Source code for spack.solver.asp

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
from __future__ import division, print_function

import collections
import copy
import enum
import itertools
import os
import pprint
import re
import types
import warnings
from typing import List

import archspec.cpu

    import clingo  # type: ignore[import]

    # There may be a better way to detect this
    clingo_cffi = hasattr(clingo.Symbol, "_rep")
except ImportError:
    clingo = None  # type: ignore
    clingo_cffi = False

import llnl.util.lang
import llnl.util.tty as tty

import spack
import spack.binary_distribution
import spack.cmd
import spack.compilers
import spack.config
import spack.dependency
import spack.directives
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.error
import spack.package_base
import spack.package_prefs
import spack.platforms
import spack.repo
import spack.spec
import spack.traverse
import spack.util.path
import spack.util.timer
import spack.variant
import spack.version as vn

# these are from clingo.ast and bootstrapped later
ASTType = None
parse_files = None

#: Data class that contain configuration on what a
#: clingo solve should output.
#: Args:
#:     timers (bool):  Print out coarse timers for different solve phases.
#:     stats (bool): Whether to output Clingo's internal solver statistics.
#:     out: Optional output stream for the generated ASP program.
#:     setup_only (bool): if True, stop after setup and don't solve (default False).
OutputConfiguration = collections.namedtuple(
    "OutputConfiguration", ["timers", "stats", "out", "setup_only"]

#: Default output configuration for a solve
    timers=False, stats=False, out=None, setup_only=False

[docs]def default_clingo_control(): """Return a control object with the default settings used in Spack""" control = clingo.Control() control.configuration.configuration = "tweety" control.configuration.solve.models = 0 control.configuration.solver.heuristic = "Domain" control.configuration.solve.parallel_mode = "1" control.configuration.solver.opt_strategy = "usc,one" return control
# backward compatibility functions for clingo ASTs
[docs]def ast_getter(*names): def getter(node): for name in names: result = getattr(node, name, None) if result: return result raise KeyError("node has no such keys: %s" % names) return getter
ast_type = ast_getter("ast_type", "type") ast_sym = ast_getter("symbol", "term")
[docs]class Provenance(enum.IntEnum): """Enumeration of the possible provenances of a version.""" # A spec literal SPEC = # A dev spec literal DEV_SPEC = # An external spec declaration EXTERNAL = # The 'packages' section of the configuration PACKAGES_YAML = # A package requirement PACKAGE_REQUIREMENT = # A '' file PACKAGE_PY = # An installed spec INSTALLED = def __str__(self): return f"{self._name_.lower()}"
[docs]class RequirementKind(enum.Enum): """Purpose / provenance of a requirement""" #: Default requirement expressed under the 'all' attribute of packages.yaml DEFAULT = #: Requirement expressed on a virtual package VIRTUAL = #: Requirement expressed on a specific package PACKAGE =
DeclaredVersion = collections.namedtuple("DeclaredVersion", ["version", "idx", "origin"]) # Below numbers are used to map names of criteria to the order # they appear in the solution. See concretize.lp # The space of possible priorities for optimization targets # is partitioned in the following ranges: # # [0-100) Optimization criteria for software being reused # [100-200) Fixed criteria that are higher priority than reuse, but lower than build # [200-300) Optimization criteria for software being built # [300-1000) High-priority fixed criteria # [1000-inf) Error conditions # # Each optimization target is a minimization with optimal value 0. #: High fixed priority offset for criteria that supersede all build criteria high_fixed_priority_offset = 300 #: Priority offset for "build" criteria (regular criterio shifted to #: higher priority for specs we have to build) build_priority_offset = 200 #: Priority offset of "fixed" criteria (those w/o build criteria) fixed_priority_offset = 100
[docs]def build_criteria_names(costs, arg_tuples): """Construct an ordered mapping from criteria names to costs.""" # pull optimization criteria names out of the solution priorities_names = [] num_fixed = 0 num_high_fixed = 0 for args in arg_tuples: priority, name = args[:2] priority = int(priority) # add the priority of this opt criterion and its name priorities_names.append((priority, name)) # if the priority is less than fixed_priority_offset, then it # has an associated build priority -- the same criterion but for # nodes that we have to build. if priority < fixed_priority_offset: build_priority = priority + build_priority_offset priorities_names.append((build_priority, name)) elif priority >= high_fixed_priority_offset: num_high_fixed += 1 else: num_fixed += 1 # sort the criteria by priority priorities_names = sorted(priorities_names, reverse=True) # We only have opt-criterion values for non-error types # error type criteria are excluded (they come first) error_criteria = len(costs) - len(priorities_names) costs = costs[error_criteria:] # split list into three parts: build criteria, fixed criteria, non-build criteria num_criteria = len(priorities_names) num_build = (num_criteria - num_fixed - num_high_fixed) // 2 build_start_idx = num_high_fixed fixed_start_idx = num_high_fixed + num_build installed_start_idx = num_high_fixed + num_build + num_fixed high_fixed = priorities_names[:build_start_idx] build = priorities_names[build_start_idx:fixed_start_idx] fixed = priorities_names[fixed_start_idx:installed_start_idx] installed = priorities_names[installed_start_idx:] # mapping from priority to index in cost list indices = dict((p, i) for i, (p, n) in enumerate(priorities_names)) # make a list that has each name with its build and non-build costs criteria = [(cost, None, name) for cost, (p, name) in zip(costs[:build_start_idx], high_fixed)] criteria += [ (cost, None, name) for cost, (p, name) in zip(costs[fixed_start_idx:installed_start_idx], fixed) ] for (i, name), (b, _) in zip(installed, build): criteria.append((costs[indices[i]], costs[indices[b]], name)) return criteria
[docs]def issequence(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return False return isinstance(obj, (, types.GeneratorType))
[docs]def listify(args): if len(args) == 1 and issequence(args[0]): return list(args[0]) return list(args)
[docs]def packagize(pkg): if isinstance(pkg, str): return spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class(pkg) else: return pkg
[docs]def specify(spec): if isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec): return spec return spack.spec.Spec(spec)
[docs]class AspObject(object): """Object representing a piece of ASP code."""
def _id(thing): """Quote string if needed for it to be a valid identifier.""" if isinstance(thing, AspObject): return thing elif isinstance(thing, bool): return '"%s"' % str(thing) elif isinstance(thing, int): return str(thing) else: return '"%s"' % str(thing)
[docs]@llnl.util.lang.key_ordering class AspFunction(AspObject): def __init__(self, name, args=None): = name self.args = () if args is None else tuple(args) def _cmp_key(self): return (, self.args) def __call__(self, *args): """Return a new instance of this function with added arguments. Note that calls are additive, so you can do things like:: >>> attr = AspFunction("attr") attr() >>> attr("version") attr("version") >>> attr("version")("foo") attr("version", "foo") >>> v = AspFunction("attr", "version") attr("version") >>> v("foo", "bar") attr("version", "foo", "bar") """ return AspFunction(, self.args + args)
[docs] def symbol(self, positive=True): def argify(arg): if isinstance(arg, bool): return clingo.String(str(arg)) elif isinstance(arg, int): return clingo.Number(arg) else: return clingo.String(str(arg)) return clingo.Function(, [argify(arg) for arg in self.args], positive=positive)
def __str__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (, ", ".join(str(_id(arg)) for arg in self.args)) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class AspFunctionBuilder(object): def __getattr__(self, name): return AspFunction(name)
fn = AspFunctionBuilder()
[docs]def all_compilers_in_config(): return spack.compilers.all_compilers()
[docs]def extend_flag_list(flag_list, new_flags): """Extend a list of flags, preserving order and precedence. Add new_flags at the end of flag_list. If any flags in new_flags are already in flag_list, they are moved to the end so that they take higher precedence on the compile line. """ for flag in new_flags: if flag in flag_list: flag_list.remove(flag) flag_list.append(flag)
[docs]def check_packages_exist(specs): """Ensure all packages mentioned in specs exist.""" repo = spack.repo.path for spec in specs: for s in spec.traverse(): try: check_passed = repo.exists( or repo.is_virtual( except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot find package: {0}".format(str(e)) check_passed = False tty.debug(msg) if not check_passed: raise spack.repo.UnknownPackageError(str(s.fullname))
[docs]class Result(object): """Result of an ASP solve.""" def __init__(self, specs, asp=None): self.asp = asp self.satisfiable = None self.optimal = None self.warnings = None self.nmodels = 0 # Saved control object for reruns when necessary self.control = None # specs ordered by optimization level self.answers = [] self.cores = [] # names of optimization criteria self.criteria = [] # Abstract user requests self.abstract_specs = specs # Concrete specs self._concrete_specs_by_input = None self._concrete_specs = None self._unsolved_specs = None
[docs] def format_core(self, core): """ Format an unsatisfiable core for human readability Returns a list of strings, where each string is the human readable representation of a single fact in the core, including a newline. Modeled after traceback.format_stack. """ error_msg = ( "Internal Error: ASP Result.control not populated. Please report to the spack" " maintainers" ) assert self.control, error_msg symbols = dict((a.literal, a.symbol) for a in self.control.symbolic_atoms) core_symbols = [] for atom in core: sym = symbols[atom] core_symbols.append(sym) return sorted(str(symbol) for symbol in core_symbols)
[docs] def minimize_core(self, core): """ Return a subset-minimal subset of the core. Clingo cores may be thousands of lines when two facts are sufficient to ensure unsatisfiability. This algorithm reduces the core to only those essential facts. """ error_msg = ( "Internal Error: ASP Result.control not populated. Please report to the spack" " maintainers" ) assert self.control, error_msg min_core = core[:] for fact in core: # Try solving without this fact min_core.remove(fact) ret = self.control.solve(assumptions=min_core) if not ret.unsatisfiable: min_core.append(fact) return min_core
