Source code for spack.bootstrap.core

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Bootstrap Spack core dependencies from binaries.

This module contains logic to bootstrap software required by Spack from binaries served in the
bootstrapping mirrors. The logic is quite different from an installation done from a Spack user,
because of the following reasons:

  1. The binaries are all compiled on the same OS for a given platform (e.g. they are compiled on
     ``centos7`` on ``linux``), but they will be installed and used on the host OS. They are also
     targeted at the most generic architecture possible. That makes the binaries difficult to reuse
     with other specs in an environment without ad-hoc logic.
  2. Bootstrapping has a fallback procedure where we try to install software by default from the
     most recent binaries, and proceed to older versions of the mirror, until we try building from
     sources as a last resort. This allows us not to be blocked on architectures where we don't
     have binaries readily available, but is also not compatible with the working of environments
     (they don't have fallback procedures).
  3. Among the binaries we have clingo, so we can't concretize that with clingo :-)
  4. clingo, GnuPG and patchelf binaries need to be verified by sha256 sum (all the other binaries
     we might add on top of that in principle can be verified with GPG signatures).

import copy
import functools
import json
import os
import os.path
import sys
import uuid
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from llnl.util import tty
from llnl.util.lang import GroupedExceptionHandler

import spack.binary_distribution
import spack.config
import spack.detection
import spack.environment
import spack.modules
import spack.paths
import spack.platforms
import spack.platforms.linux
import spack.repo
import spack.spec
import spack.user_environment
import spack.util.environment
import spack.util.executable
import spack.util.path
import spack.util.spack_yaml
import spack.util.url
import spack.version

from ._common import _executables_in_store, _python_import, _root_spec, _try_import_from_store
from .config import spack_python_interpreter, spec_for_current_python

#: Name of the file containing metadata about the bootstrapping source
METADATA_YAML_FILENAME = "metadata.yaml"

#: Whether the current platform is Windows
IS_WINDOWS = sys.platform == "win32"

#: Map a bootstrapper type to the corresponding class
_bootstrap_methods = {}

ConfigDictionary = Dict[str, Any]

