Source code for

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import argparse
import os
import re
import sys
from itertools import zip_longest

import llnl.util.tty as tty
import llnl.util.tty.color as color
from llnl.util.filesystem import working_dir

import spack.paths
import spack.util.git
from spack.util.executable import which

description = "runs source code style checks on spack"
section = "developer"
level = "long"

[docs]def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None): """Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks""" # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx" args = [iter(iterable)] * n for group in zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue): yield filter(None, group)
#: List of directories to exclude from checks -- relative to spack root exclude_directories = [os.path.relpath(spack.paths.external_path, spack.paths.prefix)] #: Order in which tools should be run. flake8 is last so that it can #: double-check the results of other tools (if, e.g., --fix was provided) #: The list maps an executable name to a method to ensure the tool is #: bootstrapped or present in the environment. tool_names = ["isort", "black", "flake8", "mypy"] #: tools we run in spack style tools = {} #: warnings to ignore in mypy mypy_ignores = [ # same as `disable_error_code = "annotation-unchecked"` in pyproject.toml, which # doesn't exist in mypy 0.971 for Python 3.6 "[annotation-unchecked]" ]
[docs]def is_package(f): """Whether flake8 should consider a file as a core file or a package. We run flake8 with different exceptions for the core and for packages, since we allow `from spack import *` and poking globals into packages. """ return f.startswith("var/spack/repos/") and f.endswith("")
#: decorator for adding tools to the list
[docs]class tool(object): def __init__(self, name, required=False): = name self.required = required def __call__(self, fun): tools[] = (fun, self.required) return fun
[docs]def changed_files(base="develop", untracked=True, all_files=False, root=None): """Get list of changed files in the Spack repository. Arguments: base (str): name of base branch to evaluate differences with. untracked (bool): include untracked files in the list. all_files (bool): list all files in the repository. root (str): use this directory instead of the Spack prefix. """ if root is None: root = spack.paths.prefix git = spack.util.git.git(required=True) # ensure base is in the repo base_sha = git( "rev-parse", "--quiet", "--verify", "--revs-only", base, fail_on_error=False, output=str ) if git.returncode != 0: tty.die( "This repository does not have a '%s' revision." % base, "spack style needs this branch to determine which files changed.", "Ensure that '%s' exists, or specify files to check explicitly." % base, ) range = "{0}...".format(base_sha.strip()) git_args = [ # Add changed files committed since branching off of develop ["diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=ACMR", range], # Add changed files that have been staged but not yet committed ["diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=ACMR", "--cached"], # Add changed files that are unstaged ["diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=ACMR"], ] # Add new files that are untracked if untracked: git_args.append(["ls-files", "--exclude-standard", "--other"]) # add everything if the user asked for it if all_files: git_args.append(["ls-files", "--exclude-standard"]) excludes = [os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, f)) for f in exclude_directories] changed = set() for arg_list in git_args: files = git(*arg_list, output=str).split("\n") for f in files: # Ignore non-Python files if not (f.endswith(".py") or f == "bin/spack"): continue # Ignore files in the exclude locations if any(os.path.realpath(f).startswith(e) for e in excludes): continue changed.add(f) return sorted(changed)
[docs]def setup_parser(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "-b", "--base", action="store", default="develop", help="branch to compare against to determine changed files (default: develop)", ) subparser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="check all files, not just changed files" ) subparser.add_argument( "-r", "--root-relative", action="store_true", default=False, help="print root-relative paths (default: cwd-relative)", ) subparser.add_argument( "-U", "--no-untracked", dest="untracked", action="store_false", default=True, help="exclude untracked files from checks", ) subparser.add_argument( "-f", "--fix", action="store_true", default=False, help="format automatically if possible (e.g., with isort, black)", ) subparser.add_argument( "--root", action="store", default=None, help="style check a different spack instance" ) tool_group = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() tool_group.add_argument( "-t", "--tool", action="append", help="specify which tools to run (default: %s)" % ",".join(tool_names), ) tool_group.add_argument( "-s", "--skip", metavar="TOOL", action="append", help="specify tools to skip (choose from %s)" % ",".join(tool_names), ) subparser.add_argument("files", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="specific files to check")
[docs]def cwd_relative(path, args): """Translate prefix-relative path to current working directory-relative.""" return os.path.relpath(os.path.join(args.root, path), args.initial_working_dir)
[docs]def rewrite_and_print_output( output, args, re_obj=re.compile(r"^(.+):([0-9]+):"), replacement=r"{0}:{1}:" ): """rewrite ouput with <file>:<line>: format to respect path args""" # print results relative to current working directory def translate(match): return replacement.format(cwd_relative(, args), *list(match.groups()[1:])) for line in output.split("\n"): if not line: continue if any(ignore in line for ignore in mypy_ignores): # some mypy annotations can't be disabled in older mypys (e.g. .971, which # is the only mypy that supports python 3.6), so we filter them here. continue if not args.root_relative and re_obj: line = re_obj.sub(translate, line) print(line)