[docs] def minimal_cores(self): """ Return a list of subset-minimal unsatisfiable cores. """ return [self.minimize_core(core) for core in self.cores]
[docs] def format_minimal_cores(self): """List of facts for each core Separate cores are separated by an empty line """ string_list = [] for core in self.minimal_cores(): if string_list: string_list.append("\n") string_list.extend(self.format_core(core)) return string_list
[docs] def format_cores(self): """List of facts for each core Separate cores are separated by an empty line Cores are not minimized """ string_list = [] for core in self.cores: if string_list: string_list.append("\n") string_list.extend(self.format_core(core)) return string_list
[docs] def raise_if_unsat(self): """ Raise an appropriate error if the result is unsatisfiable. The error is an InternalConcretizerError, and includes the minimized cores resulting from the solve, formatted to be human readable. """ if self.satisfiable: return constraints = self.abstract_specs if len(constraints) == 1: constraints = constraints[0] conflicts = self.format_minimal_cores() raise InternalConcretizerError(constraints, conflicts=conflicts)
@property def specs(self): """List of concretized specs satisfying the initial abstract request. """ if self._concrete_specs is None: self._compute_specs_from_answer_set() return self._concrete_specs @property def unsolved_specs(self): """List of abstract input specs that were not solved.""" if self._unsolved_specs is None: self._compute_specs_from_answer_set() return self._unsolved_specs @property def specs_by_input(self): if self._concrete_specs_by_input is None: self._compute_specs_from_answer_set() return self._concrete_specs_by_input def _compute_specs_from_answer_set(self): if not self.satisfiable: self._concrete_specs = [] self._unsolved_specs = self.abstract_specs self._concrete_specs_by_input = {} return self._concrete_specs, self._unsolved_specs = [], [] self._concrete_specs_by_input = {} best = min(self.answers) opt, _, answer = best for input_spec in self.abstract_specs: key = if input_spec.virtual: providers = [ for spec in answer.values() if spec.package.provides(key)] key = providers[0] candidate = answer.get(key) if candidate and candidate.satisfies(input_spec): self._concrete_specs.append(answer[key]) self._concrete_specs_by_input[input_spec] = answer[key] else: self._unsolved_specs.append(input_spec)
def _normalize_packages_yaml(packages_yaml): normalized_yaml = copy.copy(packages_yaml) for pkg_name in packages_yaml: is_virtual = spack.repo.path.is_virtual(pkg_name) if pkg_name == "all" or not is_virtual: continue # Remove the virtual entry from the normalized configuration data = normalized_yaml.pop(pkg_name) is_buildable = data.get("buildable", True) if not is_buildable: for provider in spack.repo.path.providers_for(pkg_name): entry = normalized_yaml.setdefault(, {}) entry["buildable"] = False externals = data.get("externals", []) def keyfn(x): return spack.spec.Spec(x["spec"]).name for provider, specs in itertools.groupby(externals, key=keyfn): entry = normalized_yaml.setdefault(provider, {}) entry.setdefault("externals", []).extend(specs) return normalized_yaml
[docs]def bootstrap_clingo(): global clingo, ASTType, parse_files if not clingo: import spack.bootstrap with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration(): spack.bootstrap.ensure_core_dependencies() import clingo from clingo.ast import ASTType try: from clingo.ast import parse_files except ImportError: # older versions of clingo have this one namespace up from clingo import parse_files
[docs]def stringify(sym): """Stringify symbols from clingo models. This will turn a ``clingo.Symbol`` into a string, or a sequence of ``clingo.Symbol`` objects into a tuple of strings. """ # TODO: simplify this when we no longer have to support older clingo versions. if isinstance(sym, (list, tuple)): return tuple(stringify(a) for a in sym) if clingo_cffi: # Clingo w/ CFFI will throw an exception on failure try: return sym.string except RuntimeError: return str(sym) else: return sym.string or str(sym)
[docs]def extract_args(model, predicate_name): """Extract the arguments to predicates with the provided name from a model. Pull out all the predicates with name ``predicate_name`` from the model, and return their stringified arguments as tuples. """ return [stringify(sym.arguments) for sym in model if == predicate_name]
[docs]class ErrorHandler: def __init__(self, model): self.model = model self.error_args = extract_args(model, "error")
[docs] def multiple_values_error(self, attribute, pkg): return f'Cannot select a single "{attribute}" for package "{pkg}"'
[docs] def no_value_error(self, attribute, pkg): return f'Cannot select a single "{attribute}" for package "{pkg}"'
[docs] def handle_error(self, msg, *args): """Handle an error state derived by the solver.""" if msg == "multiple_values_error": return self.multiple_values_error(*args) if msg == "no_value_error": return self.no_value_error(*args) # For variant formatting, we sometimes have to construct specs # to format values properly. Find/replace all occurances of # Spec(...) with the string representation of the spec mentioned msg = msg.format(*args) specs_to_construct = re.findall(r"Spec\(([^)]*)\)", msg) for spec_str in specs_to_construct: msg = msg.replace("Spec(%s)" % spec_str, str(spack.spec.Spec(spec_str))) return msg
[docs] def message(self, errors) -> str: messages = [ f" {idx+1: 2}. {self.handle_error(msg, *args)}" for idx, (_, msg, args) in enumerate(errors) ] header = "concretization failed for the following reasons:\n" return "\n".join([header] + messages)
[docs] def raise_if_errors(self): if not self.error_args: return errors = sorted( [(int(priority), msg, args) for priority, msg, *args in self.error_args], reverse=True ) msg = self.message(errors) raise UnsatisfiableSpecError(msg)
#: Data class to collect information on a requirement RequirementRule = collections.namedtuple( "RequirementRule", ["pkg_name", "policy", "requirements", "condition", "kind", "message"] )
[docs]class PyclingoDriver(object): def __init__(self, cores=True): """Driver for the Python clingo interface. Arguments: cores (bool): whether to generate unsatisfiable cores for better error reporting. """ bootstrap_clingo() self.out = llnl.util.lang.Devnull() self.cores = cores # These attributes are part of the object, but will be reset # at each call to solve self.control = None self.backend = None self.assumptions = None
[docs] def title(self, name, char): self.out.write("\n") self.out.write("%" + (char * 76)) self.out.write("\n") self.out.write("%% %s\n" % name) self.out.write("%" + (char * 76)) self.out.write("\n")
[docs] def h1(self, name): self.title(name, "=")
[docs] def h2(self, name): self.title(name, "-")
[docs] def newline(self): self.out.write("\n")
[docs] def fact(self, head): """ASP fact (a rule without a body). Arguments: head (AspFunction): ASP function to generate as fact """ symbol = head.symbol() if hasattr(head, "symbol") else head self.out.write("%s.\n" % str(symbol)) atom = self.backend.add_atom(symbol) # Only functions relevant for constructing bug reports for bad error messages # are assumptions, and only when using cores. choice = self.cores and == "internal_error" self.backend.add_rule([atom], [], choice=choice) if choice: self.assumptions.append(atom)
[docs] def solve(self, setup, specs, reuse=None, output=None, control=None): """Set up the input and solve for dependencies of ``specs``. Arguments: setup (SpackSolverSetup): An object to set up the ASP problem. specs (list): List of ``Spec`` objects to solve for. reuse (None or list): list of concrete specs that can be reused output (None or OutputConfiguration): configuration object to set the output of this solve. control (clingo.Control): configuration for the solver. If None, default values will be used Return: A tuple of the solve result, the timer for the different phases of the solve, and the internal statistics from clingo. """ output = output or DEFAULT_OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION # allow solve method to override the output stream if output.out is not None: self.out = output.out timer = spack.util.timer.Timer() # Initialize the control object for the solver self.control = control or default_clingo_control() # set up the problem -- this generates facts and rules self.assumptions = [] timer.start("setup") with self.control.backend() as backend: self.backend = backend setup.setup(self, specs, reuse=reuse) timer.stop("setup") timer.start("load") # read in the main ASP program and display logic -- these are # handwritten, not generated, so we load them as resources parent_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # extract error messages from concretize.lp by inspecting its AST with self.backend: def visit(node): if ast_type(node) == ASTType.Rule: for term in node.body: if ast_type(term) == ASTType.Literal: if ast_type(term.atom) == ASTType.SymbolicAtom: name = ast_sym(term.atom).name if name == "internal_error": arg = ast_sym(ast_sym(term.atom).arguments[0]) self.fact(AspFunction(name)(arg.string)) self.h1("Error messages") path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "concretize.lp") parse_files([path], visit) # If we're only doing setup, just return an empty solve result if output.setup_only: return Result(specs), None, None # Load the file itself self.control.load(os.path.join(parent_dir, "concretize.lp")) self.control.load(os.path.join(parent_dir, "os_compatibility.lp")) self.control.load(os.path.join(parent_dir, "display.lp")) timer.stop("load") # Grounding is the first step in the solve -- it turns our facts # and first-order logic rules into propositional logic. timer.start("ground") self.control.ground([("base", [])]) timer.stop("ground") # With a grounded program, we can run the solve. result = Result(specs) models = [] # stable models if things go well cores = [] # unsatisfiable cores if they do not def on_model(model): models.append((model.cost, model.symbols(shown=True, terms=True))) solve_kwargs = { "assumptions": self.assumptions, "on_model": on_model, "on_core": cores.append, } if clingo_cffi: solve_kwargs["on_unsat"] = cores.append timer.start("solve") solve_result = self.control.solve(**solve_kwargs) timer.stop("solve") # once done, construct the solve result result.satisfiable = solve_result.satisfiable if result.satisfiable: # get the best model builder = SpecBuilder(specs, hash_lookup=setup.reusable_and_possible) min_cost, best_model = min(models) # first check for errors error_handler = ErrorHandler(best_model) error_handler.raise_if_errors() # build specs from spec attributes in the model spec_attrs = [(name, tuple(rest)) for name, *rest in extract_args(best_model, "attr")] answers = builder.build_specs(spec_attrs) # add best spec to the results result.answers.append((list(min_cost), 0, answers)) # get optimization criteria criteria_args = extract_args(best_model, "opt_criterion") result.criteria = build_criteria_names(min_cost, criteria_args) # record the number of models the solver considered result.nmodels = len(models) # record the possible dependencies in the solve result.possible_dependencies = setup.pkgs # print any unknown functions in the model for sym in best_model: if not in ("attr", "error", "opt_criterion"): tty.debug( "UNKNOWN SYMBOL: %s(%s)" % (, ", ".join(stringify(sym.arguments))) ) elif cores: result.control = self.control result.cores.extend(cores) if output.timers: timer.write_tty() print() if output.stats: print("Statistics:") pprint.pprint(self.control.statistics) return result, timer, self.control.statistics
