Source code for spack.relocate_text

# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

"""This module contains pure-Python classes and functions for replacing
paths inside text files and binaries."""

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, Union

import spack.error

Prefix = Union[str, bytes]

[docs] def encode_path(p: Prefix) -> bytes: return p if isinstance(p, bytes) else p.encode("utf-8")
def _prefix_to_prefix_as_bytes(prefix_to_prefix) -> Dict[bytes, bytes]: return OrderedDict((encode_path(k), encode_path(v)) for (k, v) in prefix_to_prefix.items())
[docs] def utf8_path_to_binary_regex(prefix: str): """Create a binary regex that matches the input path in utf8""" prefix_bytes = re.escape(prefix).encode("utf-8") return re.compile(b"(?<![\\w\\-_/])([\\w\\-_]*?)%s([\\w\\-_/]*)" % prefix_bytes)
def _byte_strings_to_single_binary_regex(prefixes): all_prefixes = b"|".join(re.escape(p) for p in prefixes) return re.compile(b"(?<![\\w\\-_/])([\\w\\-_]*?)(%s)([\\w\\-_/]*)" % all_prefixes)
[docs] def utf8_paths_to_single_binary_regex(prefixes): """Create a (binary) regex that matches any input path in utf8""" return _byte_strings_to_single_binary_regex(p.encode("utf-8") for p in prefixes)
[docs] def filter_identity_mappings(prefix_to_prefix): """Drop mappings that are not changed.""" # NOTE: we don't guard against the following case: # [/abc/def -> /abc/def, /abc -> /x] *will* be simplified to # [/abc -> /x], meaning that after this simplification /abc/def will be # mapped to /x/def instead of /abc/def. This should not be a problem. return OrderedDict((k, v) for (k, v) in prefix_to_prefix.items() if k != v)
[docs] class PrefixReplacer: """Base class for applying a prefix to prefix map to a list of binaries or text files. Child classes implement _apply_to_file to do the actual work, which is different when it comes to binaries and text files.""" def __init__(self, prefix_to_prefix: Dict[bytes, bytes]): """ Arguments: prefix_to_prefix (OrderedDict): A ordered mapping from prefix to prefix. The order is relevant to support substring fallbacks, for example [("/first/sub", "/x"), ("/first", "/y")] will ensure /first/sub is matched and replaced before /first. """ self.prefix_to_prefix = filter_identity_mappings(prefix_to_prefix) @property def is_noop(self) -> bool: """Returns true when the prefix to prefix map is mapping everything to the same location (identity) or there are no prefixes to replace.""" return not self.prefix_to_prefix
[docs] def apply(self, filenames: list): """Returns a list of files that were modified""" changed_files = [] if self.is_noop: return [] for filename in filenames: if self.apply_to_filename(filename): changed_files.append(filename) return changed_files
[docs] def apply_to_filename(self, filename): if self.is_noop: return False with open(filename, "rb+") as f: return self.apply_to_file(f)
[docs] def apply_to_file(self, f): if self.is_noop: return False return self._apply_to_file(f)
[docs] class TextFilePrefixReplacer(PrefixReplacer): """This class applies prefix to prefix mappings for relocation on text files. Note that UTF-8 encoding is assumed.""" def __init__(self, prefix_to_prefix: Dict[bytes, bytes]): """ prefix_to_prefix (OrderedDict): OrderedDictionary where the keys are bytes representing the old prefixes and the values are the new. """ super().__init__(prefix_to_prefix) # Single regex for all paths. self.regex = _byte_strings_to_single_binary_regex(self.prefix_to_prefix.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def from_strings_or_bytes( cls, prefix_to_prefix: Dict[Prefix, Prefix] ) -> "TextFilePrefixReplacer": """Create a TextFilePrefixReplacer from an ordered prefix to prefix map.""" return cls(_prefix_to_prefix_as_bytes(prefix_to_prefix))
def _apply_to_file(self, f): """Text replacement implementation simply reads the entire file in memory and applies the combined regex.""" replacement = lambda m: + self.prefix_to_prefix[] + data = new_data = re.sub(self.regex, replacement, data) if id(data) == id(new_data): return False f.write(new_data) f.truncate() return True
[docs] class BinaryFilePrefixReplacer(PrefixReplacer): def __init__(self, prefix_to_prefix, suffix_safety_size=7): """ prefix_to_prefix (OrderedDict): OrderedDictionary where the keys are bytes representing the old prefixes and the values are the new suffix_safety_size (int): in case of null terminated strings, what size of the suffix should remain to avoid aliasing issues? """ assert suffix_safety_size >= 0 super().__init__(prefix_to_prefix) self.suffix_safety_size = suffix_safety_size self.regex = self.binary_text_regex(self.prefix_to_prefix.keys(), suffix_safety_size)
[docs] @classmethod def binary_text_regex(cls, binary_prefixes, suffix_safety_size=7): """ Create a regex that looks for exact matches of prefixes, and also tries to match a C-string type null terminator in a small lookahead window. Arguments: binary_prefixes (list): List of byte strings of prefixes to match suffix_safety_size (int): Sizeof the lookahed for null-terminated string. Returns: compiled regex """ return re.compile( b"(" + b"|".join(re.escape(p) for p in binary_prefixes) + b")([^\0]{0,%d}\0)?" % suffix_safety_size )
