Source code for spack.build_systems.oneapi

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
"""Common utilities for managing intel oneapi packages."""
import getpass
import os
import platform
import shutil
from os.path import basename, isdir

from llnl.util import tty
from llnl.util.filesystem import HeaderList, LibraryList, find_libraries, join_path, mkdirp
from llnl.util.link_tree import LinkTree

from spack.build_environment import dso_suffix
from spack.directives import conflicts, license, variant
from spack.package_base import InstallError
from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications
from spack.util.executable import Executable

from .generic import Package

[docs] class IntelOneApiPackage(Package): """Base class for Intel oneAPI packages.""" homepage = "" license("") # oneAPI license does not allow mirroring outside of the # organization (e.g. University/Company). redistribute_source = False for c in [ "target=ppc64:", "target=ppc64le:", "target=aarch64:", "platform=darwin:", "platform=cray:", "platform=windows:", ]: conflicts(c, msg="This package in only available for x86_64 and Linux") # Add variant to toggle environment modifications from variant("envmods", default=True, description="Toggles environment modifications")
[docs] @staticmethod def update_description(cls): """Updates oneapi package descriptions with common text.""" text = """ LICENSE INFORMATION: By downloading and using this software, you agree to the terms and conditions of the software license agreements at""" cls.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ + text return cls
@property def component_dir(self): """Subdirectory for this component in the install prefix.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def v2_layout_versions(self): """Version that implements the v2 directory layout.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def v2_layout(self): """Returns true if this version implements the v2 directory layout.""" return self.spec.satisfies(self.v2_layout_versions) @property def component_prefix(self): """Path to component <prefix>/<component>/<version>.""" v = self.spec.version.up_to(2) if self.v2_layout else self.spec.version return self.prefix.join(self.component_dir).join(str(v)) @property def env_script_args(self): """Additional arguments to pass to script.""" return ()
[docs] def install(self, spec, prefix): self.install_component(basename(self.url_for_version(spec.version)))
[docs] def install_component(self, installer_path): """Shared install method for all oneapi packages.""" if platform.system() == "Linux": # Intel installer assumes and enforces that all components # are installed into a single prefix. Spack wants to # install each component in a separate prefix. The # installer mechanism is implemented by saving install # information in a directory called installercache for # future runs. The location of the installercache depends # on the userid. For root it is always in /var/intel. For # non-root it is in $HOME/intel. # # The method for preventing this install from interfering # with other install depends on the userid. For root, we # delete the installercache before and after install. For # non root we redefine the HOME environment variable. if getpass.getuser() == "root": shutil.rmtree("/var/intel/installercache", ignore_errors=True) bash = Executable("bash") # Installer writes files in ~/intel set HOME so it goes to prefix bash.add_default_env("HOME", self.prefix) # Installer checks $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/.bootstrapper_lock_file as well bash.add_default_env("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", join_path(self.stage.path, "runtime")) bash( installer_path, "-s", "-a", "-s", "--action", "install", "--eula", "accept", "--install-dir", self.prefix, ) if getpass.getuser() == "root": shutil.rmtree("/var/intel/installercache", ignore_errors=True) # Some installers have a bug and do not return an error code when failing install_dir = self.component_prefix if not isdir(install_dir): raise RuntimeError("install failed to directory: {0}".format(install_dir))
[docs] def setup_run_environment(self, env): """Adds environment variables to the generated module file. These environment variables come from running: .. code-block:: console $ source {prefix}/{component}/{version}/env/ """ # Only if environment modifications are desired (default is +envmods) if "~envmods" not in self.spec: env.extend( EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file( self.component_prefix.env.join(""), *self.env_script_args ) )
[docs] class IntelOneApiLibraryPackage(IntelOneApiPackage): """Base class for Intel oneAPI library packages. Contains some convenient default implementations for libraries. Implement the method directly in the package if something different is needed. """
[docs] def openmp_libs(self): """Supply LibraryList for linking OpenMP""" # NB: Hunting down explicit library files may be the Spack way of # doing things, but it is better to add the compiler defined option # e.g. -fopenmp # If other packages use openmp, then all the packages need to # support the same ABI. Spack usually uses the same compiler # for all the packages, but you can force it if necessary: # # e.g. spack install blaspp%oneapi@2024 ^intel-oneapi-mkl%oneapi@2024 # if self.spec.satisfies("%intel") or self.spec.satisfies("%oneapi"): libname = "libiomp5" elif self.spec.satisfies("%gcc"): libname = "libgomp" elif self.spec.satisfies("%clang"): libname = "libomp" else: raise InstallError( "OneAPI package with OpenMP threading requires one of %clang, %gcc, %oneapi, " "or %intel" ) # query the compiler for the library path with self.compiler.compiler_environment(): omp_lib_path = Executable( "--print-file-name", f"{libname}.{dso_suffix}", output=str ).strip() # Newer versions of clang do not give the full path to libomp. If that's # the case, look in a path relative to the compiler where libomp is # typically found. If it's not found there, error out. if not os.path.exists(omp_lib_path) and self.spec.satisfies("%clang"): compiler_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath( omp_lib_path_compiler = os.path.join(compiler_root, "lib", f"{libname}.{dso_suffix}") if os.path.exists(omp_lib_path_compiler): omp_lib_path = omp_lib_path_compiler # if the compiler cannot find the file, it returns the input path if not os.path.exists(omp_lib_path): raise InstallError(f"OneAPI package cannot locate OpenMP library: {omp_lib_path}") omp_libs = LibraryList(omp_lib_path)"OneAPI package requires OpenMP library: {omp_libs}") return omp_libs
# find_headers uses heuristics to determine the include directory # that does not work for oneapi packages. Use explicit directories # instead.
[docs] def header_directories(self, dirs): h = HeaderList([]) h.directories = dirs # trilinos passes the directories to cmake, and cmake requires # that the directory exists for dir in dirs: if not isdir(dir): raise RuntimeError(f"{dir} does not exist") return h
@property def headers(self): # This should match the directories added to CPATH by # env/ for the component return self.header_directories([self.component_prefix.include]) @property def libs(self): # for v2_layout all libraries are in the top level, v1 sometimes put them in intel64 return find_libraries("*", root=self.component_prefix.lib, recursive=not self.v2_layout)
[docs] class IntelOneApiLibraryPackageWithSdk(IntelOneApiPackage): """Base class for Intel oneAPI library packages with SDK components. Contains some convenient default implementations for libraries that expose functionality in sdk subdirectories. Implement the method directly in the package if something different is needed. """ @property def headers(self): return self.header_directories([self.component_prefix.sdk.include]) @property def libs(self): return find_libraries("*", self.component_prefix.sdk.lib64)
[docs] class IntelOneApiStaticLibraryList: """Provides ld_flags when static linking is needed Oneapi puts static and dynamic libraries in the same directory, so -l will default to finding the dynamic library. Use absolute paths, as recommended by oneapi documentation. Allow both static and dynamic libraries to be supplied by the package. """ def __init__(self, static_libs, dynamic_libs): self.static_libs = static_libs self.dynamic_libs = dynamic_libs @property def directories(self): return self.dynamic_libs.directories @property def search_flags(self): return self.dynamic_libs.search_flags @property def link_flags(self): return "-Wl,--start-group {0} -Wl,--end-group {1}".format( " ".join(self.static_libs.libraries), self.dynamic_libs.link_flags ) @property def ld_flags(self): return "{0} {1}".format(self.search_flags, self.link_flags)
#: Tuple of Intel math libraries, exported to packages INTEL_MATH_LIBRARIES = ("intel-mkl", "intel-oneapi-mkl", "intel-parallel-studio")