[docs]class SpackSolverSetup(object): """Class to set up and run a Spack concretization solve.""" def __init__(self, tests=False): self.gen = None # set by setup() self.declared_versions = collections.defaultdict(list) self.possible_versions = collections.defaultdict(set) self.deprecated_versions = collections.defaultdict(set) self.possible_virtuals = None self.possible_compilers = [] self.possible_oses = set() self.variant_values_from_specs = set() self.version_constraints = set() self.target_constraints = set() self.default_targets = [] self.compiler_version_constraints = set() self.post_facts = [] # (ID, CompilerSpec) -> dictionary of attributes self.compiler_info = collections.defaultdict(dict) # hashes we've already added facts for self.seen_hashes = set() self.reusable_and_possible = {} # id for dummy variables self._condition_id_counter = itertools.count() # Caches to optimize the setup phase of the solver self.target_specs_cache = None # whether to add installed/binary hashes to the solve self.tests = tests # If False allows for input specs that are not solved self.concretize_everything = True # Set during the call to setup self.pkgs = None
[docs] def pkg_version_rules(self, pkg): """Output declared versions of a package. This uses self.declared_versions so that we include any versions that arise from a spec. """ def key_fn(version): # Origins are sorted by "provenance" first, see the Provenance enumeration above return version.origin, version.idx pkg = packagize(pkg) declared_versions = self.declared_versions[] partially_sorted_versions = sorted(set(declared_versions), key=key_fn) most_to_least_preferred = [] for _, group in itertools.groupby(partially_sorted_versions, key=key_fn): most_to_least_preferred.extend( list(sorted(group, reverse=True, key=lambda x: vn.ver(x.version))) ) for weight, declared_version in enumerate(most_to_least_preferred): self.gen.fact( fn.version_declared(, declared_version.version, weight, str(declared_version.origin) ) ) # Declare deprecated versions for this package, if any deprecated = self.deprecated_versions[] for v in sorted(deprecated): self.gen.fact(fn.deprecated_version(, v))
[docs] def spec_versions(self, spec): """Return list of clauses expressing spec's version constraints.""" spec = specify(spec) msg = "Internal Error: spec with no name occured. Please report to the spack maintainers." assert, msg if spec.concrete: return [fn.attr("version",, spec.version)] if spec.versions == vn.any_version: return [] # record all version constraints for later self.version_constraints.add((, spec.versions)) return [fn.attr("node_version_satisfies",, spec.versions)]
[docs] def target_ranges(self, spec, single_target_fn): target = # Check if the target is a concrete target if str(target) in archspec.cpu.TARGETS: return [single_target_fn(, target)] self.target_constraints.add(target) return [fn.attr("node_target_satisfies",, target)]
[docs] def conflict_rules(self, pkg): default_msg = "{0} '{1}' conflicts with '{2}'" no_constraint_msg = "{0} conflicts with '{1}'" for trigger, constraints in pkg.conflicts.items(): trigger_msg = "conflict trigger %s" % str(trigger) trigger_id = self.condition(spack.spec.Spec(trigger),, msg=trigger_msg) for constraint, conflict_msg in constraints: if conflict_msg is None: if constraint == spack.spec.Spec(): conflict_msg = no_constraint_msg.format(, trigger) else: conflict_msg = default_msg.format(, trigger, constraint) constraint_msg = "conflict constraint %s" % str(constraint) constraint_id = self.condition(constraint,, msg=constraint_msg) self.gen.fact(fn.conflict(, trigger_id, constraint_id, conflict_msg)) self.gen.newline()
[docs] def compiler_facts(self): """Facts about available compilers.""" self.gen.h2("Available compilers") indexed_possible_compilers = list(enumerate(self.possible_compilers)) for compiler_id, compiler in indexed_possible_compilers: self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_id(compiler_id)) self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_name(compiler_id, self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_version(compiler_id, compiler.spec.version)) if compiler.operating_system: self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_os(compiler_id, compiler.operating_system)) if == "any": = None if is not None: self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_target(compiler_id, for flag_type, flags in compiler.flags.items(): for flag in flags: self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_flag(compiler_id, flag_type, flag)) self.gen.newline() # Set compiler defaults, given a list of possible compilers self.gen.h2("Default compiler preferences (CompilerID, Weight)") ppk = spack.package_prefs.PackagePrefs("all", "compiler", all=False) matches = sorted(indexed_possible_compilers, key=lambda x: ppk(x[1].spec)) for weight, (compiler_id, cspec) in enumerate(matches): f = fn.default_compiler_preference(compiler_id, weight) self.gen.fact(f)
[docs] def package_compiler_defaults(self, pkg): """Facts about packages' compiler prefs.""" packages = spack.config.get("packages") pkg_prefs = packages.get( if not pkg_prefs or "compiler" not in pkg_prefs: return compiler_list = self.possible_compilers compiler_list = sorted(compiler_list, key=lambda x: (, x.version), reverse=True) ppk = spack.package_prefs.PackagePrefs(, "compiler", all=False) matches = sorted(compiler_list, key=lambda x: ppk(x.spec)) for i, compiler in enumerate(reversed(matches)): self.gen.fact( fn.node_compiler_preference(,, compiler.spec.version, -i * 100 ) )
[docs] def package_requirement_rules(self, pkg): rules = self.requirement_rules_from_package_py(pkg) rules.extend(self.requirement_rules_from_packages_yaml(pkg)) self.emit_facts_from_requirement_rules(rules)
[docs] def requirement_rules_from_package_py(self, pkg): rules = [] for requirements, conditions in pkg.requirements.items(): for when_spec, policy, message in conditions: rules.append( RequirementRule(, policy=policy, requirements=requirements, kind=RequirementKind.PACKAGE, condition=when_spec, message=message, ) ) return rules
[docs] def requirement_rules_from_packages_yaml(self, pkg): pkg_name = config = spack.config.get("packages") requirements = config.get(pkg_name, {}).get("require", []) kind = RequirementKind.PACKAGE if not requirements: requirements = config.get("all", {}).get("require", []) kind = RequirementKind.DEFAULT return self._rules_from_requirements(pkg_name, requirements, kind=kind)
def _rules_from_requirements(self, pkg_name: str, requirements, *, kind: RequirementKind): """Manipulate requirements from packages.yaml, and return a list of tuples with a uniform structure (name, policy, requirements). """ if isinstance(requirements, str): rules = [self._rule_from_str(pkg_name, requirements, kind)] else: rules = [] for requirement in requirements: if isinstance(requirement, str): # A string represents a spec that must be satisfied. It is # equivalent to a one_of group with a single element rules.append(self._rule_from_str(pkg_name, requirement, kind)) else: for policy in ("spec", "one_of", "any_of"): if policy in requirement: constraints = requirement[policy] # "spec" is for specifying a single spec if policy == "spec": constraints = [constraints] policy = "one_of" rules.append( RequirementRule( pkg_name=pkg_name, policy=policy, requirements=constraints, kind=kind, message=requirement.get("message"), condition=requirement.get("when"), ) ) return rules def _rule_from_str( self, pkg_name: str, requirements: str, kind: RequirementKind ) -> RequirementRule: return RequirementRule( pkg_name=pkg_name, policy="one_of", requirements=[requirements], kind=kind, condition=None, message=None, )
[docs] def pkg_rules(self, pkg, tests): pkg = packagize(pkg) # versions self.pkg_version_rules(pkg) self.gen.newline() # variants for name, entry in sorted(pkg.variants.items()): variant, when = entry if spack.spec.Spec() in when: # unconditional variant self.gen.fact(fn.variant(, name)) else: # conditional variant for w in when: msg = "%s has variant %s" % (, name) if str(w): msg += " when %s" % w cond_id = self.condition(w,, msg=msg) self.gen.fact(fn.variant_condition(cond_id,, name)) single_value = not variant.multi if single_value: self.gen.fact(fn.variant_single_value(, name)) self.gen.fact( fn.variant_default_value_from_package_py(, name, variant.default) ) else: spec_variant = variant.make_default() defaults = spec_variant.value for val in sorted(defaults): self.gen.fact(fn.variant_default_value_from_package_py(, name, val)) values = variant.values if values is None: values = [] elif isinstance(values, spack.variant.DisjointSetsOfValues): union = set() # Encode the disjoint sets in the logic program for sid, s in enumerate(values.sets): for value in s: self.gen.fact( fn.variant_value_from_disjoint_sets(, name, value, sid) ) union.update(s) values = union # make sure that every variant has at least one possible value if not values: values = [variant.default] for value in sorted(values): if getattr(value, "when", True) is not True: # when=True means unconditional condition_spec = spack.spec.Spec("{0}={1}".format(name, value)) if value.when is False: # This value is a conflict # Cannot just prevent listing it as a possible value because it could # also come in as a possible value from the command line trigger_id = self.condition( condition_spec,, msg="invalid variant value {0}={1}".format(name, value), ) constraint_id = self.condition( spack.spec.Spec(),, msg="empty (total) conflict constraint", ) msg = "variant {0}={1} is conditionally disabled".format(name, value) self.gen.fact(fn.conflict(, trigger_id, constraint_id, msg)) else: imposed = spack.spec.Spec(value.when) = self.condition( required_spec=condition_spec, imposed_spec=imposed,, msg="%s variant %s value %s when %s" % (, name, value, when), ) self.gen.fact(fn.variant_possible_value(, name, value)) if variant.sticky: self.gen.fact(fn.variant_sticky(, name)) self.gen.newline() # conflicts self.conflict_rules(pkg) # default compilers for this package self.package_compiler_defaults(pkg) # virtuals self.package_provider_rules(pkg) # dependencies self.package_dependencies_rules(pkg) # virtual preferences self.virtual_preferences(, lambda v, p, i: self.gen.fact(fn.pkg_provider_preference(, v, p, i)) ) self.package_requirement_rules(pkg)
