Source code for spack.util.package_hash

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import ast

import spack.directives
import spack.error
import spack.package_base
import spack.repo
import spack.spec
import spack.util.hash
import spack.util.naming
from spack.util.unparse import unparse

[docs]class RemoveDocstrings(ast.NodeTransformer): """Transformer that removes docstrings from a Python AST. This removes *all* strings that aren't on the RHS of an assignment statement from the body of functions, classes, and modules -- even if they're not directly after the declaration. """
[docs] def remove_docstring(self, node): def unused_string(node): """Criteria for unassigned body strings.""" return isinstance(node, ast.Expr) and isinstance(node.value, ast.Str) if node.body: node.body = [child for child in node.body if not unused_string(child)] self.generic_visit(node) return node
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): return self.remove_docstring(node)
[docs] def visit_ClassDef(self, node): return self.remove_docstring(node)
[docs] def visit_Module(self, node): return self.remove_docstring(node)
[docs]class RemoveDirectives(ast.NodeTransformer): """Remove Spack directives from a package AST. This removes Spack directives (e.g., ``depends_on``, ``conflicts``, etc.) and metadata attributes (e.g., ``tags``, ``homepage``, ``url``) in a top-level class definition within a ````, but it does not modify nested classes or functions. If removing directives causes a ``for``, ``with``, or ``while`` statement to have an empty body, we remove the entire statement. Similarly, If removing directives causes an ``if`` statement to have an empty body or ``else`` block, we'll remove the block (or replace the body with ``pass`` if there is an ``else`` block but no body). """ def __init__(self, spec): # list of URL attributes and metadata attributes # these will be removed from packages. self.metadata_attrs = [s.url_attr for s in spack.fetch_strategy.all_strategies] self.metadata_attrs += spack.package_base.PackageBase.metadata_attrs self.spec = spec self.in_classdef = False # used to avoid nested classdefs
[docs] def visit_Expr(self, node): # Directives are represented in the AST as named function call expressions (as # opposed to function calls through a variable callback). We remove them. # # Note that changes to directives (e.g., a preferred version change or a hash # chnage on an archive) are already represented in the spec *outside* the # package hash. return ( None if ( node.value and isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name) and in spack.directives.directive_names ) else node )
[docs] def visit_Assign(self, node): # Remove assignments to metadata attributes, b/c they don't affect the build. return ( None if ( node.targets and isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name) and node.targets[0].id in self.metadata_attrs ) else node )
[docs] def visit_With(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) # visit children return node if node.body else None # remove with statement if it has no body
[docs] def visit_For(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) # visit children return node if node.body else None # remove loop if it has no body
[docs] def visit_While(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) # visit children return node if node.body else None # remove loop if it has no body
[docs] def visit_If(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) # an empty orelse is ignored by unparsing, but an empty body with a full orelse # ends up unparsing as a syntax error, so we replace the empty body into `pass`. if not node.body: if node.orelse: node.body = [ast.Pass()] else: return None # if the node has a body, it's valid python code with or without an orelse return node
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): # do not descend into function definitions return node
[docs] def visit_ClassDef(self, node): # packages are always top-level, and we do not descend # into nested class defs and their attributes if self.in_classdef: return node # guard against recrusive class definitions self.in_classdef = True self.generic_visit(node) self.in_classdef = False # replace class definition with `pass` if it's empty (e.g., packages that only # have directives b/c they subclass a build system class) if not node.body: node.body = [ast.Pass()] return node
[docs]class TagMultiMethods(ast.NodeVisitor): """Tag @when-decorated methods in a package AST.""" def __init__(self, spec): self.spec = spec # map from function name to (implementation, condition_list) tuples self.methods = {}
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, func): conditions = [] for dec in func.decorator_list: if isinstance(dec, ast.Call) and == "when": try: # evaluate spec condition for any when's cond = dec.args[0].s # Boolean literals come through like this if isinstance(cond, bool): conditions.append(cond) continue # otherwise try to make a spec try: cond_spec = spack.spec.Spec(cond) except Exception: # Spec parsing failed -- we don't know what this is. conditions.append(None) else: # Check statically whether spec satisfies the condition conditions.append(self.spec.satisfies(cond_spec)) except AttributeError: # In this case the condition for the 'when' decorator is # not a string literal (for example it may be a Python # variable name). We append None because we don't know # whether the constraint applies or not, and it should be included # unless some other constraint is False. conditions.append(None) # anything defined without conditions will overwrite prior definitions if not conditions: self.methods[] = [] # add all discovered conditions on this node to the node list impl_conditions = self.methods.setdefault(, []) impl_conditions.append((func, conditions)) # don't modify the AST -- return the untouched function node return func
