Source code for spack.cmd.modules

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

"""Implementation details of the ``spack module`` command."""

import collections
import os.path
import shutil
import sys

from llnl.util import filesystem, tty

import spack.cmd
import spack.cmd.common.arguments as arguments
import spack.config
import spack.modules
import spack.modules.common
import spack.repo

description = "manipulate module files"
section = "environment"
level = "short"

[docs]def setup_parser(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "-n", "--name", action="store", dest="module_set_name", default="default", help="Named module set to use from modules configuration.", ) sp = subparser.add_subparsers(metavar="SUBCOMMAND", dest="subparser_name") refresh_parser = sp.add_parser("refresh", help="regenerate module files") refresh_parser.add_argument( "--delete-tree", help="delete the module file tree before refresh", action="store_true" ) refresh_parser.add_argument( "--upstream-modules", help="generate modules for packages installed upstream", action="store_true", ) arguments.add_common_arguments(refresh_parser, ["constraint", "yes_to_all"]) find_parser = sp.add_parser("find", help="find module files for packages") find_parser.add_argument( "--full-path", help="display full path to module file", action="store_true" ) arguments.add_common_arguments(find_parser, ["constraint", "recurse_dependencies"]) rm_parser = sp.add_parser("rm", help="remove module files") arguments.add_common_arguments(rm_parser, ["constraint", "yes_to_all"]) loads_parser = sp.add_parser( "loads", help="prompt the list of modules associated with a constraint" ) add_loads_arguments(loads_parser) arguments.add_common_arguments(loads_parser, ["constraint"]) return sp
[docs]def add_loads_arguments(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "--input-only", action="store_false", dest="shell", help="generate input for module command (instead of a shell script)", ) subparser.add_argument( "-p", "--prefix", dest="prefix", default="", help="prepend to module names when issuing module load commands", ) subparser.add_argument( "-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude", action="append", default=[], help="exclude package from output; may be specified multiple times", ) arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["recurse_dependencies"])
[docs]class MultipleSpecsMatch(Exception): """Raised when multiple specs match a constraint, in a context where this is not allowed. """
[docs]class NoSpecMatches(Exception): """Raised when no spec matches a constraint, in a context where this is not allowed. """
[docs]def one_spec_or_raise(specs): """Ensures exactly one spec has been selected, or raises the appropriate exception. """ # Ensure a single spec matches the constraint if len(specs) == 0: raise NoSpecMatches() if len(specs) > 1: raise MultipleSpecsMatch() # Get the spec and module type return specs[0]
[docs]def check_module_set_name(name): modules = spack.config.get("modules") if name != "prefix_inspections" and name in modules: return names = [k for k in modules if k != "prefix_inspections"] if not names: raise spack.config.ConfigError( f"Module set configuration is missing. Cannot use module set '{name}'" ) pretty_names = "', '".join(names) raise spack.config.ConfigError( f"Cannot use invalid module set '{name}'.", f"Valid module set names are: '{pretty_names}'.", )
_missing_modules_warning = ( "Modules have been omitted for one or more specs, either" " because they were excluded or because the spec is" " associated with a package that is installed upstream and" " that installation has not generated a module file. Rerun" " this command with debug output enabled for more details." )
[docs]def loads(module_type, specs, args, out=None): """Prompt the list of modules associated with a list of specs""" check_module_set_name(args.module_set_name) out = sys.stdout if out is None else out # Get a comprehensive list of specs if args.recurse_dependencies: specs_from_user_constraint = specs[:] specs = [] # FIXME : during module file creation nodes seem to be visited # FIXME : multiple times even if cover='nodes' is given. This # FIXME : work around permits to get a unique list of spec anyhow. # FIXME : (same problem as in spack/ seen = set() seen_add = seen.add for spec in specs_from_user_constraint: specs.extend( [ item for item in spec.traverse(order="post", cover="nodes") if not (item in seen or seen_add(item)) ] ) modules = list( ( spec, spack.modules.common.get_module( module_type, spec, get_full_path=False, module_set_name=args.module_set_name, required=False, ), ) for spec in specs ) module_commands = {"tcl": "module load ", "lmod": "module load "} d = {"command": "" if not else module_commands[module_type], "prefix": args.prefix} exclude_set = set(args.exclude) load_template = "{comment}{exclude}{command}{prefix}{name}" for spec, mod in modules: if not mod: module_output_for_spec = "## excluded or missing from upstream: {0}".format( spec.format() ) else: d["exclude"] = "## " if in exclude_set else "" d["comment"] = "" if not else "# {0}\n".format(spec.format()) d["name"] = mod module_output_for_spec = load_template.format(**d) out.write(module_output_for_spec) out.write("\n") if not all(mod for _, mod in modules): tty.warn(_missing_modules_warning)