[docs] def condition(self, required_spec, imposed_spec=None, name=None, msg=None, node=False): """Generate facts for a dependency or virtual provider condition. Arguments: required_spec (spack.spec.Spec): the spec that triggers this condition imposed_spec (spack.spec.Spec or None): the spec with constraints that are imposed when this condition is triggered name (str or None): name for `required_spec` (required if required_spec is anonymous, ignored if not) msg (str or None): description of the condition node (bool): if False does not emit "node" or "virtual_node" requirements from the imposed spec Returns: int: id of the condition created by this function """ named_cond = required_spec.copy() = or name assert, "must provide name for anonymous condtions!" # Check if we can emit the requirements before updating the condition ID counter. # In this way, if a condition can't be emitted but the exception is handled in the caller, # we won't emit partial facts. requirements = self.spec_clauses(named_cond, body=True, required_from=name) condition_id = next(self._condition_id_counter) self.gen.fact(fn.condition(condition_id, msg)) for pred in requirements: self.gen.fact(fn.condition_requirement(condition_id, *pred.args)) if imposed_spec: self.impose(condition_id, imposed_spec, node=node, name=name) return condition_id
[docs] def impose(self, condition_id, imposed_spec, node=True, name=None, body=False): imposed_constraints = self.spec_clauses(imposed_spec, body=body, required_from=name) for pred in imposed_constraints: # imposed "node"-like conditions are no-ops if not node and pred.args[0] in ("node", "virtual_node"): continue self.gen.fact(fn.imposed_constraint(condition_id, *pred.args))
[docs] def package_provider_rules(self, pkg): for provider_name in sorted(set( for s in pkg.provided.keys())): self.gen.fact(fn.possible_provider(, provider_name)) for provided, whens in pkg.provided.items(): for when in whens: msg = "%s provides %s when %s" % (, provided, when) condition_id = self.condition(when, provided,, msg) self.gen.fact(fn.provider_condition(condition_id,, self.gen.newline()
[docs] def package_dependencies_rules(self, pkg): """Translate 'depends_on' directives into ASP logic.""" for _, conditions in sorted(pkg.dependencies.items()): for cond, dep in sorted(conditions.items()): deptypes = dep.type.copy() # Skip test dependencies if they're not requested if not self.tests: deptypes.discard("test") # ... or if they are requested only for certain packages if not isinstance(self.tests, bool) and not in self.tests: deptypes.discard("test") # if there are no dependency types to be considered # anymore, don't generate the dependency if not deptypes: continue msg = "%s depends on %s" % (, if cond != spack.spec.Spec(): msg += " when %s" % cond condition_id = self.condition(cond, dep.spec,, msg) self.gen.fact(fn.dependency_condition(condition_id,, for t in sorted(deptypes): # there is a declared dependency of type t self.gen.fact(fn.dependency_type(condition_id, t)) self.gen.newline()
[docs] def virtual_preferences(self, pkg_name, func): """Call func(vspec, provider, i) for each of pkg's provider prefs.""" config = spack.config.get("packages") pkg_prefs = config.get(pkg_name, {}).get("providers", {}) for vspec, providers in pkg_prefs.items(): if vspec not in self.possible_virtuals: continue for i, provider in enumerate(providers): provider_name = spack.spec.Spec(provider).name func(vspec, provider_name, i)
[docs] def provider_defaults(self): self.gen.h2("Default virtual providers") msg = ( "Internal Error: possible_virtuals is not populated. Please report to the spack" " maintainers" ) assert self.possible_virtuals is not None, msg self.virtual_preferences( "all", lambda v, p, i: self.gen.fact(fn.default_provider_preference(v, p, i)) )
[docs] def provider_requirements(self): self.gen.h2("Requirements on virtual providers") msg = ( "Internal Error: possible_virtuals is not populated. Please report to the spack" " maintainers" ) packages_yaml = spack.config.config.get("packages") assert self.possible_virtuals is not None, msg for virtual_str in sorted(self.possible_virtuals): requirements = packages_yaml.get(virtual_str, {}).get("require", []) rules = self._rules_from_requirements( virtual_str, requirements, kind=RequirementKind.VIRTUAL ) self.emit_facts_from_requirement_rules(rules)
[docs] def emit_facts_from_requirement_rules(self, rules: List[RequirementRule]): """Generate facts to enforce requirements. Args: rules: rules for which we want facts to be emitted """ for requirement_grp_id, rule in enumerate(rules): virtual = rule.kind == RequirementKind.VIRTUAL pkg_name, policy, requirement_grp = rule.pkg_name, rule.policy, rule.requirements requirement_weight = 0 main_requirement_condition = spack.directives.make_when_spec(rule.condition) if main_requirement_condition is False: continue # Write explicitly if a requirement is conditional or not if main_requirement_condition != spack.spec.Spec(): msg = f"condition to activate requirement {requirement_grp_id}" try: main_condition_id = self.condition( main_requirement_condition, name=pkg_name, msg=msg ) except Exception as e: if rule.kind != RequirementKind.DEFAULT: raise RuntimeError("cannot emit requirements for the solver") from e continue self.gen.fact( fn.requirement_conditional(pkg_name, requirement_grp_id, main_condition_id) ) self.gen.fact(fn.requirement_group(pkg_name, requirement_grp_id)) self.gen.fact(fn.requirement_policy(pkg_name, requirement_grp_id, policy)) if rule.message: self.gen.fact(fn.requirement_message(pkg_name, requirement_grp_id, rule.message)) self.gen.newline() for spec_str in requirement_grp: spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec_str) if not = pkg_name spec.attach_git_version_lookup() when_spec = spec if virtual: when_spec = spack.spec.Spec(pkg_name) try: member_id = self.condition( required_spec=when_spec, imposed_spec=spec, name=pkg_name, node=virtual ) except Exception as e: # Do not raise if the rule comes from the 'all' subsection, since usability # would be impaired. If a rule does not apply for a specific package, just # discard it. if rule.kind != RequirementKind.DEFAULT: raise RuntimeError("cannot emit requirements for the solver") from e continue self.gen.fact(fn.requirement_group_member(member_id, pkg_name, requirement_grp_id)) self.gen.fact(fn.requirement_has_weight(member_id, requirement_weight)) self.gen.newline() requirement_weight += 1
[docs] def external_packages(self): """Facts on external packages, as read from packages.yaml""" # Read packages.yaml and normalize it, so that it # will not contain entries referring to virtual # packages. packages_yaml = spack.config.get("packages") packages_yaml = _normalize_packages_yaml(packages_yaml) self.gen.h1("External packages") for pkg_name, data in packages_yaml.items(): if pkg_name == "all": continue # This package does not appear in any repository if pkg_name not in spack.repo.path: continue self.gen.h2("External package: {0}".format(pkg_name)) # Check if the external package is buildable. If it is # not then "external(<pkg>)" is a fact, unless we can # reuse an already installed spec. external_buildable = data.get("buildable", True) if not external_buildable: self.gen.fact(fn.buildable_false(pkg_name)) # Read a list of all the specs for this package externals = data.get("externals", []) external_specs = [spack.spec.parse_with_version_concrete(x["spec"]) for x in externals] # Order the external versions to prefer more recent versions # even if specs in packages.yaml are not ordered that way external_versions = [ (x.version, external_id) for external_id, x in enumerate(external_specs) ] external_versions = [ (v, idx, external_id) for idx, (v, external_id) in enumerate(sorted(external_versions, reverse=True)) ] for version, idx, external_id in external_versions: self.declared_versions[pkg_name].append( DeclaredVersion(version=version, idx=idx, origin=Provenance.EXTERNAL) ) # Declare external conditions with a local index into packages.yaml for local_idx, spec in enumerate(external_specs): msg = "%s available as external when satisfying %s" % (, spec) condition_id = self.condition(spec, msg=msg) self.gen.fact(fn.possible_external(condition_id, pkg_name, local_idx)) self.possible_versions[].add(spec.version) self.gen.newline()
[docs] def preferred_variants(self, pkg_name): """Facts on concretization preferences, as read from packages.yaml""" preferences = spack.package_prefs.PackagePrefs preferred_variants = preferences.preferred_variants(pkg_name) if not preferred_variants: return for variant_name in sorted(preferred_variants): variant = preferred_variants[variant_name] values = variant.value if not isinstance(values, tuple): values = (values,) # perform validation of the variant and values spec = spack.spec.Spec(pkg_name) spec.update_variant_validate(variant_name, values) for value in values: self.variant_values_from_specs.add((pkg_name,, value)) self.gen.fact( fn.variant_default_value_from_packages_yaml(pkg_name,, value) )
[docs] def target_preferences(self, pkg_name): key_fn = spack.package_prefs.PackagePrefs(pkg_name, "target") if not self.target_specs_cache: self.target_specs_cache = [ spack.spec.Spec("target={0}".format(target_name)) for _, target_name in self.default_targets ] package_targets = self.target_specs_cache[:] package_targets.sort(key=key_fn) offset = 0 best_default = self.default_targets[0][1] for i, preferred in enumerate(package_targets): if str( == best_default and i != 0: offset = 100 self.gen.fact( fn.target_weight(pkg_name, str(, i + offset) )
[docs] def spec_clauses(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap a call to `_spec_clauses()` into a try/except block that raises a comprehensible error message in case of failure. """ requestor = kwargs.pop("required_from", None) try: clauses = self._spec_clauses(*args, **kwargs) except RuntimeError as exc: msg = str(exc) if requestor: msg += ' [required from package "{0}"]'.format(requestor) raise RuntimeError(msg) return clauses
