Source code for llnl.util.lang

# Copyright Spack Project Developers. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import contextlib
import fnmatch
import functools
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import typing
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, TypeVar

# Ignore emacs backups when listing modules
ignore_modules = r"^\.#|~$"

[docs] def index_by(objects, *funcs): """Create a hierarchy of dictionaries by splitting the supplied set of objects on unique values of the supplied functions. Values are used as keys. For example, suppose you have four objects with attributes that look like this:: a = Spec("boost %gcc target=skylake") b = Spec("mrnet %intel target=zen2") c = Spec("libelf %xlc target=skylake") d = Spec("libdwarf %intel target=zen2") list_of_specs = [a,b,c,d] index1 = index_by(list_of_specs, lambda s: str(, lambda s: s.compiler) index2 = index_by(list_of_specs, lambda s: s.compiler) ``index1`` now has two levels of dicts, with lists at the leaves, like this:: { 'zen2' : { 'gcc' : [a], 'xlc' : [c] }, 'skylake' : { 'intel' : [b, d] } } And ``index2`` is a single level dictionary of lists that looks like this:: { 'gcc' : [a], 'intel' : [b,d], 'xlc' : [c] } If any elements in funcs is a string, it is treated as the name of an attribute, and acts like getattr(object, name). So shorthand for the above two indexes would be:: index1 = index_by(list_of_specs, 'arch', 'compiler') index2 = index_by(list_of_specs, 'compiler') You can also index by tuples by passing tuples:: index1 = index_by(list_of_specs, ('target', 'compiler')) Keys in the resulting dict will look like ('gcc', 'skylake'). """ if not funcs: return objects f = funcs[0] if isinstance(f, str): f = lambda x: getattr(x, funcs[0]) elif isinstance(f, tuple): f = lambda x: tuple(getattr(x, p) for p in funcs[0]) result = {} for o in objects: key = f(o) result.setdefault(key, []).append(o) for key, objects in result.items(): result[key] = index_by(objects, *funcs[1:]) return result
[docs] def attr_setdefault(obj, name, value): """Like dict.setdefault, but for objects.""" if not hasattr(obj, name): setattr(obj, name, value) return getattr(obj, name)
[docs] def union_dicts(*dicts): """Use update() to combine all dicts into one. This builds a new dictionary, into which we ``update()`` each element of ``dicts`` in order. Items from later dictionaries will override items from earlier dictionaries. Args: dicts (list): list of dictionaries Return: (dict): a merged dictionary containing combined keys and values from ``dicts``. """ result = {} for d in dicts: result.update(d) return result
# Used as a sentinel that disambiguates tuples passed in *args from coincidentally # matching tuples formed from kwargs item pairs. _kwargs_separator = (object(),)
[docs] def stable_args(*args, **kwargs): """A key factory that performs a stable sort of the parameters.""" key = args if kwargs: key += _kwargs_separator + tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())) return key
[docs] def memoized(func): """Decorator that caches the results of a function, storing them in an attribute of that function. """ func.cache = {} @functools.wraps(func) def _memoized_function(*args, **kwargs): key = stable_args(*args, **kwargs) try: return func.cache[key] except KeyError: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) func.cache[key] = ret return ret except TypeError as e: # TypeError is raised when indexing into a dict if the key is unhashable. raise UnhashableArguments( "args + kwargs '{}' was not hashable for function '{}'".format(key, func.__name__) ) from e return _memoized_function
[docs] def list_modules(directory, **kwargs): """Lists all of the modules, excluding ````, in a particular directory. Listed packages have no particular order.""" list_directories = kwargs.setdefault("directories", True) ignore = re.compile(ignore_modules) with os.scandir(directory) as it: for entry in it: if == "" or == "__pycache__": continue if ( list_directories and entry.is_dir() and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(entry.path, "")) ): yield elif".py") and entry.is_file() and not yield[:-3] # strip .py
[docs] def decorator_with_or_without_args(decorator): """Allows a decorator to be used with or without arguments, e.g.:: # Calls the decorator function some args @decorator(with, arguments, and=kwargs) or:: # Calls the decorator function with zero arguments @decorator """ # See for more on this @functools.wraps(decorator) def new_dec(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]): # actual decorated function return decorator(args[0]) else: # decorator arguments return lambda realf: decorator(realf, *args, **kwargs) return new_dec
