Source code for spack.cmd

# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

import argparse
import os
import re
import sys
from typing import List, Union

import llnl.string
import llnl.util.tty as tty
from llnl.util.filesystem import join_path
from llnl.util.lang import attr_setdefault, index_by
from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify
from llnl.util.tty.color import colorize

import spack.config
import spack.environment as ev
import spack.error
import spack.extensions
import spack.parser
import spack.paths
import spack.spec
import spack.traverse as traverse
import spack.user_environment as uenv
import spack.util.spack_json as sjson
import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml

# cmd has a submodule called "list" so preserve the python list module
python_list = list

# Patterns to ignore in the commands directory when looking for commands.
ignore_files = r"^\.|^$|^#"

SETUP_PARSER = "setup_parser"
DESCRIPTION = "description"

[docs] def python_name(cmd_name): """Convert ``-`` to ``_`` in command name, to make a valid identifier.""" return cmd_name.replace("-", "_")
[docs] def require_python_name(pname): """Require that the provided name is a valid python name (per python_name()). Useful for checking parameters for function prerequisites.""" if python_name(pname) != pname: raise PythonNameError(pname)
[docs] def cmd_name(python_name): """Convert module name (with ``_``) to command name (with ``-``).""" return python_name.replace("_", "-")
[docs] def require_cmd_name(cname): """Require that the provided name is a valid command name (per cmd_name()). Useful for checking parameters for function prerequisites. """ if cmd_name(cname) != cname: raise CommandNameError(cname)
#: global, cached list of all commands -- access through all_commands() _all_commands = None
[docs] def all_commands(): """Get a sorted list of all spack commands. This will list the lib/spack/spack/cmd directory and find the commands there to construct the list. It does not actually import the python files -- just gets the names. """ global _all_commands if _all_commands is None: _all_commands = [] command_paths = [spack.paths.command_path] # Built-in commands command_paths += spack.extensions.get_command_paths() # Extensions for path in command_paths: for file in os.listdir(path): if file.endswith(".py") and not, file): cmd = re.sub(r".py$", "", file) _all_commands.append(cmd_name(cmd)) _all_commands.sort() return _all_commands
[docs] def remove_options(parser, *options): """Remove some options from a parser.""" for option in options: for action in parser._actions: if vars(action)["option_strings"][0] == option: parser._handle_conflict_resolve(None, [(option, action)]) break
[docs] def get_module(cmd_name): """Imports the module for a particular command name and returns it. Args: cmd_name (str): name of the command for which to get a module (contains ``-``, not ``_``). """ require_cmd_name(cmd_name) pname = python_name(cmd_name) try: # Try to import the command from the built-in directory module_name = "%s.%s" % (__name__, pname) module = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[pname, SETUP_PARSER, DESCRIPTION], level=0) tty.debug("Imported {0} from built-in commands".format(pname)) except ImportError: module = spack.extensions.get_module(cmd_name) attr_setdefault(module, SETUP_PARSER, lambda *args: None) # null-op attr_setdefault(module, DESCRIPTION, "") if not hasattr(module, pname): tty.die( "Command module %s (%s) must define function '%s'." % (module.__name__, module.__file__, pname) ) return module
[docs] def get_command(cmd_name): """Imports the command function associated with cmd_name. The function's name is derived from cmd_name using python_name(). Args: cmd_name (str): name of the command (contains ``-``, not ``_``). """ require_cmd_name(cmd_name) pname = python_name(cmd_name) return getattr(get_module(cmd_name), pname)
[docs] def quote_kvp(string: str) -> str: """For strings like ``name=value`` or ``name==value``, quote and escape the value if needed. This is a compromise to respect quoting of key-value pairs on the CLI. The shell strips quotes from quoted arguments, so we cannot know *exactly* how CLI arguments were quoted. To compensate, we re-add quotes around anything staritng with ``name=`` or ``name==``, and we assume the rest of the argument is the value. This covers the common cases of passign flags, e.g., ``cflags="-O2 -g"`` on the command line. """ match = spack.parser.SPLIT_KVP.match(string) if not match: return string key, delim, value = match.groups() return f"{key}{delim}{spack.parser.quote_if_needed(value)}"
[docs] def parse_specs( args: Union[str, List[str]], concretize: bool = False, tests: bool = False ) -> List[spack.spec.Spec]: """Convenience function for parsing arguments from specs. Handles common exceptions and dies if there are errors. """ args = [args] if isinstance(args, str) else args arg_string = " ".join([quote_kvp(arg) for arg in args]) specs = spack.parser.parse(arg_string) for spec in specs: if concretize: spec.concretize(tests=tests) return specs
[docs] def matching_spec_from_env(spec): """ Returns a concrete spec, matching what is available in the environment. If no matching spec is found in the environment (or if no environment is active), this will return the given spec but concretized. """ env = ev.active_environment() if env: return env.matching_spec(spec) or spec.concretized() else: return spec.concretized()