def _spec_clauses( self, spec, body=False, transitive=True, expand_hashes=False, concrete_build_deps=False ): """Return a list of clauses for a spec mandates are true. Arguments: spec (spack.spec.Spec): the spec to analyze body (bool): if True, generate clauses to be used in rule bodies (final values) instead of rule heads (setters). transitive (bool): if False, don't generate clauses from dependencies (default True) expand_hashes (bool): if True, descend into hashes of concrete specs (default False) concrete_build_deps (bool): if False, do not include pure build deps of concrete specs (as they have no effect on runtime constraints) Normally, if called with ``transitive=True``, ``spec_clauses()`` just generates hashes for the dependency requirements of concrete specs. If ``expand_hashes`` is ``True``, we'll *also* output all the facts implied by transitive hashes, which are redundant during a solve but useful outside of one (e.g., for spec ``diff``). """ clauses = [] # TODO: do this with consistent suffixes. class Head(object): node = fn.attr("node") virtual_node = fn.attr("virtual_node") node_platform = fn.attr("node_platform_set") node_os = fn.attr("node_os_set") node_target = fn.attr("node_target_set") variant_value = fn.attr("variant_set") node_compiler = fn.attr("node_compiler_set") node_compiler_version = fn.attr("node_compiler_version_set") node_flag = fn.attr("node_flag_set") node_flag_source = fn.attr("node_flag_source") node_flag_propagate = fn.attr("node_flag_propagate") variant_propagate = fn.attr("variant_propagate") class Body(object): node = fn.attr("node") virtual_node = fn.attr("virtual_node") node_platform = fn.attr("node_platform") node_os = fn.attr("node_os") node_target = fn.attr("node_target") variant_value = fn.attr("variant_value") node_compiler = fn.attr("node_compiler") node_compiler_version = fn.attr("node_compiler_version") node_flag = fn.attr("node_flag") node_flag_source = fn.attr("node_flag_source") node_flag_propagate = fn.attr("node_flag_propagate") variant_propagate = fn.attr("variant_propagate") f = Body if body else Head if clauses.append(f.node( if not spec.virtual else f.virtual_node( clauses.extend(self.spec_versions(spec)) # seed architecture at the root (we'll propagate later) # TODO: use better semantics. arch = spec.architecture if arch: if arch.platform: clauses.append(f.node_platform(, arch.platform)) if arch.os: clauses.append(f.node_os(, arch.os)) if clauses.extend(self.target_ranges(spec, f.node_target)) # variants for vname, variant in sorted(spec.variants.items()): values = variant.value if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): values = [values] for value in values: # * is meaningless for concretization -- just for matching if value == "*": continue # validate variant value only if spec not concrete if not spec.concrete: reserved_names = spack.directives.reserved_names if not spec.virtual and vname not in reserved_names: pkg_cls = spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class( try: variant_def, _ = pkg_cls.variants[vname] except KeyError: msg = 'variant "{0}" not found in package "{1}"' raise RuntimeError(msg.format(vname, else: variant_def.validate_or_raise( variant, spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class( ) clauses.append(f.variant_value(, vname, value)) if variant.propagate: clauses.append(f.variant_propagate(, vname, value, # Tell the concretizer that this is a possible value for the # variant, to account for things like int/str values where we # can't enumerate the valid values self.variant_values_from_specs.add((, vname, value)) # compiler and compiler version if spec.compiler: clauses.append(f.node_compiler(, if spec.compiler.concrete: clauses.append( f.node_compiler_version(,, spec.compiler.version) ) elif spec.compiler.versions: clauses.append( fn.attr( "node_compiler_version_satisfies",,, spec.compiler.versions, ) ) self.compiler_version_constraints.add(spec.compiler) # compiler flags for flag_type, flags in spec.compiler_flags.items(): for flag in flags: clauses.append(f.node_flag(, flag_type, flag)) clauses.append(f.node_flag_source(, flag_type, if not spec.concrete and flag.propagate is True: clauses.append(f.node_flag_propagate(, flag_type)) # dependencies if spec.concrete: # older specs do not have package hashes, so we have to do this carefully if getattr(spec, "_package_hash", None): clauses.append(fn.attr("package_hash",, spec._package_hash)) clauses.append(fn.attr("hash",, spec.dag_hash())) # add all clauses from dependencies if transitive: # TODO: Eventually distinguish 2 deps on the same pkg (build and link) for dspec in spec.edges_to_dependencies(): dep = dspec.spec if spec.concrete: # We know dependencies are real for concrete specs. For abstract # specs they just mean the dep is somehow in the DAG. for dtype in dspec.deptypes: # skip build dependencies of already-installed specs if concrete_build_deps or dtype != "build": clauses.append(fn.attr("depends_on",,, dtype)) # TODO: We have to look up info from here, but we'd # TODO: like to avoid this entirely. We should not need to look # TODO: up potentially wrong info if we have virtual edge info. try: try: pkg = dep.package except spack.repo.UnknownNamespaceError: # Try to look up the package of the same name and use its # providers. This is as good as we can do without edge info. pkg_class = spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class( spec = spack.spec.Spec(f"{}@{dep.version}") pkg = pkg_class(spec) virtuals = pkg.virtuals_provided except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: # Skip virtual node constriants for renamed/deleted packages, # so their binaries can still be installed. # NOTE: with current specs (which lack edge attributes) this # can allow concretizations with two providers, but it's unlikely. continue # Don't concretize with two providers of the same virtual. # See above for exception for unknown packages. # TODO: we will eventually record provider information on edges, # TODO: which avoids the need for the package lookup above. for virtual in virtuals: clauses.append(fn.attr("virtual_node", clauses.append(fn.provider(, # imposing hash constraints for all but pure build deps of # already-installed concrete specs. if concrete_build_deps or dspec.deptypes != ("build",): clauses.append(fn.attr("hash",, dep.dag_hash())) # if the spec is abstract, descend into dependencies. # if it's concrete, then the hashes above take care of dependency # constraints, but expand the hashes if asked for. if not spec.concrete or expand_hashes: clauses.extend( self._spec_clauses( dep, body=body, expand_hashes=expand_hashes, concrete_build_deps=concrete_build_deps, ) ) return clauses
[docs] def build_version_dict(self, possible_pkgs): """Declare any versions in specs not declared in packages.""" packages_yaml = spack.config.get("packages") packages_yaml = _normalize_packages_yaml(packages_yaml) for pkg_name in possible_pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) # All the versions from the corresponding file. Since concepts # like being a "develop" version or being preferred exist only at a # level, sort them in this partial list here def key_fn(item): version, info = item # When COMPARING VERSIONS, the '@develop' version is always # larger than other versions. BUT when CONCRETIZING, the largest # NON-develop version is selected by default. return ( info.get("preferred", False), not info.get("deprecated", False), not version.isdevelop(), version, ) for idx, item in enumerate(sorted(pkg_cls.versions.items(), key=key_fn, reverse=True)): v, version_info = item self.possible_versions[pkg_name].add(v) self.declared_versions[pkg_name].append( DeclaredVersion(version=v, idx=idx, origin=Provenance.PACKAGE_PY) ) deprecated = version_info.get("deprecated", False) if deprecated: self.deprecated_versions[pkg_name].add(v) # All the preferred version from packages.yaml, versions in external # specs will be computed later version_preferences = packages_yaml.get(pkg_name, {}).get("version", []) version_defs = [] pkg_class = spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) for vstr in version_preferences: v = vn.ver(vstr) if isinstance(v, vn.GitVersion): version_defs.append(v) else: satisfying_versions = self._check_for_defined_matching_versions(pkg_class, v) # Amongst all defined versions satisfying this specific # preference, the highest-numbered version is the # most-preferred: therefore sort satisfying versions # from greatest to least version_defs.extend(sorted(satisfying_versions, reverse=True)) for weight, vdef in enumerate(llnl.util.lang.dedupe(version_defs)): self.declared_versions[pkg_name].append( DeclaredVersion(version=vdef, idx=weight, origin=Provenance.PACKAGES_YAML) ) self.possible_versions[pkg_name].add(vdef)
def _check_for_defined_matching_versions(self, pkg_class, v): """Given a version specification (which may be a concrete version, range, etc.), determine if any version declarations or externals define a version which satisfies it. This is primarily for determining whether a version request (e.g. version preferences, which should not themselves define versions) refers to a defined version. This function raises an exception if no satisfying versions are found. """ pkg_name = satisfying_versions = list(x for x in pkg_class.versions if x.satisfies(v)) satisfying_versions.extend(x for x in self.possible_versions[pkg_name] if x.satisfies(v)) if not satisfying_versions: raise spack.config.ConfigError( "Preference for version {0} does not match any version" " defined for {1} (in its or any external)".format(str(v), pkg_name) ) return satisfying_versions
[docs] def add_concrete_versions_from_specs(self, specs, origin): """Add concrete versions to possible versions from lists of CLI/dev specs.""" for s in spack.traverse.traverse_nodes(specs): # If there is a concrete version on the CLI *that we know nothing # about*, add it to the known versions. Use idx=0, which is the # best possible, so they're guaranteed to be used preferentially. version = s.versions.concrete if version is None or any(v == version for v in self.possible_versions[]): continue self.declared_versions[].append( DeclaredVersion(version=version, idx=0, origin=origin) ) self.possible_versions[].add(version)
def _supported_targets(self, compiler_name, compiler_version, targets): """Get a list of which targets are supported by the compiler. Results are ordered most to least recent. """ supported = [] for target in targets: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") target.optimization_flags(compiler_name, compiler_version) supported.append(target) except archspec.cpu.UnsupportedMicroarchitecture: continue except ValueError: continue return sorted(supported, reverse=True)
