Source code for spack.install_test

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
import base64
import contextlib
import enum
import hashlib
import inspect
import io
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

import llnl.util.filesystem as fs
import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.string import plural
from llnl.util.lang import nullcontext
from llnl.util.tty.color import colorize

import spack.error
import spack.paths
import spack.util.spack_json as sjson
from spack.installer import InstallError
from spack.spec import Spec
from spack.util.prefix import Prefix

#: Stand-alone test failure info type
TestFailureType = Tuple[BaseException, str]

#: Name of the test suite's (JSON) lock file
test_suite_filename = "test_suite.lock"

#: Name of the test suite results (summary) file
results_filename = "results.txt"

#: Name of the Spack install phase-time test log file
spack_install_test_log = "install-time-test-log.txt"

ListOrStringType = Union[str, List[str]]
LogType = Union["tty.log.nixlog", "tty.log.winlog"]

Pb = TypeVar("Pb", bound="spack.package_base.PackageBase")
PackageObjectOrClass = Union[Pb, Type[Pb]]

[docs] class TestStatus(enum.Enum): """Names of different stand-alone test states.""" NO_TESTS = -1 SKIPPED = 0 FAILED = 1 PASSED = 2 def __str__(self): return f"{}"
[docs] def lower(self): name = f"{}" return name.lower()
[docs] def get_escaped_text_output(filename: str) -> List[str]: """Retrieve and escape the expected text output from the file Args: filename: path to the file Returns: escaped text lines read from the file """ with open(filename) as f: # Ensure special characters are escaped as needed expected = # Split the lines to make it easier to debug failures when there is # a lot of output return [re.escape(ln) for ln in expected.split("\n")]
[docs] def get_test_stage_dir(): """Retrieves the ``config:test_stage`` path to the configured test stage root directory Returns: str: absolute path to the configured test stage root or, if none, the default test stage path """ return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path( spack.config.get("config:test_stage", spack.paths.default_test_path) )
[docs] def cache_extra_test_sources(pkg: Pb, srcs: ListOrStringType): """Copy relative source paths to the corresponding install test subdir This routine is intended as an optional install test setup helper for grabbing source files/directories during the installation process and copying them to the installation test subdirectory for subsequent use during install testing. Args: pkg: package being tested srcs: relative path for file(s) and or subdirectory(ies) located in the staged source path that are to be copied to the corresponding location(s) under the install testing directory. Raises: spack.installer.InstallError: if any of the source paths are absolute or do not exist under the build stage """ errors = [] paths = [srcs] if isinstance(srcs, str) else srcs for path in paths: pre = f"Source path ('{path}')" src_path = os.path.join(pkg.stage.source_path, path) dest_path = os.path.join(install_test_root(pkg), path) if os.path.isabs(path): errors.append(f"{pre} must be relative to the build stage directory.") continue if os.path.isdir(src_path): fs.install_tree(src_path, dest_path) elif os.path.exists(src_path): fs.mkdirp(os.path.dirname(dest_path)) fs.copy(src_path, dest_path) else: errors.append(f"{pre} for the copy does not exist") if errors: raise InstallError("\n".join(errors), pkg=pkg)
[docs] def check_outputs(expected: Union[list, set, str], actual: str): """Ensure the expected outputs are contained in the actual outputs. Args: expected: expected raw output string(s) actual: actual output string Raises: RuntimeError: the expected output is not found in the actual output """ expected = expected if isinstance(expected, (list, set)) else [expected] errors = [] for check in expected: if not, actual): errors.append(f"Expected '{check}' in output '{actual}'") if errors: raise RuntimeError("\n ".join(errors))
