Source code for spack.cmd.compiler

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import sys

import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.lang import index_by
from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify
from llnl.util.tty.color import colorize

import spack.compilers
import spack.config
import spack.spec

description = "manage compilers"
section = "system"
level = "long"

[docs]def setup_parser(subparser): sp = subparser.add_subparsers(metavar="SUBCOMMAND", dest="compiler_command") scopes = spack.config.scopes() scopes_metavar = spack.config.scopes_metavar # Find find_parser = sp.add_parser( "find", aliases=["add"], help="search the system for compilers to add to Spack configuration", ) find_parser.add_argument("add_paths", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) find_parser.add_argument( "--scope", choices=scopes, metavar=scopes_metavar, default=spack.config.default_modify_scope("compilers"), help="configuration scope to modify", ) # Remove remove_parser = sp.add_parser("remove", aliases=["rm"], help="remove compiler by spec") remove_parser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="remove ALL compilers that match spec" ) remove_parser.add_argument("compiler_spec") remove_parser.add_argument( "--scope", choices=scopes, metavar=scopes_metavar, default=spack.config.default_modify_scope("compilers"), help="configuration scope to modify", ) # List list_parser = sp.add_parser("list", help="list available compilers") list_parser.add_argument( "--scope", choices=scopes, metavar=scopes_metavar, default=spack.config.default_list_scope(), help="configuration scope to read from", ) # Info info_parser = sp.add_parser("info", help="show compiler paths") info_parser.add_argument("compiler_spec") info_parser.add_argument( "--scope", choices=scopes, metavar=scopes_metavar, default=spack.config.default_list_scope(), help="configuration scope to read from", )
[docs]def compiler_find(args): """Search either $PATH or a list of paths OR MODULES for compilers and add them to Spack's configuration. """ # None signals spack.compiler.find_compilers to use its default logic paths = args.add_paths or None # Below scope=None because we want new compilers that don't appear # in any other configuration. new_compilers = spack.compilers.find_new_compilers(paths, scope=None) if new_compilers: spack.compilers.add_compilers_to_config(new_compilers, scope=args.scope, init_config=False) n = len(new_compilers) s = "s" if n > 1 else "" config = spack.config.config filename = config.get_config_filename(args.scope, "compilers") tty.msg("Added %d new compiler%s to %s" % (n, s, filename)) colify(reversed(sorted(c.spec.display_str for c in new_compilers)), indent=4) else: tty.msg("Found no new compilers") tty.msg("Compilers are defined in the following files:") colify(spack.compilers.compiler_config_files(), indent=4)
[docs]def compiler_remove(args): cspec = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(args.compiler_spec) compilers = spack.compilers.compilers_for_spec(cspec, scope=args.scope) if not compilers: tty.die("No compilers match spec %s" % cspec) elif not args.all and len(compilers) > 1: tty.error("Multiple compilers match spec %s. Choose one:" % cspec) colify(reversed(sorted([c.spec.display_str for c in compilers])), indent=4) tty.msg("Or, use `spack compiler remove -a` to remove all of them.") sys.exit(1) for compiler in compilers: spack.compilers.remove_compiler_from_config(compiler.spec, scope=args.scope) tty.msg("Removed compiler %s" % compiler.spec.display_str)
[docs]def compiler_info(args): """Print info about all compilers matching a spec.""" cspec = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(args.compiler_spec) compilers = spack.compilers.compilers_for_spec(cspec, scope=args.scope) if not compilers: tty.die("No compilers match spec %s" % cspec) else: for c in compilers: print(c.spec.display_str + ":") print("\tpaths:") for cpath in ["cc", "cxx", "f77", "fc"]: print("\t\t%s = %s" % (cpath, getattr(c, cpath, None))) if c.flags: print("\tflags:") for flag, flag_value in c.flags.items(): print("\t\t%s = %s" % (flag, flag_value)) if len(c.environment) != 0: if len(c.environment.get("set", {})) != 0: print("\tenvironment:") print("\t set:") for key, value in c.environment["set"].items(): print("\t %s = %s" % (key, value)) if c.extra_rpaths: print("\tExtra rpaths:") for extra_rpath in c.extra_rpaths: print("\t\t%s" % extra_rpath) print("\tmodules = %s" % c.modules) print("\toperating system = %s" % c.operating_system)
[docs]def compiler_list(args): compilers = spack.compilers.all_compilers(scope=args.scope, init_config=False) # If there are no compilers in any scope, and we're outputting to a tty, give a # hint to the user. if len(compilers) == 0: if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return msg = "No compilers available" if args.scope is None: msg += ". Run `spack compiler find` to autodetect compilers" tty.msg(msg) return index = index_by(compilers, lambda c: (, c.operating_system, tty.msg("Available compilers") # For a container, take each element which does not evaluate to false and # convert it to a string. For elements which evaluate to False (e.g. None) # convert them to '' (in which case it still evaluates to False but is a # string type). Tuples produced by this are guaranteed to be comparable in # Python 3 convert_str = lambda tuple_container: tuple(str(x) if x else "" for x in tuple_container) index_str_keys = list((convert_str(x), y) for x, y in index.items()) ordered_sections = sorted(index_str_keys, key=lambda item: item[0]) for i, (key, compilers) in enumerate(ordered_sections): if i >= 1: print() name, os, target = key os_str = os if target: os_str += "-%s" % target cname = "%s{%s} %s" % (spack.spec.compiler_color, name, os_str) tty.hline(colorize(cname), char="-") colify(reversed(sorted(c.spec.display_str for c in compilers)))
[docs]def compiler(parser, args): action = { "add": compiler_find, "find": compiler_find, "remove": compiler_remove, "rm": compiler_remove, "info": compiler_info, "list": compiler_list, } action[args.compiler_command](args)