[docs] def platform_defaults(self): self.gen.h2("Default platform") platform = self.gen.fact(fn.node_platform_default(platform)) self.gen.fact(fn.allowed_platform(platform))
[docs] def os_defaults(self, specs): self.gen.h2("Possible operating systems") platform = # create set of OS's to consider buildable = set(platform.operating_sys.keys()) # Consider any OS's mentioned on the command line. We need this to # cross-concretize in CI, and for some tests. # TODO: OS should really be more than just a label -- rework this. for spec in specs: if spec.architecture and spec.architecture.os: buildable.add(spec.architecture.os) # make directives for buildable OS's for build_os in sorted(buildable): self.gen.fact(fn.buildable_os(build_os)) def keyfun(os): return ( os == platform.default_os, # prefer default os not in buildable, # then prefer buildables os, # then sort by name ) all_oses = buildable.union(self.possible_oses) ordered_oses = sorted(all_oses, key=keyfun, reverse=True) # output the preference order of OS's for the concretizer to choose for i, os_name in enumerate(ordered_oses): self.gen.fact(fn.os(os_name, i))
[docs] def target_defaults(self, specs): """Add facts about targets and target compatibility.""" self.gen.h2("Default target") platform = uarch = archspec.cpu.TARGETS.get(platform.default) self.gen.h2("Target compatibility") # Construct the list of targets which are compatible with the host candidate_targets = [uarch] + uarch.ancestors # Get configuration options granularity = spack.config.get("concretizer:targets:granularity") host_compatible = spack.config.get("concretizer:targets:host_compatible") # Add targets which are not compatible with the current host if not host_compatible: additional_targets_in_family = sorted( [ t for t in archspec.cpu.TARGETS.values() if ( == and t not in candidate_targets) ], key=lambda x: len(x.ancestors), reverse=True, ) candidate_targets += additional_targets_in_family # Check if we want only generic architecture if granularity == "generic": candidate_targets = [t for t in candidate_targets if t.vendor == "generic"] # Add targets explicitly requested from specs for spec in specs: if not spec.architecture or not continue target = archspec.cpu.TARGETS.get( if not target: self.target_ranges(spec, None) continue if target not in candidate_targets and not host_compatible: candidate_targets.append(target) for ancestor in target.ancestors: if ancestor not in candidate_targets: candidate_targets.append(ancestor) best_targets = {} for compiler_id, compiler in enumerate(self.possible_compilers): # Stub support for cross-compilation, to be expanded later if is not None and != str( self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_supports_target(compiler_id, self.gen.newline() continue supported = self._supported_targets(, compiler.version, candidate_targets) # If we can't find supported targets it may be due to custom # versions in the spec, e.g. gcc@foo. Try to match the # real_version from the compiler object to get more accurate # results. if not supported: supported = self._supported_targets(, compiler.real_version, candidate_targets ) if not supported: continue for target in supported: best_targets.add( self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_supports_target(compiler_id, self.gen.fact(fn.compiler_supports_target(compiler_id, self.gen.newline() i = 0 # TODO compute per-target offset? for target in candidate_targets: self.gen.fact( self.gen.fact(fn.target_family(, self.gen.fact(fn.target_compatible(, # Code for ancestor can run on target for ancestor in target.ancestors: self.gen.fact(fn.target_compatible(, # prefer best possible targets; weight others poorly so # they're not used unless set explicitly # these are stored to be generated as facts later offset by the # number of preferred targets if in best_targets: self.default_targets.append((i, i += 1 else: self.default_targets.append((100, self.gen.newline() self.default_targets = list(sorted(set(self.default_targets)))
[docs] def virtual_providers(self): self.gen.h2("Virtual providers") msg = ( "Internal Error: possible_virtuals is not populated. Please report to the spack" " maintainers" ) assert self.possible_virtuals is not None, msg # what provides what for vspec in sorted(self.possible_virtuals): self.gen.fact(fn.virtual(vspec)) self.gen.newline()
[docs] def generate_possible_compilers(self, specs): compilers = all_compilers_in_config() # Search for compilers which differs only by aspects that are # not selectable by users using the spec syntax seen, sanitized_list = set(), [] for compiler in compilers: key = compiler.spec, compiler.operating_system, if key in seen: warnings.warn( f"duplicate found for {compiler.spec} on " f"{compiler.operating_system}/{}. " f"Edit your compilers.yaml configuration to remove it." ) continue sanitized_list.append(compiler) seen.add(key) cspecs = set([c.spec for c in compilers]) # add compiler specs from the input line to possibilities if we # don't require compilers to exist. strict = spack.concretize.Concretizer().check_for_compiler_existence for s in spack.traverse.traverse_nodes(specs): # we don't need to validate compilers for already-built specs if s.concrete or not s.compiler: continue version = s.compiler.versions.concrete if not version or any(c.satisfies(s.compiler) for c in cspecs): continue # Error when a compiler is not found and strict mode is enabled if strict: raise spack.concretize.UnavailableCompilerVersionError(s.compiler) # Make up a compiler matching the input spec. This is for bootstrapping. compiler_cls = spack.compilers.class_for_compiler_name( compilers.append( compiler_cls(s.compiler, operating_system=None, target=None, paths=[None] * 4) ) self.gen.fact(fn.allow_compiler(, version)) return list( sorted( compilers, key=lambda compiler: (, compiler.spec.version), reverse=True, ) )
[docs] def define_version_constraints(self): """Define what version_satisfies(...) means in ASP logic.""" for pkg_name, versions in sorted(self.version_constraints): # generate facts for each package constraint and the version # that satisfies it for v in sorted(v for v in self.possible_versions[pkg_name] if v.satisfies(versions)): self.gen.fact(fn.version_satisfies(pkg_name, versions, v)) self.gen.newline()
[docs] def define_virtual_constraints(self): """Define versions for constraints on virtuals. Must be called before define_version_constraints(). """ # aggregate constraints into per-virtual sets constraint_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set()) for pkg_name, versions in self.version_constraints: if not spack.repo.path.is_virtual(pkg_name): continue constraint_map[pkg_name].add(versions) # extract all the real versions mentioned in version ranges def versions_for(v): if isinstance(v, vn.StandardVersion): return [v] elif isinstance(v, vn.ClosedOpenRange): return [v.lo, vn.prev_version(v.hi)] elif isinstance(v, vn.VersionList): return sum((versions_for(e) for e in v), []) else: raise TypeError("expected version type, found: %s" % type(v)) # define a set of synthetic possible versions for virtuals, so # that `version_satisfies(Package, Constraint, Version)` has the # same semantics for virtuals as for regular packages. for pkg_name, versions in sorted(constraint_map.items()): possible_versions = set(sum([versions_for(v) for v in versions], [])) for version in sorted(possible_versions): self.possible_versions[pkg_name].add(version)
[docs] def define_compiler_version_constraints(self): for constraint in sorted(self.compiler_version_constraints): for compiler_id, compiler in enumerate(self.possible_compilers): if compiler.spec.satisfies(constraint): self.gen.fact( fn.compiler_version_satisfies(, constraint.versions, compiler_id ) ) self.gen.newline()
[docs] def define_target_constraints(self): def _all_targets_satisfiying(single_constraint): allowed_targets = [] if ":" not in single_constraint: return [single_constraint] t_min, _, t_max = single_constraint.partition(":") for test_target in archspec.cpu.TARGETS.values(): # Check lower bound if t_min and not t_min <= test_target: continue # Check upper bound if t_max and not t_max >= test_target: continue allowed_targets.append(test_target) return allowed_targets cache = {} for target_constraint in sorted(self.target_constraints): # Construct the list of allowed targets for this constraint allowed_targets = [] for single_constraint in str(target_constraint).split(","): if single_constraint not in cache: cache[single_constraint] = _all_targets_satisfiying(single_constraint) allowed_targets.extend(cache[single_constraint]) for target in allowed_targets: self.gen.fact(fn.target_satisfies(target_constraint, target)) self.gen.newline()
[docs] def define_variant_values(self): """Validate variant values from the command line. Also add valid variant values from the command line to the possible values for a variant. """ # Tell the concretizer about possible values from specs we saw in # spec_clauses(). We might want to order these facts by pkg and name # if we are debugging. for pkg, variant, value in self.variant_values_from_specs: self.gen.fact(fn.variant_possible_value(pkg, variant, value))
def _facts_from_concrete_spec(self, spec, possible): # tell the solver about any installed packages that could # be dependencies (don't tell it about the others) h = spec.dag_hash() if in possible and h not in self.seen_hashes: self.reusable_and_possible[h] = spec try: # Only consider installed packages for repo we know spack.repo.path.get(spec) except (spack.repo.UnknownNamespaceError, spack.repo.UnknownPackageError): return # this indicates that there is a spec like this installed self.gen.fact(fn.installed_hash(, h)) # this describes what constraints it imposes on the solve self.impose(h, spec, body=True) self.gen.newline() # Declare as possible parts of specs that are not in # - Add versions to possible versions # - Add OS to possible OS's for dep in spec.traverse(): self.possible_versions[].add(dep.version) self.declared_versions[].append( DeclaredVersion(version=dep.version, idx=0, origin=Provenance.INSTALLED) ) self.possible_oses.add(dep.os) # add the hash to the one seen so far self.seen_hashes.add(h)
[docs] def define_concrete_input_specs(self, specs, possible): # any concrete specs in the input spec list for input_spec in specs: for spec in input_spec.traverse(): if spec.concrete: self._facts_from_concrete_spec(spec, possible)
