# Copyright Spack Project Developers. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import os
import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import spack.directives
import spack.util.executable
from .autotools import AutotoolsBuilder, AutotoolsPackage
class AspellBuilder(AutotoolsBuilder):
"""The Aspell builder is close enough to an autotools builder to allow
specializing the builder class, so to use variables that are specific
to the Aspell extensions.
# Aspell dictionaries install their bits into their prefix.lib
# and when activated they'll get symlinked into the appropriate aspell's
# dict dir (see aspell's {de,}activate methods).
# They aren't really an Autotools package, but it's close enough
# that this works if we override configure().
class AspellDictPackage(AutotoolsPackage):
"""Specialized class for building aspell dictionairies."""
spack.directives.extends("aspell", when="build_system=autotools")
#: Override the default autotools builder
AutotoolsBuilder = AspellBuilder
def patch(self):
aspell_spec = self.spec["aspell"]
aspell = aspell_spec.command
dictdir = aspell("dump", "config", "dict-dir", output=str).strip()
datadir = aspell("dump", "config", "data-dir", output=str).strip()
dictdir = os.path.relpath(dictdir, aspell_spec.prefix)
datadir = os.path.relpath(datadir, aspell_spec.prefix)
fs.filter_file(r"^dictdir=.*$", f"dictdir=/{dictdir}", "configure")
fs.filter_file(r"^datadir=.*$", f"datadir=/{datadir}", "configure")