) create_repo(path, namespace) return Repo(path)
def _path(configuration=None): """Get the singleton RepoPath instance for Spack.""" configuration = configuration or spack.config.CONFIG return create(configuration=configuration)
[docs] def create(configuration): """Create a RepoPath from a configuration object. Args: configuration (spack.config.Configuration): configuration object """ repo_dirs = configuration.get("repos") if not repo_dirs: raise NoRepoConfiguredError("Spack configuration contains no package repositories.") return RepoPath(*repo_dirs)
#: Singleton repo path instance PATH: Union[RepoPath, llnl.util.lang.Singleton] = llnl.util.lang.Singleton(_path) # Add the finder to sys.meta_path REPOS_FINDER = ReposFinder() sys.meta_path.append(REPOS_FINDER)
[docs] def all_package_names(include_virtuals=False): """Convenience wrapper around ``spack.repo.all_package_names()``.""" return PATH.all_package_names(include_virtuals)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def use_repositories(*paths_and_repos, **kwargs): """Use the repositories passed as arguments within the context manager. Args: *paths_and_repos: paths to the repositories to be used, or already constructed Repo objects override (bool): if True use only the repositories passed as input, if False add them to the top of the list of current repositories. Returns: Corresponding RepoPath object """ global PATH # TODO (Python 2.7): remove this kwargs on deprecation of Python 2.7 support override = kwargs.get("override", True) paths = [getattr(x, "root", x) for x in paths_and_repos] scope_name = "use-repo-{}".format(uuid.uuid4()) repos_key = "repos:" if override else "repos" spack.config.CONFIG.push_scope( spack.config.InternalConfigScope(name=scope_name, data={repos_key: paths}) ) PATH, saved = create(configuration=spack.config.CONFIG), PATH try: yield PATH finally: spack.config.CONFIG.remove_scope(scope_name=scope_name) PATH = saved
[docs] class MockRepositoryBuilder: """Build a mock repository in a directory""" def __init__(self, root_directory, namespace=None): namespace = namespace or "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(10)) self.root, self.namespace = create_repo(str(root_directory), namespace)
[docs] def add_package(self, name, dependencies=None): """Create a mock package in the repository, using a Jinja2 template. Args: name (str): name of the new package dependencies (list): list of ("dep_spec", "dep_type", "condition") tuples. Both "dep_type" and "condition" can default to ``None`` in which case ``spack.dependency.default_deptype`` and ``spack.spec.Spec()`` are used. """ dependencies = dependencies or [] context = {"cls_name": spack.util.naming.mod_to_class(name), "dependencies": dependencies} template = spack.tengine.make_environment().get_template("mock-repository/package.pyt") text = template.render(context) package_py = self.recipe_filename(name) fs.mkdirp(os.path.dirname(package_py)) with open(package_py, "w") as f: f.write(text)
[docs] def remove(self, name): package_py = self.recipe_filename(name) shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(package_py))
[docs] def recipe_filename(self, name): return os.path.join(self.root, "packages", name, "")
[docs] class RepoError(spack.error.SpackError): """Superclass for repository-related errors."""
[docs] class NoRepoConfiguredError(RepoError): """Raised when there are no repositories configured."""
[docs] class InvalidNamespaceError(RepoError): """Raised when an invalid namespace is encountered."""
[docs] class BadRepoError(RepoError): """Raised when repo layout is invalid."""
[docs] class UnknownEntityError(RepoError): """Raised when we encounter a package spack doesn't have."""
[docs] class UnknownPackageError(UnknownEntityError): """Raised when we encounter a package spack doesn't have.""" def __init__(self, name, repo=None): msg = "Attempting to retrieve anonymous package." long_msg = None if name: if repo: msg = "Package '{0}' not found in repository '{1.root}'" msg = msg.format(name, repo) else: msg = "Package '{0}' not found.".format(name) # Special handling for specs that may have been intended as # filenames: prompt the user to ask whether they intended to write # './<name>'. if name.endswith(".yaml"): long_msg = "Did you mean to specify a filename with './{0}'?" long_msg = long_msg.format(name) else: long_msg = "Use 'spack create' to create a new package." if not repo: repo = spack.repo.PATH # We need to compare the base package name pkg_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] similar = difflib.get_close_matches(pkg_name, repo.all_package_names()) if 1 <= len(similar) <= 5: long_msg += "\n\nDid you mean one of the following packages?\n " long_msg += "\n ".join(similar) super().__init__(msg, long_msg) = name
[docs] class UnknownNamespaceError(UnknownEntityError): """Raised when we encounter an unknown namespace""" def __init__(self, namespace, name=None): msg, long_msg = "Unknown namespace: {}".format(namespace), None if name == "yaml": long_msg = "Did you mean to specify a filename with './{}.{}'?" long_msg = long_msg.format(namespace, name) super().__init__(msg, long_msg)
[docs] class FailedConstructorError(RepoError): """Raised when a package's class constructor fails.""" def __init__(self, name, exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb): super().__init__( "Class constructor failed for package '%s'." % name, "\nCaused by:\n" + ("%s: %s\n" % (exc_type.__name__, exc_obj)) + "".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_tb)), ) = name