[docs] def key_ordering(cls): """Decorates a class with extra methods that implement rich comparison operations and ``__hash__``. The decorator assumes that the class implements a function called ``_cmp_key()``. The rich comparison operations will compare objects using this key, and the ``__hash__`` function will return the hash of this key. If a class already has ``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, or ``__ge__`` defined, this decorator will overwrite them. Raises: TypeError: If the class does not have a ``_cmp_key`` method """ def setter(name, value): value.__name__ = name setattr(cls, name, value) if not hasattr(cls, "_cmp_key"): raise TypeError(f"'{cls.__name__}' doesn't define _cmp_key().") setter("__eq__", lambda s, o: (s is o) or (o is not None and s._cmp_key() == o._cmp_key())) setter("__lt__", lambda s, o: o is not None and s._cmp_key() < o._cmp_key()) setter("__le__", lambda s, o: o is not None and s._cmp_key() <= o._cmp_key()) setter("__ne__", lambda s, o: (s is not o) and (o is None or s._cmp_key() != o._cmp_key())) setter("__gt__", lambda s, o: o is None or s._cmp_key() > o._cmp_key()) setter("__ge__", lambda s, o: o is None or s._cmp_key() >= o._cmp_key()) setter("__hash__", lambda self: hash(self._cmp_key())) return cls
#: sentinel for testing that iterators are done in lazy_lexicographic_ordering done = object()
[docs] def tuplify(seq): """Helper for lazy_lexicographic_ordering().""" return tuple((tuplify(x) if callable(x) else x) for x in seq())
[docs] def lazy_eq(lseq, rseq): """Equality comparison for two lazily generated sequences. See ``lazy_lexicographic_ordering``. """ liter = lseq() # call generators riter = rseq() # zip_longest is implemented in native code, so use it for speed. # use zip_longest instead of zip because it allows us to tell # which iterator was longer. for left, right in itertools.zip_longest(liter, riter, fillvalue=done): if (left is done) or (right is done): return False # recursively enumerate any generators, otherwise compare equal = lazy_eq(left, right) if callable(left) else left == right if not equal: return False return True
[docs] def lazy_lt(lseq, rseq): """Less-than comparison for two lazily generated sequences. See ``lazy_lexicographic_ordering``. """ liter = lseq() riter = rseq() for left, right in itertools.zip_longest(liter, riter, fillvalue=done): if (left is done) or (right is done): return left is done # left was shorter than right sequence = callable(left) equal = lazy_eq(left, right) if sequence else left == right if equal: continue if sequence: return lazy_lt(left, right) if left is None: return True if right is None: return False return left < right return False # if equal, return False
[docs] @decorator_with_or_without_args def lazy_lexicographic_ordering(cls, set_hash=True): """Decorates a class with extra methods that implement rich comparison. This is a lazy version of the tuple comparison used frequently to implement comparison in Python. Given some objects with fields, you might use tuple keys to implement comparison, e.g.:: class Widget: def _cmp_key(self): return ( self.a, self.b, (self.c, self.d), self.e ) def __eq__(self, other): return self._cmp_key() == other._cmp_key() def __lt__(self): return self._cmp_key() < other._cmp_key() # etc. Python would compare ``Widgets`` lexicographically based on their tuples. The issue there for simple comparators is that we have to bulid the tuples *and* we have to generate all the values in them up front. When implementing comparisons for large data structures, this can be costly. Lazy lexicographic comparison maps the tuple comparison shown above to generator functions. Instead of comparing based on pre-constructed tuple keys, users of this decorator can compare using elements from a generator. So, you'd write:: @lazy_lexicographic_ordering class Widget: def _cmp_iter(self): yield a yield b def cd_fun(): yield c yield d yield cd_fun yield e # operators are added by decorator There are no tuples preconstructed, and the generator does not have to complete. Instead of tuples, we simply make functions that lazily yield what would've been in the tuple. The ``@lazy_lexicographic_ordering`` decorator handles the details of implementing comparison operators, and the ``Widget`` implementor only has to worry about writing ``_cmp_iter``, and making sure the elements in it are also comparable. Some things to note: * If a class already has ``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, ``__ge__``, or ``__hash__`` defined, this decorator will overwrite them. * If ``set_hash`` is ``False``, this will not overwrite ``__hash__``. * This class uses Python 2 None-comparison semantics. If you yield None and it is compared to a non-None type, None will always be less than the other object. Raises: TypeError: If the class does not have a ``_cmp_iter`` method """ if not hasattr(cls, "_cmp_iter"): raise TypeError(f"'{cls.