[docs] def find_required_file( root: str, filename: str, expected: int = 1, recursive: bool = True ) -> ListOrStringType: """Find the required file(s) under the root directory. Args: root: root directory for the search filename: name of the file being located expected: expected number of files to be found under the directory (default is 1) recursive: ``True`` if subdirectories are to be recursively searched, else ``False`` (default is ``True``) Returns: the path(s), relative to root, to the required file(s) Raises: Exception: SkipTest when number of files detected does not match expected """ paths = fs.find(root, filename, recursive=recursive) num_paths = len(paths) if num_paths != expected: files = ": {}".format(", ".join(paths)) if num_paths else "" raise SkipTest( "Expected {} of {} under {} but {} found{}".format( plural(expected, "copy", "copies"), filename, root, plural(num_paths, "copy", "copies"), files, ) ) return paths[0] if expected == 1 else paths
[docs] def install_test_root(pkg: Pb): """The install test root directory. Args: pkg: package being tested """ return os.path.join(pkg.metadata_dir, "test")
[docs] def overall_status(current_status: "TestStatus", substatuses: List["TestStatus"]) -> "TestStatus": """Determine the overall status based on the current and associated sub status values. Args: current_status: current overall status, assumed to default to PASSED substatuses: status of each test part or overall status of each test spec Returns: test status encompassing the main test and all subtests """ if current_status in [TestStatus.SKIPPED, TestStatus.NO_TESTS, TestStatus.FAILED]: return current_status skipped = 0 for status in substatuses: if status == TestStatus.FAILED: return status elif status == TestStatus.SKIPPED: skipped += 1 if skipped and skipped == len(substatuses): return TestStatus.SKIPPED return current_status
[docs] class PackageTest: """The class that manages stand-alone (post-install) package tests.""" def __init__(self, pkg: Pb): """ Args: pkg: package being tested Raises: ValueError: if the package is not concrete """ if not pkg.spec.concrete: raise ValueError("Stand-alone tests require a concrete package") self.counts: "Counter" = Counter() # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.pkg = pkg self.test_failures: List[TestFailureType] = [] self.test_parts: OrderedDict[str, "TestStatus"] = OrderedDict() self.test_log_file: str self.pkg_id: str if pkg.test_suite: # Running stand-alone tests self.test_log_file = pkg.test_suite.log_file_for_spec(pkg.spec) self.tested_file = pkg.test_suite.tested_file_for_spec(pkg.spec) self.pkg_id = pkg.test_suite.test_pkg_id(pkg.spec) else: # Running phase-time tests for a single package whose results are # retained in the package's stage directory. pkg.test_suite = TestSuite([pkg.spec]) self.test_log_file = fs.join_path(pkg.stage.path, spack_install_test_log) self.pkg_id = pkg.spec.format("{name}-{version}-{hash:7}") # Internal logger for test part processing self._logger = None @property def logger(self) -> Optional[LogType]: """The current logger or, if none, sets to one.""" if not self._logger: self._logger = tty.log.log_output(self.test_log_file) return self._logger
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def test_logger(self, verbose: bool = False, externals: bool = False): """Context manager for setting up the test logger Args: verbose: Display verbose output, including echoing to stdout, otherwise suppress it externals: ``True`` for performing tests if external package, ``False`` to skip them """ fs.touch(self.test_log_file) # Otherwise log_parse complains fs.set_install_permissions(self.test_log_file) with tty.log.log_output(self.test_log_file, verbose) as self._logger: with self.logger.force_echo(): # type: ignore[union-attr] tty.msg("Testing package " + colorize(r"@*g{" + self.pkg_id + r"}")) # use debug print levels for log file to record commands old_debug = tty.is_debug() tty.set_debug(True) try: yield self.logger finally: # reset debug level tty.set_debug(old_debug)
@property def archived_install_test_log(self) -> str: return fs.join_path(self.pkg.metadata_dir, spack_install_test_log)
[docs] def archive_install_test_log(self, dest_dir: str): if os.path.exists(self.test_log_file): fs.install(self.test_log_file, self.archived_install_test_log)
[docs] def add_failure(self, exception: Exception, msg: str): """Add the failure details to the current list.""" self.test_failures.append((exception, msg))
