Source code for spack.deptypes

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Data structures that represent Spack's edge types."""

from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple, Union

#: Type hint for the low-level dependency input (enum.Flag is too slow)
DepFlag = int

#: Type hint for the high-level dependency input
DepTypes = Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

#: Individual dependency types
DepType = str  # Python 3.8: Literal["build", "link", "run", "test"]

# Flag values. NOTE: these values are not arbitrary, since hash computation imposes
# the order (link, run, build, test) when depending on the same package multiple times,
# and we rely on default integer comparison to sort dependency types.
# New dependency types should be appended.
LINK = 0b0001
RUN = 0b0010
BUILD = 0b0100
TEST = 0b1000

#: The types of dependency relationships that Spack understands.
ALL_TYPES: Tuple[DepType, ...] = ("build", "link", "run", "test")

#: Default dependency type if none is specified
DEFAULT_TYPES: Tuple[DepType, ...] = ("build", "link")

#: A flag with all dependency types set

#: Default dependency type if none is specified

#: An iterator of all flag components
ALL_FLAGS: Tuple[DepFlag, DepFlag, DepFlag, DepFlag] = (BUILD, LINK, RUN, TEST)

[docs] def flag_from_string(s: str) -> DepFlag: if s == "build": return BUILD elif s == "link": return LINK elif s == "run": return RUN elif s == "test": return TEST else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid dependency type: {s}")
[docs] def flag_from_strings(deptype: Iterable[str]) -> DepFlag: """Transform an iterable of deptype strings into a flag.""" flag = 0 for deptype_str in deptype: flag |= flag_from_string(deptype_str) return flag
[docs] def canonicalize(deptype: DepTypes) -> DepFlag: """Convert deptype user input to a DepFlag, or raise ValueError. Args: deptype: string representing dependency type, or a list/tuple of such strings. Can also be the builtin function ``all`` or the string 'all', which result in a tuple of all dependency types known to Spack. """ if deptype in ("all", all): return ALL if isinstance(deptype, str): return flag_from_string(deptype) if isinstance(deptype, (tuple, list, set)): return flag_from_strings(deptype) raise ValueError(f"Invalid dependency type: {deptype!r}")
[docs] def flag_to_tuple(x: DepFlag) -> Tuple[DepType, ...]: deptype: List[DepType] = [] if x & BUILD: deptype.append("build") if x & LINK: deptype.append("link") if x & RUN: deptype.append("run") if x & TEST: deptype.append("test") return tuple(deptype)
[docs] def flag_to_string(x: DepFlag) -> DepType: if x == BUILD: return "build" elif x == LINK: return "link" elif x == RUN: return "run" elif x == TEST: return "test" else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid dependency type flag: {x}")
[docs] def flag_to_chars(depflag: DepFlag) -> str: """Create a string representing deptypes for many dependencies. The string will be some subset of 'blrt', like 'bl ', 'b t', or ' lr ' where each letter in 'blrt' stands for 'build', 'link', 'run', and 'test' (the dependency types). For a single dependency, this just indicates that the dependency has the indicated deptypes. For a list of dependnecies, this shows whether ANY dpeendency in the list has the deptypes (so the deptypes are merged).""" return "".join( t_str[0] if t_flag & depflag else " " for t_str, t_flag in zip(ALL_TYPES, ALL_FLAGS) )