Source code for spack.compilers.oneapi

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import os
from os.path import dirname

from spack.compiler import Compiler

[docs]class Oneapi(Compiler): # Subclasses use possible names of C compiler cc_names = ["icx"] # Subclasses use possible names of C++ compiler cxx_names = ["icpx"] # Subclasses use possible names of Fortran 77 compiler f77_names = ["ifx"] # Subclasses use possible names of Fortran 90 compiler fc_names = ["ifx"] # Named wrapper links within build_env_path link_paths = { "cc": os.path.join("oneapi", "icx"), "cxx": os.path.join("oneapi", "icpx"), "f77": os.path.join("oneapi", "ifx"), "fc": os.path.join("oneapi", "ifx"), } PrgEnv = "PrgEnv-oneapi" PrgEnv_compiler = "oneapi" version_argument = "--version" version_regex = r"(?:(?:oneAPI DPC\+\+(?:\/C\+\+)? Compiler)|(?:\(IFORT\))|(?:\(IFX\))) (\S+)" @property def verbose_flag(self): return "-v" required_libs = [ "libirc", "libifcore", "libifcoremt", "libirng", "libsvml", "libintlc", "libimf", "libsycl", "libOpenCL", ] @property def debug_flags(self): return ["-debug", "-g", "-g0", "-g1", "-g2", "-g3"] @property def opt_flags(self): return ["-O", "-O0", "-O1", "-O2", "-O3", "-Ofast", "-Os"] @property def openmp_flag(self): return "-fiopenmp" # There may be some additional options here for offload, e.g. : # -fopenmp-simd Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs. # -fopenmp-targets=<value> # -fopenmp-version=<value> # -fopenmp Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code. # -qno-openmp Disable OpenMP support # -qopenmp-link=<value> Choose whether to link with the static or # dynamic OpenMP libraries. Default is dynamic. # -qopenmp-simd Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs. # -qopenmp-stubs enables the user to compile OpenMP programs in # sequential mode. The OpenMP directives are # ignored and a stub OpenMP library is linked. # -qopenmp-threadprivate=<value> # -qopenmp Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code. # -static-openmp Use the static host OpenMP runtime while # linking. # -Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg> # -Xopenmp-target <arg> Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain. # Source: icx --help output @property def cxx11_flag(self): return "-std=c++11" @property def cxx14_flag(self): return "-std=c++14" @property def cxx17_flag(self): return "-std=c++17" @property def cxx20_flag(self): return "-std=c++20" @property def c99_flag(self): return "-std=c99" @property def c11_flag(self): return "-std=c1x" @property def cc_pic_flag(self): return "-fPIC" @property def cxx_pic_flag(self): return "-fPIC" @property def f77_pic_flag(self): return "-fPIC" @property def fc_pic_flag(self): return "-fPIC" @property def stdcxx_libs(self): return ("-cxxlib",)
[docs] def setup_custom_environment(self, pkg, env): # workaround bug in icpx driver where it requires sycl-post-link is on the PATH # It is located in the same directory as the driver. Error message: # clang++: error: unable to execute command: # Executable "sycl-post-link" doesn't exist! if self.cxx: env.prepend_path("PATH", dirname(self.cxx))