__name__}' doesn't define _cmp_iter().") # comparison operators are implemented in terms of lazy_eq and lazy_lt def eq(self, other): if self is other: return True return (other is not None) and lazy_eq(self._cmp_iter, other._cmp_iter) def lt(self, other): if self is other: return False return (other is not None) and lazy_lt(self._cmp_iter, other._cmp_iter) def ne(self, other): if self is other: return False return (other is None) or not lazy_eq(self._cmp_iter, other._cmp_iter) def gt(self, other): if self is other: return False return (other is None) or lazy_lt(other._cmp_iter, self._cmp_iter) def le(self, other): if self is other: return True return (other is not None) and not lazy_lt(other._cmp_iter, self._cmp_iter) def ge(self, other): if self is other: return True return (other is None) or not lazy_lt(self._cmp_iter, other._cmp_iter) def h(self): return hash(tuplify(self._cmp_iter)) def add_func_to_class(name, func): """Add a function to a class with a particular name.""" func.__name__ = name setattr(cls, name, func) add_func_to_class("__eq__", eq) add_func_to_class("__ne__", ne) add_func_to_class("__lt__", lt) add_func_to_class("__le__", le) add_func_to_class("__gt__", gt) add_func_to_class("__ge__", ge) if set_hash: add_func_to_class("__hash__", h) return cls
[docs] @lazy_lexicographic_ordering class HashableMap( """This is a hashable, comparable dictionary. Hash is performed on a tuple of the values in the dictionary.""" __slots__ = ("dict",) def __init__(self): self.dict = {} def __getitem__(self, key): return self.dict[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.dict[key] = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self.dict) def __len__(self): return len(self.dict) def __delitem__(self, key): del self.dict[key] def _cmp_iter(self): for _, v in sorted(self.items()): yield v
[docs] def copy(self): """Type-agnostic clone method. Preserves subclass type.""" # Construct a new dict of my type self_type = type(self) clone = self_type() # Copy everything from this dict into it. for key in self: clone[key] = self[key].copy() return clone
[docs] def match_predicate(*args): """Utility function for making string matching predicates. Each arg can be a: * regex * list or tuple of regexes * predicate that takes a string. This returns a predicate that is true if: * any arg regex matches * any regex in a list or tuple of regexes matches. * any predicate in args matches. """ def match(string): for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): if, string): return True elif isinstance(arg, list) or isinstance(arg, tuple): if any(, string) for i in arg): return True elif callable(arg): if arg(string): return True else: raise ValueError( "args to match_predicate must be regex, " "list of regexes, or callable." ) return False return match
[docs] def dedupe(sequence, key=None): """Yields a stable de-duplication of an hashable sequence by key Args: sequence: hashable sequence to be de-duplicated key: callable applied on values before uniqueness test; identity by default. Returns: stable de-duplication of the sequence Examples: Dedupe a list of integers: [x for x in dedupe([1, 2, 1, 3, 2])] == [1, 2, 3] [x for x in llnl.util.lang.dedupe([1,-2,1,3,2], key=abs)] == [1, -2, 3] """ seen = set() for x in sequence: x_key = x if key is None else key(x) if x_key not in seen: yield x seen.add(x_key)
