Source code for spack.filesystem_view

# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import functools as ft
import itertools
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import sys
from typing import Optional

from llnl.util import tty
from llnl.util.filesystem import (
from llnl.util.lang import index_by, match_predicate
from llnl.util.link_tree import (
from llnl.util.symlink import symlink
from llnl.util.tty.color import colorize

import spack.config
import spack.projections
import spack.relocate
import spack.schema.projections
import spack.spec
import spack.util.spack_json as s_json
import spack.util.spack_yaml as s_yaml
from spack.error import SpackError
from spack.hooks import sbang

__all__ = ["FilesystemView", "YamlFilesystemView"]

_projections_path = ".spack/projections.yaml"

def view_symlink(src, dst, **kwargs):
    # keyword arguments are irrelevant
    # here to fit required call signature
    symlink(src, dst)

def view_hardlink(src, dst, **kwargs):
    # keyword arguments are irrelevant
    # here to fit required call signature, dst)

def view_copy(src: str, dst: str, view, spec: Optional[spack.spec.Spec] = None):
    Copy a file from src to dst.

    Use spec and view to generate relocations
    shutil.copy2(src, dst, follow_symlinks=False)

    # No need to relocate if no metadata or external.
    if not spec or spec.external:

    # Order of this dict is somewhat irrelevant
    prefix_to_projection = {
        s.prefix: view.get_projection_for_spec(s)
        for s in spec.traverse(root=True, order="breadth")
        if not s.external

    src_stat = os.lstat(src)

    # TODO: change this into a bulk operation instead of a per-file operation

    if stat.S_ISLNK(src_stat.st_mode):
        spack.relocate.relocate_links(links=[dst], prefix_to_prefix=prefix_to_projection)
    elif spack.relocate.is_binary(dst):
        spack.relocate.relocate_text_bin(binaries=[dst], prefixes=prefix_to_projection)
        prefix_to_projection[] = view._root

        # This is vestigial code for the *old* location of sbang.
            "#!/bin/bash {0}/bin/sbang".format(spack.paths.spack_root)
        ] = sbang.sbang_shebang_line()

        spack.relocate.relocate_text(files=[dst], prefixes=prefix_to_projection)

        os.chown(dst, src_stat.st_uid, src_stat.st_gid)
    except OSError:
        tty.debug("Can't change the permissions for %s" % dst)

def view_func_parser(parsed_name):
    # What method are we using for this view
    if parsed_name in ("hardlink", "hard"):
        return view_hardlink
    elif parsed_name in ("copy", "relocate"):
        return view_copy
    elif parsed_name in ("add", "symlink", "soft"):
        return view_symlink
        raise ValueError("invalid link type for view: '%s'" % parsed_name)

def inverse_view_func_parser(view_type):
    # get string based on view type
    if view_type is view_hardlink:
        link_name = "hardlink"
    elif view_type is view_copy:
        link_name = "copy"
        link_name = "symlink"
    return link_name

