Source code for spack.cmd.commands

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import copy
import os
import re
import sys

import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.argparsewriter import ArgparseCompletionWriter, ArgparseRstWriter, ArgparseWriter
from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify

import spack.cmd
import spack.main
import spack.paths
from spack.main import section_descriptions

description = "list available spack commands"
section = "developer"
level = "long"

#: list of command formatters
formatters = {}

#: standard arguments for updating completion scripts
#: we iterate through these when called with --update-completion
update_completion_args = {
    "bash": {
        "aliases": True,
        "format": "bash",
        "header": os.path.join(spack.paths.share_path, "bash", ""),
        "update": os.path.join(spack.paths.share_path, "spack-completion.bash"),

[docs]def formatter(func): """Decorator used to register formatters""" formatters[func.__name__] = func return func
[docs]def setup_parser(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "--update-completion", action="store_true", default=False, help="regenerate spack's tab completion scripts", ) subparser.add_argument( "-a", "--aliases", action="store_true", default=False, help="include command aliases" ) subparser.add_argument( "--format", default="names", choices=formatters, help="format to be used to print the output (default: names)", ) subparser.add_argument( "--header", metavar="FILE", default=None, action="store", help="prepend contents of FILE to the output (useful for rst format)", ) subparser.add_argument( "--update", metavar="FILE", default=None, action="store", help="write output to the specified file, if any command is newer", ) subparser.add_argument( "rst_files", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="list of rst files to search for `_cmd-spack-<cmd>` cross-refs", )
[docs]class SpackArgparseRstWriter(ArgparseRstWriter): """RST writer tailored for spack documentation.""" def __init__( self, prog, out=None, aliases=False, documented_commands=[], rst_levels=["-", "-", "^", "~", ":", "`"], ): out = sys.stdout if out is None else out super(SpackArgparseRstWriter, self).__init__(prog, out, aliases, rst_levels) self.documented = documented_commands
[docs] def usage(self, *args): string = super(SpackArgparseRstWriter, self).usage(*args) cmd = self.parser.prog.replace(" ", "-") if cmd in self.documented: string += "\n:ref:`More documentation <cmd-{0}>`\n".format(cmd) return string
[docs]class SubcommandWriter(ArgparseWriter):
[docs] def format(self, cmd): return " " * self.level + cmd.prog + "\n"
_positional_to_subroutine = { "package": "_all_packages", "spec": "_all_packages", "filter": "_all_packages", "installed": "_installed_packages", "compiler": "_installed_compilers", "section": "_config_sections", "env": "_environments", "extendable": "_extensions", "keys": "_keys", "help_command": "_subcommands", "mirror": "_mirrors", "virtual": "_providers", "namespace": "_repos", "hash": "_all_resource_hashes", "pytest": "_unit_tests", }
[docs]class BashCompletionWriter(ArgparseCompletionWriter): """Write argparse output as bash programmable tab completion."""
[docs] def body(self, positionals, optionals, subcommands): if positionals: return """ if $list_options then {0} else {1} fi """.format( self.optionals(optionals), self.positionals(positionals) ) elif subcommands: return """ if $list_options then {0} else {1} fi """.format( self.optionals(optionals), self.subcommands(subcommands) ) else: return """ {0} """.format( self.optionals(optionals) )
[docs] def positionals(self, positionals): # If match found, return function name for positional in positionals: for key, value in _positional_to_subroutine.items(): if positional.startswith(key): return value # If no matches found, return empty list return 'SPACK_COMPREPLY=""'
[docs] def optionals(self, optionals): return 'SPACK_COMPREPLY="{0}"'.format(" ".join(optionals))
[docs] def subcommands(self, subcommands): return 'SPACK_COMPREPLY="{0}"'.format(" ".join(subcommands))
[docs]@formatter def subcommands(args, out): parser = spack.main.make_argument_parser() spack.main.add_all_commands(parser) writer = SubcommandWriter(parser.prog, out, args.aliases) writer.write(parser)
[docs]def rst_index(out): out.write("\n") index = spack.main.index_commands() sections = index["long"] dmax = max(len(section_descriptions.get(s, s)) for s in sections) + 2 cmax = max(len(c) for _, c in sections.items()) + 60 row = "%s %s\n" % ("=" * dmax, "=" * cmax) line = "%%-%ds %%s\n" % dmax out.write(row) out.write(line % (" Category ", " Commands ")) out.write(row) for section, commands in sorted(sections.items()): description = section_descriptions.get(section, section) for i, cmd in enumerate(sorted(commands)): description = description.capitalize() if i == 0 else "" ref = ":ref:`%s <spack-%s>`" % (cmd, cmd) comma = "," if i != len(commands) - 1 else "" bar = "| " if i % 8 == 0 else " " out.write(line % (description, bar + ref + comma)) out.write(row)
[docs]@formatter def rst(args, out): # create a parser with all commands parser = spack.main.make_argument_parser() spack.main.add_all_commands(parser) # extract cross-refs of the form `_cmd-spack-<cmd>:` from rst files documented_commands = set() for filename in args.rst_files: with open(filename) as f: for line in f: match = re.match(r"\.\. _cmd-(spack-.*):", line) if match: documented_commands.add( # print an index to each command rst_index(out) out.write("\n") # print sections for each command and subcommand writer = SpackArgparseRstWriter(parser.prog, out, args.aliases, documented_commands) writer.write(parser)
[docs]@formatter def names(args, out): commands = copy.copy(spack.cmd.all_commands()) if args.aliases: commands.extend(spack.main.aliases.keys()) colify(commands, output=out)
[docs]@formatter def bash(args, out): parser = spack.main.make_argument_parser() spack.main.add_all_commands(parser) writer = BashCompletionWriter(parser.prog, out, args.aliases) writer.write(parser)
[docs]def prepend_header(args, out): if not args.header: return with open(args.header) as header: out.write(
def _commands(parser, args): """This is the 'regular' command, which can be called multiple times. See ``commands()`` below for ``--update-completion`` handling. """ formatter = formatters[args.format] # check header first so we don't open out files unnecessarily if args.header and not os.path.exists(args.header): tty.die("No such file: '%s'" % args.header) if args.update: tty.msg("Updating file: %s" % args.update) with open(args.update, "w") as f: prepend_header(args, f) formatter(args, f) if args.update_completion: fs.set_executable(args.update) else: prepend_header(args, sys.stdout) formatter(args, sys.stdout)
[docs]def update_completion(parser, args): """Iterate through the shells and update the standard completion files. This is a convenience method to avoid calling this command many times, and to simplify completion update for developers. """ for shell, shell_args in update_completion_args.items(): for attr, value in shell_args.items(): setattr(args, attr, value) _commands(parser, args)
[docs]def commands(parser, args): if args.update_completion: if args.format != "names" or any([args.aliases, args.update, args.header]): tty.die("--update-completion can only be specified alone.") # this runs the command multiple times with different arguments return update_completion(parser, args) else: # run commands normally return _commands(parser, args)