[docs] def status(self, name: str, status: "TestStatus", msg: Optional[str] = None): """Track and print the test status for the test part name.""" part_name = f"{self.pkg.__class__.__name__}::{name}" extra = "" if msg is None else f": {msg}" # Handle the special case of a test part consisting of subparts. # The containing test part can be PASSED while sub-parts (assumed # to start with the same name) may not have PASSED. This extra # check is used to ensure the containing test part is not claiming # to have passed when at least one subpart failed. substatuses = [] for pname, substatus in self.test_parts.items(): if pname != part_name and pname.startswith(part_name): substatuses.append(substatus) if substatuses: status = overall_status(status, substatuses) print(f"{status}: {part_name}{extra}") self.test_parts[part_name] = status self.counts[status] += 1
[docs] def phase_tests( self, builder: spack.builder.Builder, phase_name: str, method_names: List[str] ): """Execute the builder's package phase-time tests. Args: builder: builder for package being tested phase_name: the name of the build-time phase (e.g., ``build``, ``install``) method_names: phase-specific callback method names """ verbose = tty.is_verbose() fail_fast = spack.config.get("config:fail_fast", False) with self.test_logger(verbose=verbose, externals=False) as logger: # Report running each of the methods in the build log print_message(logger, f"Running {phase_name}-time tests", verbose) builder.pkg.test_suite.current_test_spec = builder.pkg.spec builder.pkg.test_suite.current_base_spec = builder.pkg.spec # TODO (post-34236): "test"->"test_" once remove deprecated methods have_tests = any(name.startswith("test") for name in method_names) if have_tests: copy_test_files(builder.pkg, builder.pkg.spec) for name in method_names: try: # Prefer the method in the package over the builder's. # We need this primarily to pick up arbitrarily named test # methods but also some build-time checks. fn = getattr(builder.pkg, name, getattr(builder, name)) msg = f"RUN-TESTS: {phase_name}-time tests [{name}]" print_message(logger, msg, verbose) fn() except AttributeError as e: msg = f"RUN-TESTS: method not implemented [{name}]" print_message(logger, msg, verbose) self.add_failure(e, msg) if fail_fast: break if have_tests: print_message(logger, "Completed testing", verbose) # Raise any collected failures here if self.test_failures: raise TestFailure(self.test_failures)
[docs] def stand_alone_tests(self, kwargs): """Run the package's stand-alone tests. Args: kwargs (dict): arguments to be used by the test process """ import spack.build_environment spack.build_environment.start_build_process(self.pkg, test_process, kwargs)
[docs] def parts(self) -> int: """The total number of (checked) test parts.""" try: # New in Python 3.10 total = # type: ignore[attr-defined] except AttributeError: nums = [n for _, n in self.counts.items()] total = sum(nums) return total
[docs] def print_log_path(self): """Print the test log file path.""" log = self.archived_install_test_log if not os.path.isfile(log): log = self.test_log_file if not (log and os.path.isfile(log)): tty.debug("There is no test log file (staged or installed)") return print(f"\nSee test results at:\n {log}")
[docs] def ran_tests(self) -> bool: """``True`` if ran tests, ``False`` otherwise.""" return > self.counts[TestStatus.NO_TESTS]
[docs] def summarize(self): """Collect test results summary lines for this spec.""" lines = [] lines.append("{:=^80}".format(f" SUMMARY: {self.pkg_id} ")) for name, status in self.test_parts.items(): msg = f"{name} .. {status}" lines.append(msg) summary = [f"{n} {s.lower()}" for s, n in self.counts.items() if n > 0] totals = " {} of {} parts ".format(", ".join(summary), lines.append(f"{totals:=^80}") return lines
[docs] def write_tested_status(self): """Write the overall status to the tested file. If there any test part failures, then the tests failed. If all test parts are skipped, then the tests were skipped. If any tests passed then the tests passed; otherwise, there were not tests executed. """ status = TestStatus.NO_TESTS if self.counts[TestStatus.FAILED] > 0: status = TestStatus.FAILED else: skipped = self.counts[TestStatus.SKIPPED] if skipped and == skipped: status = TestStatus.SKIPPED elif self.counts[TestStatus.PASSED] > 0: status = TestStatus.PASSED with open(self.tested_file, "w") as f: f.write(f"{status.value}\n")