[docs] class FilesystemView: """ Governs a filesystem view that is located at certain root-directory. Packages are linked from their install directories into a common file hierachy. In distributed filesystems, loading each installed package seperately can lead to slow-downs due to too many directories being traversed. This can be circumvented by loading all needed modules into a common directory structure. """ def __init__(self, root, layout, **kwargs): """ Initialize a filesystem view under the given `root` directory with corresponding directory `layout`. Files are linked by method `link` (llnl.util.symlink by default). """ self._root = root self.layout = layout self.projections = kwargs.get("projections", {}) self.ignore_conflicts = kwargs.get("ignore_conflicts", False) self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) # Setup link function to include view link_func = kwargs.get("link", view_symlink) = ft.partial(link_func, view=self)
[docs] def add_specs(self, *specs, **kwargs): """ Add given specs to view. Should accept `with_dependencies` as keyword argument (default True) to indicate wether or not dependencies should be activated as well. Should except an `exclude` keyword argument containing a list of regexps that filter out matching spec names. This method should make use of `activate_standalone`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_standalone(self, spec): """ Add (link) a standalone package into this view. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_added(self, spec): """ Check if the given concrete spec is active in this view. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def remove_specs(self, *specs, **kwargs): """ Removes given specs from view. Should accept `with_dependencies` as keyword argument (default True) to indicate wether or not dependencies should be deactivated as well. Should accept `with_dependents` as keyword argument (default True) to indicate wether or not dependents on the deactivated specs should be removed as well. Should except an `exclude` keyword argument containing a list of regexps that filter out matching spec names. This method should make use of `deactivate_standalone`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def remove_standalone(self, spec): """ Remove (unlink) a standalone package from this view. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_projection_for_spec(self, spec): """ Get the projection in this view for a spec. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_all_specs(self): """ Get all specs currently active in this view. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_spec(self, spec): """ Return the actual spec linked in this view (i.e. do not look it up in the database by name). `spec` can be a name or a spec from which the name is extracted. As there can only be a single version active for any spec the name is enough to identify the spec in the view. If no spec is present, returns None. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def print_status(self, *specs, **kwargs): """ Print a short summary about the given specs, detailing whether.. * ..they are active in the view. * ..they are active but the activated version differs. * ..they are not activte in the view. Takes `with_dependencies` keyword argument so that the status of dependencies is printed as well. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class YamlFilesystemView(FilesystemView): """ Filesystem view to work with a yaml based directory layout. """ def __init__(self, root, layout, **kwargs): super().__init__(root, layout, **kwargs) # Super class gets projections from the kwargs # YAML specific to get projections from YAML file self.projections_path = os.path.join(self._root, _projections_path) if not self.projections: # Read projections file from view self.projections = self.read_projections() elif not os.path.exists(self.projections_path): # Write projections file to new view self.write_projections() else: # Ensure projections are the same from each source # Read projections file from view if self.projections != self.read_projections(): msg = "View at %s has projections file" % self._root msg += " which does not match projections passed manually." raise ConflictingProjectionsError(msg) self._croot = colorize_root(self._root) + " "
[docs] def write_projections(self): if self.projections: mkdirp(os.path.dirname(self.projections_path)) with open(self.projections_path, "w") as f: f.write(s_yaml.dump_config({"projections": self.projections}))
[docs] def read_projections(self): if os.path.exists(self.projections_path): with open(self.projections_path, "r") as f: projections_data = s_yaml.load(f) spack.config.validate(projections_data, spack.schema.projections.schema) return projections_data["projections"] else: return {}
[docs] def add_specs(self, *specs, **kwargs): assert all((s.concrete for s in specs)) specs = set(specs) if kwargs.get("with_dependencies", True): specs.update(get_dependencies(specs)) if kwargs.get("exclude", None): specs = set(filter_exclude(specs, kwargs["exclude"])) conflicts = self.get_conflicts(*specs) if conflicts: for s, v in conflicts: self.print_conflict(v, s) return for s in specs: self.add_standalone(s)
