Source code for spack.cmd.env

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import argparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile

import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify
from llnl.util.tty.color import colorize

import spack.cmd
import spack.cmd.common
import spack.cmd.common.arguments
import spack.cmd.common.arguments as arguments
import spack.cmd.install
import spack.cmd.modules
import spack.cmd.uninstall
import spack.config
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.environment.depfile as depfile
import spack.schema.env
import spack.spec
import spack.tengine
import spack.util.string as string
from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications

description = "manage virtual environments"
section = "environments"
level = "short"

#: List of subcommands of `spack env`
subcommands = [
    ["remove", "rm"],
    ["list", "ls"],
    ["status", "st"],

# env activate
[docs]def env_activate_setup_parser(subparser): """set the current environment""" shells = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() shells.add_argument( "--sh", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="sh", help="print sh commands to activate the environment", ) shells.add_argument( "--csh", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="csh", help="print csh commands to activate the environment", ) shells.add_argument( "--fish", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="fish", help="print fish commands to activate the environment", ) shells.add_argument( "--bat", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="bat", help="print bat commands to activate the environment", ) view_options = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() view_options.add_argument( "-v", "--with-view", action="store_const", dest="with_view", const=True, default=True, help="update PATH etc. with associated view", ) view_options.add_argument( "-V", "--without-view", action="store_const", dest="with_view", const=False, default=True, help="do not update PATH etc. with associated view", ) subparser.add_argument( "-p", "--prompt", action="store_true", default=False, help="decorate the command line prompt when activating", ) env_options = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() env_options.add_argument( "--temp", action="store_true", default=False, help="create and activate an environment in a temporary directory", ) env_options.add_argument( "-d", "--dir", default=None, help="activate the environment in this directory" ) env_options.add_argument( metavar="env", dest="activate_env", nargs="?", default=None, help="name of environment to activate", )
[docs]def create_temp_env_directory(): """ Returns the path of a temporary directory in which to create an environment """ return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="spack-")
[docs]def env_activate(args): if not args.activate_env and not args.dir and not args.temp: tty.die("spack env activate requires an environment name, directory, or --temp") if not spack.cmd.common.shell_init_instructions( "spack env activate", " eval `spack env activate {sh_arg} [...]`" ) return 1 # Error out when -e, -E, -D flags are given, cause they are ambiguous. if args.env or args.no_env or args.env_dir: tty.die("Calling spack env activate with --env, --env-dir and --no-env " "is ambiguous") env_name_or_dir = args.activate_env or args.dir # Temporary environment if args.temp: env = create_temp_env_directory() env_path = os.path.abspath(env) short_name = os.path.basename(env_path) ev.create_in_dir(env).write(regenerate=False) # Managed environment elif ev.exists(env_name_or_dir) and not args.dir: env_path = ev.root(env_name_or_dir) short_name = env_name_or_dir # Environment directory elif ev.is_env_dir(env_name_or_dir): env_path = os.path.abspath(env_name_or_dir) short_name = os.path.basename(env_path) else: tty.die("No such environment: '%s'" % env_name_or_dir) env_prompt = "[%s]" % short_name # We only support one active environment at a time, so deactivate the current one. if ev.active_environment() is None: cmds = "" env_mods = EnvironmentModifications() else: cmds = env_mods = # Activate new environment active_env = ev.Environment(env_path) cmds += env=active_env,, prompt=env_prompt if args.prompt else None ) env_mods.extend(, add_view=args.with_view)) cmds += env_mods.shell_modifications( sys.stdout.write(cmds)
