Source code for spack.util.naming

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

# Need this because of spack.util.string
from __future__ import absolute_import

import io
import itertools
import re
import string

import spack.error

__all__ = [

# Valid module names can contain '-' but can't start with it.
_valid_module_re = r"^\w[\w-]*$"

# Valid module names can contain '-' but can't start with it.
_valid_fully_qualified_module_re = r"^(\w[\w-]*)(\.\w[\w-]*)*$"

[docs]def mod_to_class(mod_name): """Convert a name from module style to class name style. Spack mostly follows `PEP-8 <>`_: * Module and package names use lowercase_with_underscores. * Class names use the CapWords convention. Regular source code follows these convetions. Spack is a bit more liberal with its Package names and Compiler names: * They can contain '-' as well as '_', but cannot start with '-'. * They can start with numbers, e.g. "3proxy". This function converts from the module convention to the class convention by removing _ and - and converting surrounding lowercase text to CapWords. If mod_name starts with a number, the class name returned will be prepended with '_' to make a valid Python identifier. """ validate_module_name(mod_name) class_name = re.sub(r"[-_]+", "-", mod_name) class_name = string.capwords(class_name, "-") class_name = class_name.replace("-", "") # If a class starts with a number, prefix it with Number_ to make it # a valid Python class name. if re.match(r"^[0-9]", class_name): class_name = "_%s" % class_name return class_name
[docs]def spack_module_to_python_module(mod_name): """Given a Spack module name, returns the name by which it can be imported in Python. """ if re.match(r"[0-9]", mod_name): mod_name = "num" + mod_name return mod_name.replace("-", "_")
[docs]def possible_spack_module_names(python_mod_name): """Given a Python module name, return a list of all possible spack module names that could correspond to it.""" mod_name = re.sub(r"^num(\d)", r"\1", python_mod_name) parts = re.split(r"(_)", mod_name) options = [["_", "-"]] * mod_name.count("_") results = [] for subs in itertools.product(*options): s = list(parts) s[1::2] = subs results.append("".join(s)) return results
[docs]def simplify_name(name): """Simplify package name to only lowercase, digits, and dashes. Simplifies a name which may include uppercase letters, periods, underscores, and pluses. In general, we want our package names to only contain lowercase letters, digits, and dashes. Args: name (str): The original name of the package Returns: str: The new name of the package """ # Convert CamelCase to Dashed-Names # e.g. ImageMagick -> Image-Magick # e.g. SuiteSparse -> Suite-Sparse # name = re.sub('([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1-\2', name) # Rename Intel downloads # e.g. l_daal, l_ipp, l_mkl -> daal, ipp, mkl if name.startswith("l_"): name = name[2:] # Convert UPPERCASE to lowercase # e.g. SAMRAI -> samrai name = name.lower() # Replace '_' and '.' with '-' # e.g. backports.ssl_match_hostname -> backports-ssl-match-hostname name = name.replace("_", "-") name = name.replace(".", "-") # Replace "++" with "pp" and "+" with "-plus" # e.g. gtk+ -> gtk-plus # e.g. voro++ -> voropp name = name.replace("++", "pp") name = name.replace("+", "-plus") # Simplify Lua package names # We don't want "lua" to occur multiple times in the name name = re.sub("^(lua)([^-])", r"\1-\2", name) # Simplify Bio++ package names name = re.sub("^(bpp)([^-])", r"\1-\2", name) return name
[docs]def valid_module_name(mod_name): """Return whether mod_name is valid for use in Spack.""" return bool(re.match(_valid_module_re, mod_name))
[docs]def valid_fully_qualified_module_name(mod_name): """Return whether mod_name is a valid namespaced module name.""" return bool(re.match(_valid_fully_qualified_module_re, mod_name))
[docs]def validate_module_name(mod_name): """Raise an exception if mod_name is not valid.""" if not valid_module_name(mod_name): raise InvalidModuleNameError(mod_name)
[docs]def validate_fully_qualified_module_name(mod_name): """Raise an exception if mod_name is not a valid namespaced module name.""" if not valid_fully_qualified_module_name(mod_name): raise InvalidFullyQualifiedModuleNameError(mod_name)
class InvalidModuleNameError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when we encounter a bad module name.""" def __init__(self, name): super(InvalidModuleNameError, self).__init__("Invalid module name: " + name) = name class InvalidFullyQualifiedModuleNameError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when we encounter a bad full package name.""" def __init__(self, name): super(InvalidFullyQualifiedModuleNameError, self).__init__( "Invalid fully qualified package name: " + name ) = name
[docs]class NamespaceTrie(object):
[docs] class Element(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
def __init__(self, separator="."): self._subspaces = {} self._value = None self._sep = separator def __setitem__(self, namespace, value): first, sep, rest = namespace.partition(self._sep) if not first: self._value = NamespaceTrie.Element(value) return if first not in self._subspaces: self._subspaces[first] = NamespaceTrie() self._subspaces[first][rest] = value def _get_helper(self, namespace, full_name): first, sep, rest = namespace.partition(self._sep) if not first: if not self._value: raise KeyError("Can't find namespace '%s' in trie" % full_name) return self._value.value elif first not in self._subspaces: raise KeyError("Can't find namespace '%s' in trie" % full_name) else: return self._subspaces[first]._get_helper(rest, full_name) def __getitem__(self, namespace): return self._get_helper(namespace, namespace)
[docs] def is_prefix(self, namespace): """True if the namespace has a value, or if it's the prefix of one that does.""" first, sep, rest = namespace.partition(self._sep) if not first: return True elif first not in self._subspaces: return False else: return self._subspaces[first].is_prefix(rest)
[docs] def is_leaf(self, namespace): """True if this namespace has no children in the trie.""" first, sep, rest = namespace.partition(self._sep) if not first: return bool(self._subspaces) elif first not in self._subspaces: return False else: return self._subspaces[first].is_leaf(rest)
[docs] def has_value(self, namespace): """True if there is a value set for the given namespace.""" first, sep, rest = namespace.partition(self._sep) if not first: return self._value is not None elif first not in self._subspaces: return False else: return self._subspaces[first].has_value(rest)
def __contains__(self, namespace): """Returns whether a value has been set for the namespace.""" return self.has_value(namespace) def _str_helper(self, stream, level=0): indent = level * " " for name in sorted(self._subspaces): stream.write(indent + name + "\n") if self._value: stream.write(indent + " " + repr(self._value.value)) stream.write(self._subspaces[name]._str_helper(stream, level + 1)) def __str__(self): stream = io.StringIO() self._str_helper(stream) return stream.getvalue()