[docs] def add_standalone(self, spec): if spec.external: tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping external package: %s" % colorize_spec(spec)) return True if self.check_added(spec): tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping already linked package: %s" % colorize_spec(spec)) return True self.merge(spec) self.link_meta_folder(spec) if self.verbose: + "Linked package: %s" % colorize_spec(spec)) return True
[docs] def merge(self, spec, ignore=None): pkg = spec.package view_source = pkg.view_source() view_dst = pkg.view_destination(self) tree = LinkTree(view_source) ignore = ignore or (lambda f: False) ignore_file = match_predicate(self.layout.hidden_file_regexes, ignore) # check for dir conflicts conflicts = tree.find_dir_conflicts(view_dst, ignore_file) merge_map = tree.get_file_map(view_dst, ignore_file) if not self.ignore_conflicts: conflicts.extend(pkg.view_file_conflicts(self, merge_map)) if conflicts: raise SingleMergeConflictError(conflicts[0]) # merge directories with the tree tree.merge_directories(view_dst, ignore_file) pkg.add_files_to_view(self, merge_map)
[docs] def unmerge(self, spec, ignore=None): pkg = spec.package view_source = pkg.view_source() view_dst = pkg.view_destination(self) tree = LinkTree(view_source) ignore = ignore or (lambda f: False) ignore_file = match_predicate(self.layout.hidden_file_regexes, ignore) merge_map = tree.get_file_map(view_dst, ignore_file) pkg.remove_files_from_view(self, merge_map) # now unmerge the directory tree tree.unmerge_directories(view_dst, ignore_file)
[docs] def remove_files(self, files): def needs_file(spec, file): # convert the file we want to remove to a source in this spec projection = self.get_projection_for_spec(spec) relative_path = os.path.relpath(file, projection) test_path = os.path.join(spec.prefix, relative_path) # check if this spec owns a file of that name (through the # manifest in the metadata dir, which we have in the view). manifest_file = os.path.join( self.get_path_meta_folder(spec), ) try: with open(manifest_file, "r") as f: manifest = s_json.load(f) except (OSError, IOError): # if we can't load it, assume it doesn't know about the file. manifest = {} return test_path in manifest specs = self.get_all_specs() for file in files: if not os.path.lexists(file): tty.warn("Tried to remove %s which does not exist" % file) continue # remove if file is not owned by any other package in the view # This will only be false if two packages are merged into a prefix # and have a conflicting file # check all specs for whether they own the file. That include the spec # we are currently removing, as we remove files before unlinking the # metadata directory. if len([s for s in specs if needs_file(s, file)]) <= 1: tty.debug("Removing file " + file) os.remove(file)
[docs] def check_added(self, spec): assert spec.concrete return spec == self.get_spec(spec)
[docs] def remove_specs(self, *specs, **kwargs): assert all((s.concrete for s in specs)) with_dependents = kwargs.get("with_dependents", True) with_dependencies = kwargs.get("with_dependencies", False) # caller can pass this in, as get_all_specs() is expensive all_specs = kwargs.get("all_specs", None) or set(self.get_all_specs()) specs = set(specs) if with_dependencies: specs = get_dependencies(specs) if kwargs.get("exclude", None): specs = set(filter_exclude(specs, kwargs["exclude"])) to_deactivate = specs to_keep = all_specs - to_deactivate dependents = find_dependents(to_keep, to_deactivate) if with_dependents: # remove all packages depending on the ones to remove if len(dependents) > 0: tty.warn( self._croot + "The following dependents will be removed: %s" % ", ".join(( for s in dependents)) ) to_deactivate.update(dependents) elif len(dependents) > 0: tty.warn( self._croot + "The following packages will be unusable: %s" % ", ".join(( for s in dependents)) ) # Determine the order that packages should be removed from the view; # dependents come before their dependencies. to_deactivate_sorted = list() depmap = dict() for spec in to_deactivate: depmap[spec] = set(d for d in spec.traverse(root=False) if d in to_deactivate) while depmap: for spec in [s for s, d in depmap.items() if not d]: to_deactivate_sorted.append(spec) for s in depmap.keys(): depmap[s].discard(spec) depmap.pop(spec) to_deactivate_sorted.reverse() # Ensure that the sorted list contains all the packages assert set(to_deactivate_sorted) == to_deactivate # Remove the packages from the view for spec in to_deactivate_sorted: self.remove_standalone(spec) self._purge_empty_directories()
[docs] def remove_standalone(self, spec): """ Remove (unlink) a standalone package from this view. """ if not self.check_added(spec): tty.warn(self._croot + "Skipping package not linked in view: %s" % return self.unmerge(spec) self.unlink_meta_folder(spec) if self.verbose: + "Removed package: %s" % colorize_spec(spec))