[docs] @classmethod def from_strings_or_bytes( cls, prefix_to_prefix: Dict[Prefix, Prefix], suffix_safety_size: int = 7 ) -> "BinaryFilePrefixReplacer": """Create a BinaryFilePrefixReplacer from an ordered prefix to prefix map. Arguments: prefix_to_prefix (OrderedDict): Ordered mapping of prefix to prefix. suffix_safety_size (int): Number of bytes to retain at the end of a C-string to avoid binary string-aliasing issues. """ return cls(_prefix_to_prefix_as_bytes(prefix_to_prefix), suffix_safety_size)
def _apply_to_file(self, f): """ Given a file opened in rb+ mode, apply the string replacements as specified by an ordered dictionary of prefix to prefix mappings. This method takes special care of null-terminated C-strings. C-string constants are problematic because compilers and linkers optimize readonly strings for space by aliasing those that share a common suffix (only suffix since all of them are null terminated). See and for details. Our logic matches the original prefix with a ``suffix_safety_size + 1`` lookahead for null bytes. If no null terminator is found, we simply pad with leading /, assuming that it's a long C-string; the full C-string after replacement has a large suffix in common with its original value. If there *is* a null terminator we can do the same as long as the replacement has a sufficiently long common suffix with the original prefix. As a last resort when the replacement does not have a long enough common suffix, we can try to shorten the string, but this only works if the new length is sufficiently short (typically the case when going from large padding -> normal path) If the replacement string is longer, or all of the above fails, we error out. Arguments: f: file opened in rb+ mode Returns: bool: True if file was modified """ assert f.tell() == 0 # We *could* read binary data in chunks to avoid loading all in memory, # but it's nasty to deal with matches across boundaries, so let's stick to # something simple. modified = True for match in self.regex.finditer( # The matching prefix (old) and its replacement (new) old = new = self.prefix_to_prefix[old] # Did we find a trailing null within a N + 1 bytes window after the prefix? null_terminated = match.end(0) > match.end(1) # Suffix string length, excluding the null byte # Only makes sense if null_terminated suffix_strlen = match.end(0) - match.end(1) - 1 # How many bytes are we shrinking our string? bytes_shorter = len(old) - len(new) # We can't make strings larger. if bytes_shorter < 0: raise CannotGrowString(old, new) # If we don't know whether this is a null terminated C-string (we're looking # only N + 1 bytes ahead), or if it is and we have a common suffix, we can # simply pad with leading dir separators. elif ( not null_terminated or suffix_strlen >= self.suffix_safety_size # == is enough, but let's be defensive or old[-self.suffix_safety_size + suffix_strlen :] == new[-self.suffix_safety_size + suffix_strlen :] ): replacement = b"/" * bytes_shorter + new # If it *was* null terminated, all that matters is that we can leave N bytes # of old suffix in place. Note that > is required since we also insert an # additional null terminator. elif bytes_shorter > self.suffix_safety_size: replacement = new + # includes the trailing null # Otherwise... we can't :( else: raise CannotShrinkCString(old, new,[:-1]) f.write(replacement) modified = True return modified
[docs] class BinaryStringReplacementError(spack.error.SpackError): def __init__(self, file_path, old_len, new_len): """The size of the file changed after binary path substitution Args: file_path (str): file with changing size old_len (str): original length of the file new_len (str): length of the file after substitution """ super().__init__( "Doing a binary string replacement in %s failed.\n" "The size of the file changed from %s to %s\n" "when it should have remanined the same." % (file_path, old_len, new_len) )
[docs] class BinaryTextReplaceError(spack.error.SpackError): def __init__(self, msg): msg += ( " To fix this, compile with more padding " "(config:install_tree:padded_length), or install to a shorter prefix." ) super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class CannotGrowString(BinaryTextReplaceError): def __init__(self, old, new): msg = "Cannot replace {!r} with {!r} because the new prefix is longer.".format(old, new) super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class CannotShrinkCString(BinaryTextReplaceError): def __init__(self, old, new, full_old_string): # Just interpolate binary string to not risk issues with invalid # unicode, which would be really bad user experience: error in error. # We have no clue if we actually deal with a real C-string nor what # encoding it has. msg = "Cannot replace {!r} with {!r} in the C-string {!r}.".format( old, new, full_old_string ) super().__init__(msg)