Source code for spack.provider_index

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Classes and functions to manage providers of virtual dependencies"""
import itertools
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set

import spack.error
import spack.spec
import spack.util.spack_json as sjson

def _cross_provider_maps(lmap, rmap):
    """Return a dictionary that combines constraint requests from both input.

        lmap: main provider map
        rmap: provider map with additional constraints
    # TODO: this is pretty darned nasty, and inefficient, but there
    # TODO: are not that many vdeps in most specs.
    result = {}
    for lspec, rspec in itertools.product(lmap, rmap):
            constrained = lspec.constrained(rspec)
        except spack.error.UnsatisfiableSpecError:

        # lp and rp are left and right provider specs.
        for lp_spec, rp_spec in itertools.product(lmap[lspec], rmap[rspec]):
            if ==
                    const = lp_spec.constrained(rp_spec, deps=False)
                    result.setdefault(constrained, set()).add(const)
                except spack.error.UnsatisfiableSpecError:
    return result

class _IndexBase(object):
    #: This is a dict of dicts used for finding providers of particular
    #: virtual dependencies. The dict of dicts looks like:
    #:    { vpkg name :
    #:        { full vpkg spec : set(packages providing spec) } }
    #: Callers can use this to first find which packages provide a vpkg,
    #: then find a matching full spec.  e.g., in this scenario:
    #:    { 'mpi' :
    #:        { mpi@:1.1 : set([mpich]),
    #:          mpi@:2.3 : set([mpich2@1.9:]) } }
    #: Calling providers_for(spec) will find specs that provide a
    #: matching implementation of MPI. Derived class need to construct
    #: this attribute according to the semantics above.
    providers: Dict[str, Dict[str, Set[str]]]

    def providers_for(self, virtual_spec):
        """Return a list of specs of all packages that provide virtual
        packages with the supplied spec.

            virtual_spec: virtual spec to be provided
        result = set()
        # Allow string names to be passed as input, as well as specs
        if isinstance(virtual_spec, str):
            virtual_spec = spack.spec.Spec(virtual_spec)

        # Add all the providers that satisfy the vpkg spec.
        if in self.providers:
            for p_spec, spec_set in self.providers[].items():
                if p_spec.intersects(virtual_spec, deps=False):

        # Return providers in order. Defensively copy.
        return sorted(s.copy() for s in result)

    def __contains__(self, name):
        return name in self.providers

    def satisfies(self, other):
        """Determine if the providers of virtual specs are compatible.

            other: another provider index

            True if the providers are compatible, False otherwise.
        common = set(self.providers) & set(other.providers)
        if not common:
            return True

        # This ensures that some provider in other COULD satisfy the
        # vpkg constraints on self.
        result = {}
        for name in common:
            crossed = _cross_provider_maps(self.providers[name], other.providers[name])
            if crossed:
                result[name] = crossed

        return all(c in result for c in common)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.providers == other.providers

    def _transform(self, transform_fun, out_mapping_type=dict):
        """Transform this provider index dictionary and return it.

            transform_fun: transform_fun takes a (vpkg, pset) mapping and runs
                it on each pair in nested dicts.
            out_mapping_type: type to be used internally on the
                transformed (vpkg, pset)

            Transformed mapping
        return _transform(self.providers, transform_fun, out_mapping_type)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.providers)

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.providers)