[docs] def get_projection_for_spec(self, spec): """ Return the projection for a spec in this view. Relies on the ordering of projections to avoid ambiguity. """ spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec) locator_spec = spec if spec.package.extendee_spec: locator_spec = spec.package.extendee_spec proj = spack.projections.get_projection(self.projections, locator_spec) if proj: return os.path.join(self._root, locator_spec.format_path(proj)) return self._root
[docs] def get_all_specs(self): md_dirs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._root): if in dirs: md_dirs.append(os.path.join(root, specs = [] for md_dir in md_dirs: if os.path.exists(md_dir): for name_dir in os.listdir(md_dir): filename = os.path.join( md_dir, name_dir, ) spec = get_spec_from_file(filename) if spec: specs.append(spec) return specs
[docs] def get_conflicts(self, *specs): """ Return list of tuples (<spec>, <spec in view>) where the spec active in the view differs from the one to be activated. """ in_view = map(self.get_spec, specs) return [(s, v) for s, v in zip(specs, in_view) if v is not None and s != v]
[docs] def get_path_meta_folder(self, spec): "Get path to meta folder for either spec or spec name." return os.path.join( self.get_projection_for_spec(spec),, getattr(spec, "name", spec), )
[docs] def get_spec(self, spec): dotspack = self.get_path_meta_folder(spec) filename = os.path.join(dotspack, return get_spec_from_file(filename)
[docs] def print_conflict(self, spec_active, spec_specified, level="error"): "Singular print function for spec conflicts." cprint = getattr(tty, level) color = sys.stdout.isatty() linked = tty.color.colorize(" (@gLinked@.)", color=color) specified = tty.color.colorize("(@rSpecified@.)", color=color) cprint( self._croot + "Package conflict detected:\n" "%s %s\n" % (linked, colorize_spec(spec_active)) + "%s %s" % (specified, colorize_spec(spec_specified)) )
[docs] def print_status(self, *specs, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("with_dependencies", False): specs = set(get_dependencies(specs)) specs = sorted(specs, key=lambda s: in_view = list(map(self.get_spec, specs)) for s, v in zip(specs, in_view): if not v: tty.error(self._croot + "Package not linked: %s" % elif s != v: self.print_conflict(v, s, level="warn") in_view = list(filter(None, in_view)) if len(specs) > 0: tty.msg("Packages linked in %s:" % self._croot[:-1]) # Make a dict with specs keyed by architecture and compiler. index = index_by(specs, ("architecture", "compiler")) # Traverse the index and print out each package for i, (architecture, compiler) in enumerate(sorted(index)): if i > 0: print() header = "%s{%s} / %s{%s}" % ( spack.spec.ARCHITECTURE_COLOR, architecture, spack.spec.COMPILER_COLOR, compiler, ) tty.hline(colorize(header), char="-") specs = index[(architecture, compiler)] specs.sort() format_string = "{name}{@version}" format_string += "{%compiler}{compiler_flags}{variants}" abbreviated = [s.cformat(format_string) for s in specs] # Print one spec per line along with prefix path width = max(len(s) for s in abbreviated) width += 2 format = " %%-%ds%%s" % width for abbrv, s in zip(abbreviated, specs): prefix = "" if self.verbose: prefix = colorize("@K{%s}" % s.dag_hash(7)) print(prefix + (format % (abbrv, self.get_projection_for_spec(s)))) else: tty.warn(self._croot + "No packages found.")
def _purge_empty_directories(self): remove_empty_directories(self._root) def _purge_broken_links(self): remove_dead_links(self._root)
[docs] def clean(self): self._purge_broken_links() self._purge_empty_directories()
class SimpleFilesystemView(FilesystemView): """A simple and partial implementation of FilesystemView focused on performance and immutable views, where specs cannot be removed after they were added.""" def __init__(self, root, layout, **kwargs): super().__init__(root, layout, **kwargs) def _sanity_check_view_projection(self, specs): """A very common issue is that we end up with two specs of the same package, that project to the same prefix. We want to catch that as early as possible and give a sensible error to the user. Here we use the metadata dir (.spack) projection as a quick test to see whether two specs in the view are going to clash. The metadata dir is used because it's always added by Spack with identical files, so a guaranteed clash that's easily verified.""" seen = dict() for current_spec in specs: metadata_dir = self.relative_metadata_dir_for_spec(current_spec) conflicting_spec = seen.get(metadata_dir) if conflicting_spec: raise ConflictingSpecsError(current_spec, conflicting_spec) seen[metadata_dir] = current_spec def add_specs(self, *specs, **kwargs): assert all((s.concrete for s in specs)) if len(specs) == 0: return # Drop externals for s in specs: if s.external: tty.warn("Skipping external package: " + s.short_spec) specs = [s for s in specs if not s.external] if kwargs.get("exclude", None): specs = set(filter_exclude(specs, kwargs["exclude"])) self._sanity_check_view_projection(specs) # Ignore spack meta data folder. def skip_list(file): return os.path.basename(file) == visitor = SourceMergeVisitor(ignore=skip_list) # Gather