Source code for spack.compilers.msvc

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from typing import Dict, List, Set

import spack.compiler
import spack.operating_systems.windows_os
import spack.platforms
import spack.util.executable
from spack.compiler import Compiler
from spack.error import SpackError
from spack.version import Version

avail_fc_version: Set[str] = set()
fc_path: Dict[str, str] = dict()

fortran_mapping = {
    "2021.3.0": "19.29.30133",
    "2021.2.1": "19.28.29913",
    "2021.2.0": "19.28.29334",
    "2021.1.0": "19.28.29333",

[docs]def get_valid_fortran_pth(comp_ver): cl_ver = str(comp_ver) sort_fn = lambda fc_ver: StrictVersion(fc_ver) sort_fc_ver = sorted(list(avail_fc_version), key=sort_fn) for ver in sort_fc_ver: if ver in fortran_mapping: if StrictVersion(cl_ver) <= StrictVersion(fortran_mapping[ver]): return fc_path[ver] return None
[docs]class Msvc(Compiler): # Subclasses use possible names of C compiler cc_names: List[str] = ["cl"] # Subclasses use possible names of C++ compiler cxx_names: List[str] = ["cl"] # Subclasses use possible names of Fortran 77 compiler f77_names: List[str] = ["ifx"] # Subclasses use possible names of Fortran 90 compiler fc_names: List[str] = ["ifx"] # Named wrapper links within build_env_path # Due to the challenges of supporting compiler wrappers # in Windows, we leave these blank, and dynamically compute # based on proper versions of MSVC from there # pending acceptance of #28117 for full support using # compiler wrappers link_paths = {"cc": "", "cxx": "", "f77": "", "fc": ""} #: Compiler argument that produces version information version_argument = "" # For getting ifx's version, call it with version_argument # and ignore the error code ignore_version_errors = [1] #: Regex used to extract version from compiler's output version_regex = r"([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)" # Initialize, deferring to base class but then adding the vcvarsallfile # file based on compiler executable path. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): new_pth = [pth if pth else get_valid_fortran_pth(args[0].version) for pth in args[3]] args[3][:] = new_pth super(Msvc, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if os.getenv("ONEAPI_ROOT"): # If this found, it sets all the vars self.setvarsfile = os.path.join(os.getenv("ONEAPI_ROOT"), "setvars.bat") else: # To use the MSVC compilers, VCVARS must be invoked # VCVARS is located at a fixed location, referencable # idiomatically by the following relative path from the # compiler. # Spack first finds the compilers via VSWHERE # and stores their path, but their respective VCVARS # file must be invoked before useage. self.setvarsfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(, "../../../../../../..")) self.setvarsfile = os.path.join(self.setvarsfile, "Auxiliary", "Build", "vcvars64.bat") @property def msvc_version(self): """This is the VCToolset version *NOT* the actual version of the cl compiler For CL version, query `Msvc.cl_version`""" return Version(, @property def short_msvc_version(self): """ This is the shorthand VCToolset version of form MSVC<short-ver> *NOT* the full version, for that see Msvc.msvc_version or MSVC.platform_toolset_ver for the raw platform toolset version """ ver = self.platform_toolset_ver return "MSVC" + ver @property def platform_toolset_ver(self): """ This is the platform toolset version of current MSVC compiler i.e. 142. This is different from the VC toolset version as established by `short_msvc_version` """ return self.msvc_version[:2].joined.string[:3] @property def cl_version(self): """Cl toolset version""" return Version( Msvc.version_regex, spack.compiler.get_compiler_version_output(, version_arg=None), ).group(1) ) @property def vs_root(self): # The MSVC install root is located at a fix level above the compiler # and is referenceable idiomatically via the pattern below # this should be consistent accross versions return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(, "../../../../../../../.."))
[docs] def setup_custom_environment(self, pkg, env): """Set environment variables for MSVC using the Microsoft-provided script.""" # Set the build environment variables for spack. Just using # doesn't work since that operates in its own # environment which is destroyed (along with the adjusted variables) # once the process terminates. So go the long way around: examine # output, sort into dictionary, use that to make the build # environment. # get current platform architecture and format for vcvars argument arch = spack.platforms.real_host().default.lower() arch = arch.replace("-", "_") # vcvars can target specific sdk versions, force it to pick up concretized sdk # version, if needed by spec sdk_ver = "" if "win-sdk" not in pkg.spec else pkg.spec["win-sdk"].version.string + ".0" # provide vcvars with msvc version selected by concretization, # not whatever it happens to pick up on the system (highest available version) out = subprocess.check_output( # novermin 'cmd /u /c "{}" {} {} {} && set'.format( self.setvarsfile, arch, sdk_ver, "-vcvars_ver=%s" % self.msvc_version ), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: out = out.decode("utf-16le", errors="replace") # novermin int_env = dict( (key, value) for key, _, value in (line.partition("=") for line in out.splitlines()) if key and value ) for env_var in int_env: if os.pathsep not in int_env[env_var]: env.set(env_var, int_env[env_var]) else: env.set_path(env_var, int_env[env_var].split(os.pathsep)) env.set("CC", env.set("CXX", self.cxx) env.set("FC", self.fc) env.set("F77", self.f77)
[docs] @classmethod def fc_version(cls, fc): # We're using intel for the Fortran compilers, which exist if # ONEAPI_ROOT is a meaningful variable if not sys.platform == "win32": return "unknown" fc_ver = cls.default_version(fc) avail_fc_version.add(fc_ver) fc_path[fc_ver] = fc if os.getenv("ONEAPI_ROOT"): try: sps = spack.operating_systems.windows_os.WindowsOs.compiler_search_paths except AttributeError: raise SpackError("Windows compiler search paths not established") clp = spack.util.executable.which_string("cl", path=sps) ver = cls.default_version(clp) else: ver = fc_ver return ver
[docs] @classmethod def f77_version(cls, f77): return cls.fc_version(f77)