[docs] def disambiguate_spec(spec, env, local=False, installed=True, first=False): """Given a spec, figure out which installed package it refers to. Arguments: spec (spack.spec.Spec): a spec to disambiguate env (spack.environment.Environment): a spack environment, if one is active, or None if no environment is active local (bool): do not search chained spack instances installed (bool or spack.database.InstallStatus or typing.Iterable): install status argument passed to database query. See ``spack.database.Database._query`` for details. """ hashes = env.all_hashes() if env else None return disambiguate_spec_from_hashes(spec, hashes, local, installed, first)
[docs] def disambiguate_spec_from_hashes(spec, hashes, local=False, installed=True, first=False): """Given a spec and a list of hashes, get concrete spec the spec refers to. Arguments: spec (spack.spec.Spec): a spec to disambiguate hashes (typing.Iterable): a set of hashes of specs among which to disambiguate local (bool): do not search chained spack instances installed (bool or spack.database.InstallStatus or typing.Iterable): install status argument passed to database query. See ``spack.database.Database._query`` for details. """ if local: matching_specs =, hashes=hashes, installed=installed) else: matching_specs =, hashes=hashes, installed=installed) if not matching_specs: tty.die("Spec '%s' matches no installed packages." % spec) elif first: return matching_specs[0] ensure_single_spec_or_die(spec, matching_specs) return matching_specs[0]
[docs] def ensure_single_spec_or_die(spec, matching_specs): if len(matching_specs) <= 1: return format_string = "{name}{@version}{}{@compiler.version}{arch=architecture}" args = ["%s matches multiple packages." % spec, "Matching packages:"] args += [ colorize(" @K{%s} " % s.dag_hash(7)) + s.cformat(format_string) for s in matching_specs ] args += ["Use a more specific spec (e.g., prepend '/' to the hash)."] tty.die(*args)
[docs] def gray_hash(spec, length): if not length: # default to maximum hash length length = 32 h = spec.dag_hash(length) if spec.concrete else "-" * length return colorize("@K{%s}" % h)
[docs] def display_specs_as_json(specs, deps=False): """Convert specs to a list of json records.""" seen = set() records = [] for spec in specs: dag_hash = spec.dag_hash() if dag_hash in seen: continue records.append(spec.node_dict_with_hashes()) seen.add(dag_hash) if deps: for dep in spec.traverse(): dep_dag_hash = dep.dag_hash() if dep_dag_hash in seen: continue records.append(dep.node_dict_with_hashes()) seen.add(dep_dag_hash) sjson.dump(records, sys.stdout)
[docs] def iter_groups(specs, indent, all_headers): """Break a list of specs into groups indexed by arch/compiler.""" # Make a dict with specs keyed by architecture and compiler. index = index_by(specs, ("architecture", "compiler")) ispace = indent * " " # Traverse the index and print out each package for i, (architecture, compiler) in enumerate(sorted(index)): if i > 0: print() header = "%s{%s} / %s{%s}" % ( spack.spec.ARCHITECTURE_COLOR, architecture if architecture else "no arch", spack.spec.COMPILER_COLOR, f"{compiler.display_str}" if compiler else "no compiler", ) # Sometimes we want to display specs that are not yet concretized. # If they don't have a compiler / architecture attached to them, # then skip the header if all_headers or (architecture is not None or compiler is not None): sys.stdout.write(ispace) tty.hline(colorize(header), char="-") specs = index[(architecture, compiler)] specs.sort() yield specs
[docs] def display_specs(specs, args=None, **kwargs): """Display human readable specs with customizable formatting. Prints the supplied specs to the screen, formatted according to the arguments provided. Specs are grouped by architecture and compiler, and columnized if possible. Options can add more information to the default display. Options can be provided either as keyword arguments or as an argparse namespace. Keyword arguments take precedence over settings in the argparse namespace. Args: specs (list): the specs to display args (argparse.Namespace or None): namespace containing formatting arguments Keyword Args: paths (bool): Show paths with each displayed spec deps (bool): Display dependencies with specs long (bool): Display short hashes with specs very_long (bool): Display full hashes with specs (supersedes ``long``) namespaces (bool): Print namespaces along with names show_flags (bool): Show compiler flags with specs variants (bool): Show variants with specs indent (int): indent each line this much groups (bool): display specs grouped by arch/compiler (default True) decorator (typing.Callable): function to call to decorate specs all_headers (bool): show headers even when arch/compiler aren't defined output (typing.IO): A file object to write to. Default is ``sys.stdout`` """ def get_arg(name, default=None): """Prefer kwargs, then args, then default.""" if name in kwargs: return kwargs.get(name) elif args is not None: return getattr(args, name, default) else: return default paths = get_arg("paths", False) deps = get_arg("deps", False) hashes = get_arg("long", False) namespaces = get_arg("namespaces", False) flags = get_arg("show_flags", False) full_compiler = get_arg("show_full_compiler", False) variants = get_arg("variants", False) groups = get_arg("groups", True) all_headers = get_arg("all_headers", False) output = get_arg("output", sys.stdout) decorator = get_arg("decorator", None) if decorator is None: decorator = lambda s, f: f indent = get_arg("indent", 0) hlen = 7 if get_arg("very_long", False): hashes = True hlen = None format_string = get_arg("format", None) if format_string is None: nfmt = "{fullname}" if namespaces else "{name}" ffmt = "" if full_compiler or flags: ffmt += "{}" if full_compiler: ffmt += "{@compiler.version}" ffmt += " {compiler_flags}" vfmt = "{variants}" if variants else "" format_string = nfmt + "{@version}" + ffmt + vfmt def fmt(s, depth=0): """Formatter function for all output specs""" string = "" if hashes: string += gray_hash(s, hlen) + " " string += depth * " " string += decorator(s, s.cformat(format_string)) return string def format_list(specs): """Display a single list of specs, with no groups""" # create the final, formatted versions of all specs formatted = [] for spec in specs: if deps: for depth, dep in traverse.traverse_tree([spec], depth_first=False): formatted.append((fmt(dep.spec, depth), dep.spec)) formatted.append(("", None)) # mark newlines else: formatted.append((fmt(spec), spec)) # unless any of these are set, we can just colify and be done. if not any((deps, paths)): colify((f[0] for f in formatted), indent=indent, output=output) return "" # otherwise, we'll print specs one by one max_width = max(len(f[0]) for f in formatted) path_fmt = "%%-%ds%%s" % (max_width + 2) out = "" # getting lots of prefixes requires DB lookups. Ensure # all spec.prefix calls are in one transaction. with for string, spec in formatted: if not string: # print newline from above out += "\n" continue if paths: out += path_fmt % (string, spec.prefix) + "\n" else: out += string + "\n" return out out = "" if groups: for specs in iter_groups(specs, indent, all_headers): output.write(format_list(specs)) else: out = format_list(sorted(specs)) output.write(out) output.flush()
[docs] def filter_loaded_specs(specs): """Filter a list of specs returning only those that are currently loaded.""" hashes = os.environ.get(uenv.spack_loaded_hashes_var, "").split(":") return [x for x in specs if x.dag_hash() in hashes]
[docs] def spack_is_git_repo(): """Ensure that this instance of Spack is a git clone.""" return is_git_repo(spack.paths.prefix)
[docs] def is_git_repo(path): dotgit_path = join_path(path, ".git") if os.path.isdir(dotgit_path): # we are in a regular git repo return True if os.path.isfile(dotgit_path): # we might be in a git worktree try: with open(dotgit_path, "rb") as f: dotgit_content = syaml.load(f) return os.path.isdir(dotgit_content.get("gitdir", dotgit_path)) except syaml.SpackYAMLError: pass return False
[docs] class PythonNameError(spack.error.SpackError): """Exception class thrown for impermissible python names""" def __init__(self, name): = name super().__init__("{0} is not a permissible Python name.".format(name))
[docs] class CommandNameError(spack.error.SpackError): """Exception class thrown for impermissible command names""" def __init__(self, name): = name super().__init__("{0} is not a permissible Spack command name.".format(name))
######################################## # argparse types for argument validation ########################################
[docs] def extant_file(f): """ Argparse type for files that exist. """ if not os.path.isfile(f): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s does not exist" % f) return f
[docs] def require_active_env(cmd_name): """Used by commands to get the active environment If an environment is not found, print an error message that says the calling command *needs* an active environment. Arguments: cmd_name (str): name of calling command Returns: (spack.environment.Environment): the active environment """ env = ev.active_environment() if env: return env tty.die( "`spack %s` requires an environment" % cmd_name, "activate an environment first:", " spack env activate ENV", "or use:", " spack -e ENV %s ..." % cmd_name, )
[docs] def find_environment(args): """Find active environment from args or environment variable. Check for an environment in this order: 1. via ``spack -e ENV`` or ``spack -D DIR`` (arguments) 2. via a path in the spack.environment.spack_env_var environment variable. If an environment is found, read it in. If not, return None. Arguments: args (argparse.Namespace): argparse namespace with command arguments Returns: (spack.environment.Environment): a found environment, or ``None`` """ # treat env as a name env = args.env if env: if ev.exists(env): return else: # if env was specified, see if it is a directory otherwise, look # at env_dir (env and env_dir are mutually exclusive) env = args.env_dir # if no argument, look for the environment variable if not env: env = os.environ.get(ev.spack_env_var) # nothing was set; there's no active environment if not env: return None # if we get here, env isn't the name of a spack environment; it has # to be a path to an environment, or there is something wrong. if ev.is_env_dir(env): return ev.Environment(env) raise ev.SpackEnvironmentError("no environment in %s" % env)
[docs] def first_line(docstring): """Return the first line of the docstring.""" return docstring.split("\n")[0]