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def test_part(pkg: Pb, test_name: str, purpose: str, work_dir: str = ".", verbose: bool = False): wdir = "." if work_dir is None else work_dir tester = pkg.tester # TODO (post-34236): "test"->"test_" once remove deprecated methods assert test_name and test_name.startswith( "test" ), f"Test name must start with 'test' but {test_name} was provided" if test_name == "test": tty.warn( "{}: the 'test' method is deprecated. Convert stand-alone " "test(s) to methods with names starting 'test_'.".format( ) title = "test: {}: {}".format(test_name, purpose or "unspecified purpose") with fs.working_dir(wdir, create=True): try: context = tester.logger.force_echo if verbose else nullcontext with context():, format="g") yield tester.status(test_name, TestStatus.PASSED) except SkipTest as e: tester.status(test_name, TestStatus.SKIPPED, str(e)) except (AssertionError, BaseException) as e: # print a summary of the error to the log file # so that cdash and junit reporters know about it exc_type, _, tb = sys.exc_info() tester.status(test_name, TestStatus.FAILED, str(e)) import traceback # remove the current call frame to exclude the extract_stack # call from the error stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1] # Package files have a line added at import time, so we re-read # the file to make line numbers match. We have to subtract two # from the line number because the original line number is # inflated once by the import statement and the lines are # displaced one by the import statement. for i, entry in enumerate(stack): filename, lineno, function, text = entry if spack.repo.is_package_file(filename): with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() new_lineno = lineno - 2 text = lines[new_lineno] if isinstance(entry, tuple): new_entry = (filename, new_lineno, function, text) stack[i] = new_entry # type: ignore[call-overload] elif isinstance(entry, list): stack[i][1] = new_lineno # type: ignore[index] # Format and print the stack out = traceback.format_list(stack) for line in out: print(line.rstrip("\n")) if exc_type is spack.util.executable.ProcessError or exc_type is TypeError: iostr = io.StringIO() spack.build_environment.write_log_summary( iostr, "test", tester.test_log_file, last=1 ) # type: ignore[assignment] m = iostr.getvalue() else: # We're below the package context, so get context from # stack instead of from traceback. # The traceback is truncated here, so we can't use it to # traverse the stack. m = "\n".join(spack.build_environment.get_package_context(tb)) exc = e # e is deleted after this block # If we fail fast, raise another error if spack.config.get("config:fail_fast", False): raise TestFailure([(exc, m)]) else: tester.add_failure(exc, m)
[docs] def copy_test_files(pkg: Pb, test_spec: spack.spec.Spec): """Copy the spec's cached and custom test files to the test stage directory. Args: pkg: package being tested test_spec: spec being tested, where the spec may be virtual Raises: TestSuiteError: package must be part of an active test suite """ if pkg is None or pkg.test_suite is None: base = "Cannot copy test files" msg = ( f"{base} without a package" if pkg is None else f"{}: {base}: test suite is missing" ) raise TestSuiteError(msg) # copy installed test sources cache into test stage dir if test_spec.concrete: cache_source = install_test_root(test_spec.package) cache_dir = pkg.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir if os.path.isdir(cache_source) and not os.path.exists(cache_dir): fs.install_tree(cache_source, cache_dir) # copy test data into test stage data dir try: pkg_cls = test_spec.package_class except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: tty.debug(f"{}: skipping test data copy since no package class found") return data_source = Prefix(pkg_cls.package_dir).test data_dir = pkg.test_suite.current_test_data_dir if os.path.isdir(data_source) and not os.path.exists(data_dir): # We assume data dir is used read-only # maybe enforce this later shutil.copytree(data_source, data_dir)
[docs] def test_function_names(pkg: PackageObjectOrClass, add_virtuals: bool = False) -> List[str]: """Grab the names of all non-empty test functions. Args: pkg: package or package class of interest add_virtuals: ``True`` adds test methods of provided package virtual, ``False`` only returns test functions of the package Returns: names of non-empty test functions Raises: ValueError: occurs if pkg is not a package class """ fns = test_functions(pkg, add_virtuals) return [f"{cls_name}.{fn.__name__}" for (cls_name, fn) in fns]