[docs]class ProviderIndex(_IndexBase): def __init__( self, repository: "spack.repo.RepoType", specs: Optional[List["spack.spec.Spec"]] = None, restrict: bool = False, ): """Provider index based on a single mapping of providers. Args: specs: if provided, will call update on each single spec to initialize this provider index. restrict: "restricts" values to the verbatim input specs; do not pre-apply package's constraints. TODO: rename this. It is intended to keep things as broad TODO: as possible without overly restricting results, so it is TODO: not the best name. """ self.repository = repository self.restrict = restrict self.providers = {} specs = specs or [] for spec in specs: if not isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec): spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec) if self.repository.is_virtual_safe( continue self.update(spec)
[docs] def update(self, spec): """Update the provider index with additional virtual specs. Args: spec: spec potentially providing additional virtual specs """ if not isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec): spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec) if not # Empty specs do not have a package return msg = "cannot update an index passing the virtual spec '{}'".format( assert not self.repository.is_virtual_safe(, msg pkg_provided = self.repository.get_pkg_class( for provided_spec, provider_specs in pkg_provided.items(): for provider_spec_readonly in provider_specs: # TODO: fix this comment. # We want satisfaction other than flags provider_spec = provider_spec_readonly.copy() provider_spec.compiler_flags = spec.compiler_flags.copy() if spec.intersects(provider_spec, deps=False): provided_name = provider_map = self.providers.setdefault(provided_name, {}) if provided_spec not in provider_map: provider_map[provided_spec] = set() if self.restrict: provider_set = provider_map[provided_spec] # If this package existed in the index before, # need to take the old versions out, as they're # now more constrained. old = set([s for s in provider_set if ==]) provider_set.difference_update(old) # Now add the new version. provider_set.add(spec) else: # Before putting the spec in the map, constrain # it so that it provides what was asked for. constrained = spec.copy() constrained.constrain(provider_spec) provider_map[provided_spec].add(constrained)
[docs] def to_json(self, stream=None): """Dump a JSON representation of this object. Args: stream: stream where to dump """ provider_list = self._transform( lambda vpkg, pset: [vpkg.to_node_dict(), [p.to_node_dict() for p in pset]], list ) sjson.dump({"provider_index": {"providers": provider_list}}, stream)
[docs] def merge(self, other): """Merge another provider index into this one. Args: other (ProviderIndex): provider index to be merged """ other = other.copy() # defensive copy. for pkg in other.providers: if pkg not in self.providers: self.providers[pkg] = other.providers[pkg] continue spdict, opdict = self.providers[pkg], other.providers[pkg] for provided_spec in opdict: if provided_spec not in spdict: spdict[provided_spec] = opdict[provided_spec] continue spdict[provided_spec] = spdict[provided_spec].union(opdict[provided_spec])
[docs] def remove_provider(self, pkg_name): """Remove a provider from the ProviderIndex.""" empty_pkg_dict = [] for pkg, pkg_dict in self.providers.items(): empty_pset = [] for provided, pset in pkg_dict.items(): same_name = set(p for p in pset if p.fullname == pkg_name) pset.difference_update(same_name) if not pset: empty_pset.append(provided) for provided in empty_pset: del pkg_dict[provided] if not pkg_dict: empty_pkg_dict.append(pkg) for pkg in empty_pkg_dict: del self.providers[pkg]
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a deep copy of this index.""" clone = ProviderIndex(repository=self.repository) clone.providers = self._transform(lambda vpkg, pset: (vpkg, set((p.copy() for p in pset)))) return clone
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(stream, repository): """Construct a provider index from its JSON representation. Args: stream: stream where to read from the JSON data """ data = sjson.load(stream) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise ProviderIndexError("JSON ProviderIndex data was not a dict.") if "provider_index" not in data: raise ProviderIndexError("YAML ProviderIndex does not start with 'provider_index'") index = ProviderIndex(repository=repository) providers = data["provider_index"]["providers"] index.providers = _transform( providers, lambda vpkg, plist: ( spack.spec.SpecfileV3.from_node_dict(vpkg), set(spack.spec.SpecfileV3.from_node_dict(p) for p in plist), ), ) return index
def _transform(providers, transform_fun, out_mapping_type=dict): """Syntactic sugar for transforming a providers dict. Args: providers: provider dictionary transform_fun: transform_fun takes a (vpkg, pset) mapping and runs it on each pair in nested dicts. out_mapping_type: type to be used internally on the transformed (vpkg, pset) Returns: Transformed mapping """ def mapiter(mappings): if isinstance(mappings, dict): return mappings.items() else: return iter(mappings) return dict( (name, out_mapping_type([transform_fun(vpkg, pset) for vpkg, pset in mapiter(mappings)])) for name, mappings in providers.items() )
[docs]class ProviderIndexError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when there is a problem with a ProviderIndex."""