[docs]class ResolveMultiMethods(ast.NodeTransformer): """Remove multi-methods when we know statically that they won't be used. Say we have multi-methods like this:: class SomePackage: def foo(self): print("implementation 1") @when("@1.0") def foo(self): print("implementation 2") @when("@2.0") @when(sys.platform == "darwin") def foo(self): print("implementation 3") @when("@3.0") def foo(self): print("implementation 4") The multimethod that will be chosen at runtime depends on the package spec and on whether we're on the darwin platform *at build time* (the darwin condition for implementation 3 is dynamic). We know the package spec statically; we don't know statically what the runtime environment will be. We need to include things that can possibly affect package behavior in the package hash, and we want to exclude things when we know that they will not affect package behavior. If we're at version 4.0, we know that implementation 1 will win, because some @when for 2, 3, and 4 will be `False`. We should only include implementation 1. If we're at version 1.0, we know that implementation 2 will win, because it overrides implementation 1. We should only include implementation 2. If we're at version 3.0, we know that implementation 4 will win, because it overrides implementation 1 (the default), and some @when on all others will be False. If we're at version 2.0, it's a bit more complicated. We know we can remove implementations 2 and 4, because their @when's will never be satisfied. But, the choice between implementations 1 and 3 will happen at runtime (this is a bad example because the spec itself has platform information, and we should prefer to use that, but we allow arbitrary boolean expressions in @when's, so this example suffices). For this case, we end up needing to include *both* implementation 1 and 3 in the package hash, because either could be chosen. """ def __init__(self, methods): self.methods = methods
[docs] def resolve(self, impl_conditions): """Given list of nodes and conditions, figure out which node will be chosen.""" result = [] default = None for impl, conditions in impl_conditions: # if there's a default implementation with no conditions, remember that. if not conditions: default = impl result.append(default) continue # any known-false @when means the method won't be used if any(c is False for c in conditions): continue # anything with all known-true conditions will be picked if it's first if all(c is True for c in conditions): if result and result[0] is default: return [impl] # we know the first MM will always win # if anything dynamic comes before it we don't know if it'll win, # so just let this result get appended # anything else has to be determined dynamically, so add it to a list result.append(impl) # if nothing was picked, the last definition wins. return result
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, func): # if the function def wasn't visited on the first traversal there is a problem assert in self.methods, "Inconsistent package traversal!" # if the function is a multimethod, need to resolve it statically impl_conditions = self.methods[] resolutions = self.resolve(impl_conditions) if not any(r is func for r in resolutions): # multimethod did not resolve to this function; remove it return None # if we get here, this function is a possible resolution for a multi-method. # it might be the only one, or there might be several that have to be evaluated # dynamcially. Either way, we include the function. # strip the when decorators (preserve the rest) func.decorator_list = [ dec for dec in func.decorator_list if not (isinstance(dec, ast.Call) and == "when") ] return func
[docs]def canonical_source(spec, filter_multimethods=True, source=None): """Get canonical source for a spec's by unparsing its AST. Arguments: filter_multimethods (bool): By default, filter multimethods out of the AST if they are known statically to be unused. Supply False to disable. source (str): Optionally provide a string to read python code from. """ return unparse(package_ast(spec, filter_multimethods, source=source), py_ver_consistent=True)
[docs]def package_hash(spec, source=None): """Get a hash of a package's canonical source code. This function is used to determine whether a spec needs a rebuild when a package's source code changes. Arguments: source (str): Optionally provide a string to read python code from. """ source = canonical_source(spec, filter_multimethods=True, source=source) return spack.util.hash.b32_hash(source)
[docs]def package_ast(spec, filter_multimethods=True, source=None): """Get the AST for the ```` file corresponding to ``spec``. Arguments: filter_multimethods (bool): By default, filter multimethods out of the AST if they are known statically to be unused. Supply False to disable. source (str): Optionally provide a string to read python code from. """ spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec) if source is None: filename = spack.repo.path.filename_for_package_name( with open(filename) as f: source = # create an AST root = ast.parse(source) # remove docstrings, comments, and directives from the package AST root = RemoveDocstrings().visit(root) root = RemoveDirectives(spec).visit(root) if filter_multimethods: # visit nodes and build up a dictionary of methods (no need to assign) tagger = TagMultiMethods(spec) tagger.visit(root) # transform AST using tagged methods root = ResolveMultiMethods(tagger.methods).visit(root) return root
[docs]class PackageHashError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised for all errors encountered during package hashing."""