[docs]def find(module_type, specs, args): """Retrieve paths or use names of module files""" check_module_set_name(args.module_set_name) single_spec = one_spec_or_raise(specs) if args.recurse_dependencies: dependency_specs_to_retrieve = list( single_spec.traverse(root=False, order="post", cover="nodes", deptype=("link", "run")) ) else: dependency_specs_to_retrieve = [] try: modules = [ spack.modules.common.get_module( module_type, spec, args.full_path, module_set_name=args.module_set_name, required=False, ) for spec in dependency_specs_to_retrieve ] modules.append( spack.modules.common.get_module( module_type, single_spec, args.full_path, module_set_name=args.module_set_name, required=True, ) ) except spack.modules.common.ModuleNotFoundError as e: tty.die(e.message) if not all(modules): tty.warn(_missing_modules_warning) modules = list(x for x in modules if x) print(" ".join(modules))
[docs]def rm(module_type, specs, args): """Deletes the module files associated with every spec in specs, for every module type in module types. """ check_module_set_name(args.module_set_name) module_cls = spack.modules.module_types[module_type] module_exist = lambda x: os.path.exists(module_cls(x, args.module_set_name).layout.filename) specs_with_modules = [spec for spec in specs if module_exist(spec)] modules = [module_cls(spec, args.module_set_name) for spec in specs_with_modules] if not modules: tty.die("No module file matches your query") # Ask for confirmation if not args.yes_to_all: msg = "You are about to remove {0} module files for:\n" tty.msg(msg.format(module_type)) spack.cmd.display_specs(specs_with_modules, long=True) print("") answer = tty.get_yes_or_no("Do you want to proceed?") if not answer: tty.die("Will not remove any module files") # Remove the module files for s in modules: s.remove()
[docs]def refresh(module_type, specs, args): """Regenerates the module files for every spec in specs and every module type in module types. """ check_module_set_name(args.module_set_name) # Prompt a message to the user about what is going to change if not specs: tty.msg("No package matches your query") return if not args.upstream_modules: specs = list(s for s in specs if not s.installed_upstream) if not args.yes_to_all: msg = "You are about to regenerate {types} module files for:\n" tty.msg(msg.format(types=module_type)) spack.cmd.display_specs(specs, long=True) print("") answer = tty.get_yes_or_no("Do you want to proceed?") if not answer: tty.die("Module file regeneration aborted.") # Cycle over the module types and regenerate module files cls = spack.modules.module_types[module_type] # Skip unknown packages. writers = [ cls(spec, args.module_set_name) for spec in specs if spack.repo.path.exists( ] # Filter excluded packages early writers = [x for x in writers if not x.conf.excluded] # Detect name clashes in module files file2writer = collections.defaultdict(list) for item in writers: file2writer[item.layout.filename].append(item) if len(file2writer) != len(writers): message = "Name clashes detected in module files:\n" for filename, writer_list in file2writer.items(): if len(writer_list) > 1: message += "\nfile: {0}\n".format(filename) for x in writer_list: message += "spec: {0}\n".format(x.spec.format()) tty.error(message) tty.error("Operation aborted") raise SystemExit(1) if len(writers) == 0: msg = "Nothing to be done for {0} module files." tty.msg(msg.format(module_type)) return # If we arrived here we have at least one writer module_type_root = writers[0].layout.dirname() # Proceed regenerating module files tty.msg("Regenerating {name} module files".format(name=module_type)) if os.path.isdir(module_type_root) and args.delete_tree: shutil.rmtree(module_type_root, ignore_errors=False) filesystem.mkdirp(module_type_root) # Dump module index after potentially removing module tree spack.modules.common.generate_module_index( module_type_root, writers, overwrite=args.delete_tree ) for x in writers: try: x.write(overwrite=True) except Exception as e: tty.debug(e) msg = "Could not write module file [{0}]" tty.warn(msg.format(x.layout.filename)) tty.warn("\t--> {0} <--".format(str(e)))
#: Dictionary populated with the list of sub-commands. #: Each sub-command must be callable and accept 3 arguments: #: #: - module_type: the type of module it refers to #: - specs : the list of specs to be processed #: - args : namespace containing the parsed command line arguments callbacks = {"refresh": refresh, "rm": rm, "find": find, "loads": loads}
[docs]def modules_cmd(parser, args, module_type, callbacks=callbacks): # Qualifiers to be used when querying the db for specs constraint_qualifiers = {"refresh": {"installed": True, "known": True}} query_args = constraint_qualifiers.get(args.subparser_name, {}) # Get the specs that match the query from the DB specs = args.specs(**query_args) try: callbacks[args.subparser_name](module_type, specs, args) except MultipleSpecsMatch: msg = "the constraint '{query}' matches multiple packages:\n" for s in specs: spec_fmt = "{hash:7} {name}{@version}{%compiler}" spec_fmt += "{compiler_flags}{variants}{arch=architecture}" msg += "\t" + s.cformat(spec_fmt) + "\n" tty.error(msg.format(query=args.constraint)) tty.die( "In this context exactly **one** match is needed: " "please specify your constraints better." ) except NoSpecMatches: msg = "the constraint '{query}' matches no package." tty.error(msg.format(query=args.constraint)) tty.die( "In this context exactly **one** match is needed: " "please specify your constraints better." )