Source code for spack.detection.common

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Define a common data structure to represent external packages and a
function to update packages.yaml given a list of detected packages.

Ideally, each detection method should be placed in a specific subpackage
and implement at least a function that returns a list of DetectedPackage
objects. The update in packages.yaml can then be done using the function
provided here.

The module also contains other functions that might be useful across different
detection mechanisms.
import collections
import glob
import itertools
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys

import llnl.util.tty

import spack.config
import spack.operating_systems.windows_os as winOs
import spack.spec
import spack.util.spack_yaml
import spack.util.windows_registry

#: Information on a package that has been detected
DetectedPackage = collections.namedtuple("DetectedPackage", ["spec", "prefix"])

def _externals_in_packages_yaml():
    """Return all the specs mentioned as externals in packages.yaml"""
    packages_yaml = spack.config.get("packages")
    already_defined_specs = set()
    for pkg_name, package_configuration in packages_yaml.items():
        for item in package_configuration.get("externals", []):
    return already_defined_specs

def _pkg_config_dict(external_pkg_entries):
    """Generate a package specific config dict according to the packages.yaml schema.

    This does not generate the entire packages.yaml. For example, given some
    external entries for the CMake package, this could return::

            'externals': [{
                'spec': 'cmake@3.17.1',
                'prefix': '/opt/cmake-3.17.1/'
            }, {
                'spec': 'cmake@3.16.5',
                'prefix': '/opt/cmake-3.16.5/'
    pkg_dict = spack.util.spack_yaml.syaml_dict()
    pkg_dict["externals"] = []
    for e in external_pkg_entries:
        if not _spec_is_valid(e.spec):

        external_items = [("spec", str(e.spec)), ("prefix", e.prefix)]
        if e.spec.external_modules:
            external_items.append(("modules", e.spec.external_modules))

        if e.spec.extra_attributes:

        # external_items.extend(e.spec.extra_attributes.items())

    return pkg_dict

def _spec_is_valid(spec):
    except spack.error.SpackError:
        # It is assumed here that we can at least extract the package name from
        # the spec so we can look up the implementation of
        # determine_spec_details
        msg = "Constructed spec for {0} does not have a string representation"
        return False

    except spack.error.SpackError:
            "Constructed spec has a string representation but the string"
            " representation does not evaluate to a valid spec: {0}".format(str(spec))
        return False

