Source code for spack.build_systems.cached_cmake

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import re
from typing import Tuple

import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import llnl.util.tty as tty

import spack.build_environment
import spack.builder

from .cmake import CMakeBuilder, CMakePackage

[docs] def spec_uses_toolchain(spec): gcc_toolchain_regex = re.compile(".*gcc-toolchain.*") using_toolchain = list(filter(gcc_toolchain_regex.match, spec.compiler_flags["cxxflags"])) return using_toolchain
[docs] def cmake_cache_path(name, value, comment="", force=False): """Generate a string for a cmake cache variable""" force_str = " FORCE" if force else "" return 'set({0} "{1}" CACHE PATH "{2}"{3})\n'.format(name, value, comment, force_str)
[docs] def cmake_cache_string(name, value, comment="", force=False): """Generate a string for a cmake cache variable""" force_str = " FORCE" if force else "" return 'set({0} "{1}" CACHE STRING "{2}"{3})\n'.format(name, value, comment, force_str)
[docs] def cmake_cache_option(name, boolean_value, comment="", force=False): """Generate a string for a cmake configuration option""" value = "ON" if boolean_value else "OFF" force_str = " FORCE" if force else "" return 'set({0} {1} CACHE BOOL "{2}"{3})\n'.format(name, value, comment, force_str)
[docs] def cmake_cache_filepath(name, value, comment=""): """Generate a string for a cmake cache variable of type FILEPATH""" return 'set({0} "{1}" CACHE FILEPATH "{2}")\n'.format(name, value, comment)
[docs] class CachedCMakeBuilder(CMakeBuilder): #: Phases of a Cached CMake package #: Note: the initconfig phase is used for developer builds as a final phase to stop on phases: Tuple[str, ...] = ("initconfig", "cmake", "build", "install") #: Names associated with package methods in the old build-system format legacy_methods: Tuple[str, ...] = CMakeBuilder.legacy_methods + ( "initconfig_compiler_entries", "initconfig_mpi_entries", "initconfig_hardware_entries", "std_initconfig_entries", "initconfig_package_entries", ) #: Names associated with package attributes in the old build-system format legacy_attributes: Tuple[str, ...] = CMakeBuilder.legacy_attributes + ( "cache_name", "cache_path", ) @property def cache_name(self): return "{0}-{1}-{2}@{3}.cmake".format(, self.pkg.spec.architecture,, self.pkg.spec.compiler.version, ) @property def cache_path(self): return os.path.join(self.pkg.stage.source_path, self.cache_name) # Implement a version of the define_from_variant for Cached packages
[docs] def define_cmake_cache_from_variant(self, cmake_var, variant=None, comment=""): """Return a Cached CMake field from the given variant's value. See define_from_variant in lib/spack/spack/build_systems/ package """ if variant is None: variant = cmake_var.lower() if variant not in self.pkg.variants: raise KeyError('"{0}" is not a variant of "{1}"'.format(variant, if variant not in self.pkg.spec.variants: return "" value = self.pkg.spec.variants[variant].value field = None if isinstance(value, bool): field = cmake_cache_option(cmake_var, value, comment) else: if isinstance(value, and not isinstance(value, str): value = ";".join(str(v) for v in value) else: value = str(value) field = cmake_cache_string(cmake_var, value, comment) return field
[docs] def initconfig_compiler_entries(self): # This will tell cmake to use the Spack compiler wrappers when run # through Spack, but use the underlying compiler when run outside of # Spack spec = self.pkg.spec # Fortran compiler is optional if "FC" in os.environ: spack_fc_entry = cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER", os.environ["FC"]) system_fc_entry = cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER", self.pkg.compiler.fc) else: spack_fc_entry = "# No Fortran compiler defined in spec" system_fc_entry = "# No Fortran compiler defined in spec" entries = [ "#------------------{0}".format("-" * 60), "# Compilers", "#------------------{0}".format("-" * 60), "# Compiler Spec: {0}".format(spec.compiler), "#------------------{0}".format("-" * 60), "if(DEFINED ENV{SPACK_CC})\n", " " + cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_C_COMPILER", os.environ["CC"]), " " + cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER", os.environ["CXX"]), " " + spack_fc_entry, "else()\n", " " + cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_C_COMPILER",, " " + cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER", self.pkg.compiler.cxx), " " + system_fc_entry, "endif()\n", ] flags = spec.compiler_flags # use global spack compiler flags cppflags = " ".join(flags["cppflags"]) if cppflags: # avoid always ending up with " " with no flags defined cppflags += " " cflags = cppflags + " ".join(flags["cflags"]) if cflags: entries.append(cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_C_FLAGS", cflags)) cxxflags = cppflags + " ".join(flags["cxxflags"]) if cxxflags: entries.append(cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS", cxxflags)) fflags = " ".join(flags["fflags"]) if fflags: entries.append(cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS", fflags)) # Cmake has different linker arguments for different build types. # We specify for each of them. if flags["ldflags"]: ld_flags = " ".join(flags["ldflags"]) ld_format_string = "CMAKE_{0}_LINKER_FLAGS" # CMake has separate linker arguments for types of builds. for ld_type in ["EXE", "MODULE", "SHARED", "STATIC"]: ld_string = ld_format_string.format(ld_type) entries.append(cmake_cache_string(ld_string, ld_flags)) # CMake has libs options separated by language. Apply ours to each. if flags["ldlibs"]: libs_flags = " ".join(flags["ldlibs"]) libs_format_string = "CMAKE_{0}_STANDARD_LIBRARIES" langs = ["C", "CXX", "Fortran"] for lang in langs: libs_string = libs_format_string.format(lang) entries.append(cmake_cache_string(libs_string, libs_flags)) return entries
[docs] def initconfig_mpi_entries(self): spec = self.pkg.spec if not spec.satisfies("^mpi"): return [] entries = [ "#------------------{0}".format("-" * 60), "# MPI", "#------------------{0}\n".format("-" * 60), ] entries.append(cmake_cache_path("MPI_C_COMPILER", spec["mpi"].mpicc)) entries.append(cmake_cache_path("MPI_CXX_COMPILER", spec["mpi"].mpicxx)) entries.append(cmake_cache_path("MPI_Fortran_COMPILER", spec["mpi"].mpifc)) # Check for slurm using_slurm = False slurm_checks = ["+slurm", "schedulers=slurm", "process_managers=slurm"] if any(spec["mpi"].satisfies(variant) for variant in slurm_checks): using_slurm = True # Determine MPIEXEC if using_slurm: if spec["mpi"].external: # Heuristic until we have dependents on externals mpiexec = "/usr/bin/srun" else: mpiexec = os.path.join(spec["slurm"].prefix.bin, "srun") elif hasattr(spec["mpi"].package, "mpiexec"): mpiexec = spec["mpi"].package.mpiexec else: mpiexec = os.path.join(spec["mpi"].prefix.bin, "mpirun") if not os.path.exists(mpiexec): mpiexec = os.path.join(spec["mpi"].prefix.bin, "mpiexec") if not os.path.exists(mpiexec): msg = "Unable to determine MPIEXEC, %s tests may fail" % entries.append("# {0}\n".format(msg)) tty.warn(msg) else: # starting with cmake 3.10, FindMPI expects MPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE # vs the older versions which expect MPIEXEC if spec["cmake"].satisfies("@3.10:"): entries.append(cmake_cache_path("MPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE", mpiexec)) else: entries.append(cmake_cache_path("MPIEXEC", mpiexec)) # Determine MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG if using_slurm: entries.append(cmake_cache_string("MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG", "-n")) else: entries.append(cmake_cache_string("MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG", "-np")) return entries
[docs] def initconfig_hardware_entries(self): spec = self.pkg.spec entries = [ "#------------------{0}".format("-" * 60), "# Hardware", "#------------------{0}\n".format("-" * 60), ] # Provide standard CMake arguments for dependent CachedCMakePackages if spec.satisfies("^cuda"): entries.append("#------------------{0}".format("-" * 30)) entries.append("# Cuda") entries.append("#------------------{0}\n".format("-" * 30)) cudatoolkitdir = spec["cuda"].prefix entries.append(cmake_cache_path("CUDAToolkit_ROOT", cudatoolkitdir)) entries.append(cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER", "${CUDAToolkit_ROOT}/bin/nvcc")) entries.append(cmake_cache_path("CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER", "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}")) # Include the deprecated CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR for supporting BLT packages entries.append(cmake_cache_path("CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR", cudatoolkitdir)) # CUDA_FLAGS cuda_flags = [] if not