[docs] def pretty_date(time, now=None): """Convert a datetime or timestamp to a pretty, relative date. Args: time (datetime.datetime or int): date to print prettily now (datetime.datetime): datetime for 'now', i.e. the date the pretty date is relative to (default is Returns: (str): pretty string like 'an hour ago', 'Yesterday', '3 months ago', 'just now', etc. Adapted from """ if now is None: now = if type(time) is int: diff = now - datetime.fromtimestamp(time) elif isinstance(time, datetime): diff = now - time else: raise ValueError("pretty_date requires a timestamp or datetime") second_diff = diff.seconds day_diff = diff.days if day_diff < 0: return "" if day_diff == 0: if second_diff < 10: return "just now" if second_diff < 60: return str(second_diff) + " seconds ago" if second_diff < 120: return "a minute ago" if second_diff < 3600: return str(second_diff // 60) + " minutes ago" if second_diff < 7200: return "an hour ago" if second_diff < 86400: return str(second_diff // 3600) + " hours ago" if day_diff == 1: return "yesterday" if day_diff < 7: return str(day_diff) + " days ago" if day_diff < 28: weeks = day_diff // 7 if weeks == 1: return "a week ago" else: return str(day_diff // 7) + " weeks ago" if day_diff < 365: months = day_diff // 30 if months == 1: return "a month ago" elif months == 12: months -= 1 return str(months) + " months ago" diff = day_diff // 365 if diff == 1: return "a year ago" else: return str(diff) + " years ago"
[docs] def pretty_string_to_date(date_str, now=None): """Parses a string representing a date and returns a datetime object. Args: date_str (str): string representing a date. This string might be in different format (like ``YYYY``, ``YYYY-MM``, ``YYYY-MM-DD``, ``YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM``, ``YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS``) or be a *pretty date* (like ``yesterday`` or ``two months ago``) Returns: (datetime.datetime): datetime object corresponding to ``date_str`` """ pattern = {} now = now or # datetime formats pattern[re.compile(r"^\d{4}$")] = lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, "%Y") pattern[re.compile(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}$")] = lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m") pattern[re.compile(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$")] = lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d") pattern[re.compile(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}$")] = lambda x: datetime.strptime( x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" ) pattern[re.compile(r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$")] = lambda x: datetime.strptime( x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) pretty_regex = re.compile(r"(a|\d+)\s*(year|month|week|day|hour|minute|second)s?\s*ago") def _n_xxx_ago(x): how_many, time_period = how_many = 1 if how_many == "a" else int(how_many) # timedelta natively supports time periods up to 'weeks'. # To apply month or year we convert to 30 and 365 days if time_period == "month": how_many *= 30 time_period = "day" elif time_period == "year": how_many *= 365 time_period = "day" kwargs = {(time_period + "s"): how_many} return now - timedelta(**kwargs) pattern[pretty_regex] = _n_xxx_ago # yesterday callback = lambda x: now - timedelta(days=1) pattern[re.compile("^yesterday$")] = callback for regexp, parser in pattern.items(): if bool(regexp.match(date_str)): return parser(date_str) msg = 'date "{0}" does not match any valid format'.format(date_str) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def pretty_seconds_formatter(seconds): if seconds >= 1: multiplier, unit = 1, "s" elif seconds >= 1e-3: multiplier, unit = 1e3, "ms" elif seconds >= 1e-6: multiplier, unit = 1e6, "us" else: multiplier, unit = 1e9, "ns" return lambda s: "%.3f%s" % (multiplier * s, unit)
[docs] def pretty_seconds(seconds): """Seconds to string with appropriate units Arguments: seconds (float): Number of seconds Returns: str: Time string with units """ return pretty_seconds_formatter(seconds)(seconds)
[docs] class ObjectWrapper: """Base class that wraps an object. Derived classes can add new behavior while staying undercover. This class is modeled after the stackoverflow answer: * """ def __init__(self, wrapped_object): wrapped_cls = type(wrapped_object) wrapped_name = wrapped_cls.__name__ # If the wrapped object is already an ObjectWrapper, or a derived class # of it, adding type(self) in front of type(wrapped_object) # results in an inconsistent MRO. # # TODO: the implementation below doesn't account for the case where we # TODO: have different base classes of ObjectWrapper, say A and B, and # TODO: we want to wrap an instance of A with B. if type(self) not in wrapped_cls.__mro__: self.__class__ = type(wrapped_name, (type(self), wrapped_cls), {}) else: self.__class__ = type(wrapped_name, (wrapped_cls,), {}) self.__dict__ = wrapped_object.__dict__