all the directories to be made and files to be linked for spec in specs: src_prefix = spec.package.view_source() visitor.set_projection(self.get_relative_projection_for_spec(spec)) visit_directory_tree(src_prefix, visitor) # Check for conflicts in destination dir. visit_directory_tree(self._root, DestinationMergeVisitor(visitor)) # Throw on fatal dir-file conflicts. if visitor.fatal_conflicts: raise MergeConflictSummary(visitor.fatal_conflicts) # Inform about file-file conflicts. if visitor.file_conflicts: if self.ignore_conflicts: tty.debug("{0} file conflicts".format(len(visitor.file_conflicts))) else: raise MergeConflictSummary(visitor.file_conflicts) tty.debug( "Creating {0} dirs and {1} links".format(len(visitor.directories), len(visitor.files)) ) # Make the directory structure for dst in visitor.directories: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self._root, dst)) # Link the files using a "merge map": full src => full dst merge_map_per_prefix = self._source_merge_visitor_to_merge_map(visitor) for spec in specs: merge_map = merge_map_per_prefix.get(spec.package.view_source(), None) if not merge_map: # Not every spec may have files to contribute. continue spec.package.add_files_to_view(self, merge_map, skip_if_exists=False) # Finally create the metadata dirs. self.link_metadata(specs) def _source_merge_visitor_to_merge_map(self, visitor: SourceMergeVisitor): # For compatibility with add_files_to_view, we have to create a # merge_map of the form join(src_root, src_rel) => join(dst_root, dst_rel), # but our visitor.files format is dst_rel => (src_root, src_rel). # We exploit that visitor.files is an ordered dict, and files per source # prefix are contiguous. source_root = lambda item: item[1][0] per_source = itertools.groupby(visitor.files.items(), key=source_root) return { src_root: { os.path.join(src_root, src_rel): os.path.join(self._root, dst_rel) for dst_rel, (_, src_rel) in group } for src_root, group in per_source } def relative_metadata_dir_for_spec(self, spec): return os.path.join( self.get_relative_projection_for_spec(spec),,, ) def link_metadata(self, specs): metadata_visitor = SourceMergeVisitor() for spec in specs: src_prefix = os.path.join( spec.package.view_source(), ) proj = self.relative_metadata_dir_for_spec(spec) metadata_visitor.set_projection(proj) visit_directory_tree(src_prefix, metadata_visitor) # Check for conflicts in destination dir. visit_directory_tree(self._root, DestinationMergeVisitor(metadata_visitor)) # Throw on dir-file conflicts -- unlikely, but who knows. if metadata_visitor.fatal_conflicts: raise MergeConflictSummary(metadata_visitor.fatal_conflicts) # We are strict here for historical reasons if metadata_visitor.file_conflicts: raise MergeConflictSummary(metadata_visitor.file_conflicts) for dst in metadata_visitor.directories: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self._root, dst)) for dst_relpath, (src_root, src_relpath) in metadata_visitor.files.items():, src_relpath), os.path.join(self._root, dst_relpath)) def get_relative_projection_for_spec(self, spec): # Extensions are placed by their extendee, not by their own spec if spec.package.extendee_spec: spec = spec.package.extendee_spec p = spack.projections.get_projection(self.projections, spec) return spec.format_path(p) if p else "" def get_projection_for_spec(self, spec): """ Return the projection for a spec in this view. Relies on the ordering of projections to avoid ambiguity. """ spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec) if spec.package.extendee_spec: spec = spec.package.extendee_spec proj = spack.projections.get_projection(self.projections, spec) if proj: return os.path.join(self._root, spec.format_path(proj)) return self._root ##################### # utility functions # ##################### def get_spec_from_file(filename): try: with open(filename, "r") as f: return spack.spec.Spec.from_yaml(f) except IOError: return None def colorize_root(root): colorize = ft.partial(tty.color.colorize, color=sys.stdout.isatty()) pre, post = map(colorize, "@M[@. @M]@.".split()) return "".join([pre, root, post]) def colorize_spec(spec): "Colorize spec output if in TTY." if sys.stdout.isatty(): return spec.cshort_spec else: return spec.short_spec def find_dependents(all_specs, providers, deptype="run"): """ Return a set containing all those specs from all_specs that depend on providers at the given dependency type. """ dependents = set() for s in all_specs: for dep in s.traverse(deptype=deptype): if dep in providers: dependents.add(s) return dependents def filter_exclude(specs, exclude): "Filter specs given sequence of exclude regex" to_exclude = [re.compile(e) for e in exclude] def keep(spec): for e in to_exclude: if e.match( return False return True return filter(keep, specs) def get_dependencies(specs): "Get set of dependencies (includes specs)" retval = set() set(map(retval.update, (set(s.traverse()) for s in specs))) return retval class ConflictingProjectionsError(SpackError): """Raised when a view has a projections file and is given one manually."""