    return True

[docs]def path_to_dict(search_paths): """Return dictionary[fullpath]: basename from list of paths""" path_to_lib = {} # Reverse order of search directories so that a lib in the first # entry overrides later entries for search_path in reversed(search_paths): for lib in os.listdir(search_path): lib_path = os.path.join(search_path, lib) if llnl.util.filesystem.is_readable_file(lib_path): path_to_lib[lib_path] = lib return path_to_lib
[docs]def is_executable(file_path): """Return True if the path passed as argument is that of an executable""" return os.path.isfile(file_path) and os.access(file_path, os.X_OK)
def _convert_to_iterable(single_val_or_multiple): x = single_val_or_multiple if x is None: return [] elif isinstance(x, str): return [x] elif isinstance(x, spack.spec.Spec): # Specs are iterable, but a single spec should be converted to a list return [x] try: iter(x) return x except TypeError: return [x]
[docs]def executable_prefix(executable_dir): """Given a directory where an executable is found, guess the prefix (i.e. the "root" directory of that installation) and return it. Args: executable_dir: directory where an executable is found """ # Given a prefix where an executable is found, assuming that prefix # contains /bin/, strip off the 'bin' directory to get a Spack-compatible # prefix assert os.path.isdir(executable_dir) components = executable_dir.split(os.sep) # convert to lower to match Bin, BIN, bin lowered_components = executable_dir.lower().split(os.sep) if "bin" not in lowered_components: return executable_dir idx = lowered_components.index("bin") return os.sep.join(components[:idx])
[docs]def library_prefix(library_dir): """Given a directory where an library is found, guess the prefix (i.e. the "root" directory of that installation) and return it. Args: library_dir: directory where an library is found """ # Given a prefix where an library is found, assuming that prefix # contains /lib/ or /lib64/, strip off the 'lib' or 'lib64' directory # to get a Spack-compatible prefix assert os.path.isdir(library_dir) components = library_dir.split(os.sep) # covert to lowercase to match lib, LIB, Lib, etc. lowered_components = library_dir.lower().split(os.sep) if "lib64" in lowered_components: idx = lowered_components.index("lib64") return os.sep.join(components[:idx]) elif "lib" in lowered_components: idx = lowered_components.index("lib") return os.sep.join(components[:idx]) elif sys.platform == "win32" and "bin" in lowered_components: idx = lowered_components.index("bin") return os.sep.join(components[:idx]) else: return library_dir
[docs]def update_configuration(detected_packages, scope=None, buildable=True): """Add the packages passed as arguments to packages.yaml Args: detected_packages (list): list of DetectedPackage objects to be added scope (str): configuration scope where to add the detected packages buildable (bool): whether the detected packages are buildable or not """ predefined_external_specs = _externals_in_packages_yaml() pkg_to_cfg, all_new_specs = {}, [] for package_name, entries in detected_packages.items(): new_entries = [e for e in entries if (e.spec not in predefined_external_specs)] pkg_config = _pkg_config_dict(new_entries) all_new_specs.extend([spack.spec.Spec(x["spec"]) for x in pkg_config.get("externals", [])]) if buildable is False: pkg_config["buildable"] = False pkg_to_cfg[package_name] = pkg_config pkgs_cfg = spack.config.get("packages", scope=scope) pkgs_cfg = spack.config.merge_yaml(pkgs_cfg, pkg_to_cfg) spack.config.set("packages", pkgs_cfg, scope=scope) return all_new_specs
def _windows_drive(): """Return Windows drive string extracted from PROGRAMFILES env var, which is garunteed to be defined for all logins""" drive = re.match(r"([a-zA-Z]:)", os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"]).group(1) return drive
[docs]class WindowsCompilerExternalPaths(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_compiler_root_paths(): """Helper for Windows compiler installation root discovery At the moment simply returns location of VS install paths from VSWhere But should be extended to include more information as relevant""" return list(winOs.WindowsOs.vs_install_paths)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_compiler_cmake_paths(): """Semi hard-coded search path for cmake bundled with MSVC""" return [ os.path.join( path, "Common7", "IDE", "CommonExtensions", "Microsoft", "CMake", "CMake", "bin" ) for path in WindowsCompilerExternalPaths.find_windows_compiler_root_paths() ]
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_compiler_ninja_paths(): """Semi hard-coded search heuristic for locating ninja bundled with MSVC""" return [ os.path.join(path, "Common7", "IDE", "CommonExtensions", "Microsoft", "CMake", "Ninja") for path in WindowsCompilerExternalPaths.find_windows_compiler_root_paths() ]
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_compiler_bundled_packages(): """Return all MSVC compiler bundled packages""" return ( WindowsCompilerExternalPaths.find_windows_compiler_cmake_paths() + WindowsCompilerExternalPaths.find_windows_compiler_ninja_paths() )