[docs]def bootstrapper(bootstrapper_type: str): """Decorator to register classes implementing bootstrapping methods. Args: bootstrapper_type: string identifying the class """ def _register(cls): _bootstrap_methods[bootstrapper_type] = cls return cls return _register
[docs]class Bootstrapper: """Interface for "core" software bootstrappers""" config_scope_name = "" def __init__(self, conf: ConfigDictionary) -> None: self.conf = conf = conf["name"] self.metadata_dir = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(conf["metadata"]) # Promote (relative) paths to file urls url = conf["info"]["url"] if spack.util.url.is_path_instead_of_url(url): if not os.path.isabs(url): url = os.path.join(self.metadata_dir, url) url = spack.util.url.path_to_file_url(url) self.url = url @property def mirror_scope(self) -> spack.config.InternalConfigScope: """Mirror scope to be pushed onto the bootstrapping configuration when using this bootstrapper. """ return spack.config.InternalConfigScope( self.config_scope_name, {"mirrors:": { self.url}} )
[docs] def try_import(self, module: str, abstract_spec_str: str) -> bool: """Try to import a Python module from a spec satisfying the abstract spec passed as argument. Args: module: Python module name to try importing abstract_spec_str: abstract spec that can provide the Python module Return: True if the Python module could be imported, False otherwise """ return False
[docs] def try_search_path(self, executables: Tuple[str], abstract_spec_str: str) -> bool: """Try to search some executables in the prefix of specs satisfying the abstract spec passed as argument. Args: executables: executables to be found abstract_spec_str: abstract spec that can provide the Python module Return: True if the executables are found, False otherwise """ return False
[docs]@bootstrapper(bootstrapper_type="buildcache") class BuildcacheBootstrapper(Bootstrapper): """Install the software needed during bootstrapping from a buildcache.""" def __init__(self, conf) -> None: super().__init__(conf) self.last_search: Optional[ConfigDictionary] = None self.config_scope_name = f"bootstrap_buildcache-{uuid.uuid4()}" @staticmethod def _spec_and_platform( abstract_spec_str: str, ) -> Tuple[spack.spec.Spec, spack.platforms.Platform]: """Return the spec object and platform we need to use when querying the buildcache. Args: abstract_spec_str: abstract spec string we are looking for """ # Try to install from an unsigned binary cache abstract_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str) # On Cray we want to use Linux binaries if available from mirrors bincache_platform = spack.platforms.real_host() return abstract_spec, bincache_platform def _read_metadata(self, package_name: str) -> Any: """Return metadata about the given package.""" json_filename = f"{package_name}.json" json_dir = self.metadata_dir json_path = os.path.join(json_dir, json_filename) with open(json_path, encoding="utf-8") as stream: data = json.load(stream) return data def _install_by_hash( self, pkg_hash: str, pkg_sha256: str, index: List[spack.spec.Spec], bincache_platform: spack.platforms.Platform, ) -> None: index_spec = next(x for x in index if x.dag_hash() == pkg_hash) # Reconstruct the compiler that we need to use for bootstrapping compiler_entry = { "modules": [], "operating_system": str(index_spec.os), "paths": { "cc": "/dev/null", "cxx": "/dev/null", "f77": "/dev/null", "fc": "/dev/null", }, "spec": str(index_spec.compiler), "target": str(, } with spack.platforms.use_platform(bincache_platform): with spack.config.override("compilers", [{"compiler": compiler_entry}]): spec_str = "/" + pkg_hash query = spack.binary_distribution.BinaryCacheQuery(all_architectures=True) matches =[spec_str], multiple=False, query_fn=query) for match in matches: spack.binary_distribution.install_root_node( match, unsigned=True, force=True, sha256=pkg_sha256 ) def _install_and_test( self, abstract_spec: spack.spec.Spec, bincache_platform: spack.platforms.Platform, bincache_data, test_fn, ) -> bool: # Ensure we see only the buildcache being used to bootstrap with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope): # This index is currently needed to get the compiler used to build some # specs that we know by dag hash. spack.binary_distribution.binary_index.regenerate_spec_cache() index = spack.binary_distribution.update_cache_and_get_specs() if not index: raise RuntimeError("The binary index is empty") for item in bincache_data["verified"]: candidate_spec = item["spec"] # This will be None for things that don't depend on python python_spec = item.get("python", None) # Skip specs which are not compatible if not abstract_spec.intersects(candidate_spec): continue if python_spec is not None and python_spec not in abstract_spec: continue for _, pkg_hash, pkg_sha256 in item["binaries"]: self._install_by_hash(pkg_hash, pkg_sha256, index, bincache_platform) info: ConfigDictionary = {} if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec, query_info=info): self.last_search = info return True return False
[docs] def try_import(self, module: str, abstract_spec_str: str) -> bool: info: ConfigDictionary test_fn, info = functools.partial(_try_import_from_store, module), {} if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec_str, query_info=info): return True tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {module} from pre-built binaries") abstract_spec, bincache_platform = self._spec_and_platform( abstract_spec_str + " ^" + spec_for_current_python() ) data = self._read_metadata(module) return self._install_and_test(abstract_spec, bincache_platform, data, test_fn)