[docs] def test_functions( pkg: PackageObjectOrClass, add_virtuals: bool = False ) -> List[Tuple[str, Callable]]: """Grab all non-empty test functions. Args: pkg: package or package class of interest add_virtuals: ``True`` adds test methods of provided package virtual, ``False`` only returns test functions of the package Returns: list of non-empty test functions' (name, function) Raises: ValueError: occurs if pkg is not a package class """ instance = isinstance(pkg, spack.package_base.PackageBase) if not (instance or issubclass(pkg, spack.package_base.PackageBase)): # type: ignore[arg-type] raise ValueError(f"Expected a package (class), not {pkg} ({type(pkg)})") pkg_cls = pkg.__class__ if instance else pkg classes = [pkg_cls] if add_virtuals: vpkgs = virtuals(pkg) for vname in vpkgs: try: classes.append((Spec(vname)).package_class) except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: tty.debug(f"{vname}: virtual does not appear to have a package file") # TODO (post-34236): Remove if removing empty test method check def skip(line): # This should match the lines in the deprecated test() method ln = line.strip() return ln.startswith("#") or ("warn" in ln and "deprecated" in ln) doc_regex = r'\s+("""[\w\s\(\)\-\,\;\:]+""")' tests = [] for clss in classes: methods = inspect.getmembers(clss, predicate=lambda x: inspect.isfunction(x)) for name, test_fn in methods: # TODO (post-34236): "test"->"test_" once remove deprecated methods if not name.startswith("test"): continue # TODO (post-34236): Could remove empty method check once remove # TODO (post-34236): deprecated methods though some use cases, # TODO (post-34236): such as checking packages have actual, non- # TODO (post-34236): empty tests, may want this check to remain. source = re.sub(doc_regex, r"", inspect.getsource(test_fn)).splitlines()[1:] lines = [ln.strip() for ln in source if not skip(ln)] if not lines: continue tests.append((clss.__name__, test_fn)) # type: ignore[union-attr] return tests
[docs] def process_test_parts(pkg: Pb, test_specs: List[spack.spec.Spec], verbose: bool = False): """Process test parts associated with the package. Args: pkg: package being tested test_specs: list of test specs verbose: Display verbose output (suppress by default) Raises: TestSuiteError: package must be part of an active test suite """ if pkg is None or pkg.test_suite is None: base = "Cannot process tests" msg = ( f"{base} without a package" if pkg is None else f"{}: {base}: test suite is missing" ) raise TestSuiteError(msg) test_suite = pkg.test_suite tester = pkg.tester try: work_dir = test_suite.test_dir_for_spec(pkg.spec) for spec in test_specs: test_suite.current_test_spec = spec # grab test functions associated with the spec, which may be virtual try: tests = test_functions(spec.package_class) except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: # Some virtuals don't have a package so we don't want to report # them as not having tests when that isn't appropriate. continue if len(tests) == 0: tester.status(, TestStatus.NO_TESTS) continue # copy custom and cached test files to the test stage directory copy_test_files(pkg, spec) # Run the tests for _, test_fn in tests: with test_part( pkg, test_fn.__name__, purpose=getattr(test_fn, "__doc__"), work_dir=work_dir, verbose=verbose, ): test_fn(pkg) # If fail-fast was on, we error out above # If we collect errors, raise them in batch here if tester.test_failures: raise TestFailure(tester.test_failures) finally: if tester.ran_tests(): tester.write_tested_status() # log one more test message to provide a completion timestamp # for CDash reporting tty.msg("Completed testing") lines = tester.summarize() tty.msg("\n{}".format("\n".join(lines))) if tester.test_failures: # Print the test log file path tty.msg(f"\n\nSee test results at:\n {tester.test_log_file}") else: tty.msg("No tests to run")
[docs] def test_process(pkg: Pb, kwargs): verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", True) externals = kwargs.get("externals", False) with pkg.tester.test_logger(verbose, externals) as logger: if pkg.spec.external and not externals: print_message(logger, "Skipped tests for external package", verbose) pkg.tester.status(, TestStatus.SKIPPED) return if not pkg.spec.installed: print_message(logger, "Skipped not installed package", verbose) pkg.tester.status(, TestStatus.SKIPPED) return # run test methods from the package and all virtuals it provides v_names = virtuals(pkg) test_specs = [pkg.spec] + [spack.spec.Spec(v_name) for v_name in sorted(v_names)] process_test_parts(pkg, test_specs, verbose)