[docs] class Singleton: """Simple wrapper for lazily initialized singleton objects.""" def __init__(self, factory): """Create a new singleton to be inited with the factory function. Args: factory (function): function taking no arguments that creates the singleton instance. """ self.factory = factory self._instance = None @property def instance(self): if self._instance is None: self._instance = self.factory() return self._instance def __getattr__(self, name): # When unpickling Singleton objects, the 'instance' attribute may be # requested but not yet set. The final 'getattr' line here requires # 'instance'/'_instance' to be defined or it will enter an infinite # loop, so protect against that here. if name in ["_instance", "instance"]: raise AttributeError(f"cannot create {name}") return getattr(self.instance, name) def __getitem__(self, name): return self.instance[name] def __contains__(self, element): return element in self.instance def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.instance(*args, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.instance) def __str__(self): return str(self.instance) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.instance)
[docs] def get_entry_points(*, group: str): """Wrapper for ``importlib.metadata.entry_points`` Args: group: entry points to select Returns: EntryPoints for ``group`` or empty list if unsupported """ try: import importlib.metadata # type: ignore # novermin except ImportError: return [] try: return importlib.metadata.entry_points(group=group) except TypeError: # Prior to Python 3.10, entry_points accepted no parameters and always # returned a dictionary of entry points, keyed by group. See # return importlib.metadata.entry_points().get(group, [])
[docs] def load_module_from_file(module_name, module_path): """Loads a python module from the path of the corresponding file. If the module is already in ``sys.modules`` it will be returned as is and not reloaded. Args: module_name (str): namespace where the python module will be loaded, e.g. ```` module_path (str): path of the python file containing the module Returns: A valid module object Raises: ImportError: when the module can't be loaded FileNotFoundError: when module_path doesn't exist """ import importlib.util if module_name in sys.modules: return sys.modules[module_name] # This recipe is adapted from spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, module_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) # The module object needs to exist in sys.modules before the # loader executes the module code. # # See sys.modules[] = module try: spec.loader.exec_module(module) except BaseException: try: del sys.modules[] except KeyError: pass raise return module
[docs] def uniq(sequence): """Remove strings of duplicate elements from a list. This works like the command-line ``uniq`` tool. It filters strings of duplicate elements in a list. Adjacent matching elements are merged into the first occurrence. For example:: uniq([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3]) == [1, 2, 3] uniq([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]) == [1, 2, 1] """ if not sequence: return [] uniq_list = [sequence[0]] last = sequence[0] for element in sequence[1:]: if element != last: uniq_list.append(element) last = element return uniq_list
[docs] def elide_list(line_list: List[str], max_num: int = 10) -> List[str]: """Takes a long list and limits it to a smaller number of elements, replacing intervening elements with '...'. For example:: elide_list(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"], 4) gives:: ["1", "2", "3", "...", "6"] """ if len(line_list) > max_num: return [*line_list[: max_num - 1], "...", line_list[-1]] return line_list
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): PatternStr = re.Pattern[str] PatternBytes = re.Pattern[bytes] else: PatternStr = typing.Pattern[str] PatternBytes = typing.Pattern[bytes]
[docs] def fnmatch_translate_multiple(named_patterns: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """Similar to ``fnmatch.translate``, but takes an ordered dictionary where keys are pattern names, and values are filename patterns. The output is a regex that matches any of the patterns in order, and named capture groups are used to identify which pattern matched.""" return "|".join(f"(?P<{n}>{fnmatch.translate(p)})" for n, p in named_patterns.items())
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def nullcontext(*args, **kwargs): """Empty context manager. TODO: replace with contextlib.nullcontext() if we ever require python 3.7. """ yield
[docs] class UnhashableArguments(TypeError): """Raise when an @memoized function receives unhashable arg or kwarg values."""