# # env deactivate #
[docs]def env_deactivate_setup_parser(subparser): """deactivate any active environment in the shell""" shells = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() shells.add_argument( "--sh", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="sh", help="print sh commands to deactivate the environment", ) shells.add_argument( "--csh", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="csh", help="print csh commands to deactivate the environment", ) shells.add_argument( "--fish", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="fish", help="print fish commands to activate the environment", ) shells.add_argument( "--bat", action="store_const", dest="shell", const="bat", help="print bat commands to activate the environment", )
[docs]def env_deactivate(args): if not spack.cmd.common.shell_init_instructions( "spack env deactivate", " eval `spack env deactivate {sh_arg}`" ) return 1 # Error out when -e, -E, -D flags are given, cause they are ambiguous. if args.env or args.no_env or args.env_dir: tty.die("Calling spack env deactivate with --env, --env-dir and --no-env " "is ambiguous") if ev.active_environment() is None: tty.die("No environment is currently active.") cmds = env_mods = cmds += env_mods.shell_modifications( sys.stdout.write(cmds)
# # env create #
[docs]def env_create_setup_parser(subparser): """create a new environment""" subparser.add_argument("create_env", metavar="env", help="name of environment to create") subparser.add_argument( "-d", "--dir", action="store_true", help="create an environment in a specific directory" ) subparser.add_argument( "--keep-relative", action="store_true", help="copy relative develop paths verbatim into the new environment" " when initializing from envfile", ) view_opts = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() view_opts.add_argument( "--without-view", action="store_true", help="do not maintain a view for this environment" ) view_opts.add_argument( "--with-view", help="specify that this environment should maintain a view at the" " specified path (by default the view is maintained in the" " environment directory)", ) subparser.add_argument( "envfile", nargs="?", default=None, help="either a lockfile (must end with '.json' or '.lock') or a manifest file.", )
[docs]def env_create(args): if args.with_view: # Expand relative paths provided on the command line to the current working directory # This way we interpret `spack env create --with-view ./view --dir ./env` as # a view in $PWD/view, not $PWD/env/view. This is different from specifying a relative # path in the manifest, which is resolved relative to the manifest file's location. with_view = os.path.abspath(args.with_view) elif args.without_view: with_view = False else: # Note that 'None' means unspecified, in which case the Environment # object could choose to enable a view by default. False means that # the environment should not include a view. with_view = None env = _env_create( args.create_env, init_file=args.envfile, dir=args.dir, with_view=with_view, keep_relative=args.keep_relative, ) # Generate views, only really useful for environments created from spack.lock files. env.regenerate_views()
def _env_create(name_or_path, *, init_file=None, dir=False, with_view=None, keep_relative=False): """Create a new environment, with an optional yaml description. Arguments: name_or_path (str): name of the environment to create, or path to it init_file (str or file): optional initialization file -- can be a JSON lockfile (*.lock, *.json) or YAML manifest file dir (bool): if True, create an environment in a directory instead of a named environment keep_relative (bool): if True, develop paths are copied verbatim into the new environment file, otherwise they may be made absolute if the new environment is in a different location """ if not dir: env = ev.create( name_or_path, init_file=init_file, with_view=with_view, keep_relative=keep_relative ) tty.msg("Created environment '%s' in %s" % (name_or_path, env.path)) tty.msg("You can activate this environment with:") tty.msg(" spack env activate %s" % (name_or_path)) return env env = ev.create_in_dir( name_or_path, init_file=init_file, with_view=with_view, keep_relative=keep_relative ) tty.msg("Created environment in %s" % env.path) tty.msg("You can activate this environment with:") tty.msg(" spack env activate %s" % env.path) return env # # env remove #
[docs]def env_remove_setup_parser(subparser): """remove an existing environment""" subparser.add_argument("rm_env", metavar="env", nargs="+", help="environment(s) to remove") arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["yes_to_all"])