spec.satisfies("cuda_arch=none"): cuda_archs = ";".join(spec.variants["cuda_arch"].value) entries.append(cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES", cuda_archs)) if spec_uses_toolchain(spec): cuda_flags.append("-Xcompiler {}".format(spec_uses_toolchain(spec)[0])) entries.append(cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS", " ".join(cuda_flags))) if "+rocm" in spec: entries.append("#------------------{0}".format("-" * 30)) entries.append("# ROCm") entries.append("#------------------{0}\n".format("-" * 30)) # Explicitly setting HIP_ROOT_DIR may be a patch that is no longer necessary entries.append(cmake_cache_path("HIP_ROOT_DIR", "{0}".format(spec["hip"].prefix))) llvm_bin = spec["llvm-amdgpu"].prefix.bin llvm_prefix = spec["llvm-amdgpu"].prefix # Some ROCm systems seem to point to /<path>/rocm-<ver>/ and # others point to /<path>/rocm-<ver>/llvm if os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(llvm_prefix)) != "llvm": llvm_bin = os.path.join(llvm_prefix, "llvm/bin/") entries.append( cmake_cache_filepath("CMAKE_HIP_COMPILER", os.path.join(llvm_bin, "clang++")) ) archs = self.spec.variants["amdgpu_target"].value if archs[0] != "none": arch_str = ";".join(archs) entries.append(cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES", arch_str)) entries.append(cmake_cache_string("AMDGPU_TARGETS", arch_str)) entries.append(cmake_cache_string("GPU_TARGETS", arch_str)) return entries
[docs] def std_initconfig_entries(self): cmake_prefix_path_env = os.environ["CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"] cmake_prefix_path = cmake_prefix_path_env.replace(os.pathsep, ";") cmake_rpaths_env = spack.build_environment.get_rpaths(self.pkg) cmake_rpaths_path = ";".join(cmake_rpaths_env) complete_rpath_list = cmake_rpaths_path if "SPACK_COMPILER_EXTRA_RPATHS" in os.environ: spack_extra_rpaths_env = os.environ["SPACK_COMPILER_EXTRA_RPATHS"] spack_extra_rpaths_path = spack_extra_rpaths_env.replace(os.pathsep, ";") complete_rpath_list = "{0};{1}".format(complete_rpath_list, spack_extra_rpaths_path) if "SPACK_COMPILER_IMPLICIT_RPATHS" in os.environ: spack_implicit_rpaths_env = os.environ["SPACK_COMPILER_IMPLICIT_RPATHS"] spack_implicit_rpaths_path = spack_implicit_rpaths_env.replace(os.pathsep, ";") complete_rpath_list = "{0};{1}".format(complete_rpath_list, spack_implicit_rpaths_path) return [ "#------------------{0}".format("-" * 60), "# !!!! This is a generated file, edit at own risk !!!!", "#------------------{0}".format("-" * 60), "# CMake executable path: {0}".format(self.pkg.spec["cmake"].command.path), "#------------------{0}\n".format("-" * 60), cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH", cmake_prefix_path), cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH", "ON"), cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH", complete_rpath_list), cmake_cache_string("CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH", complete_rpath_list), self.define_cmake_cache_from_variant("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE", "build_type"), ]
[docs] def initconfig_package_entries(self): """This method is to be overwritten by the package""" return []
[docs] def initconfig(self, pkg, spec, prefix): cache_entries = ( self.std_initconfig_entries() + self.initconfig_compiler_entries() + self.initconfig_mpi_entries() + self.initconfig_hardware_entries() + self.initconfig_package_entries() ) with open(self.cache_name, "w") as f: for entry in cache_entries: f.write("%s\n" % entry) f.write("\n")
@property def std_cmake_args(self): args = super().std_cmake_args args.extend(["-C", self.cache_path]) return args
[docs] @spack.builder.run_after("install") def install_cmake_cache(self): fs.mkdirp(self.pkg.spec.prefix.share.cmake) fs.install(self.cache_path, self.pkg.spec.prefix.share.cmake)
[docs] class CachedCMakePackage(CMakePackage): """Specialized class for packages built using CMake initial cache. This feature of CMake allows packages to increase reproducibility, especially between Spack- and manual builds. It also allows packages to sidestep certain parsing bugs in extremely long ``cmake`` commands, and to avoid system limits on the length of the command line. """ CMakeBuilder = CachedCMakeBuilder
[docs] def flag_handler(self, name, flags): if name in ("cflags", "cxxflags", "cppflags", "fflags"): return None, None, None # handled in the cmake cache return flags, None, None