Source code for spack.container.writers.docker

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import shlex

import spack.tengine as tengine

from . import PathContext, writer

[docs]@writer("docker") class DockerContext(PathContext): """Context used to instantiate a Dockerfile""" #: Name of the template used for Dockerfiles template_name = "container/Dockerfile" @tengine.context_property def manifest(self): manifest_str = super(DockerContext, self).manifest # Docker doesn't support HEREDOC, so we need to resort to # a horrible echo trick to have the manifest in the Dockerfile echoed_lines = [] for idx, line in enumerate(manifest_str.split("\n")): quoted_line = shlex.quote(line) if idx == 0: echoed_lines.append("&& (echo " + quoted_line + " \\") continue echoed_lines.append("&& echo " + quoted_line + " \\") echoed_lines[-1] = echoed_lines[-1].replace(" \\", ")") return "\n".join(echoed_lines)