Source code for spack.util.timer

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

"""Debug signal handler: prints a stack trace and enters interpreter.

``register_interrupt_handler()`` enables a ctrl-C handler that prints
a stack trace and drops the user into an interpreter.

import collections
import sys
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Dict

from llnl.util.lang import pretty_seconds_formatter

import spack.util.spack_json as sjson

Interval = collections.namedtuple("Interval", ("begin", "end"))

#: name for the global timer (used in start(), stop(), duration() without arguments)
global_timer_name = "_global"

[docs]class NullTimer(object): """Timer interface that does nothing, useful in for "tell don't ask" style code when timers are optional."""
[docs] def start(self, name=global_timer_name): pass
[docs] def stop(self, name=global_timer_name): pass
[docs] def duration(self, name=global_timer_name): return 0.0
[docs] @contextmanager def measure(self, name): yield
@property def phases(self): return []
[docs] def write_json(self, out=sys.stdout): pass
[docs] def write_tty(self, out=sys.stdout): pass
#: instance of a do-nothing timer NULL_TIMER = NullTimer()
[docs]class Timer(object): """Simple interval timer""" def __init__(self, now=time.time): """ Arguments: now: function that gives the seconds since e.g. epoch """ self._now = now self._timers: Dict[str, Interval] = collections.OrderedDict() # _global is the overal timer since the instance was created self._timers[global_timer_name] = Interval(self._now(), end=None)
[docs] def start(self, name=global_timer_name): """ Start or restart a named timer, or the global timer when no name is given. Arguments: name (str): Optional name of the timer. When no name is passed, the global timer is started. """ self._timers[name] = Interval(self._now(), None)
[docs] def stop(self, name=global_timer_name): """ Stop a named timer, or all timers when no name is given. Stopping a timer that has not started has no effect. Arguments: name (str): Optional name of the timer. When no name is passed, all timers are stopped. """ interval = self._timers.get(name, None) if not interval: return self._timers[name] = Interval(interval.begin, self._now())
[docs] def duration(self, name=global_timer_name): """ Get the time in seconds of a named timer, or the total time if no name is passed. The duration is always 0 for timers that have not been started, no error is raised. Arguments: name (str): (Optional) name of the timer Returns: float: duration of timer. """ try: interval = self._timers[name] except KeyError: return 0.0 # Take either the interval end, the global timer, or now. end = interval.end or self._timers[global_timer_name].end or self._now() return end - interval.begin
[docs] @contextmanager def measure(self, name): """ Context manager that allows you to time a block of code. Arguments: name (str): Name of the timer """ begin = self._now() yield self._timers[name] = Interval(begin, self._now())
@property def phases(self): """Get all named timers (excluding the global/total timer)""" return [k for k in self._timers.keys() if k != global_timer_name]
[docs] def write_json(self, out=sys.stdout): """Write a json object with times to file""" phases = [{"name": p, "seconds": self.duration(p)} for p in self.phases] times = {"phases": phases, "total": {"seconds": self.duration()}} out.write(sjson.dump(times))
[docs] def write_tty(self, out=sys.stdout): """Write a human-readable summary of timings""" times = [self.duration(p) for p in self.phases] # Get a consistent unit for the time pretty_seconds = pretty_seconds_formatter(max(times)) # Tuples of (phase, time) including total. formatted = list(zip(self.phases, times)) formatted.append(("total", self.duration())) # Write to out for name, duration in formatted: out.write(f" {name:10s} {pretty_seconds(duration):>10s}\n")