[docs]@tool("flake8", required=True) def run_flake8(flake8_cmd, file_list, args): returncode = 0 output = "" # run in chunks of 100 at a time to avoid line length limit # filename parameter in config *does not work* for this reliably for chunk in grouper(file_list, 100): output = flake8_cmd( # always run with config from running spack prefix "--config=%s" % os.path.join(spack.paths.prefix, ".flake8"), *chunk, fail_on_error=False, output=str, ) returncode |= flake8_cmd.returncode rewrite_and_print_output(output, args) print_tool_result("flake8", returncode) return returncode
[docs]@tool("mypy") def run_mypy(mypy_cmd, file_list, args): # always run with config from running spack prefix common_mypy_args = [ "--config-file", os.path.join(spack.paths.prefix, "pyproject.toml"), "--show-error-codes", ] mypy_arg_sets = [common_mypy_args + ["--package", "spack", "--package", "llnl"]] if "SPACK_MYPY_CHECK_PACKAGES" in os.environ: mypy_arg_sets.append( common_mypy_args + ["--package", "packages", "--disable-error-code", "no-redef"] ) returncode = 0 for mypy_args in mypy_arg_sets: output = mypy_cmd(*mypy_args, fail_on_error=False, output=str) returncode |= mypy_cmd.returncode rewrite_and_print_output(output, args) print_tool_result("mypy", returncode) return returncode
[docs]@tool("isort") def run_isort(isort_cmd, file_list, args): # always run with config from running spack prefix isort_args = ("--settings-path", os.path.join(spack.paths.prefix, "pyproject.toml")) if not args.fix: isort_args += ("--check", "--diff") pat = re.compile("ERROR: (.*) Imports are incorrectly sorted") replacement = "ERROR: {0} Imports are incorrectly sorted" returncode = [0] def process_files(file_list, is_args): for chunk in grouper(file_list, 100): packed_args = is_args + tuple(chunk) output = isort_cmd(*packed_args, fail_on_error=False, output=str, error=str) returncode[0] |= isort_cmd.returncode rewrite_and_print_output(output, args, pat, replacement) packages_isort_args = ( "--rm", "spack", "--rm", "spack.pkgkit", "--rm", "spack.package_defs", "-a", "from spack.package import *", ) packages_isort_args = packages_isort_args + isort_args # packages process_files(filter(is_package, file_list), packages_isort_args) # non-packages process_files(filter(lambda f: not is_package(f), file_list), isort_args) print_tool_result("isort", returncode[0]) return returncode[0]
[docs]@tool("black") def run_black(black_cmd, file_list, args): # always run with config from running spack prefix black_args = ("--config", os.path.join(spack.paths.prefix, "pyproject.toml")) if not args.fix: black_args += ("--check", "--diff") if color.get_color_when(): # only show color when spack would black_args += ("--color",) pat = re.compile("would reformat +(.*)") replacement = "would reformat {0}" returncode = 0 output = "" # run in chunks of 100 at a time to avoid line length limit # filename parameter in config *does not work* for this reliably for chunk in grouper(file_list, 100): packed_args = black_args + tuple(chunk) output = black_cmd(*packed_args, fail_on_error=False, output=str, error=str) returncode |= black_cmd.returncode rewrite_and_print_output(output, args, pat, replacement) print_tool_result("black", returncode) return returncode
[docs]def validate_toolset(arg_value): """Validate --tool and --skip arguments (sets of optionally comma-separated tools).""" tools = set(",".join(arg_value).split(",")) # allow args like 'isort,flake8' for tool in tools: if tool not in tool_names: tty.die("Invaild tool: '%s'" % tool, "Choose from: %s" % ", ".join(tool_names)) return tools
[docs]def missing_tools(tools_to_run): return [t for t in tools_to_run if which(t) is None]
def _bootstrap_dev_dependencies(): import spack.bootstrap with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration(): spack.bootstrap.ensure_environment_dependencies()
[docs]def style(parser, args): # save initial working directory for relativizing paths later args.initial_working_dir = os.getcwd() # ensure that the config files we need actually exist in the spack prefix. # assertions b/c users should not ever see these errors -- they're checked in CI. assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spack.paths.prefix, "pyproject.toml")) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spack.paths.prefix, ".flake8")) # validate spack root if the user provided one args.root = os.path.realpath(args.root) if args.root else spack.paths.prefix spack_script = os.path.join(args.root, "bin", "spack") if not os.path.exists(spack_script): tty.die("This does not look like a valid spack root.", "No such file: '%s'" % spack_script) file_list = args.files if file_list: def prefix_relative(path): return os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(path)), args.root) file_list = [prefix_relative(p) for p in file_list] # process --tool and --skip arguments selected = set(tool_names) if args.tool is not None: selected = validate_toolset(args.tool) if args.skip is not None: selected -= validate_toolset(args.skip) if not selected: tty.msg("Nothing to run.") return tools_to_run = [t for t in tool_names if t in selected] if missing_tools(tools_to_run): _bootstrap_dev_dependencies() return_code = 0 with working_dir(args.root): if not file_list: file_list = changed_files(args.base, args.untracked, args.all) print_style_header(file_list, args, tools_to_run) for tool_name in tools_to_run: run_function, required = tools[tool_name] print_tool_header(tool_name) return_code |= run_function(which(tool_name), file_list, args) if return_code == 0: tty.msg(color.colorize("@*{spack style checks were clean}")) else: tty.error(color.colorize("@*{spack style found errors}")) return return_code