Source code for spack.user_environment

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import sys

import spack.build_environment
import spack.config
import spack.util.environment as environment
import spack.util.prefix as prefix

#: Environment variable name Spack uses to track individually loaded packages
spack_loaded_hashes_var = "SPACK_LOADED_HASHES"

[docs]def prefix_inspections(platform): """Get list of prefix inspections for platform Arguments: platform (str): the name of the platform to consider. The platform determines what environment variables Spack will use for some inspections. Returns: A dictionary mapping subdirectory names to lists of environment variables to modify with that directory if it exists. """ inspections = spack.config.get("modules:prefix_inspections", {}) if inspections: return inspections inspections = { "bin": ["PATH"], "man": ["MANPATH"], "share/man": ["MANPATH"], "share/aclocal": ["ACLOCAL_PATH"], "lib/pkgconfig": ["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"], "lib64/pkgconfig": ["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"], "share/pkgconfig": ["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"], "": ["CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"], } if platform == "darwin": inspections["lib"] = ["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] inspections["lib64"] = ["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] return inspections
[docs]def unconditional_environment_modifications(view): """List of environment (shell) modifications to be processed for view. This list does not depend on the specs in this environment""" env = environment.EnvironmentModifications() for subdir, vars in prefix_inspections(sys.platform).items(): full_subdir = os.path.join(view.root, subdir) for var in vars: env.prepend_path(var, full_subdir) return env
[docs]def environment_modifications_for_spec(spec, view=None, set_package_py_globals=True): """List of environment (shell) modifications to be processed for spec. This list is specific to the location of the spec or its projection in the view. Args: spec (spack.spec.Spec): spec for which to list the environment modifications view: view associated with the spec passed as first argument set_package_py_globals (bool): whether or not to set the global variables in the files (this may be problematic when using buildcaches that have been built on a different but compatible OS) """ spec = spec.copy() if view and not spec.external: spec.prefix = prefix.Prefix(view.get_projection_for_spec(spec)) # generic environment modifications determined by inspecting the spec # prefix env = environment.inspect_path( spec.prefix, prefix_inspections(spec.platform), exclude=environment.is_system_path ) # Let the extendee/dependency modify their extensions/dependents # before asking for package-specific modifications env.extend( spack.build_environment.modifications_from_dependencies( spec, context="run", set_package_py_globals=set_package_py_globals ) ) if set_package_py_globals: spack.build_environment.set_module_variables_for_package(spec.package) spec.package.setup_run_environment(env) return env