[docs]class WindowsKitExternalPaths(object): if sys.platform == "win32": plat_major_ver = str(winOs.windows_version()[0])
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_kit_roots(): """Return Windows kit root, typically %programfiles%\\Windows Kits\\10|11\\""" if sys.platform != "win32": return [] program_files = os.environ["PROGRAMFILES(x86)"] kit_base = os.path.join( program_files, "Windows Kits", WindowsKitExternalPaths.plat_major_ver ) return kit_base
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_kit_bin_paths(kit_base=None): """Returns Windows kit bin directory per version""" kit_base = WindowsKitExternalPaths.find_windows_kit_roots() if not kit_base else kit_base kit_bin = os.path.join(kit_base, "bin") return glob.glob(os.path.join(kit_bin, "[0-9]*", "*\\"))
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_kit_lib_paths(kit_base=None): """Returns Windows kit lib directory per version""" kit_base = WindowsKitExternalPaths.find_windows_kit_roots() if not kit_base else kit_base kit_lib = os.path.join(kit_base, "Lib") return glob.glob(os.path.join(kit_lib, "[0-9]*", "*", "*\\"))
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_driver_development_kit_paths(): """Provides a list of all installation paths for the WDK by version and architecture """ wdk_content_root = os.getenv("WDKContentRoot") return WindowsKitExternalPaths.find_windows_kit_lib_paths(wdk_content_root)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_kit_reg_installed_roots_paths(): reg = spack.util.windows_registry.WindowsRegistryView( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Kits\\Installed Roots", root_key=spack.util.windows_registry.HKEY.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ) if not reg: # couldn't find key, return empty list return [] return WindowsKitExternalPaths.find_windows_kit_lib_paths( reg.get_value("KitsRoot%s" % WindowsKitExternalPaths.plat_major_ver).value )
[docs] @staticmethod def find_windows_kit_reg_sdk_paths(): reg = spack.util.windows_registry.WindowsRegistryView( "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v%s.0" % WindowsKitExternalPaths.plat_major_ver, root_key=spack.util.windows_registry.HKEY.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ) if not reg: # couldn't find key, return empty list return [] return WindowsKitExternalPaths.find_windows_kit_lib_paths( reg.get_value("InstallationFolder").value )
[docs]def find_win32_additional_install_paths(): """Not all programs on Windows live on the PATH Return a list of other potential install locations. """ drive_letter = _windows_drive() windows_search_ext = [] cuda_re = r"CUDA_PATH[a-zA-Z1-9_]*" # The list below should be expanded with other # common Windows install locations as neccesary path_ext_keys = ["I_MPI_ONEAPI_ROOT", "MSMPI_BIN", "MLAB_ROOT", "NUGET_PACKAGES"] user = os.environ["USERPROFILE"] add_path = lambda key:, key) or key in path_ext_keys windows_search_ext.extend([os.environ[key] for key in os.environ.keys() if add_path(key)]) # note windows paths are fine here as this method should only ever be invoked # to interact with Windows # Add search path for default Chocolatey ( # install directory windows_search_ext.append("%s\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\bin" % drive_letter) # Add search path for NuGet package manager default install location windows_search_ext.append(os.path.join(user, ".nuget", "packages")) windows_search_ext.extend( spack.config.get("config:additional_external_search_paths", default=[]) ) windows_search_ext.extend(spack.util.environment.get_path("PATH")) return windows_search_ext
[docs]def compute_windows_program_path_for_package(pkg): """Given a package, attempt to compute its Windows program files location, return list of best guesses Args: pkg (spack.package_base.PackageBase): package for which Program Files location is to be computed """ if sys.platform != "win32": return [] # note windows paths are fine here as this method should only ever be invoked # to interact with Windows program_files = "{}\\Program Files{}\\{}" drive_letter = _windows_drive() return [ program_files.format(drive_letter, arch, name) for arch, name in itertools.product(("", " (x86)"), (, ]
[docs]def compute_windows_user_path_for_package(pkg): """Given a package attempt to compute its user scoped install location, return list of potential locations based on common heuristics. For more info on Windows user specific installs see: """ if sys.platform != "win32": return [] # Current user directory user = os.environ["USERPROFILE"] app_data = "AppData" app_data_locations = ["Local", "Roaming"] user_appdata_install_stubs = [os.path.join(app_data, x) for x in app_data_locations] return [ os.path.join(user, app_data, name) for app_data, name in list( itertools.product(user_appdata_install_stubs, (, ) ] + [os.path.join(user, name) for name in (,]