Source code for spack.build_systems.oneapi

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Common utilities for managing intel oneapi packages."""
import getpass
import os
import platform
import shutil
from os.path import basename, dirname, isdir

from llnl.util.filesystem import find_headers, find_libraries, join_path
from llnl.util.link_tree import LinkTree

from spack.directives import conflicts, variant
from spack.package import mkdirp
from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications
from spack.util.executable import Executable

from .generic import Package

[docs]class IntelOneApiPackage(Package): """Base class for Intel oneAPI packages.""" homepage = "" # oneAPI license does not allow mirroring outside of the # organization (e.g. University/Company). redistribute_source = False for c in [ "target=ppc64:", "target=ppc64le:", "target=aarch64:", "platform=darwin:", "platform=cray:", "platform=windows:", ]: conflicts(c, msg="This package in only available for x86_64 and Linux") # Add variant to toggle environment modifications from variant("envmods", default=True, description="Toggles environment modifications")
[docs] @staticmethod def update_description(cls): """Updates oneapi package descriptions with common text.""" text = """ LICENSE INFORMATION: By downloading and using this software, you agree to the terms and conditions of the software license agreements at""" cls.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ + text return cls
@property def component_dir(self): """Subdirectory for this component in the install prefix.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def component_prefix(self): """Path to component <prefix>/<component>/<version>.""" return self.prefix.join(join_path(self.component_dir, self.spec.version))
[docs] def install(self, spec, prefix): self.install_component(basename(self.url_for_version(spec.version)))
[docs] def install_component(self, installer_path): """Shared install method for all oneapi packages.""" if platform.system() == "Linux": # Intel installer assumes and enforces that all components # are installed into a single prefix. Spack wants to # install each component in a separate prefix. The # installer mechanism is implemented by saving install # information in a directory called installercache for # future runs. The location of the installercache depends # on the userid. For root it is always in /var/intel. For # non-root it is in $HOME/intel. # # The method for preventing this install from interfering # with other install depends on the userid. For root, we # delete the installercache before and after install. For # non root we redefine the HOME environment variable. if getpass.getuser() == "root": shutil.rmtree("/var/intel/installercache", ignore_errors=True) bash = Executable("bash") # Installer writes files in ~/intel set HOME so it goes to prefix bash.add_default_env("HOME", self.prefix) # Installer checks $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/.bootstrapper_lock_file as well bash.add_default_env("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", join_path(self.stage.path, "runtime")) bash( installer_path, "-s", "-a", "-s", "--action", "install", "--eula", "accept", "--install-dir", self.prefix, ) if getpass.getuser() == "root": shutil.rmtree("/var/intel/installercache", ignore_errors=True) # Some installers have a bug and do not return an error code when failing if not isdir(join_path(self.prefix, self.component_dir)): raise RuntimeError("install failed")
[docs] def setup_run_environment(self, env): """Adds environment variables to the generated module file. These environment variables come from running: .. code-block:: console $ source {prefix}/{component}/{version}/env/ """ # Only if environment modifications are desired (default is +envmods) if "+envmods" in self.spec: env.extend( EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file( join_path(self.component_prefix, "env", "") ) )
[docs]class IntelOneApiLibraryPackage(IntelOneApiPackage): """Base class for Intel oneAPI library packages. Contains some convenient default implementations for libraries. Implement the method directly in the package if something different is needed. """ @property def headers(self): include_path = join_path(self.component_prefix, "include") return find_headers("*", include_path, recursive=True) @property def libs(self): lib_path = join_path(self.component_prefix, "lib", "intel64") lib_path = lib_path if isdir(lib_path) else dirname(lib_path) return find_libraries("*", root=lib_path, shared=True, recursive=True)
[docs]class IntelOneApiStaticLibraryList(object): """Provides ld_flags when static linking is needed Oneapi puts static and dynamic libraries in the same directory, so -l will default to finding the dynamic library. Use absolute paths, as recommended by oneapi documentation. Allow both static and dynamic libraries to be supplied by the package. """ def __init__(self, static_libs, dynamic_libs): self.static_libs = static_libs self.dynamic_libs = dynamic_libs @property def directories(self): return self.dynamic_libs.directories @property def search_flags(self): return self.dynamic_libs.search_flags @property def link_flags(self): return "-Wl,--start-group {0} -Wl,--end-group {1}".format( " ".join(self.static_libs.libraries), self.dynamic_libs.link_flags ) @property def ld_flags(self): return "{0} {1}".format(self.search_flags, self.link_flags)