Source code for spack.build_systems.rocm

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

# Troubleshooting advice for +rocm builds:
# 1. When building with clang, go your compilers.yaml,
#    add an entry for the amd version of clang, as below.
#    This will ensure that your entire package is compiled/linked
#    with the same compiler version. If you use a different version of
#    clang which is linked against a different version of the gcc library,
#    you will get errors along the lines of:
#    undefined reference to
#       `std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, ...)@@GLIBCXX_3.4.20'
#    which is indicative of a mismatch in standard library versions.
#    in compilers.yaml
#    - compiler:
#        spec: clang@amd
#        paths:
#          cc: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang
#          cxx: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
#          f77:
#          fc:
#        flags: {}
#        operating_system: rhel7
#        target: x86_64
#        modules: []
#        environment: {}
#        extra_rpaths: []
#    It is advisable to replace /rocm/ in the paths above with /rocm-version/
#    and introduce spec version numbers to ensure reproducible results.
# 2. hip and its dependencies are currently NOT picked up by spack
#    automatically, and should therefore be added to packages.yaml by hand:
#    in packages.yaml:
#    hip:
#      externals:
#      - spec: hip
#        prefix: /opt/rocm/hip
#        extra_attributes:
#          compilers:
#            c: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
#            c++: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
#            hip: /opt/rocm/hip/bin/hipcc
#      buildable: false
#    hsa-rocr-dev:
#      externals:
#      - spec: hsa-rocr-dev
#        prefix: /opt/rocm
#        extra_attributes:
#          compilers:
#            c: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
#            cxx: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
#      buildable: false
#    llvm-amdgpu:
#      externals:
#      - spec: llvm-amdgpu
#        prefix: /opt/rocm/llvm
#        extra_attributes:
#          compilers:
#            c: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
#            cxx: /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/clang++
#      buildable: false
#    It is advisable to replace /rocm/ in the paths above with /rocm-version/
#    and introduce spec version numbers to ensure reproducible results.
# 3. In part 2, DO NOT list the path to hsa as /opt/rocm/hsa ! You want spack
#    to find hsa in /opt/rocm/include/hsa/hsa.h . The directory of
#    /opt/rocm/hsa also has an hsa.h file, but it won't be found because spack
#    does not like its directory structure.

import spack.variant
from spack.directives import conflicts, depends_on, variant
from spack.package_base import PackageBase

[docs]class ROCmPackage(PackageBase): """Auxiliary class which contains ROCm variant, dependencies and conflicts and is meant to unify and facilitate its usage. Closely mimics CudaPackage. Maintainers: dtaller """ # # Possible architectures amdgpu_targets = ( "gfx701", "gfx801", "gfx802", "gfx803", "gfx900", "gfx900:xnack-", "gfx902", "gfx904", "gfx906", "gfx906:xnack-", "gfx908", "gfx908:xnack-", "gfx909", "gfx90a", "gfx90a:xnack-", "gfx90a:xnack+", "gfx90c", "gfx940", "gfx1010", "gfx1011", "gfx1012", "gfx1013", "gfx1030", "gfx1031", "gfx1032", "gfx1033", "gfx1034", "gfx1035", "gfx1036", "gfx1100", "gfx1101", "gfx1102", "gfx1103", ) variant("rocm", default=False, description="Enable ROCm support") # possible amd gpu targets for rocm builds variant( "amdgpu_target", description="AMD GPU architecture", values=spack.variant.any_combination_of(*amdgpu_targets), sticky=True, when="+rocm", ) depends_on("llvm-amdgpu", when="+rocm") depends_on("hsa-rocr-dev", when="+rocm") depends_on("hip +rocm", when="+rocm") conflicts("^blt@:0.3.6", when="+rocm") # need amd gpu type for rocm builds conflicts("amdgpu_target=none", when="+rocm") # # It seems that hip-clang does not (yet?) accept this flag, in which case # we will still need to set the HCC_AMDGPU_TARGET environment flag in the # hip package file. But I will leave this here for future development.
[docs] @staticmethod def hip_flags(amdgpu_target): archs = ",".join(amdgpu_target) return "--amdgpu-target={0}".format(archs)
# HIP version vs Architecture # TODO: add a bunch of lines like: # depends_on('hip@:6.0', when='amdgpu_target=gfx701') # to indicate minimum version for each architecture. # Add compiler minimum versions based on the first release where the # processor is included in llvm/lib/Support/TargetParser.cpp depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.1.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx900:xnack-") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.1.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx906:xnack-") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.1.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx908:xnack-") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.1.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx90c") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx90a") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx90a:xnack-") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx90a:xnack+") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@5.2.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx940") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.5.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1013") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@3.8.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1030") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@3.9.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1031") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.1.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1032") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.1.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1033") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1034") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@4.5.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1035") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@5.2.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1036") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@5.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1100") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@5.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1101") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@5.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1102") depends_on("llvm-amdgpu@5.3.0:", when="amdgpu_target=gfx1103")
# Compiler conflicts # TODO: add conflicts statements along the lines of # arch_platform = ' target=x86_64: platform=linux' # conflicts('%gcc@5:', when='+cuda ^cuda@:7.5' + arch_platform) # conflicts('platform=darwin', when='+cuda ^cuda@11.0.2:') # for hip-related limitations.