[docs] def try_search_path(self, executables: Tuple[str], abstract_spec_str: str) -> bool: info: ConfigDictionary test_fn, info = functools.partial(_executables_in_store, executables), {} if test_fn(query_spec=abstract_spec_str, query_info=info): self.last_search = info return True abstract_spec, bincache_platform = self._spec_and_platform(abstract_spec_str) tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {} from pre-built binaries") data = self._read_metadata( return self._install_and_test(abstract_spec, bincache_platform, data, test_fn)
[docs]@bootstrapper(bootstrapper_type="install") class SourceBootstrapper(Bootstrapper): """Install the software needed during bootstrapping from sources.""" def __init__(self, conf) -> None: super().__init__(conf) self.last_search: Optional[ConfigDictionary] = None self.config_scope_name = f"bootstrap_source-{uuid.uuid4()}"
[docs] def try_import(self, module: str, abstract_spec_str: str) -> bool: info: ConfigDictionary = {} if _try_import_from_store(module, abstract_spec_str, query_info=info): self.last_search = info return True tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {module} from sources") # If we compile code from sources detecting a few build tools # might reduce compilation time by a fair amount _add_externals_if_missing() # Try to build and install from sources with spack_python_interpreter(): # Add hint to use frontend operating system on Cray concrete_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str + " ^" + spec_for_current_python()) if module == "clingo": # TODO: remove when the old concretizer is deprecated # pylint: disable=fixme concrete_spec._old_concretize( # pylint: disable=protected-access deprecation_warning=False ) else: concrete_spec.concretize() msg = "[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {0}] Try installing '{1}' from sources" tty.debug(msg.format(module, abstract_spec_str)) # Install the spec that should make the module importable with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope): concrete_spec.package.do_install(fail_fast=True) if _try_import_from_store(module, query_spec=concrete_spec, query_info=info): self.last_search = info return True return False
[docs] def try_search_path(self, executables: Tuple[str], abstract_spec_str: str) -> bool: info: ConfigDictionary = {} if _executables_in_store(executables, abstract_spec_str, query_info=info): self.last_search = info return True tty.debug(f"Bootstrapping {abstract_spec_str} from sources") # If we compile code from sources detecting a few build tools # might reduce compilation time by a fair amount _add_externals_if_missing() concrete_spec = spack.spec.Spec(abstract_spec_str) if == "patchelf": concrete_spec._old_concretize( # pylint: disable=protected-access deprecation_warning=False ) else: concrete_spec.concretize() msg = "[BOOTSTRAP] Try installing '{0}' from sources" tty.debug(msg.format(abstract_spec_str)) with spack.config.override(self.mirror_scope): concrete_spec.package.do_install() if _executables_in_store(executables, concrete_spec, query_info=info): self.last_search = info return True return False
[docs]def create_bootstrapper(conf: ConfigDictionary): """Return a bootstrap object built according to the configuration argument""" btype = conf["type"] return _bootstrap_methods[btype](conf)
[docs]def source_is_enabled_or_raise(conf: ConfigDictionary): """Raise ValueError if the source is not enabled for bootstrapping""" trusted, name = spack.config.get("bootstrap:trusted"), conf["name"] if not trusted.get(name, False): raise ValueError("source is not trusted")
[docs]def ensure_module_importable_or_raise(module: str, abstract_spec: Optional[str] = None): """Make the requested module available for import, or raise. This function tries to import a Python module in the current interpreter using, in order, the methods configured in bootstrap.yaml. If none of the methods succeed, an exception is raised. The function exits on first success. Args: module: module to be imported in the current interpreter abstract_spec: abstract spec that might provide the module. If not given it defaults to "module" Raises: ImportError: if the module couldn't be imported """ # If we can import it already, that's great tty.debug(f"[BOOTSTRAP MODULE {module}] Try importing from Python") if _python_import(module): return abstract_spec = abstract_spec or module exception_handler = GroupedExceptionHandler() for current_config in bootstrapping_sources(): with exception_handler.forward(current_config["name"]): source_is_enabled_or_raise(current_config) current_bootstrapper = create_bootstrapper(current_config) if current_bootstrapper.try_import(module, abstract_spec): return assert exception_handler, ( f"expected at least one exception to have been raised at this point: " f"while bootstrapping {module}" ) msg = f'cannot bootstrap the "{module}" Python module ' if abstract_spec: msg += f'from spec "{abstract_spec}" ' if tty.is_debug(): msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=True) else: msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=False) msg += "\nRun `spack --debug ...` for more detailed errors" raise ImportError(msg)