[docs]def env_remove(args): """Remove a *named* environment. This removes an environment managed by Spack. Directory environments and manifests embedded in repositories should be removed manually. """ read_envs = [] for env_name in args.rm_env: env = read_envs.append(env) if not args.yes_to_all: answer = tty.get_yes_or_no( "Really remove %s %s?" % ( string.plural(len(args.rm_env), "environment", show_n=False), string.comma_and(args.rm_env), ), default=False, ) if not answer: tty.die("Will not remove any environments") for env in read_envs: if tty.die("Environment %s can't be removed while activated." % env.destroy() tty.msg("Successfully removed environment '%s'" %
# # env list #
[docs]def env_list_setup_parser(subparser): """list available environments"""
[docs]def env_list(args): names = ev.all_environment_names() color_names = [] for name in names: if name = colorize("@*g{%s}" % name) color_names.append(name) # say how many there are if writing to a tty if sys.stdout.isatty(): if not names: tty.msg("No environments") else: tty.msg("%d environments" % len(names)) colify(color_names, indent=4)
[docs]class ViewAction(object): regenerate = "regenerate" enable = "enable" disable = "disable"
[docs] @staticmethod def actions(): return [ViewAction.regenerate, ViewAction.enable, ViewAction.disable]
# # env view #
[docs]def env_view_setup_parser(subparser): """manage a view associated with the environment""" subparser.add_argument( "action", choices=ViewAction.actions(), help="action to take for the environment's view" ) subparser.add_argument( "view_path", nargs="?", help="when enabling a view, optionally set the path manually" )
[docs]def env_view(args): env = ev.active_environment() if not env: tty.msg("No active environment") return if args.action == ViewAction.regenerate: env.regenerate_views() elif args.action == ViewAction.enable: if args.view_path: view_path = args.view_path else: view_path = env.view_path_default env.update_default_view(view_path) env.write() elif args.action == ViewAction.disable: env.update_default_view(path_or_bool=False) env.write()
# # env status #
[docs]def env_status_setup_parser(subparser): """print whether there is an active environment"""
[docs]def env_status(args): env = ev.active_environment() if env: if env.path == os.getcwd(): tty.msg("Using %s in current directory: %s" % (ev.manifest_name, env.path)) else: tty.msg("In environment %s" % # Check if environment views can be safely activated env.check_views() else: tty.msg("No active environment")
# # env loads #
[docs]def env_loads_setup_parser(subparser): """list modules for an installed environment '(see spack module loads)'""" subparser.add_argument( "-n", "--module-set-name", default="default", help="module set for which to generate load operations", ) subparser.add_argument( "-m", "--module-type", choices=("tcl", "lmod"), help="type of module system to generate loads for", ) spack.cmd.modules.add_loads_arguments(subparser)
[docs]def env_loads(args): env = spack.cmd.require_active_env(cmd_name="env loads") # Set the module types that have been selected module_type = args.module_type if module_type is None: # If no selection has been made select all of them module_type = "tcl" recurse_dependencies = args.recurse_dependencies args.recurse_dependencies = False loads_file = fs.join_path(env.path, "loads") with open(loads_file, "w") as f: specs = env._get_environment_specs(recurse_dependencies=recurse_dependencies) spack.cmd.modules.loads(module_type, specs, args, f) print("To load this environment, type:") print(" source %s" % loads_file)
[docs]def env_update_setup_parser(subparser): """update environments to the latest format""" subparser.add_argument( metavar="env", dest="update_env", help="name or directory of the environment to activate" ) spack.cmd.common.arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["yes_to_all"])
[docs]def env_update(args): manifest_file = ev.manifest_file(args.update_env) backup_file = manifest_file + ".bkp" needs_update = not ev.is_latest_format(manifest_file) if not needs_update: tty.msg('No update needed for the environment "{0}"'.format(args.update_env)) return proceed = True if not args.yes_to_all: msg = ( 'The environment "{0}" is going to be updated to the latest ' "schema format.\nIf the environment is updated, versions of " "Spack that are older than this version may not be able to " "read it. Spack stores backups of the updated environment " 'which can be retrieved with "spack env revert"' ) tty.msg(msg.format(args.update_env)) proceed = tty.get_yes_or_no("Do you want to proceed?", default=False) if not proceed: tty.die("Operation aborted.") ev.update_yaml(manifest_file, backup_file=backup_file) msg = 'Environment "{0}" has been updated [backup={1}]' tty.msg(msg.format(args.update_env, backup_file))
