Source code for spack.util.s3

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import urllib.parse
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

import spack
import spack.config

#: Map (mirror name, method) tuples to s3 client instances.
s3_client_cache: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Any] = dict()

[docs]def get_s3_session(url, method="fetch"): # import boto and friends as late as possible. We don't want to require boto as a # dependency unless the user actually wants to access S3 mirrors. from boto3 import Session from botocore import UNSIGNED from botocore.client import Config from botocore.exceptions import ClientError # Circular dependency from spack.mirror import MirrorCollection global s3_client_cache # Parse the URL if not already done. if not isinstance(url, urllib.parse.ParseResult): url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) url_str = url.geturl() def get_mirror_url(mirror): return mirror.fetch_url if method == "fetch" else mirror.push_url # Get all configured mirrors that could match. all_mirrors = MirrorCollection() mirrors = [ (name, mirror) for name, mirror in all_mirrors.items() if url_str.startswith(get_mirror_url(mirror)) ] if not mirrors: name, mirror = None, {} else: # In case we have more than one mirror, we pick the longest matching url. # The heuristic being that it's more specific, and you can have different # credentials for a sub-bucket (if that is a thing). name, mirror = max( mirrors, key=lambda name_and_mirror: len(get_mirror_url(name_and_mirror[1])) ) key = (name, method) # Did we already create a client for this? Then return it. if key in s3_client_cache: return s3_client_cache[key] # Otherwise, create it. s3_connection, s3_client_args = get_mirror_s3_connection_info(mirror, method) session = Session(**s3_connection) # if no access credentials provided above, then access anonymously if not session.get_credentials(): s3_client_args["config"] = Config(signature_version=UNSIGNED) client = session.client("s3", **s3_client_args) client.ClientError = ClientError # Cache the client. s3_client_cache[key] = client return client
def _parse_s3_endpoint_url(endpoint_url): if not urllib.parse.urlparse(endpoint_url, scheme="").scheme: endpoint_url = "://".join(("https", endpoint_url)) return endpoint_url
[docs]def get_mirror_s3_connection_info(mirror, method): """Create s3 config for session/client from a Mirror instance (or just set defaults when no mirror is given.)""" from spack.mirror import Mirror s3_connection = {} s3_client_args = {"use_ssl": spack.config.get("config:verify_ssl")} # access token if isinstance(mirror, Mirror): access_token = mirror.get_access_token(method) if access_token: s3_connection["aws_session_token"] = access_token # access pair access_pair = mirror.get_access_pair(method) if access_pair and access_pair[0] and access_pair[1]: s3_connection["aws_access_key_id"] = access_pair[0] s3_connection["aws_secret_access_key"] = access_pair[1] # profile profile = mirror.get_profile(method) if profile: s3_connection["profile_name"] = profile # endpoint url endpoint_url = mirror.get_endpoint_url(method) or os.environ.get("S3_ENDPOINT_URL") else: endpoint_url = os.environ.get("S3_ENDPOINT_URL") if endpoint_url: s3_client_args["endpoint_url"] = _parse_s3_endpoint_url(endpoint_url) return (s3_connection, s3_client_args)