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] def stable_partition( input_iterable: Iterable[T], predicate_fn: Callable[[T], bool] ) -> Tuple[List[T], List[T]]: """Partition the input iterable according to a custom predicate. Args: input_iterable: input iterable to be partitioned. predicate_fn: predicate function accepting an iterable item as argument. Return: Tuple of the list of elements evaluating to True, and list of elements evaluating to False. """ true_items: List[T] = [] false_items: List[T] = [] for item in input_iterable: if predicate_fn(item): true_items.append(item) else: false_items.append(item) return true_items, false_items
[docs] def ensure_last(lst, *elements): """Performs a stable partition of lst, ensuring that ``elements`` occur at the end of ``lst`` in specified order. Mutates ``lst``. Raises ``ValueError`` if any ``elements`` are not already in ``lst``.""" for elt in elements: lst.append(lst.pop(lst.index(elt)))
[docs] class Const: """Class level constant, raises when trying to set the attribute""" __slots__ = ["value"] def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self.value def __set__(self, instance, value): raise TypeError(f"Const value does not support assignment [value={self.value}]")
[docs] class TypedMutableSequence( """Base class that behaves like a list, just with a different type. Client code can inherit from this base class: class Foo(TypedMutableSequence): pass and later perform checks based on types: if isinstance(l, Foo): # do something """ def __init__(self, iterable): = list(iterable) def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del[key] def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] def insert(self, index, item):, item)
def __repr__(self): return repr( def __str__(self): return str(
[docs] class GroupedExceptionHandler: """A generic mechanism to coalesce multiple exceptions and preserve tracebacks.""" def __init__(self): self.exceptions: List[Tuple[str, Exception, List[str]]] = [] def __bool__(self): """Whether any exceptions were handled.""" return bool(self.exceptions)
[docs] def forward(self, context: str, base: type = BaseException) -> "GroupedExceptionForwarder": """Return a contextmanager which extracts tracebacks and prefixes a message.""" return GroupedExceptionForwarder(context, self, base)
def _receive_forwarded(self, context: str, exc: Exception, tb: List[str]): self.exceptions.append((context, exc, tb))
[docs] def grouped_message(self, with_tracebacks: bool = True) -> str: """Print out an error message coalescing all the forwarded errors.""" each_exception_message = [ "{0} raised {1}: {2}{3}".format( context, exc.__class__.__name__, exc, "\n{0}".format("".join(tb)) if with_tracebacks else "", ) for context, exc, tb in self.exceptions ] return "due to the following failures:\n{0}".format("\n".join(each_exception_message))
[docs] class GroupedExceptionForwarder: """A contextmanager to capture exceptions and forward them to a GroupedExceptionHandler.""" def __init__(self, context: str, handler: GroupedExceptionHandler, base: type): self._context = context self._handler = handler self._base = base def __enter__(self): return None def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): if exc_value is not None: if not issubclass(exc_type, self._base): return False self._handler._receive_forwarded(self._context, exc_value, traceback.format_tb(tb)) # Suppress any exception from being re-raised: # return True
[docs] class classproperty: """Non-data descriptor to evaluate a class-level property. The function that performs the evaluation is injected at creation time and take an instance (could be None) and an owner (i.e. the class that originated the instance) """ def __init__(self, callback): self.callback = callback def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self.callback(owner)
[docs] class DeprecatedProperty: """Data descriptor to error or warn when a deprecated property is accessed. Derived classes must define a factory method to return an adaptor for the deprecated property, if the descriptor is not set to error. """ __slots__ = ["name"] #: 0 - Nothing #: 1 - Warning #: 2 - Error error_lvl = 0 def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self if self.error_lvl == 1: warnings.warn( f"accessing the '{}' property of '{instance}', which is deprecated" ) elif self.error_lvl == 2: raise AttributeError(f"cannot access the '{}' attribute of '{instance}'") return self.factory(instance, owner) def __set__(self, instance, value): raise TypeError( f"the deprecated property '{}' of '{instance}' does not support assignment" )
[docs] def factory(self, instance, owner): raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by derived classes")