[docs] def setup(self, driver, specs, reuse=None): """Generate an ASP program with relevant constraints for specs. This calls methods on the solve driver to set up the problem with facts and rules from all possible dependencies of the input specs, as well as constraints from the specs themselves. Arguments: driver (PyclingoDriver): driver instance of this solve specs (list): list of Specs to solve reuse (None or list): list of concrete specs that can be reused """ self._condition_id_counter = itertools.count() # preliminary checks check_packages_exist(specs) # get list of all possible dependencies self.possible_virtuals = set( for x in specs if x.virtual) possible = spack.package_base.possible_dependencies( *specs, virtuals=self.possible_virtuals, deptype=spack.dependency.all_deptypes ) # Fail if we already know an unreachable node is requested for spec in specs: missing_deps = [ str(d) for d in spec.traverse() if not in possible and not d.virtual ] if missing_deps: raise spack.spec.InvalidDependencyError(, missing_deps) self.pkgs = set(possible) # driver is used by all the functions below to add facts and # rules to generate an ASP program. self.gen = driver # Calculate develop specs # they will be used in addition to command line specs # in determining known versions/targets/os dev_specs = () env = ev.active_environment() if env: dev_specs = tuple( spack.spec.Spec(info["spec"]).constrained( "dev_path=%s" % spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(info["path"], default_wd=env.path) ) for name, info in env.dev_specs.items() ) specs = tuple(specs) # ensure compatible types to add # get possible compilers self.possible_compilers = self.generate_possible_compilers(specs) self.gen.h1("Concrete input spec definitions") self.define_concrete_input_specs(specs, possible) if reuse: self.gen.h1("Reusable specs") self.gen.fact(fn.optimize_for_reuse()) for reusable_spec in reuse: self._facts_from_concrete_spec(reusable_spec, possible) self.gen.h1("Possible flags on nodes") for flag in spack.spec.FlagMap.valid_compiler_flags(): self.gen.fact(fn.flag_type(flag)) self.gen.newline() self.gen.h1("General Constraints") self.compiler_facts() # architecture defaults self.platform_defaults() self.os_defaults(specs + dev_specs) self.target_defaults(specs + dev_specs) self.virtual_providers() self.provider_defaults() self.provider_requirements() self.external_packages() # traverse all specs and packages to build dict of possible versions self.build_version_dict(possible) self.add_concrete_versions_from_specs(specs, Provenance.SPEC) self.add_concrete_versions_from_specs(dev_specs, Provenance.DEV_SPEC) req_version_specs = self._get_versioned_specs_from_pkg_requirements() self.add_concrete_versions_from_specs(req_version_specs, Provenance.PACKAGE_REQUIREMENT) self.gen.h1("Package Constraints") for pkg in sorted(self.pkgs): self.gen.h2("Package rules: %s" % pkg) self.pkg_rules(pkg, tests=self.tests) self.gen.h2("Package preferences: %s" % pkg) self.preferred_variants(pkg) self.target_preferences(pkg) # Inject dev_path from environment for ds in dev_specs: self.condition(spack.spec.Spec(, ds, msg="%s is a develop spec" % self.gen.h1("Spec Constraints") self.literal_specs(specs) self.gen.h1("Variant Values defined in specs") self.define_variant_values() self.gen.h1("Virtual Constraints") self.define_virtual_constraints() self.gen.h1("Version Constraints") self.define_version_constraints() self.gen.h1("Compiler Version Constraints") self.define_compiler_version_constraints() self.gen.h1("Target Constraints") self.define_target_constraints()
[docs] def literal_specs(self, specs): for idx, spec in enumerate(specs): self.gen.h2("Spec: %s" % str(spec)) self.gen.fact(fn.literal(idx)) self.gen.fact(fn.literal(idx, "virtual_root" if spec.virtual else "root", for clause in self.spec_clauses(spec): self.gen.fact(fn.literal(idx, *clause.args)) if clause.args[0] == "variant_set": self.gen.fact( fn.literal(idx, "variant_default_value_from_cli", *clause.args[1:]) ) if self.concretize_everything: self.gen.fact(fn.concretize_everything())
def _get_versioned_specs_from_pkg_requirements(self): """If package requirements mention versions that are not mentioned elsewhere, then we need to collect those to mark them as possible versions. """ req_version_specs = list() config = spack.config.get("packages") for pkg_name, d in config.items(): if pkg_name == "all": continue if "require" in d: req_version_specs.extend(self._specs_from_requires(pkg_name, d["require"])) return req_version_specs def _specs_from_requires(self, pkg_name, section): """Collect specs from requirements which define versions (i.e. those that have a concrete version). Requirements can define *new* versions if they are included as part of an equivalence (hash=number) but not otherwise. """ if isinstance(section, str): spec = spack.spec.Spec(section) if not = pkg_name extracted_specs = [spec] else: spec_strs = [] for spec_group in section: if isinstance(spec_group, str): spec_strs.append(spec_group) else: # Otherwise it is an object. The object can contain a single # "spec" constraint, or a list of them with "any_of" or # "one_of" policy. if "spec" in spec_group: new_constraints = [spec_group["spec"]] else: key = "one_of" if "one_of" in spec_group else "any_of" new_constraints = spec_group[key] spec_strs.extend(new_constraints) extracted_specs = [] for spec_str in spec_strs: spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec_str) if not = pkg_name extracted_specs.append(spec) version_specs = [] for spec in extracted_specs: if spec.versions.concrete: # Note: this includes git versions version_specs.append(spec) continue # Prefer spec's name if it exists, in case the spec is # requiring a specific implementation inside of a virtual section # e.g. packages:mpi:require:openmpi@4.0.1 pkg_class = spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class( or pkg_name) satisfying_versions = self._check_for_defined_matching_versions( pkg_class, spec.versions ) # Version ranges ("@1.3" without the "=", "@1.2:1.4") and lists # will end up here ordered_satisfying_versions = sorted(satisfying_versions, reverse=True) vspecs = list(spack.spec.Spec("@{0}".format(x)) for x in ordered_satisfying_versions) version_specs.extend(vspecs) for spec in version_specs: spec.attach_git_version_lookup() return version_specs
[docs]class SpecBuilder(object): """Class with actions to rebuild a spec from ASP results.""" #: Regex for attributes that don't need actions b/c they aren't used to construct specs. ignored_attributes = re.compile( "|".join( [ r"^.*_propagate$", r"^.*_satisfies$", r"^.*_set$", r"^package_hash$", r"^root$", r"^virtual_node$", r"^virtual_root$", ] ) ) def __init__(self, specs, hash_lookup=None): self._specs = {} self._result = None self._command_line_specs = specs self._hash_specs = [] self._flag_sources = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set()) self._flag_compiler_defaults = set() # Pass in as arguments reusable specs and plug them in # from this dictionary during reconstruction self._hash_lookup = hash_lookup or {}
[docs] def hash(self, pkg, h): if pkg not in self._specs: self._specs[pkg] = self._hash_lookup[h] self._hash_specs.append(pkg)
[docs] def node(self, pkg): if pkg not in self._specs: self._specs[pkg] = spack.spec.Spec(pkg)
def _arch(self, pkg): arch = self._specs[pkg].architecture if not arch: arch = spack.spec.ArchSpec() self._specs[pkg].architecture = arch return arch
[docs] def node_platform(self, pkg, platform): self._arch(pkg).platform = platform
[docs] def node_os(self, pkg, os): self._arch(pkg).os = os
[docs] def node_target(self, pkg, target): self._arch(pkg).target = target
[docs] def variant_value(self, pkg, name, value): # FIXME: is there a way not to special case 'dev_path' everywhere? if name == "dev_path": self._specs[pkg].variants.setdefault( name, spack.variant.SingleValuedVariant(name, value) ) return if name == "patches": self._specs[pkg].variants.setdefault( name, spack.variant.MultiValuedVariant(name, value) ) return self._specs[pkg].update_variant_validate(name, value)
[docs] def version(self, pkg, version): self._specs[pkg].versions = vn.VersionList([vn.Version(version)])
[docs] def node_compiler_version(self, pkg, compiler, version): self._specs[pkg].compiler = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(compiler) self._specs[pkg].compiler.versions = vn.VersionList([vn.Version(version)])
[docs] def node_flag_compiler_default(self, pkg): self._flag_compiler_defaults.add(pkg)
[docs] def node_flag(self, pkg, flag_type, flag): self._specs[pkg].compiler_flags.add_flag(flag_type, flag, False)
[docs] def node_flag_source(self, pkg, flag_type, source): self._flag_sources[(pkg, flag_type)].add(source)
[docs] def no_flags(self, pkg, flag_type): self._specs[pkg].compiler_flags[flag_type] = []
[docs] def external_spec_selected(self, pkg, idx): """This means that the external spec and index idx has been selected for this package. """ packages_yaml = spack.config.get("packages") packages_yaml = _normalize_packages_yaml(packages_yaml) spec_info = packages_yaml[pkg]["externals"][int(idx)] self._specs[pkg].external_path = spec_info.get("prefix", None) self._specs[pkg].external_modules = spack.spec.Spec._format_module_list( spec_info.get("modules", None) ) self._specs[pkg].extra_attributes = spec_info.get("extra_attributes", {}) # If this is an extension, update the dependencies to include the extendee package = self._specs[pkg].package_class(self._specs[pkg]) extendee_spec = package.extendee_spec if extendee_spec: package.update_external_dependencies(self._specs.get(, None))
[docs] def depends_on(self, pkg, dep, type): dependencies = self._specs[pkg].edges_to_dependencies(name=dep) # TODO: assertion to be removed when cross-compilation is handled correctly msg = "Current solver does not handle multiple dependency edges of the same name" assert len(dependencies) < 2, msg if not dependencies: self._specs[pkg].add_dependency_edge(self._specs[dep], deptypes=(type,)) else: # TODO: This assumes that each solve unifies dependencies dependencies[0].add_type(type)