[docs]def env_revert_setup_parser(subparser): """restore environments to their state before update""" subparser.add_argument( metavar="env", dest="revert_env", help="name or directory of the environment to activate" ) spack.cmd.common.arguments.add_common_arguments(subparser, ["yes_to_all"])
[docs]def env_revert(args): manifest_file = ev.manifest_file(args.revert_env) backup_file = manifest_file + ".bkp" # Check that both the spack.yaml and the backup exist, the inform user # on what is going to happen and ask for confirmation if not os.path.exists(manifest_file): msg = "cannot find the manifest file of the environment [file={0}]" tty.die(msg.format(manifest_file)) if not os.path.exists(backup_file): msg = "cannot find the old manifest file to be restored [file={0}]" tty.die(msg.format(backup_file)) proceed = True if not args.yes_to_all: msg = ( "Spack is going to overwrite the current manifest file" " with a backup copy [manifest={0}, backup={1}]" ) tty.msg(msg.format(manifest_file, backup_file)) proceed = tty.get_yes_or_no("Do you want to proceed?", default=False) if not proceed: tty.die("Operation aborted.") shutil.copy(backup_file, manifest_file) os.remove(backup_file) msg = 'Environment "{0}" reverted to old state' tty.msg(msg.format(manifest_file))
[docs]def env_depfile_setup_parser(subparser): """generate a depfile from the concrete environment specs""" subparser.add_argument( "--make-prefix", "--make-target-prefix", default=None, metavar="TARGET", help="prefix Makefile targets (and variables) with <TARGET>/<name>. By default " "the absolute path to the directory makedeps under the environment metadata dir is " "used. Can be set to an empty string --make-prefix ''.", ) subparser.add_argument( "--make-disable-jobserver", default=True, action="store_false", dest="jobserver", help="disable POSIX jobserver support.", ) subparser.add_argument( "--use-buildcache", dest="use_buildcache", type=arguments.use_buildcache, default="package:auto,dependencies:auto", metavar="[{auto,only,never},][package:{auto,only,never},][dependencies:{auto,only,never}]", help="When using `only`, redundant build dependencies are pruned from the DAG. " "This flag is passed on to the generated spack install commands.", ) subparser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", default=None, metavar="FILE", help="write the depfile to FILE rather than to stdout", ) subparser.add_argument( "-G", "--generator", default="make", choices=("make",), help="specify the depfile type. Currently only make is supported.", ) subparser.add_argument( metavar="specs", dest="specs", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, default=None, help="generate a depfile only for matching specs in the environment", )
[docs]def env_depfile(args): # Currently only make is supported. spack.cmd.require_active_env(cmd_name="env depfile") # What things do we build when running make? By default, we build the # root specs. If specific specs are provided as input, we build those. filter_specs = spack.cmd.parse_specs(args.specs) if args.specs else None template = spack.tengine.make_environment().get_template(os.path.join("depfile", "Makefile")) model = depfile.MakefileModel.from_env( ev.active_environment(), filter_specs=filter_specs, pkg_buildcache=depfile.UseBuildCache.from_string(args.use_buildcache[0]), dep_buildcache=depfile.UseBuildCache.from_string(args.use_buildcache[1]), make_prefix=args.make_prefix, jobserver=args.jobserver, ) makefile = template.render(model.to_dict()) # Finally write to stdout/file. if args.output: with open(args.output, "w") as f: f.write(makefile) else: sys.stdout.write(makefile)
#: Dictionary mapping subcommand names and aliases to functions subcommand_functions = {} # # spack env #
[docs]def setup_parser(subparser): sp = subparser.add_subparsers(metavar="SUBCOMMAND", dest="env_command") for name in subcommands: if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)): name, aliases = name[0], name[1:] else: aliases = [] # add commands to subcommands dict function_name = "env_%s" % name function = globals()[function_name] for alias in [name] + aliases: subcommand_functions[alias] = function # make a subparser and run the command's setup function on it setup_parser_cmd_name = "env_%s_setup_parser" % name setup_parser_cmd = globals()[setup_parser_cmd_name] subsubparser = sp.add_parser(name, aliases=aliases, help=setup_parser_cmd.__doc__) setup_parser_cmd(subsubparser)
[docs]def env(parser, args): """Look for a function called environment_<name> and call it.""" action = subcommand_functions[args.env_command] action(args)