[docs]def ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise( executables: list, abstract_spec: str, cmd_check: Optional[Callable[[spack.util.executable.Executable], bool]] = None, ): """Ensure that some executables are in path or raise. Args: executables (list): list of executables to be searched in the PATH, in order. The function exits on the first one found. abstract_spec (str): abstract spec that provides the executables cmd_check (object): callable predicate that takes a ``spack.util.executable.Executable`` command and validate it. Should return ``True`` if the executable is acceptable, ``False`` otherwise. Can be used to, e.g., ensure a suitable version of the command before accepting for bootstrapping. Raises: RuntimeError: if the executables cannot be ensured to be in PATH Return: Executable object """ cmd = spack.util.executable.which(*executables) if cmd: if not cmd_check or cmd_check(cmd): return cmd executables_str = ", ".join(executables) exception_handler = GroupedExceptionHandler() for current_config in bootstrapping_sources(): with exception_handler.forward(current_config["name"]): source_is_enabled_or_raise(current_config) current_bootstrapper = create_bootstrapper(current_config) if current_bootstrapper.try_search_path(executables, abstract_spec): # Additional environment variables needed concrete_spec, cmd = ( current_bootstrapper.last_search["spec"], current_bootstrapper.last_search["command"], ) env_mods = spack.util.environment.EnvironmentModifications() for dep in concrete_spec.traverse( root=True, order="post", deptype=("link", "run") ): env_mods.extend( spack.user_environment.environment_modifications_for_spec( dep, set_package_py_globals=False ) ) cmd.add_default_envmod(env_mods) return cmd assert exception_handler, ( f"expected at least one exception to have been raised at this point: " f"while bootstrapping {executables_str}" ) msg = f"cannot bootstrap any of the {executables_str} executables " if abstract_spec: msg += f'from spec "{abstract_spec}" ' if tty.is_debug(): msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=True) else: msg += exception_handler.grouped_message(with_tracebacks=False) msg += "\nRun `spack --debug ...` for more detailed errors" raise RuntimeError(msg)
def _add_externals_if_missing() -> None: search_list = [ # clingo spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("cmake"), spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("bison"), # GnuPG spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("gawk"), ] if IS_WINDOWS: search_list.append(spack.repo.path.get_pkg_class("winbison")) detected_packages = spack.detection.by_executable(search_list) spack.detection.update_configuration(detected_packages, scope="bootstrap")
[docs]def clingo_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap clingo""" return _root_spec("clingo-bootstrap@spack+python")
[docs]def ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise() -> None: """Ensure that the clingo module is available for import.""" ensure_module_importable_or_raise(module="clingo", abstract_spec=clingo_root_spec())
[docs]def gnupg_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap GnuPG""" return _root_spec("gnupg@2.3:")
[docs]def ensure_gpg_in_path_or_raise() -> None: """Ensure gpg or gpg2 are in the PATH or raise.""" return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise( executables=["gpg2", "gpg"], abstract_spec=gnupg_root_spec() )
[docs]def patchelf_root_spec() -> str: """Return the root spec used to bootstrap patchelf""" # 0.13.1 is the last version not to require C++17. return _root_spec("patchelf@0.13.1:")
[docs]def verify_patchelf(patchelf: "spack.util.executable.Executable") -> bool: """Older patchelf versions can produce broken binaries, so we verify the version here. Arguments: patchelf: patchelf executable """ out = patchelf("--version", output=str, error=os.devnull, fail_on_error=False).strip() if patchelf.returncode != 0: return False parts = out.split(" ") if len(parts) < 2: return False try: version = spack.version.Version(parts[1]) except ValueError: return False return version >= spack.version.Version("0.13.1")
[docs]def ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise() -> None: """Ensure patchelf is in the PATH or raise.""" # The old concretizer is not smart and we're doing its job: if the latest patchelf # does not concretize because the compiler doesn't support C++17, we try to # concretize again with an upperbound @:13. try: return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise( executables=["patchelf"], abstract_spec=patchelf_root_spec(), cmd_check=verify_patchelf ) except RuntimeError: return ensure_executables_in_path_or_raise( executables=["patchelf"], abstract_spec=_root_spec("patchelf@0.13.1:0.13"), cmd_check=verify_patchelf, )
[docs]def ensure_core_dependencies() -> None: """Ensure the presence of all the core dependencies.""" if sys.platform.lower() == "linux": ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise() if not IS_WINDOWS: ensure_gpg_in_path_or_raise() ensure_clingo_importable_or_raise()
[docs]def all_core_root_specs() -> List[str]: """Return a list of all the core root specs that may be used to bootstrap Spack""" return [clingo_root_spec(), gnupg_root_spec(), patchelf_root_spec()]
[docs]def bootstrapping_sources(scope: Optional[str] = None): """Return the list of configured sources of software for bootstrapping Spack Args: scope: if a valid configuration scope is given, return the list only from that scope """ source_configs = spack.config.get("bootstrap:sources", default=None, scope=scope) source_configs = source_configs or [] list_of_sources = [] for entry in source_configs: current = copy.copy(entry) metadata_dir = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(entry["metadata"]) metadata_yaml = os.path.join(metadata_dir, METADATA_YAML_FILENAME) with open(metadata_yaml, encoding="utf-8") as stream: current.update(spack.util.spack_yaml.load(stream)) list_of_sources.append(current) return list_of_sources