[docs] def reorder_flags(self): """Order compiler flags on specs in predefined order. We order flags so that any node's flags will take priority over those of its dependents. That is, the deepest node in the DAG's flags will appear last on the compile line, in the order they were specified. The solver determines which flags are on nodes; this routine imposes order afterwards. """ # reverse compilers so we get highest priority compilers that share a spec compilers = dict((c.spec, c) for c in reversed(all_compilers_in_config())) cmd_specs = dict((, s) for spec in self._command_line_specs for s in spec.traverse()) for spec in self._specs.values(): # if bootstrapping, compiler is not in config and has no flags flagmap_from_compiler = {} if spec.compiler in compilers: flagmap_from_compiler = compilers[spec.compiler].flags for flag_type in spec.compiler_flags.valid_compiler_flags(): from_compiler = flagmap_from_compiler.get(flag_type, []) from_sources = [] # order is determined by the DAG. A spec's flags come after any of its ancestors # on the compile line source_key = (, flag_type) if source_key in self._flag_sources: order = [ for s in spec.traverse(order="post", direction="parents")] sorted_sources = sorted( self._flag_sources[source_key], key=lambda s: order.index(s) ) # add flags from each source, lowest to highest precedence for name in sorted_sources: all_src_flags = list() per_pkg_sources = [self._specs[name]] if name in cmd_specs: per_pkg_sources.append(cmd_specs[name]) for source in per_pkg_sources: all_src_flags.extend(source.compiler_flags.get(flag_type, [])) extend_flag_list(from_sources, all_src_flags) # compiler flags from compilers config are lowest precedence ordered_compiler_flags = list(llnl.util.lang.dedupe(from_compiler + from_sources)) compiler_flags = spec.compiler_flags.get(flag_type, []) msg = "%s does not equal %s" % (set(compiler_flags), set(ordered_compiler_flags)) assert set(compiler_flags) == set(ordered_compiler_flags), msg spec.compiler_flags.update({flag_type: ordered_compiler_flags})
[docs] def deprecated(self, pkg, version): msg = 'using "{0}@{1}" which is a deprecated version' tty.warn(msg.format(pkg, version))
[docs] @staticmethod def sort_fn(function_tuple): """Ensure attributes are evaluated in the correct order. hash attributes are handled first, since they imply entire concrete specs node attributes are handled next, since they instantiate nodes external_spec_selected attributes are handled last, so that external extensions can find the concrete specs on which they depend because all nodes are fully constructed before we consider which ones are external. """ name = function_tuple[0] if name == "hash": return (-5, 0) elif name == "node": return (-4, 0) elif name == "node_flag": return (-2, 0) elif name == "external_spec_selected": return (0, 0) # note out of order so this goes last else: return (-1, 0)
[docs] def build_specs(self, function_tuples): # Functions don't seem to be in particular order in output. Sort # them here so that directives that build objects (like node and # node_compiler) are called in the right order. self.function_tuples = sorted(set(function_tuples), key=self.sort_fn) self._specs = {} for name, args in self.function_tuples: if SpecBuilder.ignored_attributes.match(name): continue action = getattr(self, name, None) # print out unknown actions so we can display them for debugging if not action: msg = 'UNKNOWN SYMBOL: attr("%s", %s)' % (name, ", ".join(str(a) for a in args)) tty.debug(msg) continue msg = ( "Internal Error: Uncallable action found in Please report to the spack" " maintainers." ) assert action and callable(action), msg # ignore predicates on virtual packages, as they're used for # solving but don't construct anything. Do not ignore error # predicates on virtual packages. if name != "error": pkg = args[0] if spack.repo.path.is_virtual(pkg): continue # if we've already gotten a concrete spec for this pkg, # do not bother calling actions on it except for node_flag_source, # since node_flag_source is tracking information not in the spec itself spec = self._specs.get(pkg) if spec and spec.concrete: if name != "node_flag_source": continue action(*args) # namespace assignment is done after the fact, as it is not # currently part of the solve for spec in self._specs.values(): if spec.namespace: continue repo = spack.repo.path.repo_for_pkg(spec) spec.namespace = repo.namespace # fix flags after all specs are constructed self.reorder_flags() # inject patches -- note that we' can't use set() to unique the # roots here, because the specs aren't complete, and the hash # function will loop forever. roots = [spec.root for spec in self._specs.values() if not spec.root.installed] roots = dict((id(r), r) for r in roots) for root in roots.values(): spack.spec.Spec.inject_patches_variant(root) # Add external paths to specs with just external modules for s in self._specs.values(): spack.spec.Spec.ensure_external_path_if_external(s) for s in self._specs.values(): _develop_specs_from_env(s, ev.active_environment()) # mark concrete and assign hashes to all specs in the solve for root in roots.values(): root._finalize_concretization() for s in self._specs.values(): spack.spec.Spec.ensure_no_deprecated(s) # Add git version lookup info to concrete Specs (this is generated for # abstract specs as well but the Versions may be replaced during the # concretization process) for root in self._specs.values(): for spec in root.traverse(): if isinstance(spec.version, vn.GitVersion): spec.version.attach_git_lookup_from_package(spec.fullname) return self._specs
def _develop_specs_from_env(spec, env): dev_info = env.dev_specs.get(, {}) if env else {} if not dev_info: return path = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(dev_info["path"], default_wd=env.path) if "dev_path" in spec.variants: error_msg = ( "Internal Error: The dev_path for spec {name} is not connected to a valid environment" "path. Please note that develop specs can only be used inside an environment" "These paths should be the same:\n\tdev_path:{dev_path}\n\tenv_based_path:{env_path}" ).format(, dev_path=spec.variants["dev_path"], env_path=path) assert spec.variants["dev_path"].value == path, error_msg else: spec.variants.setdefault("dev_path", spack.variant.SingleValuedVariant("dev_path", path)) spec.constrain(dev_info["spec"])
[docs]class Solver(object): """This is the main external interface class for solving. It manages solver configuration and preferences in one place. It sets up the solve and passes the setup method to the driver, as well. Properties of interest: ``reuse (bool)`` Whether to try to reuse existing installs/binaries """ def __init__(self): self.driver = PyclingoDriver() # These properties are settable via spack configuration, and overridable # by setting them directly as properties. self.reuse = spack.config.get("concretizer:reuse", False) @staticmethod def _check_input_and_extract_concrete_specs(specs): reusable = [] for root in specs: for s in root.traverse(): if s.virtual: continue if s.concrete: reusable.append(s) spack.spec.Spec.ensure_valid_variants(s) return reusable def _reusable_specs(self, specs): reusable_specs = [] if self.reuse: # Specs from the local Database with reusable_specs.extend( [ s for s in if not s.satisfies("dev_path=*") ] ) # Specs from buildcaches try: index = spack.binary_distribution.update_cache_and_get_specs() reusable_specs.extend(index) except (spack.binary_distribution.FetchCacheError, IndexError): # this is raised when no mirrors had indices. # TODO: update mirror configuration so it can indicate that the # TODO: source cache (or any mirror really) doesn't have binaries. pass # If we only want to reuse dependencies, remove the root specs if self.reuse == "dependencies": reusable_specs = [ spec for spec in reusable_specs if not any(root in spec for root in specs) ] return reusable_specs
[docs] def solve(self, specs, out=None, timers=False, stats=False, tests=False, setup_only=False): """ Arguments: specs (list): List of ``Spec`` objects to solve for. out: Optionally write the generate ASP program to a file-like object. timers (bool): Print out coarse fimers for different solve phases. stats (bool): Print out detailed stats from clingo. tests (bool or tuple): If True, concretize test dependencies for all packages. If a tuple of package names, concretize test dependencies for named packages (defaults to False: do not concretize test dependencies). setup_only (bool): if True, stop after setup and don't solve (default False). """ # Check upfront that the variants are admissible reusable_specs = self._check_input_and_extract_concrete_specs(specs) reusable_specs.extend(self._reusable_specs(specs)) setup = SpackSolverSetup(tests=tests) output = OutputConfiguration(timers=timers, stats=stats, out=out, setup_only=setup_only) result, _, _ = self.driver.solve(setup, specs, reuse=reusable_specs, output=output) return result
[docs] def solve_in_rounds(self, specs, out=None, timers=False, stats=False, tests=False): """Solve for a stable model of specs in multiple rounds. This relaxes the assumption of solve that everything must be consistent and solvable in a single round. Each round tries to maximize the reuse of specs from previous rounds. The function is a generator that yields the result of each round. Arguments: specs (list): list of Specs to solve. out: Optionally write the generate ASP program to a file-like object. timers (bool): print timing if set to True stats (bool): print internal statistics if set to True tests (bool): add test dependencies to the solve """ reusable_specs = self._check_input_and_extract_concrete_specs(specs) reusable_specs.extend(self._reusable_specs(specs)) setup = SpackSolverSetup(tests=tests) # Tell clingo that we don't have to solve all the inputs at once setup.concretize_everything = False input_specs = specs output = OutputConfiguration(timers=timers, stats=stats, out=out, setup_only=False) while True: result, _, _ = self.driver.solve( setup, input_specs, reuse=reusable_specs, output=output ) yield result # If we don't have unsolved specs we are done if not result.unsolved_specs: break # This means we cannot progress with solving the input if not result.satisfiable or not result.specs: break input_specs = result.unsolved_specs for spec in result.specs: reusable_specs.extend(spec.traverse())
[docs]class UnsatisfiableSpecError(spack.error.UnsatisfiableSpecError): """ Subclass for new constructor signature for new concretizer """ def __init__(self, msg): super(spack.error.UnsatisfiableSpecError, self).__init__(msg) self.provided = None self.required = None self.constraint_type = None
[docs]class InternalConcretizerError(spack.error.UnsatisfiableSpecError): """ Subclass for new constructor signature for new concretizer """ def __init__(self, provided, conflicts): indented = [" %s\n" % conflict for conflict in conflicts] error_msg = "".join(indented) msg = "Spack concretizer internal error. Please submit a bug report" msg += "\n Please include the command, environment if applicable," msg += "\n and the following error message." msg = "\n %s is unsatisfiable, errors are:\n%s" % (provided, error_msg) super(spack.error.UnsatisfiableSpecError, self).__init__(msg) self.provided = provided # Add attribute expected of the superclass interface self.required = None self.constraint_type = None