Source code for spack.bootstrap.environment

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Bootstrap non-core Spack dependencies from an environment."""
import glob
import hashlib
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings
from typing import List

import archspec.cpu

from llnl.util import tty

import spack.build_environment
import spack.environment
import spack.tengine
import spack.util.executable
from spack.environment import depfile

from ._common import _root_spec
from .config import root_path, spec_for_current_python, store_path

[docs]class BootstrapEnvironment(spack.environment.Environment): """Environment to install dependencies of Spack for a given interpreter and architecture"""
[docs] @classmethod def spack_dev_requirements(cls) -> List[str]: """Spack development requirements""" return [ isort_root_spec(), mypy_root_spec(), black_root_spec(), flake8_root_spec(), pytest_root_spec(), ]
[docs] @classmethod def environment_root(cls) -> pathlib.Path: """Environment root directory""" bootstrap_root_path = root_path() python_part = spec_for_current_python().replace("@", "") arch_part = interpreter_part = hashlib.md5(sys.exec_prefix.encode()).hexdigest()[:5] environment_dir = f"{python_part}-{arch_part}-{interpreter_part}" return pathlib.Path( spack.util.path.canonicalize_path( os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "environments", environment_dir) ) )
[docs] @classmethod def view_root(cls) -> pathlib.Path: """Location of the view""" return cls.environment_root().joinpath("view")
[docs] @classmethod def pythonpaths(cls) -> List[str]: """Paths to be added to sys.path or PYTHONPATH""" python_dir_part = f"python{'.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])}" glob_expr = str(cls.view_root().joinpath("**", python_dir_part, "**")) result = glob.glob(glob_expr) if not result: msg = f"Cannot find any Python path in {cls.view_root()}" warnings.warn(msg) return result
[docs] @classmethod def bin_dirs(cls) -> List[pathlib.Path]: """Paths to be added to PATH""" return [cls.view_root().joinpath("bin")]
[docs] @classmethod def spack_yaml(cls) -> pathlib.Path: """Environment spack.yaml file""" return cls.environment_root().joinpath("spack.yaml")
def __init__(self) -> None: if not self.spack_yaml().exists(): self._write_spack_yaml_file() super().__init__(self.environment_root())
[docs] def update_installations(self) -> None: """Update the installations of this environment. The update is done using a depfile on Linux and macOS, and using the ``install_all`` method of environments on Windows. """ with tty.SuppressOutput(msg_enabled=False, warn_enabled=False): specs = self.concretize() if specs: colorized_specs = [ spack.spec.Spec(x).cformat("{name}{@version}") for x in self.spack_dev_requirements() ] tty.msg(f"[BOOTSTRAPPING] Installing dependencies ({', '.join(colorized_specs)})") self.write(regenerate=False) if sys.platform == "win32": self.install_all() else: self._install_with_depfile() self.write(regenerate=True)
[docs] def update_syspath_and_environ(self) -> None: """Update ``sys.path`` and the PATH, PYTHONPATH environment variables to point to the environment view. """ # Do minimal modifications to sys.path and environment variables. In particular, pay # attention to have the smallest PYTHONPATH / sys.path possible, since that may impact # the performance of the current interpreter sys.path.extend(self.pythonpaths()) os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join( [str(x) for x in self.bin_dirs()] + os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep) ) os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = os.pathsep.join( os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "").split(os.pathsep) + [str(x) for x in self.pythonpaths()] )
def _install_with_depfile(self) -> None: model = depfile.MakefileModel.from_env(self) template = spack.tengine.make_environment().get_template( os.path.join("depfile", "Makefile") ) makefile = self.environment_root() / "Makefile" makefile.write_text(template.render(model.to_dict())) make = spack.util.executable.which("make") kwargs = {} if not tty.is_debug(): kwargs = {"output": os.devnull, "error": os.devnull} make( "-C", str(self.environment_root()), "-j", str(spack.build_environment.determine_number_of_jobs(parallel=True)), **kwargs, ) def _write_spack_yaml_file(self) -> None: tty.msg( "[BOOTSTRAPPING] Spack has missing dependencies, creating a bootstrapping environment" ) env = spack.tengine.make_environment() template = env.get_template("bootstrap/spack.yaml") context = { "python_spec": spec_for_current_python(), "python_prefix": sys.exec_prefix, "architecture":, "environment_path": self.environment_root(), "environment_specs": self.spack_dev_requirements(), "store_path": store_path(), } self.environment_root().mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.spack_yaml().write_text(template.render(context), encoding="utf-8")
[docs]def isort_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap isort""" return _root_spec("py-isort@4.3.5:")
[docs]def mypy_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap mypy""" return _root_spec("py-mypy@0.900:")
[docs]def black_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap black""" return _root_spec("py-black@:23.1.0")
[docs]def flake8_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap flake8""" return _root_spec("py-flake8")
[docs]def pytest_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap flake8""" return _root_spec("py-pytest")
[docs]def ensure_environment_dependencies() -> None: """Ensure Spack dependencies from the bootstrap environment are installed and ready to use""" with BootstrapEnvironment() as env: env.update_installations() env.update_syspath_and_environ()