[docs] def virtuals(pkg): """Return a list of unique virtuals for the package. Args: pkg: package of interest Returns: names of unique virtual packages """ # provided virtuals have to be deduped by name v_names = list({ for vspec in pkg.virtuals_provided}) # hack for compilers that are not dependencies (yet) # TODO: this all eventually goes away c_names = ("gcc", "intel", "intel-parallel-studio", "pgi") if in c_names: v_names.extend(["c", "cxx", "fortran"]) if pkg.spec.satisfies("llvm+clang"): v_names.extend(["c", "cxx"]) return v_names
[docs] def get_all_test_suites(): """Retrieves all validly staged TestSuites Returns: list: a list of TestSuite objects, which may be empty if there are none """ stage_root = get_test_stage_dir() if not os.path.isdir(stage_root): return [] def valid_stage(d): dirpath = os.path.join(stage_root, d) return os.path.isdir(dirpath) and test_suite_filename in os.listdir(dirpath) candidates = [ os.path.join(stage_root, d, test_suite_filename) for d in os.listdir(stage_root) if valid_stage(d) ] test_suites = [TestSuite.from_file(c) for c in candidates] return test_suites
[docs] def get_named_test_suites(name): """Retrieves test suites with the provided name. Returns: list: a list of matching TestSuite instances, which may be empty if none Raises: Exception: TestSuiteNameError if no name is provided """ if not name: raise TestSuiteNameError("Test suite name is required.") test_suites = get_all_test_suites() return [ts for ts in test_suites if == name]
[docs] def get_test_suite(name: str) -> Optional["TestSuite"]: """Ensure there is only one matching test suite with the provided name. Returns: the name if one matching test suite, else None Raises: TestSuiteNameError: If there are more than one matching TestSuites """ suites = get_named_test_suites(name) if len(suites) > 1: raise TestSuiteNameError(f"Too many suites named '{name}'. May shadow hash.") if not suites: return None return suites[0]
[docs] def write_test_suite_file(suite): """Write the test suite to its (JSON) lock file.""" with open(suite.stage.join(test_suite_filename), "w") as f: sjson.dump(suite.to_dict(), stream=f)
[docs] def write_test_summary(counts: "Counter"): """Write summary of the totals for each relevant status category. Args: counts: counts of the occurrences of relevant test status types """ summary = [f"{n} {s.lower()}" for s, n in counts.items() if n > 0] try: # New in Python 3.10 total = # type: ignore[attr-defined] except AttributeError: nums = [n for _, n in counts.items()] total = sum(nums) if total: print("{:=^80}".format(" {} of {} ".format(", ".join(summary), plural(total, "spec"))))
[docs] class TestSuite: """The class that manages specs for ``spack test run`` execution.""" def __init__(self, specs, alias=None): # copy so that different test suites have different package objects # even if they contain the same spec self.specs = [spec.copy() for spec in specs] self.current_test_spec = None # spec currently tested, can be virtual self.current_base_spec = None # spec currently running do_test self.alias = alias self._hash = None self._stage = None self.counts: "Counter" = Counter() @property def name(self): """The name (alias or, if none, hash) of the test suite.""" return self.alias if self.alias else self.content_hash @property def content_hash(self): """The hash used to uniquely identify the test suite.""" if not self._hash: json_text = sjson.dump(self.to_dict()) sha = hashlib.sha1(json_text.encode("utf-8")) b32_hash = base64.b32encode(sha.digest()).lower() b32_hash = b32_hash.decode("utf-8") self._hash = b32_hash return self._hash def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.write_reproducibility_data() remove_directory = kwargs.get("remove_directory", True) dirty = kwargs.get("dirty", False) fail_first = kwargs.get("fail_first", False) externals = kwargs.get("externals", False) for spec in self.specs: try: if spec.package.test_suite: raise TestSuiteSpecError( "Package {} cannot be run in two test suites at once".format( ) ) # Set up the test suite to know which test is running spec.package.test_suite = self self.current_base_spec = spec self.current_test_spec = spec # setup per-test directory in the stage dir test_dir = self.test_dir_for_spec(spec) if os.path.exists(test_dir): shutil.rmtree(test_dir) fs.mkdirp(test_dir) # run the package tests spec.package.do_test(dirty=dirty, externals=externals) # Clean up on success if remove_directory: shutil.rmtree(test_dir) status = self.test_status(spec, externals) self.counts[status] += 1 self.write_test_result(spec, status) except SkipTest: status = TestStatus.SKIPPED self.counts[status] += 1 self.write_test_result(spec, TestStatus.SKIPPED) except BaseException as exc: status = TestStatus.FAILED self.counts[status] += 1 tty.debug(f"Test failure: {str(exc)}") if isinstance(exc, (SyntaxError, TestSuiteSpecError)): # Create the test log file and report the error. self.ensure_stage() msg = f"Testing package {self.test_pkg_id(spec)}\n{str(exc)}" _add_msg_to_file(self.log_file_for_spec(spec), msg) msg = f"Test failure: {str(exc)}" _add_msg_to_file(self.log_file_for_spec(spec), msg) self.write_test_result(spec, TestStatus.FAILED) if fail_first: break finally: spec.package.test_suite = None self.current_test_spec = None self.current_base_spec = None write_test_summary(self.counts) if self.counts[TestStatus.FAILED]: for spec in self.specs: print( "\nSee {} test results at:\n {}".format( spec.format("{name}-{version}-{hash:7}"), self.log_file_for_spec(spec) ) ) failures = self.counts[TestStatus.FAILED] if failures: raise TestSuiteFailure(failures)
[docs] def test_status(self, spec: spack.spec.Spec, externals: bool) -> Optional[TestStatus]: """Determine the overall test results status for the spec. Args: spec: instance of the spec under test externals: ``True`` if externals are to be tested, else ``False`` Returns: the spec's test status if available or ``None`` """ tests_status_file = self.tested_file_for_spec(spec) if not os.path.exists(tests_status_file): self.ensure_stage() if spec.external and not externals: status = TestStatus.SKIPPED elif not spec.installed: status = TestStatus.SKIPPED else: status = TestStatus.NO_TESTS return status with open(tests_status_file, "r") as f: value = ("\n") return TestStatus(int(value)) if value else TestStatus.NO_TESTS
[docs] def ensure_stage(self): """Ensure the test suite stage directory exists.""" if not os.path.exists(self.stage): fs.mkdirp(self.stage)
@property def stage(self): """The root test suite stage directory. Returns: str: the spec's test stage directory path """ if not self._stage: self._stage = Prefix(fs.join_path(get_test_stage_dir(), self.content_hash)) return self._stage @stage.setter def stage(self, value): """Set the value of a non-default stage directory.""" self._stage = value if isinstance(value, Prefix) else Prefix(value) @property def results_file(self): """The path to the results summary file.""" return self.stage.join(results_filename)
[docs] @classmethod def test_pkg_id(cls, spec): """The standard install test package identifier. Args: spec: instance of the spec under test Returns: str: the install test package identifier """ return spec.format_path("{name}-{version}-{hash:7}")
[docs] @classmethod def test_log_name(cls, spec): """The standard log filename for a spec. Args: spec (spack.spec.Spec): instance of the spec under test Returns: str: the spec's log filename """ return "%s-test-out.txt" % cls.test_pkg_id(spec)
[docs] def log_file_for_spec(self, spec): """The test log file path for the provided spec. Args: spec (spack.spec.Spec): instance of the spec under test Returns: str: the path to the spec's log file """ return self.stage.join(self.test_log_name(spec))
[docs] def test_dir_for_spec(self, spec): """The path to the test stage directory for the provided spec. Args: spec (spack.spec.Spec): instance of the spec under test Returns: str: the spec's test stage directory path """ return Prefix(self.stage.join(self.test_pkg_id(spec)))
[docs] @classmethod def tested_file_name(cls, spec): """The standard test status filename for the spec. Args: spec (spack.spec.Spec): instance of the spec under test Returns: str: the spec's test status filename """ return "%s-tested.txt" % cls.test_pkg_id(spec)
[docs] def tested_file_for_spec(self, spec): """The test status file path for the spec. Args: spec (spack.spec.Spec): instance of the spec under test Returns: str: the spec's test status file path """ return fs.join_path(self.stage, self.tested_file_name(spec))
