# Copyright Spack Project Developers. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
from llnl.util.filesystem import find
import spack.builder
import spack.package_base
import spack.spec
import spack.util.executable
import spack.util.prefix
from spack.directives import build_system, depends_on, extends
from spack.multimethod import when
class LuaPackage(spack.package_base.PackageBase):
"""Specialized class for lua packages"""
#: This attribute is used in UI queries that need to know the build
#: system base class
build_system_class = "LuaPackage"
#: Legacy buildsystem attribute used to deserialize and install old specs
legacy_buildsystem = "lua"
list_depth = 1 # LuaRocks requires at least one level of spidering to find versions
with when("build_system=lua"):
with when("^[virtuals=lua-lang] lua"):
with when("^[virtuals=lua-lang] lua-luajit"):
with when("^[virtuals=lua-lang] lua-luajit-openresty"):
def lua(self):
return spack.util.executable.Executable(self.spec["lua-lang"].prefix.bin.lua)
def luarocks(self):
lr = spack.util.executable.Executable(self.spec["lua-lang"].prefix.bin.luarocks)
return lr
class LuaBuilder(spack.builder.Builder):
phases = ("unpack", "generate_luarocks_config", "preprocess", "install")
#: Names associated with package methods in the old build-system format
legacy_methods = ("luarocks_args",)
#: Names associated with package attributes in the old build-system format
legacy_attributes = ()
def unpack(
self, pkg: LuaPackage, spec: spack.spec.Spec, prefix: spack.util.prefix.Prefix
) -> None:
if os.path.splitext(pkg.stage.archive_file)[1] == ".rock":
directory = pkg.luarocks("unpack", pkg.stage.archive_file, output=str)
dirlines = directory.split("\n")
# TODO: figure out how to scope this better
def _generate_tree_line(name, prefix):
return """{{ name = "{name}", root = "{prefix}" }};""".format(name=name, prefix=prefix)
def generate_luarocks_config(
self, pkg: LuaPackage, spec: spack.spec.Spec, prefix: spack.util.prefix.Prefix
) -> None:
spec = self.pkg.spec
table_entries = []
for d in spec.traverse(deptype=("build", "run")):
if d.package.extends(self.pkg.extendee_spec):
table_entries.append(self._generate_tree_line(d.name, d.prefix))
with open(self._luarocks_config_path(), "w", encoding="utf-8") as config:
def preprocess(
self, pkg: LuaPackage, spec: spack.spec.Spec, prefix: spack.util.prefix.Prefix
) -> None:
"""Override this to preprocess source before building with luarocks"""
def luarocks_args(self):
return []
def install(
self, pkg: LuaPackage, spec: spack.spec.Spec, prefix: spack.util.prefix.Prefix
) -> None:
rock = "."
specs = find(".", "*.rockspec", recursive=False)
if specs:
rock = specs[0]
rocks_args = self.luarocks_args()
pkg.luarocks("--tree=" + prefix, "make", *rocks_args)
def _luarocks_config_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.pkg.stage.source_path, "spack_luarocks.lua")
def setup_build_environment(self, env):
env.set("LUAROCKS_CONFIG", self._luarocks_config_path())