@property def current_test_cache_dir(self): """Path to the test stage directory where the current spec's cached build-time files were automatically copied. Returns: str: path to the current spec's staged, cached build-time files. Raises: TestSuiteSpecError: If there is no spec being tested """ if not (self.current_test_spec and self.current_base_spec): raise TestSuiteSpecError("Unknown test cache directory: no specs being tested") test_spec = self.current_test_spec base_spec = self.current_base_spec return self.test_dir_for_spec(base_spec).cache.join( @property def current_test_data_dir(self): """Path to the test stage directory where the current spec's custom package (data) files were automatically copied. Returns: str: path to the current spec's staged, custom package (data) files Raises: TestSuiteSpecError: If there is no spec being tested """ if not (self.current_test_spec and self.current_base_spec): raise TestSuiteSpecError("Unknown test data directory: no specs being tested") test_spec = self.current_test_spec base_spec = self.current_base_spec return self.test_dir_for_spec(base_spec).data.join(
[docs] def write_test_result(self, spec, result): """Write the spec's test result to the test suite results file. Args: spec (spack.spec.Spec): instance of the spec under test result (str): result from the spec's test execution (e.g, PASSED) """ msg = f"{self.test_pkg_id(spec)} {result}" _add_msg_to_file(self.results_file, msg)
[docs] def write_reproducibility_data(self): for spec in self.specs: repo_cache_path = self.stage.repo.join( spack.repo.PATH.dump_provenance(spec, repo_cache_path) for vspec in spec.package.virtuals_provided: repo_cache_path = self.stage.repo.join( if not os.path.exists(repo_cache_path): try: spack.repo.PATH.dump_provenance(vspec, repo_cache_path) except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: pass # not all virtuals have package files write_test_suite_file(self)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Build a dictionary for the test suite. Returns: dict: The dictionary contains entries for up to two keys: specs: list of the test suite's specs in dictionary form alias: the alias, or name, given to the test suite if provided """ specs = [s.to_dict() for s in self.specs] d = {"specs": specs} if self.alias: d["alias"] = self.alias return d
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d): """Instantiates a TestSuite based on a dictionary specs and an optional alias: specs: list of the test suite's specs in dictionary form alias: the test suite alias Returns: TestSuite: Instance created from the specs """ specs = [Spec.from_dict(spec_dict) for spec_dict in d["specs"]] alias = d.get("alias", None) return TestSuite(specs, alias)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(filename): """Instantiate a TestSuite using the specs and optional alias provided in the given file. Args: filename (str): The path to the JSON file containing the test suite specs and optional alias. Raises: BaseException: sjson.SpackJSONError if problem parsing the file """ try: with open(filename) as f: data = sjson.load(f) test_suite = TestSuite.from_dict(data) content_hash = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename)) test_suite._hash = content_hash return test_suite except Exception as e: raise sjson.SpackJSONError("error parsing JSON TestSuite:", e)
def _add_msg_to_file(filename, msg): """Append the message to the specified file. Args: filename (str): path to the file msg (str): message to be appended to the file """ with open(filename, "a+") as f: f.write(f"{msg}\n")
[docs] class SkipTest(Exception): """Raised when a test (part) is being skipped."""
[docs] class TestFailure(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when package tests have failed for an installation.""" def __init__(self, failures: List[TestFailureType]): # Failures are all exceptions num = len(failures) msg = "{} failed.\n".format(plural(num, "test")) for failure, message in failures: msg += "\n\n%s\n" % str(failure) msg += "\n%s\n" % message super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class TestSuiteError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when there is an error with the test suite."""
[docs] class TestSuiteFailure(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when one or more tests in a suite have failed.""" def __init__(self, num_failures): msg = "%d test(s) in the suite failed.\n" % num_failures super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class TestSuiteSpecError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when there is an issue associated with the spec being tested."""
[docs] class TestSuiteNameError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when there is an issue with the naming of the test suite."""